31 October 2008
marksville 33 at buckeye 40
buckeye panthers beat marksville tigers in 2 overtimes to probably clinch the district 3-3a championship.
with this win buckeye is now 7 - 1 overall and 4 - 0 in district.
marksville falls to 3 - 4 overall and 3 -1 in district.
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famous last words: "obama take care of my family"
around 7:45 am mdt thursday 30 october 2008, a 52 year old el paso, texas man jumped sixty feet to his death onto i-10 from the uppermost ramp of el paso's spaghetti bowl.
police found a note in his car which read "obama take care of my family." ~ read more
shreveport, la. judge-elect pamela lattier racist policy
the blog my bossier, posts about shreveport, louisiana judge-elect pamela s. lattier request to the city marshal to provide her courtroom with only black deputy marshals. read more.
by the way, check out my bossiers new discussion forum here.
the rabbit died
the thing is though -- how did the heron "know" to drown the rabbit before it consumed it?more photos and story at link
'kids of the baby boom'
Our daddys won the war then they came home to our moms
They gave them so much love that all us kids were born
We all grew up on Mickey Mouse and hula-hoops
Then we all bought BMW's and brand new pickup trucks
And we watched John Kennedy die one afternoon
Kids of the baby boom
It was a time of new prosperity in the USA
All the fortunate offsprings never had to pay
We had Sympathy For The Devil and the Rolling Stones
Then we got a little older, we found Haggard and Jones
A generation screaming for more room
Kids of the baby boom
Kids of the baby boom, we had freedom, we had money
Baby boom, here in the land of milk and honey
Counting our chickens way too soon
Kids of the baby boom
Now we all can run computers and we all can dance
We all have Calvin Klein written on our underpants
And at six-o'clock, like robots, we turn on the news
Watch those third world countries deal out more abuse
Remember the first man on the moon
Kids of the baby boom
Kids of the baby boom, we had freedom, we had money
Baby boom, here in the land of milk and honey
Counting our chickens way too soon
Kids of the baby boom
As our lives become a capsule they send to the stars
And our children look at us like we came from Mars
As the farms disappear and the sky turns black
We're a nation full of takers, never giving back
We never stop to think what we consume
Kids of the baby boom
Kids of the baby boom, we had freedom, we had money
Baby boom, here in the land of milk and honey
Counting our chickens way too soon
Kids of the baby boom
Our optimism mingles with the doom
Kids of the baby boom
barky looks to choose his mossad handler rahm emanuel to be his white house chief of staff
WASHINGTON – Barack Obama's campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff, officials said Thursday as the marathon presidential race entered its final, frenzied stretch with a Democratic tilt. ~ read more
Emanuel "single-handedly" pushed NAFTA through as Clinton's senior advisor; now he is twisting arms to push the $700 billion "bail-out" for his Zionist buddies on Wall St. - where he made $18 million in three years. Where does this guy get off? How can we rid our American system of such harmful parasites? ~ Christopher Bollyn
Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret
by Christopher Bollyn
Independent Journalist
(Without Borders)
17 November 2006
The Terrorists In The U.S. Congress
Rahm Emanuel
The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American congressman Rahm Emanuel, is the son of a terrorist.
Really, I am not making this up, the chief power-broker of the Democrat Party, the 5-and-a-half foot foul-mouthed Israeli named Rahm, is the son of terrorist – a real living terrorist.
So, what do we do as citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave fighting the War on Terror?
Do we run and hide from the foul-mouthed little Israeli who danced ballet and swears for effect - or do we laugh? Or do we demand answers? How can we respect a U.S. Congressman who served in a foreign army and whose father was a terrorist?
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Democrat congressman for the 5th District of Illinois in Chicago is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Rahm's father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist terrorist organization that coined a new word as they blew up hotels, train stations, and other buildings in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s.
Rahm was an Israeli citizen until he was 18 years old, when for obvious reasons he hid his Israeli passport in his underwear drawer. In 1991, however, he pulled his Israeli passport out and went and reportedly joined the Israeli Army to defend Zion from Saddam's Scuds.
