17 March 2012
iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad summoned to appear before the iranian parliament
on 14 march 2012, in an unprecedented and historic event, the iranian parliament -- after twelve attempts, finally managed to summon president, mahmoud ahmadinejad, before it to answer some ten questions:(1) the budget iran's subway was supposed to receive;
the similarities between iranian governmental goings on and those of the alexandria, la., city council and mayor are striking.
(2) the 1.6 million jobs the government claims to have created;
(3) the money that was supposed to have been redirected from subsidy reform to industry and agriculture;
(4) the president's eleven day sit-in that defied the orders of the leader regarding iran's intelligence minister;
(5) the president's comment on the parliament's power;
(6) the delayed nomination in appointing a sports and youth minister;
(7) the $1.2 billion dollars allocated to cultural affairs in the annual budget;
(8) the dismissal of the foreign minister, manouchehr mottaki, while in senegal;
(9) the president's criticism on live t.v. of the conduct of iran's moral police;
(10) the comments made by the president's chief of staff about the iranian way of being a muslim.
it makes us wonder if the iranian parliament has been observing and getting tips from the alexandria city council on how to conduct an investigation of its executive - or vice versa -- because they both dont seem to accomplish much of anything.
also, it's amusing how president ahmadinejad and mayor roy are so alike in how they are both arrogant and long-winded; yet are smart enough -- or perhaps blessed by good fortune, to manage time-and-time-again to make complete and utter fools out of their opposition.
we guess that politicians the world over really are all cut from the same cloth.