One scientist’s quest to re-create call of Parasaurolophus
Preliminary model suggests the dinosaur bellowed like a large trumpet or
saxophone, or perhaps a clarinet.
37 minutes ago
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Fone WST... +1318.717.9017
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
[R]eviewed Barland’s report, which originally commissioned yet failed to post, and Barland indicates there were technical flaws in procedure (including unnecessary interruptions), irregularities in the way the polygraph device was hooked up to Sinclair’s arm, and “uncommon” recording abnormalities involving Sinclair’s truthfulness about Obama’s alleged cocaine use. ~ deleted the many thousands, if not tens of thousands, of comments visitors had left on's larry sinclair posts.
17. Voter said:the larry sinclair saga continues....
Sounds like and Dan Parisi have alot of explaining to do. They didn’t carry out their end of the deal either. Now you can’t even post a comment on their site. Were they tired of hearing the truth. Until they post the video, the computer print outs and everything else related to this case, the public can only conclude that they are hiding something. What are they hiding? Who is paying them to hide the information? Sounds like a cover up to me.
posted February 26th, 2008 at 9:24 pm