below is our outclicks summary for the past month and as you can tell the rapides parish sheriff race remains the most popular topic of interest amongst cenla's netizens.
==== apparently feedburner tabulates outclicks based on a hyperlinks anchor text because as you can see the tod-race sheriff race blog is counted twice: once for 363 outclicks and again for ninety-four outclicks. 457 outclicks total. so its possible that some of these received even more outclicks than what is listed here.====
top ten outclicks in order:
sheriff race blog sheriff race 2007 thoughts from rapides...cenla anticslamar white, jr. (cenlamar)blogger to rapides parish sheriff race candidate: 'not so fast!'rapides parish sheriff race candidates websitescenla blogstanja askani bambi & thumper fotos====
related posts
blogger to rapides parish sheriff candidate: 'not so fast!rapides parish sheriff candidate websitesbill robinson announces for sheriff of rapidesrapides parish sheriff race blogs popularhb79 charlie dewitt & rapides parish sheriff racecenla blogsnote: none of these outclicks are our own outclicks. we never use our links to click over to another site -- we direct hit other sites by typing the url into the address bar or by going to that site by a bookmark - just for that reason.