As NASA increasingly relies on commercial space, there are some troubling
"The government's really got to look at itself."
1 hour ago
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Fone WST... +1318.717.9017
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
State Sen. Don Barrington, R-Lawton, said he co-authored the bill, HB 1669, with state Rep. Joe Dorman, D-Rush Springs, and it unanimously passed through the Senate General Government Committee. The bill is scheduled to go before the full Senate in the next several weeks, Barrington said. “I think it has a good chance of passing,” Barrington wheres the outrage?
“Hopefully, it gets to the governor’s desk,” Dorman said, adding that he had tried to include this as an amendment in a bill last session, but it was left out by the legislator.[...] Dorman also said this bill has been popular with school children in his district. In fact, many of them drew colorful watermelons and mailed them to members of the Legislature as a sort of grade-school lobbying effort. ~ click link to read more.