28 July 2007
reporter gets banned from facebook 'for life'
sean scully is a free lance reporter living in philadelphia. we've been reading mr. scully's blog "seanibus"ever since washington times reporter audrey hudson introduced us to it from her "audrey's right" blog sometime in late 2005.
in fact mr. scully is responsible for this blog because he has his comments set in such a way that you must have a google account to comment there. anyway, recently mr. scully was working on a story about the virginia tech massacre and was using facebook to find story ideas (hmm imagine that, a reporter actually using online resources to find story ideas)
mr. scully writes:
Somehow, Facebook decided that I have become a Spammer. I don't understand - they won't explain. It has something to do with my efforts to contact friends of Virginia Tech students in the wake of the shooting there in the spring, a story I was reporting for People magazine.click link to read more
At first I was really pissed off, because no other website has had any problem with the way I and other reporters operate. But then I cooled off and began to wonder if it might not be kinda cool to be one of the few people banned for life from Facebook.
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