15 November 2007

chris roy jr butts in on ksyl michele godard interview to promote himself!

see link for .mp3 clip

in what could probably be described as a 'good 'ol boy' technique, louisiana state representative district 25 candidate, chris roy, jr. phoned into the ksyl 'talk back live' program this morning to promote himself and to desperately attempt to slam lance maxwell while everyones interest and attention was clearly focused on michele godard's interview and the rapides parish sheriff race media controversy.

mr. roy starts off by saying that "i dont want to interrupt michele talking about the sheriff's race..." then proceeds to do just that!

ksyl's dave graichen was correct in reminding mr. roy that he and mr. maxwell are scheduled to appear in studio friday 16 november 2007 to square off in a debate and then curtly dismissing him.