Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017 Twitter:@wesawthat “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Europe Scrambles To Revive Metals Industry
The European Union is looking to prop up Europe’s steel and metals industry
with a new action plan. Sector organizations welcome the plan, but say the
Norway Restoring Cols War Military Bunkers
At the peak of the Cold War, the sparsely populated, mountainous country of
Norway had around 3,000 underground facilities where its armed forces and
Florida Woman Charged With Conch Bonking
Another deadly weapon has been unlocked in the Sunshine State
Nikki Quarterman, 40, is facing a felony count for allegedly attacking her
boyfriend with a...
The Market Ticker - What IT Security?
Oh boy....
President Donald Trump revealed that a staffer with national security
advisor Mike Waltz's office included the editor-in-chief of the Atlanti...
Abdur Biswas (Sep 1, 1926 - Nov 3, 2017)
Bangladeshi Statesman. He served as the 11th President of Bangladesh from
October 10, 1991 to October 9, 1996. He was educated at Dhaka University
where he...
Thank You.
I've never been much of a writer (let alone one of my father's caliber),
but I know that I must express my thanks to you all somehow.
The support that we h...
UPDATE: 10 april 2012 snopes.com forum: russian car accident
Looks to be accurate, but the news link I've found is in Russian, so there's some translation haziness to be had, so some of this might not be 100% definitive.
Best I can tell the accident occurred on the M-7 Highway in Russian near a village called Omutishi in the Petushinsky district of Russia, about 190 miles west of Moscow.
On February 12, 2012, about 6:20 p.m local time, a Nissan Navara SUV driven by a 32 year old Moscow resident identified only as Alexander did lose control, briefly made contact with what the article calls "a Gazelle" which I'm assuming is a make or model name of a vehicle or a translation quirk, and then drifted into the oncoming lane where it was hit head on by a Freightliner Big Rig. The driver of the SUV was killed and the driver of the Big Rig suffered moderate injuries.
I can't figure out exactly from the article where the video came from. The article mentions a "Office of Traffic Police" but I can't tell if that means it's a dashcam video from a police car or that's where the report is coming from.
Apparently this particular stretch of road is notorious for it's accidents, being the site of several deadly accidents in recent years, including a bus crash that killed 12 in 2009, a crash that killed a family of 3 in 2007 including a famous Russian actor named Aleksandr Dedjushko. ~ read more
UPDATE-2 11 april 2012 youtube inexplicably banned this important video due to a vague "violation of community guidelines."
"The Death of Outrage"
William Bennett wrote that book, the Death of Outrage, back in 1999. In
it, he lamented about how Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky affair was
an "a...
Police Jury meets Tuesday
The Lincoln Parish Police Jury will meet Tuesday, June 13, Lincoln Parish
Court House, 100 West Texas, third floor. Here are the meeting times and
Electoral Deter-men-hers
Virgotex summarized the matrix of root voting impulses for Dems in 2020:
Democratic voters don't want "another" white male. They want a female
Welcome to the Alexandria Postcard Collection
Postcards are an important medium in telling stories of the past. They are
historical masterpieces, showing life at points in time.
Greetings from Alexandr...
Rain Update, 1:10 p.m.
Our OEP Director has been asked about the effect the rain from folks who
were concerned about it over topping. The pic below was taken today and
show 6-7″ ...
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
some guy on a bicycle was allegedly looking at children through binoculars
across the street from the k...
Saying goodbye to our Old House
I never thought this day would come. We had to say goodbye to the “Big
House”, the old house, the Hynson-Ringgold house (and many other names)….
We were tr...
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
oath of office and speech + more.
From: wesawthat1
Views: 748
10 ratings
Time: 57:56 More in News & Politics
Part 4: 5,000 More Born Again
Description www.eaec.org
www.facebook.com/EuropeanAmericanEvangelisticCrusades Welcome to
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group ...
Doug Wilson’s Obfuscation on the Post-War Consensus
By Davis Carlton Doug Wilson recently posted a video on his Blog & Mablog
YouTube channel called Epistemological Impudence and The Post-War
Consensus. He h...
A Racist Christian Prayer for Israel's War on Gaza
One of the Christian Zionist cheerleaders for Israel has been John Hagee of
Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. Hagee's war prayer before the second
The Real Origins of Neocons
*Russian Lies: Shadow of Jabotinksy*
by Joachim Martillo (ThorsProvoni@aol.com)
Philip Weiss reviews *They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons, ...
Our Future Looks Glorious…if We Repent
“The Lord will not let the righteous go hungry…” ~ Proverbs 10:3 I remember
how this text struck me as I read it for the first time as a young boy[...]
Last Days Lunacy and End Times Madness
Podcast: LAST DAYS LUNACY and END TIMES MADNESS (The following commentary
is a reprint of the chapter Bible Basics 101: Last Days/End Times and The
Second ...