22 March 2012
louisiana tax feeder out collecting governmental revenue
on the second day of spring 2012 a perfumed prince is out harassing the commoners.
perhaps we would have some respect for the police if they were out investigating and arresting crooked politicians, elected and governmental officials, white collar criminals and other treasonous, traitorous rats who are destroying this country -- rather than spending all their time out writing "speeding tickets" to citizens who are merely attempting to get from point a to point b on roads that their tax dollars already paid for and upon which they have a right to travel.
related posts3rd circuit: speeding conviction and sentence are not appealable judgments should police be allowed to run radar from a church? good christians have redflex speed van scam towed from holy church louisiana jack-booted thugs harrass funeral mourners piyush appoints les miles body guard to head the state police! shoddy service from the louisiana state police and office of motor vehicles "get a respectable job"
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