wst... note: this afternoon, we received this unsolicited notice of fundraiser email from the committee to elect kristin palmer. we've often observed that if you want to get on lots of mailing lists just open yourself a blog.
we suspect though that in this instance ms. palmer's committee obtained our email address from a purchase of or an in kind contribution of email addresses.
we're not complaining about receiving "unsolicited" emails at all. in other words what we're saying is just because we post a political campaign (or any) press release doesnt mean that we endorse that candidate or, that, the candidate was expressly reaching out specifically to
wst... to post something. unless otherwise disclosed.
disclosure: our real motive for posting this email is because after the election we're probably gonna add ms. palmer's website
favicon to our collection.
anyhooo we logged onto ms. palmer's website and skimmed over it. it's not readily apparent to us what political party if any, that she belongs to. the names of the people who are hosting this event dont mean anything to us politically. the only name we recognize is of course mr. brennan, but we dont know his politics.
ms. palmer's committee says that she is a non-profit executive of over twenty years. has three daughters. shes into "building bridges and crossing boundaries."
she has some issues with "blight" on crime and safety ms. palmer wants to reduce the time spent processing non-violent misdemeanors by the police, da and criminal courts in favor of "encourag[ing] more arrests and convictions of violent felons." unfortunately she doesnt explain what she means by reducing the time spent processing.
ms. palmer is endorsed so far by the alliance for good government and the forum for equality. the forum for equality we've seen testify before lots of committees concerning various laws the lege is considering and if memory serves they're kinda kooky.
the person who currently holds the district c counsel seat is named james carter but lucky for ms. palmer and the other candidates, mr. carter isnt running - he is running for congress against flaky nola rino anh cao.
====Cocktailswith KristinCome meet our dynamic candidateKristin Gisleson PalmerCity Council District C January 5, 20105:30pm-7pmBacco310 Chartres [map]Suggested contribution $250 - $2,500Contributions should be made out to:Committee to Elect Kristin PalmerP.O. Box 740716New Orleans, LA 70174HOSTS:Ralph BrennanMichie McHardy BissellTom BissellDrew BevoloNathan ChapmanMartin de LaurealVaughn FitzpatrickCarol GeldermanCarol GreveTony GeldermanBill HinesDr. Dale LeBlancRalph LupinPoco SlossFrank StewartJim HugerLouis SahucGary SolomonPeter WatersHal WilliamsonPhilip Woollam
video: 1st orleans mayoral debate forum