25 January 2008

proof the mainstream media knows about and is suppressing larry sinclair's barack obama drug use and homosexuality allegations

last updated 24 may 2008
note: this isnt meant to be an exhaustive list - its just the ones we've caught.

gannett/battle creek enquirer
googling Larry Sinclair, Barack Obama
googling: obama homosexuality
news corporation
googling: larry sinclair barack obama
cbs, inc. ip number resolves to cbs in new york, new york.
googling: Larry Sinclair wikipedia
larry sinclair barack obama
blog search: larry sinclair
star tribune newspaper
googling: Larry Sinclair Barack Obama

fox tv
googling: Larry Sinclair Jeff Rense
heres a screen grab of a hit we received last night from an ip that the whois resolves to an ip registered to cbs, inc. someone from cbs was googling "obama gay sex and drugs larry sinclair" and arrived at our post here.

now the main stream media cannot say that they are not aware of mr. sinclair's youtube vid and jeff rense interview.
UPDATE: sunday 27 january 2008 8:05 pm cst

tribune.com google blog searching for "larry sinclair"