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scan of the front page of the gannett/alexandria daily town talk:
saturday 16 february 2013 edition
UPDATE: 17 february 2013 front page scan and a .pdf of the 16 february 2013 gannett/alexandria daily town talk pages a-1 and a-5 added. click here to download the two page .pdf [976 kb].
UPDATE: 16 february 2013 gannett/ alexandria daily town talk: Lawsuit filed against Pineville and officers over stun gun incident
UPDATE: 15 february 2013: Police brutality alleged by Pineville residents in lawsuit

some people like to talk about what a great place pineville, la., is but yet their police department gets sued for taser and police brutality all the time. much more than the city of alexandria which has the bad reputation.
according to their petition, on 11 may 2012, fred wilson called the pineville police department from the chevron station located on the monroe highway in pineville (possibly chevron ball 6101 monroe highway, ball, la.}, because he thought (or had, it's not clear), a large amount of money stolen from out his vehicle.
pineville police officers samantha welch belgard and john hebert responded. they kept questioning mr. wilson as to how and why he had such a large sum of money and finally mr. wilson said "what difference does it make?" then according to the petition officer john hebert pulled out his taser and tased him. and then tased mr. wilson a second time while he was on the ground.
janice brittain and donald brittain were customers at the chevron and were so shocked at what they witnessed, attempted to exchange information with the wilsons'.
the police said they couldnt exchange information and arrested janice brittain and fred wilson charged with resisting arrest and battery on a police officer. rapides district attorney jam downs eventually dismissed those charges.
so now they're suing and good luck to them. we'd add that there needs to be an investigation into what's going on in pineville.
the petition for damages is filed on 06 february 2013, by alexandria, la., attorney, paul j. tellarico of the tellarico law firm, docketed at number 246,629 and allotted to ninth judicial district court judge george c. metoyer.
click here to download thirteen page .pdf [352 kb]