we first read about current louisiana state treasurer and 2008 senate candidate john kennedy's rather embarrassing email last night at this post on senate 2008 guru via this post on daily kingfish.
our first reaction was to check our email because we had received an email from the john kennedy for senate campaign dated 31 january 2008.
click picture to enlarge
sure enough our email contained the snafu - the hyper-link in the text "Visit JohnKennedy.com" links to katrina mary landrieu snellings website
now this morning we see that the dead pelican linked to a ktbs story see whoops! wrong link.
we say this serves sec'y kennedy right. his campaign is inept and reminds us of how he has totally ignored our request for information about what he stands for. although we would never ever vote for or support katrina mary landrieu snellings we have come to believe that in sec'y kennedy's case he is just more of the same and that he like her would sell us and the constitution out in a minute.