28 January 2010
stop the louisiana reservoir scam
the following letter has been submitted for publication to the editor of the era-leader, (washington parish, la.) as well as the 2theadvocate, the times-picayune and other newspapers:
Dear Editor,
Louisiana is continuing to pay a convicted felon millions of dollars a year while facing budget shortfalls and a struggling economy.
Michael L. Thompson a convicted felon and Washington Parish Reservoir Consultant was convicted of a Federal Crime on Jan 20, 2010 involving corruption at Poverty Point Reservoir.
Thompson continues to be paid $100,000 dollars a year per Reservoir for Reservoirs in Washington, Allen and many other Parishes. Thompson is currently under contract with D.O.T.D and political subdivisions of Washington, Allen, and many other Parish Reservoir Commissions.
Mike Thompson is the Brother of Sen. Francis C. Thompson, Creator of reservoirs in many Parishes and Legislation (ACT 523 in 2001) allowing sale of Land taken by Eminent Domain at Reservoirs.
Legislator Developer Sen. Francis Thompson is currently selling Lakefront lots as CYPRESS COVE AT POVERTY POINT LLC.
Mike Thompson and Reservoir Engineer Terry Denmon of Denmon Engineering face more Federal Indictments of corruption involving Property at Poverty Point Reservoir.
Denmon Engineering also continues to receive millions from many Reservoirs in La.
Washington Parish Reservoir was created by Sen. Ben Nevers in 2003.
Sen. Nevers and Francis Thompson highly recommended and promoted Mike Thompson as the man for the job.
Was Sen. Nevers and his Commission misled and duped by the Thompsons or have other reasons for his selection?
Does the relentless pursuit by the Reservoir Commission for a permit involve reasons for personal gain?
Should the State continue to spend millions for Unwanted and Unneeded Reservoirs ?
A convicted felon should not continue to be paid by the Washington Parish Reservoir Commission or the State of La.
Authority to debar or suspend; The causes for debarment include the following:On January 22, 2010 I contacted about 20 people with D.O.T.D Concerning D.O.T.D's Existing Contracts and Distribution of funds to Reservoir Consultant Mike Thompson.
(2) Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty which currently, seriously, and directly affects responsibility as a state contractor;
I have not received a reply to my Emails.
After Thompson's Sentencing on May 24 will the state mail his checks to Federal Prison?
In light of recent developments, and as a show of good faith Sen. Ben Nevers should stop wasting State Money, dissolve the Reservoir Commission and repeal the Legislation creating the Reservoir.
Taxpayers need a complete Investigation and Audit of all Reservoirs and Reservoir Commissions that the Thompsons were involved with in the State of Louisiana.
The State needs to stop wasting money and paying "Convicted Felons" millions of dollars a year to continue to run a Reservoir scam.
James Moore
Concerning your post of my letter to the Editor of Era Leader.
See information below as to how the Reservoir Commissions may ignore the law, and continue paying Thompson.
Thanks for Posting.
The link for Thompson's corporation doesn't work. CYPRESS COVE AT POVERTY POINT LLC.
They have changed the state website.
Here are the Links:
CYPRESS COVE AT POVERTY POINT, L.L.C. Last Report Filed: 7/17/2009 in good standing
MICHAEL L. THOMPSON GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTANT, L.L.C. as of Last Report Filed: 6-29-2009 in good standing
Please note: Agent: WILLIAM R. COENEN on Thompson's LLC is the D.A. of Richland Parish and also under indictment with Thompson.
Please note that the Reservoir Commissions may be imune from R.S.39:1672 and ignore this Legislation, and keep paying Thompson.
The Legislative Auditor's Summary of the Procurement code states:
Political subdivisions and quasi-public entities are also exempt from the LPC. They also may choose to be subject to the LPC.
Political subdivisions, however, may choose to opt into all or part of the LPC (R.S. 39:1554E).
For more information related to public entities that opt into the LPC see Section III of this Summary.
RS 39:1554
B. Chapter shall not apply to either grants or contracts between the state and its political subdivisions or other governments, except as provided in Part VII (Intergovernmental Relations).
E. Political subdivisions authorized to adopt this Chapter. The procurement of supplies, services, major repairs, and construction by political subdivisions of this state shall be in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 38:2181 through 38:2316, except that all political subdivisions are authorized to adopt all or any part of this Chapter and its accompanying regulations.