29 December 2011

suddenlink: hoak media kalb tv-5 & cbs 2 want a 200% + raise in their pay!

UPDATE: 30 december 2011 hoak / kalb & cbs 2 tweet that they have reached an agreement with suddenlink
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We are negotiating a new contract with Hoak Media, which owns several TV stations, including KALB, KNOE, and KAQY.

Many of you have told us you enjoy watching one or more of these TV stations and want us keep them on your lineup. We want the same thing. In fact, over the last several years, we have enjoyed a good relationship with Hoak and its stations.

Unfortunately, they are now asking for a greater than 200% raise in their pay.

That’s not fair and not justified, especially in this economy. If you’re not getting a 200% raise, neither should they.

What’s more, in the last two months, we have negotiated new contracts with more than 60 other companies representing more than 100 other TV stations. None of them have asked for increases on the scale that Hoak is demanding.

Please contact Hoak and its TV stations at the numbers listed below. Ask them to be reasonable in their demands and, at the very least, to consider extending their current contract with Suddenlink until a new one can be signed.

Extending the contract we have today guarantees that Hoak continues to get paid and — most importantly of all — that you continue to have access to their TV stations.

Contact Information

Hoak Corporate Office: 972-960-4848

KALB: 318-445-2456

KNOE and KAQY: 318-388-8888