14 December 2009

colorado's medicinal marijuana law spawns a whole new industry

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in this cnn report they tell us about how regular people are making a living in colorado operating and stocking a medicinal marijuana dispensary.

as you might imagine establishing a dispensary isnt the problem -- the problem is that because in colorado medicinal marijuana is an emerging industry the establishment of dependable, hi-quality supply sources hasnt caught up to the hi-standards required for medicinal-grade marijuana.

or something like that,

jason irwin who holds a state permit to operate his dispensary describes it thusly:
"The connections are underground. They're not mainstream at all," Jason Irwin said. "We can't call the growers union. There is no such thing.

"Instead of placing your order through a typical system ... you get a dude who comes down from the mountains and slaps a duffle bag on your desk. It's full of weed, and he's like 'Here, pick what you want. Do you want any?'

And you've got to dig through it, inspect it for yourself, make sure it looks kosher, weigh it, pay thousands of dollars. It's all cash at this point."
so he enlisted that aid of his mother who had recently sold her salon to get out of the city for the country and was looking for something else to do.

they bought a piece of land (37 acres [15 hectares] according to cnn) which turned out to be situated between two other first time marijuana farmers.

she just completed her first grow. her garden consisted of sixty-two plants which yielded thirteen pounds. [6 kg]

jason says that he wants to develop a business model for medicinal marijuana dispensaries along the lines of starbucks and whole foods.
"We hope to develop a business model that proves to be successful, that we can expand upon, hopefully to other states and communities, become like a really reliable consistent supplier of safe, tested cannabis," he said. ~ read more
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  • ====

    see also
    the marijuana label
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