03 March 2008

larry sinclair links to wst...

larry sinclair is the minnesota man who alleges several november 1999 drugs and same sex encounters with then illinois state senator and current 2008 democratic presidential hopeful barack obama.

mr. sinclair has become something of a youtube and internet celebrity since adding his original video "obama's limo sex and drug party" to yoube on 18 january 2008. the video has received by the time of this posting 638,192 views.

the mainstream media has totally ignored mr. sinclair's allegations, despite being aware of them. bill o'reilly on 21 february 2008 hinted around at mr. sinclair's allegations.

american girl in italy says: excerpt:
[T]here is a LOT going on. Larry has provided receipts for his stay in IL. His critics have said he was in a mental institution at the time. Obviously not true. Big Head DC has also uncovered that the one time in November 1999 that the IL senate met, Obama was absent. (Nov. 4 1999). There has been a bunch of scandalous info going on. The site that paid for the polygraph used a guy who lied about having a PhD. They were very shifty in their handling of the results. They didn't post the videos, they provided limited results, the put a stop on the check they wrote to Larry. And now, they have deleted all the info from their site.

I also found out using google, that Dan Parisi of whitehouse.com used to be an unfiltered porn site, and so anyone who typed whitehouse.com would be taken to a porn site, and find (cartoon) images of Bill, Hillary, Monica and others engaging in all kinds of sexual activity. Bill Clintons White House wrote to Dan Parisi, telling them to remove their images on the site. Me thinks Dan Parisi does not like the Clintons. Therefore, I believe he could have a bias in wanting Obama to beat Clinton. So, perhaps working in cahoots with Obama's camp to falsify the polygraph results and discredit Larry, as has been alleged. ~ link
the two wst... posts that mr. sinclair linked to are: "wikipedia deletes obama campaign's larry sinclair 'attack page'" and "barack obama campaign starts a larry sinlair 'debunking' wikipedia entry"

to learn more click the larry sinclair label in the footer of this post.

website of larry sinclair: larrysinclair0926.spaces.live.com

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