14 October 2007

snake-charmed central la politics blog loses internet credibility

over the past few months we've watched with dismay as the central la politics blog has descended into a silly shill blog, in service to, the piyush "bobby" jindal scam. the blogger over there claims that he is against corruption and unethical conduct yet we and others have shown time and time again by piyush "bobby" jindal's own congressional voting record that piyush "bobby" jindal is corruption.

therefore, one can only be left to deduce that central la politics blog is only against some people who practice some unethical conduct and some political corruption and is willing to give other unethical and corrupt politicians a pass
as long as it fits into that bloggers particular purpose or agenda.

another thing that doesnt add up or make sense in central la politics blog's support of the piyush "bobby" jindal scam for governor is when one considers the pineville, la. email and public records scandal case.

in that case the city of pineville, louisiana is represented by jimmy "the wizard" faircloth of the faircloth, davidson, vilar and elliott law firm. "the wizard" and his crew of lawyers have used perhaps unethically, every trick in the book to deny email and public record requests. in the most recent public records request the city of pineville though this law firm even stated that the pineville police blotter isnt a public record.

so whats all this got to do with anything? well if you look at the piyush "bobby" jindal scams list of political donors you will learn that "the wizard" and his wife kelly boisvert faircloth, m.d. (and a lot of other shady lawyers and businessmen) have contributed thousands and thousands of dollars to piyush in cold hard cash. heres a few examples of many:
Bobby Jindal
12/14/2006 5000.00
Faircloth Davidson Vilar & Elliott LLC
P.O. Box 12730
Alexandria LA 71315

Bobby Jindal ANN CONTRIB 12/14/2006 5000.00
Jimmy R. Faircloth Jr. 4450 Stillmeadow Lane Pineville LA 71360

Bobby Jindal SPCL CONTRIB 11/07/2003 5000.00
Jimmy R. Faircloth Jr. 4450 Stillmeadow Lane Pineville LA 71360

Bobby Jindal SPCL CONTRIB 09/17/2003 2000.00
Jimmy R. Faircloth Jr. 4450 Stillmeadow Lane Pineville LA 71360

Bobby Jindal ANN CONTRIB 09/19/2003 2000.00
Jimmy R. Faircloth Jr. 4450 Stillmeadow Lane Pineville LA 71360
it doesnt take a genius to figure out that if it came down to a contest before the governor piyush scam involving mr. faircloth and the central la politics blogger, mr. faircloth would win hands down coz "the wizard" can and does conjure up lots an lots of cold hard cash. even a prekindergarten toddler knows that you dont support the friend of your enemy.

so, for central la politics to still support the piyush scam flies in the face of logic.

we are also curious to see how central la politics explains away yesterday's report by the baton rouge morning advocate. a commenter savela1over on jindalisbad.com has this synopsis:
Is this another Jefferson? Is the payment just hidden as a campaign contribution?

Only one day after Bobby Jindal launched an unprovoked attack on Independent candidate John Georges for operating a legal business, the Baton Rouge Advocate has reported Jindal accepting $50,000 in a single day from people with ties to an out-of-state company trying to do business with the state.

“A Colorado-based company is making a new push to open a landfill near Alsen, and the group donated heavily to U.S. Rep. Bobby Jindal’s campaign for governor,” the Advocate reports on page A-1 of today’s edition. The article names Louisiana Land Systems, a Colorado-based landfill company, which tried to open an industrial waste site north of Baton Rouge in 2000. Local leaders and citizens successfully fought off the effort, but now the company is making a move to try again. The story also says executives of the company made $50,000 in donations to Jindal’s campaign only last Monday.

“This $50,000 is just one example of out-of-state contractors buying influence in Louisiana,” Georges said. “Jindal does not deserve a second chance if we cannot trust his actions to match his words.”

In his most recent television ad, Jindal attacks Georges for having owned a company that distributed video poker machines, even though Georges sold the company in August. It also falsely claims that Georges plans to reduce state regulation of gaming and says Georges grew wealthy through video poker. Georges 2006 tax return, released to the Advocate Friday, shows less than 9 percent of his income came from the video poker company.

Georges said Jindal’s entire list of contributors should be scrutinized for those doing business with the state or seeking state contracts or licenses.

“Bobby has accepted cash and in-kind donations from companies doing business with state government or individuals tied to them,” Georges said. “That my legal, licensed business endeavors are being criticized by Jindal is more than hypocrisy. I have accepted no contributions from state contractors or those seeking business with Louisiana government, and I call on Jindal to return these funds immediately.”

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