18 June 2008
sb672 scary billy chandler a poster boy for hypocrisy
louisiana state house district 22's scary billy chandler tells kalb's mike magnoli that he voted no to sb672 -- the massive legislative pay raise fraud bill -- because of "the work i've been trying to do for my constituents" and that hes been "trying to obtain pay increases for them and so far i'am not willing to take anything until i make some concessions to help them out and which i' am working on."
then why did representative chandler despite having the option to waive his salary increase not do it?
in the bible, jesus christ, tells a parable about a father who had two sons. he told them to do something and one said that he would do it and didnt and the other one said that wouldnt do it but did, then jesus asked which son did the will of the father? see saint matthew chapter twenty-one starting at verse twenty-eight.
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