08 July 2008
hb1293 chris roy jr.'s 'atrocious' red river, atchafalaya, and bayou boeuf levee district bill
via the dead pelican we learn that rep. chris roy, jr., has made the news in the gannett/opelousas daily world (see link). this news never appeared in the gannett/alexandria daily town talk, (rep. roy's hometown paper) and its interesting that if you follow news aggregators (like the dead pelican for one) to observe how gannett reports news in some areas and suppresses the same news in other areas of the state by their ownership of most of louisiana's major daily newspapers. on the other hand gannett does share stories back and forth when it suits their agenda. we examples of this over and over again.
anyway, it seems that there is a power struggle between rival crime gangs for control of the red river, atchafalaya, and bayou boeuf levee district and rep. roy's hb1293 (coauthored by senator joe mcpherson) will remedy that.
The Red River, Atchafalaya and Bayou Boeuf Levee District (the District) was created by Louisiana Revised statute R.S. 38:291(M). The District includes all or portions of the following parishes: Avoyelles, Rapides and St. Landry. The District provided flood protection for those area contained in the District. The Board of Commissioners administers the operations and responsibilities of the District in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana statutes. The three members of the Board of commissioners which governs the District are appointed by the governor of the State of Louisiana. ~ louisiana legislative auditor financial report 30 june 2007 - page 20.

red river, atchafalaya, and bayou boeuf levee district
louisiana legislative audit
[61 page .pdf 1.5mb]
we see that the red river, atchafalaya and bayou boeuf levee district has substantial assets and has a steady income stream from off of ad valorem taxes. thats another thing, for all the multimillions of dollars the legislature squanders on non-governmental organizations we see that the state could easily fully fund the red river, atchafalaya and bayou boeuf district and remove the ad valorem tax burden from off the people - but they're not gonna do that cos it makes too much sense. plus they wouldnt have as much slushfund (ngo) (tax-payer) money to launder back to their criminal friends.
one problem we see with rep. roy's bill is that it only allows members who have been nominated by that parish's legislative delegation -- see thats ignorant. why not allow qualified applicants to apply and then let the governor, with the advise and consent of the state senate, choose from them? wouldnt this help to recruit qualified, talented and innovative individuals to serve?
only allowing members to be nominated by the members of the legislative delegation ensures that the only people that are going to be allowed to serve are members of and/or puppets to the criminal network. this should help you to understand how and why the same people always wind up being appointed to various boards, all interlocking and all working together. this is also another important example that serves to show why nothing ever changes in louisiana and how the same crime gangs always maintain control of everything
so now the st. landry people are all up in arms over rep. roy's bill and state senator don cravins is writing letters calling for governor piyush "bobby" jindal to veto hb1293 -- but one small problem for senator cravins -- how exactly is he going to explain to his constituents why he voted not once but twice for hb1293?

related posts
jacques barack linked here
an open letter to chris roy