Irgun, the army of his father, is short for Irgun Zvai Leumi, which supposedly means something like "National Military Organization" in Hebrew. As a matter of fact, the Irgun was simply a terrorist Zionist group that operated in Palestine from 1931 to 1948. They killed innocent Palestinians and British soldiers and blew up buildings. ~ read more and here.
see also
audio interview with christopher bollyn: rahm emanuel belongs to a hard-core zionist family from israel
30 October 2008
kay hagan smacks down nutty rethug libby dole
apparently bob dole is off bob dole's viagra...or something...cos libby dole is being a total bitch in her hopefully futile bid to win reelection to the united states senate from north carolina.
to which ms. hagan responds with:

click here to download three page .pdf [192 kb]
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kalb: body found in deville, la.
kalb 5:00 news vid -- hereEXTERNAL LINK
kalb noon news vid -- here====UPDATE: gannett/ town talk excerpt:The badly decomposed body of a man was found in a wooded area Wednesday on the property of 98 T. Man Lucas Road in Deville and an arrest in connection to what detectives are calling a homicide was made hours after the discovery.
Investigators arrested Bobby Christopher Lucas, 35, of Deville on a charge of second-degree murder and he was booked into the Rapides Parish Jail around 10:30 p.m. ~ read more====kalb reports that a body was found in a container in the deville area of rapides parish, la. kalb says that an arrest has been made and more details are forthcoming. ~ read more
----ORIGINAL POST----====
city of alexandria, la employee; mayor jacques roy administration reprimanded by civil service commission
gannett/town talk excerpt:
The Alexandria Civil Service Commission on Wednesday reprimanded a city employee who went into Jonathan D. Goins' home in a councilman's effort to disqualify Goins from running for his seat.
A letter of reprimand was filed against Michael P. Marcotte, city superintendent of the electric distribution department, along with a reprimand against Mayor Jacques Roy's administration for advising Marcotte to take part in political activity, which is prohibited by civil service rules. ~ read more
29 October 2008
louisiana's goofy noose thought crimes law gets its first test
the accused nooser, a mr. reggie parent age 48, who is white, was trash talking in favor of lsu and the noosee, one mr. reggie drummer who is black, was for georgia. mr. parent told mr. drummer that if georgia won the game, mr. parent would have a "surprise" for mr. drummer at work monday.
georgia won the game by a score of 52 - 38 and the rest as they say, is history.
anyway, in the 2008 regular louisiana legislative session, an ignorant, peon of a state representative named ricky hardy, introduced his house bill no. 726. this bill was supposed to be the organized crime gang that calls itself the louisiana legislature response to all of the noose (copy-cat) incidents that had sprung up in the wake of the so called jena 6 noose incident.
but just what has representative hardy and his fellow cretins, boobs, idiots, morons, nutters, freaks, perverts and criminals that is the louisiana legislature accomplished by passing into law his hb726 now act 643? and dont forget that hb 726 was promptly signed into law by that republican fraud and scam piyush "bobby" jindal.
well if you're mr. reggie parent or a member of his family or friend or just someone who happens to learn about this case it could make you come to dislike or perhaps even hate black people. its quite likely that this law has actually placed black people even more into harms way by way of potential crimes of retribution.
by the same token it also could make some black people hate and/or strike back at white people.
and thats just exactly what laws like this are designed by legislators to do. god forbid that black people and white people ever come together and realize how both races are being screwed and used by politicians. thats the last thing that the politicians want -- so they create laws like la. r.s. 14:40.5 to stir up anger and enmity between the races so that blacks and whites will be too busy fighting each other instead of getting a clue and directing their anger towards the criminals in baton rouge - and other places.

la r.s. 14:40.5 says in part "It shall be unlawful for any person, with the intent to intimidate any person or group of persons, to etch, paint, draw, or otherwise place or display a hangman's noose on the property of another, a highway, or other public place." emphasis ours.
according to an online legal dictionary: INTIMIDATE - means to intentionally say or do something which would cause a person of ordinary sensibilities to be fearful of bodily harm. It is not necessary to prove that the victim was actually frightened, and neither is it necessary to prove that the behavior of the person was so violent that it was likely to cause terror, panic or hysteria. ~ source
what kind of crazy legal definition is this that the cretins in the louisiana legislator used to base a felony law on, in which someone could be sentenced to prison for a year at hard labor and face a $5,000 fine?
