28 December 2011

"this is my story" the ben breedlove videos part 1 & 2

via: twitter @katctv3
A Texas teenager who said he cheated death three times despite a dangerous heart condition died Christmas night... view tweet

on sunday, 18 december 2011, these two videos were created and uploaded to youtube by ben breedlove, aged 18, to tell about his severe heart condition and because of it, his several near death experiences.

breedlove, died from a heart attack the following sunday, 25 december 2011.
playlist link

see also
abc news
texas teen ben breedlove posted powerful videos before christmas death
and also
austin american-statesman
ben breedlove obituary
benjamin daniel breedlove obituary cook-walden funeral home
click here to download four page .pdf [137 kb]
and also


UPDATE: a few googlers have arrived here from googling was ben breedlove a christian. we dont know the answer to that -- however, in his "about me" vid from his breedlovetv youtube channel, he states that "probably one of the most important things to me in life would be god...i try to make it to church every sunday. that's very important to me."