26 August 2008

city of alexandria, la. council acknowledges death of zoological park director les whitt

item number 43 of the tuesday, 26 august 2008 city of alexandria, la. city council agenda read:

To memorialize the passing of Les Whitt, City of Alexandria Zoo Director since 1974 and to consider an appropriate memoriam.
council president, louis marshall, said that at the request of mr. whitt's family the item was pulled until they finish their grieving process and that "until such time as ms. whitt and her family finish their grieving process, then we'll revisit item number 43." mr. greg gormanous rose to speak a few words about mr. whitt. at the request of councilman roosevelt johnson the council and audience stood for a moment of silence in memory of mr. whitt.
see also the
les whitt label in the footer of this post