01 November 2006

another blanco failure

via www.thedeadpelican.com john hill informs us that governor blanco "is naming former state rep. bryant hammett of ferriday as her cabinet secretary of the state department of wildlife and fisheries." here yet again governor blanco proves that she is not a reformer, shes nothing more than a good ol boy in a skirt. why in the world would a governor that really cared about this states wildlife appoint what amounts to a career politician and public trough slopper to this position? mr. hammett is an engineer by trade so what could he possibly know about wildlife sciences? wouldnt common sense tell us that the person in charge of the states wildlife be at the very least a wild life biologist? oh but this is louisiana after all. see our related posts for more bryant hammett shenanigans.


  1. plenty, actually, as anyone who actually knows bryant would know. yes, he's an engineer by trade, but he's always been a wildlife and outdoor enthusiast by choice.

  2. hi thanks for your comment. we are also wildlife enthusiasts but this doesnt qualify us to run the department. also mr hammett has a long documented history of questionable ethics.

  3. Running an executive department successfully is not solely about having scientific knowledge of the department's mission. It entails a working knowledge of, and experience with the legislative and budgeting process so that person can effectively garner resources for the Department's employees who carry out it's mission. Furthermore, executive leadership in government, not unlike business, is about effectively managing employees. Mr. Hammett clearly has experience in the Legislature and private business to carry out those roles.

    As to the question of ethics, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who has worked with Mr. Hammett that would deny that his word is his bond, and people always know where they stand with him--traits not always found by those who represent us in Baton Rouge and Washington.

  4. hi ham thanks for your comments. as far as the question of mr hammetts ethics or lack therof just check the c b forgotston thread that we linked to and also check the documentation in our other referenced posts.

    quite frankly as citizens of this state we are tired of the same old political hack jobs getting the important jobs and running this state in the ground.

    the documented evidence already strongly suggests that not only is mr hammett ethically lacking but he is also lacking good judgement legislatively. sorry we are just calling it as the record reflects it.

  5. if you'd like to cite actual records, i suggest you try here: www.legis.state.la.us or here: www.ethics.state.la.us. there are plenty of actual sources for documentation that don't require you to cite merely another blogger.

  6. well for this post we cited this associated press article which is no longer available.

    -Rep. Bryant Hammett, D-Ferriday, whose engineering firm made $737,826 for projects for Columbia, Concordia and Tensas parishes, towns including Ferriday and Jonesville, and work for governments elsewhere in the state. Hammett has said he plans to give up his House seat to take a job in the Blanco administration overseeing the rebuilding of infrastructure damaged in 2005 hurricanes.

    we realize that you are just trying to obfuscate and so forth and thats alright but the fact is, is that this governor and her choices, like this one, have been and continue to be a disaster for this state.


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