22 May 2008
alexandria historical preservation commission and the louisiana history museum videos kicking ass
**UPDATE** an emailer lets us know "The song is Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell and the correct line is "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot". The song is off her Ladies of the Canyon album and was released around 1970." so we thank our emailer for letting everyone know this.
these videos are getting better and better. give these people a raise and more funding.
anyway, the previous video which we regret we didnt record had a titanic type soundtrack behind it which was nice.
the soundtrack on this one which seems to contain the lyric "today's paradise put up a parking lot" is somewhat reminiscent of the old paul simon tune "me and julio down by the schoolyard."
if you have any old photographs of historical alexandria and you would like for them to be incorporated into this video series -- the contact information is in the video.hyperlink's to the website's mentioned in the video are alexandria historical preservation commission: www.alexandriahpc.org and the louisiana history museum: www.louisianahistorymuseum.org
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