miguel hayworth and his father john, chose manchester's st ann's square for an 11 am street preaching session on saturday 25 july 2009.
they were reading passages from the king james bible including passages from romans chapter one verse twenty-seven and first corinthians chapter six verse nine and ten and passing out "leaflets containing the message of the gospel."
"At 2pm, I was approached on more than one occasion by several police officers who falsely accused me, stating that I was inciting hatred with homophobic and racial comments," he said.
"One plain-clothed officer, who was with the other two uniformed officers, said: 'It is against the law to preach and hand out tracts: preaching causes offence and handing out tracts is harassment and could result in an arrest.'"
Mr Hayworth said that at about 2.30pm a second officer confirmed that his colleague had accused the preacher of inciting religious and racial hatred and wanted to warn him that this was an arrestable offence.
The second officer, Mr Hayworth claimed, also warned him his actions were being videoed and recorded, and he stopped preaching.
the same thing is happening in america with hate crimes law. such as H.R. 1913 the new federal hate crimes law which passed the house in april. -- voted yes to by the way, by
baton rouge's fluoride pushing quack doctor rino bill cassidy and
new orleans flaky rino anh cao. cao also co-sponsored it.
it passed the senate in july as a ted kennedy amendment [matthew shepard hate crimes prevention act, formerly
S. 909 and co-sponsored by katrina mary landrieu snellings] to H.R. 2647 national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2010 at division e, section 4701 from page 1059. click
here to download H.R. 2647 in an 1158 page .pdf [1.98 mb].
H.R. 2697 is now waiting to go through a conference committee then its off to the president for his signature.