Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem
Cheap, unreliable ceramic APU resonators lead to "constant, pervasive,
unavoidable" issues.
2 hours ago
Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Lots of historical context here, all the way back to the Catherine the Great.
Its important to understand history if you're going to try to unders...
it's believed that san mateo county assemblymember jerry hill, the east bay's nancy skinner, jared huffman and ammiano the bills sponsor and committee chair voted to report favorably. ~ source
But the vote was only a minor victory for the pro-legalization lobby. (AB 390 may very well die in the health committee.)
The real test will come in November, when voters will consider the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, which, in a nutshell, will legalize pot for personal and agricultural use. (Recent polls show about 56 percent support the bill.) ~ read more