mr. drummer told the wafb-tv reporter, tyana williams that "he [reggie parent] could have tied a half-hitch, a bowline knot you know, i mean you could have tied a double knot in your shoe you know, why tie a noose?" does this sound like the words of someone who is "fearful of bodily injury?" oh but wait -- "it is not necessary to prove that the victim was actually frightened."
mr. drummer passed up the opportunity to score a great moral victory by simply sitting mr. parent down and looking him in the eye and explaining to him why nooses are such an offensive symbol. its possible that mr. parent would have regretted what he allegedly did and apologized. they probably would have been friends again by lunch time.
instead, what does mr. drummer do? he gets on television and throws gas on the fire by stating "if it dont do no good, if it dont teach nobody a lesson you know, maybe the person who tied it, could learn something from it you know." thats not smart thinking!
heres an interesting california noose story
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28 October 2008
horse gets head stuck in tree
By Chris IrvineA horse had to be cut free with a chainsaw after it managed to trap its head in a tree.
The neighbour was able to carefully set the horse free using a chainsaw
The young filly needed to be freed from the tree after curiosity got the better of it and it wedged its head between separate sections of the trunk.
The horse, called Gracie, was unable to free itself and could have been in danger were it not for a passer-by who was able to come to the rescue after he heard the horse whinnying .
Jason Harschbarger, a neighbour in the town of Pullman, West Virginia, USA, arrived at the scene which resembled the image of Winnie the Pooh getting stuck in the honey tree.
Mr Harschbarger collected his tools and was able to carefully set the horse free by using a chainsaw to slowly cut the wood around its neck. ~ read more
wftv orders youtube to take down infamous barbara west - joe biden interview clip
on saturday 25 october 2008, the drudge report, in giant red text, linked to a youtube clip of what went on to became the famous 'is obama a marxist' interview of joe biden by wftv reporter barbara west..

drudge linked to the above url and you can see that wftv filed a copyright claim to youtube ordering the clip taken down.
wftv's silly move to have the clip censored off of youtube didnt really accomplish anything because a simple youtube search for it shows that already many copies of the clip have been uploaded -- and will continue to be uploaded.
instead of being jerks about it, wftv should follow the c-span model:

south carolina senator lindsey "sissy" graham targeted by legal immigration pac
south carolina republican senator and suspected homosexual flamer, lindsey graham, has been targeted by americans for legal immigration pac (alipac) due to senator graham's support for amnesty for illegal aliens and his offensive comments made during an awards ceremony in 2007.
louisiana's katrina mary landrieu snellings also supported S.2611.
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27 October 2008
john mcmadman mccain's mossad handler jumping ship

john mccain, rothschild puppet, zionist warmonger
atf breaks up skinhead plot to assassinate barack obama
rapides parish district attorney trots out amanda gutweiler hypes in time for 9th judicial district court election
it seems awfully coincidental that just a few days before a ninth judicial district court judgeship runoff election which pits an assistant district attorney (rocky willson) against a popular local lawyer (mary lauve doggett) that the rapides parish district attorneys office would choose to bring this case back into the public eye.
in 2001 when this case started, the district attorneys office was bragging about how they were going to get the death penalty for ms. hypes and they were going to do this and do that....then the district attorneys office was caught leaking secret grand jury testimony to one of their expert witnesses and a rapides parish sheriff's detective -- presumably so that they would have their stories straight to pitch at trial.
only they got caught and the trial judge threw the indictment out.. the third circuit and the state supreme court mostly upheld the judges ruling.
no investigation was ever conducted to punish anyone by finding out just how this happened, how common this practice is or how many times in the past it's been done to others less fortunate. -- this is louisiana after all.
now the district attorneys office is back with even less severe charges than what they originally filed.
people would be foolish to promote anyone from this district attorneys office especially to a position as important as a district court judgeship.
