03 August 2007

city of pineville complies with local court rule files memoranda of fact and law

city of pineville, la public records and rich dupree emails scandal series

on the 27 july 2007, wst... posted here about pineville's latest court pleadings in the ongoing pineville public records and emails scandal. we also noted how local court rules require that a memoranda of fact and law must accompany the court filings and this pleading did npt comply. well, we guess that someone from faircloth, vilar & elliott law firm must read our blog ~wink~ because yesterday fve complied with the local court rule and filed the memoranda -- only six days late... what we cant figure out though, is that jimmy "the wizard" faircloth is the actual city of pineville attorney, mr. faircloth has written several "your mail" and guest editorials in the town talk concerning this case, yet he always has one of his...flunkies? sign all the court papers. whats up with that?
