27 June 2007

lying louis marshall

this video is a 3m40s clip from a march 2007 alexandria, la city council community development committee meeting. the one in which city councilman louis marshall introduces his resolution captioned "public information on city activities and important constituent matters." a city attorney read the resolution and said that "mr. marshall asked that staff prepare a resolution concerning the public information and how that information can be made available to the public particularly considering the new changes in the information sources such as the internet..." then the city attorney goes some examples about what the resolution is talking about such as special notices, changes in garbage pickup schedules, utility matters, places of interest and city governmental business "including but not limited to expanded use of the government access channel..." as shown in the video the city attorney then reads the entire resolution...

now contrast councilman marshall's actions then to his actions in a recent city council meeting (see following video) when he refused to second a motion to broadcast a recent special city council meeting, effectively censoring his constituents. so what happened with mr. marshall between then and now?

the administration doesnt appear to be entirely blameless here either because if mayor roy would have went ahead and drafted the resolution (mayor roy says at the end of the video "mr marshall we understand the directive and we'll proceed accordingly"} for the council and it would have been passed by the city council already -- then the city council wouldnt have had a leg to stand on in the recent special city council meeting public access broadcast they banned.

----ORIGINALLY POSTED 19 JUNE 2007 6:14 PM----

councilman chuck fowler makes a motion to show all city council meetings on public access television and the motion dies for want of a second

so why do we call alexandria, louisiana district one councilman louis j. marshall a liar? well because he is. you see a scant 98 days ago on 13 march 2007 councilman marshall offered a resolution regarding citizen access to city business. we even posted about it here. now when a resolution is offered to make available the special city council meetings to the citizenry via public access channel 4 this hypocritical sack of dung sits there like a bump on a log and allows the resolution to die.

by the way, we have that 13 march 2007 committee/city council meeting video and within the next few days will have it posted here.
see also
central la politics blog
no doubt now

more soon...
committee meeting video added 12:29 pm cdt wednesday 27 june 2007