'What a Coincidence'
Musk's $1 million Wisconsin giveaway won by chair of state's College
1 hour ago
Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
baton rouge, la., attorney steven spring tells wst...
Since the good Sheriff's office has seemingly come up with three different versions of the status of their investigative file, rather than wait for a response to our lawsuit, and in vigorous pursuit of our clients' interests, we have filed requests for record subpoenas to Jeanie Louque and Mayor Holden for records not only identified in Sgt. Pierce's Affidavit, but also, those records which one would think any genuine investigator conducting a genuine investigation would request.stay tuned...
We anticipate requesting additional subpoenas tomorrow.