An interesting pattern was noted here recently -- crawlers that didn't look to be search-engine related.
"Crawlers" request data fro...
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Fone WST... +1318.717.9017
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
An interesting pattern was noted here recently -- crawlers that didn't look to be search-engine related.
"Crawlers" request data fro...
like nobody could see anything like this coming.
in their petition for damages, plaintiffs, kent devillier and ivy tran, residents of krotz springs in st. landry parish, louisiana, claim that on 21 may 2012 they and their kids and some local friends were swimming in the river at mudfest.
eventually, mr. devillier and ms. tran left the swim party (their kids wanted to stay) to return to their campsite to start supper.
about twenty minutes later here comes their kids with a group of four wheelers behind them seemingly like herding their kids back to their camp.
upon arrival at their camp the group of four wheelers began accusing mr. devillier and ms. tran of abandoning and starving their kids.
so they started shouting and arguing back and forth when finally mr. devillier who was sitting in a lawn chair asked them to leave ... "when suddenly a bald man with a beard ... attacked mr. devillier."
then, according to their petition, "as mr. devillier was getting attacked, three other men proceeded to jump in and hit mr. deviller at the same time."
ms. tran went to mr. devillier's aid and was attempting to pull one of the men off him when some girls from the four wheeler group attacked her.
finally someone phoned 911 and the rest is civil court history.
kent devillier and ivy tran's petition for damages is filed on 11 february 2013 by opelousas, louisiana attorney alfred v. pavy boudreaux of the pavy & boudreaux law firm; docketed at number 246,684 and allotted to ninth judicial district court judge harry f. randow.
wst... note: while we've never personally visited mudfest, over the past year, or so, members of our family have repeatedly attended events there and have never mentioned having anything other than a pleasant time.