UPDATE: on 06 july 2008, governor piyush "bobby" jindal signed sb312 into law
in the 1997 louisiana regular legislative session, two bills were filed. hb1440 by representative rodney alexander (now congressman alexander, who admits that he doesnt have enough sense to do his job) and sb963 by senator donald "doc" hines a pretend medical doctor who had to become a professional career louisiana politician to make ends meet.
somehow, senator hines sb963 prevailed as hb1440's history shows that despite its being reported favorably by a 10-0 vote of the house committee on the environment, the state house on 01 may 1997 designated it a duplicate of sb963.
on 17 july 1997 governor mke foster signed sb963. on 15 august 1997 it went into full force and effect as act 908.
act908 enacted r.s. 36:259(BB)(3) which placed within the department of health and hospitals the fluoridation advisory board which act908 likewise created out of thin air by enacting r.s. 40:5.11.
central louisiana member of the fluoridation advisory board: frederick m. hilburn, ii, 3212 pine ridge drive, pineville, louisiana 71360 (318) 445-6654.
act908 besides creating another state dead-head, political patronage board simply "encourage[d] each public water system...to provide fluoridation of its water supply by january 1, 2000."
however, here it is 2008 and the state water systems are not complying - this is even mentioned in one of the below videos and we will get back to that later.
on 20 march 2008, lake charles democrat, willie mount prefiled her senate bill no. 312. sb312 amends r.s. 40:5.11 by striking out the word "encourage" and inserts: "each public water system...shall acquire, install, operate and maintain appropriate equipment and material in order to maintain the level of fluoride in its water system in the optimal range..."
sb312 rushed by stealth through the louisiana legislature
on 18 june 2008 the senate appointed a conference committee. those senators were: senators mount, cheek and cassidy.
on 19 june the house appointed its conference committee consisting of representatives: katz, labruzzo and nowlin.

==== At least 17 incidences of fluoridation equipment malfunction, and their associated deaths and poisonings, have been documented in U.S. newspapers and medical journals. [129][130] [131] [132] [133][134] [135]
Perhaps the worst incident in the United States occurred in Hooper Bay, Alaska in 1992. When fluoridation equipment failed, a large amount of fluoride was released into the drinking water supply and 296 people were poisoned; 1 person died,[136] marking the first reported death due to fluoride toxicity caused by drinking water from a community water system.[137 and here]
3 dialysis patients died and 6 were sickened at the University of Chicago Hospitals when the water filtration system failed on July 16, 1993. A hospital spokesperson said that the deaths and reactions “were consistent with fluoride exposure.”[138]
Schoolchildren in Portage, Michigan experienced vomiting and stomach pains when an electrical surge caused excessive amounts of fluoridation chemical to be injected into the school’s well in July 1991. [139]
In June, 2002, 23 employees of Humphry Systems Inc. in Dublin, California became ill after a fluoride pump malfunctioned near the business. All of the affected workers had drank from the water fountains, and experienced vomiting and nausea. [140]
34 restaurant diners became sick after a fluoridation equipment malfunction caused an acute outbreak of fluoride poisoning in August 1993, in Poplarville, Mississippi. Severe gastrointestinal illness was reported by 34 out of 62 customers in a 24 hour period. [141]
A dialysis patient died from fluoride overdose in Annapolis, Maryland when 1,000 gallons of excess fluoride chemical spilled into the drinking water on November 11, 1979. 7 others became critically ill. Brain damage, a heart attack and many other illnesses resulted.[142]
129 Flanders, R. A.; Marques, L. (May-June 1993). "Fluoride overfeeds in public water supplies". Illinois dental journal 62 (3): 165-169.
130 Gessner, B. D.; Beller, M.; Middaugh, J. P.; Whitford, G. M. (January 1994). "Acute fluoride poisoning from a public water system". New England journal of medicine 330 (2): 95-99.
133 CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, July 31, 1993, Fluoride Blamed in 3 Deaths: Traces found in Blood of U. of C. Dialysis Patients Gary Wieby
134 EVENING CAPITAL (Annapolis, Maryland), November 29, 1979, Fluoride Linked to Death, Mary Ann Kryzankowicz
138 CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, July 31, 1993, Fluoride Blamed in 3 Deaths: Traces found in Blood of U. of C. Dialysis Patients Gary Wieby
142 EVENING CAPITAL (Annapolis, Maryland), November 29, 1979, Fluoride Linked to Death, Mary Ann Kryzankowicz
there is still time to stop sb312 from becoming law. as of the date and time of this post it still hasnt been signed by governor piyush "bobby" jindal so there is still time for you to contact the governor and ask him to veto it. click
here to go to the contact the governor form at his
alternative copy and paste this link into your address bar:
see also
the sb312 label in the footer of this post