End of Life: Gemini will completely replace Google Assistant later this year
Google promises more details on the move to Gemini in the coming months.
53 minutes ago
Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Lots of historical context here, all the way back to the Catherine the Great.
Its important to understand history if you're going to try to unders...
"The connections are underground. They're not mainstream at all," Jason Irwin said. "We can't call the growers union. There is no such thing.so he enlisted that aid of his mother who had recently sold her salon to get out of the city for the country and was looking for something else to do.
"Instead of placing your order through a typical system ... you get a dude who comes down from the mountains and slaps a duffle bag on your desk. It's full of weed, and he's like 'Here, pick what you want. Do you want any?'
And you've got to dig through it, inspect it for yourself, make sure it looks kosher, weigh it, pay thousands of dollars. It's all cash at this point."
"We hope to develop a business model that proves to be successful, that we can expand upon, hopefully to other states and communities, become like a really reliable consistent supplier of safe, tested cannabis," he said. ~ read more