Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem
Cheap, unreliable ceramic APU resonators lead to "constant, pervasive,
unavoidable" issues.
2 hours ago
Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Lots of historical context here, all the way back to the Catherine the Great.
Its important to understand history if you're going to try to unders...
Bob Dean and Hospitality Initiatives Partnership have reached an agreement in principle for the sale of the closed Hotel Bentley in downtown Alexandria.EXTERNAL LINK
Alexandria Mayor Jacques M. Roy announced at Tuesday's City Council meeting that "on or around Jan. 19" the two sides "arrived at a purchase price" for the Bentley, which is owned by Dean, a Baton Rouge real estate developer. The historic hotel has been shuttered since December 2004.
"They have arrived at a price and to my understanding have signed an agreement," Roy said. ~ read more