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26 October 2008
civil service board hearing on mike marcotte
we noticed that a gannett/town talk story/forum commenter who goes by the alias of eddiemonster has been going around spamming various threads about an upcoming civil service board hearing. apparently, the hearing is over actions allegedly taken by a city of alexandria, louisiana employee in the recent alexandria district 3, city council election and a lawsuit that stemmed from it:
eddie monster wrote:in a 24 july 2008, gannett/town talk story by karina donica, she wrote:
There is a hearing scheduled this Wed Oct.29th before the Civil Service Board on Mr. Marcotte. Your paper quoted him as an expert witness and water dept. employee. This city employee is about to lose his job. He is expected to testify that Mayor Roy and City Attorney Chuck Johnson DIRECTED him to go into the personal records of Mr. Goins and get private information which he testified to at the trial of SMITH V. GOINS
[T]his guy invaded the privacy of Goins while he was on the city clock after being directed by the city attorney and the mayor. That is what the civil service hearing is all about. KALB will have a reporter at the hearing. The attorney generals office and the bar association will also have a representative.
WHEN: 4PM OCT. 29, 2008
"Swent said the utility records presented by expert witness Michael P. Marcotte, city superintendent of the electric distribution department, were compelling in showing that neither Goins nor his mother Barbara Stewart-Howard live there all the time." ~ link to the google cache of the article or click here to download a .pdf of ms. donica's complete article.so, since this hearing will be held in the city council chambers will it be broadcast live over public access channel 4?
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reuters: americans launch commando raid in syria
reuters reports that four american helicopters were involved in a commando raid on a syrian village about eight kilometers [5 miles] inside syria's border with iraq and that seven men were killed and four were wounded.
UPDATE: the syrian government has confirmed the attack and says that eight people were killed.
25 October 2008
latest stupid party propaganda: michelle obama's $447.39 snack
UPDATE: oyster informs us in the comments that this email is based on a fabricated story thats been retracted.
apparently, this email's objective is to stir up class envy because it contains a quote that it attributes to mrs. obama about universal health care and pie but then on 15 october 2008, mrs. obama was staying in the waldorf-astoria hotel -- in new york city, eating lobster, caviar and washing it down with bollinger champagne.
but what does what mrs. obama said about health care and pie have to do with what she ordered from the hotel's room service?
furthermore, cant someone who has the money, order whatever they want? just because someone is espousing universal health care does this mean that they should be eating sardines and crackers and washing it down with tap water?
for all we know mrs. obama was in new york city that day to appear on some television program and her stay was paid for by it.

if you take a look at the website referenced at the bottom where it says "paid for by concerned citizens who love america http://blog.pumapac.org" you will see that this is a website run by democrats who are hillary clinton backers -- ignorant republicans are so desperate that they are willing to whore themselves out to democrats and become their useful idiots in spreading what amounts to democratic party/hillary clinton faction propaganda. LOL
24 October 2008
eric hufschmid: 'the zionist jews are desperate to disqualify obama'
via eric hufschmid
[Huge Questions] news for October 24:
Phil Berg files another lawsuit
(If you don't know who Phil Berg is, I mention him at my site here)
The Zionist Jews are desperate to disqualify Obama.
They are also posting sexual photos of his mother, and claiming his father is not Obama, and that he is a socialist.
Are they trying to replace him with Hillary Clinton? Or start race riots? Or cancel the elections?
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23 October 2008
third party presidential debate: ralph nader calls out aipac
ralph nader calls out aipac - the american israel public affairs committee at the third party presidential candidates debate held at the mayflower hotel, washington, d.c. on 23 october 2008.
chuck baldwin, on the other hand, tried to shift the blame away from israel and the zionists and onto mysterious entities like the 'new world order,' the globalists and other goyim. a caller a the end of the clip pointed out how mr. baldwin sounds just like zionist/israeli agent, zionist denier and liar alex jones.
we agree with the caller that mr. baldwin has some good ideas, such as abolishing the federal reserve which is owned and operated by the same gang of zionist jewish criminals and like the caller we have decided to withdraw our support from mr. baldwin.
mr. nader wasnt entirely accurate when he said that the "jews" and the arabs "are both part of the semetic race," seeing that some 95% or more of those who today call themselves jews are actually khazar also called ashkenazi.
khazar's converted to judaism around ad 740 for political reasons. the khazars originated from an area in what is now modern day russia. they are in no way related to the biblical israelites or the arabs.
learn more about zionism:
eric hufschmid
jews united against zionism
neturei karta international: orthodox jews united against zionism
learn even more about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
the thirteenth tribe by arthur koestler
benjamin h. freedman nee freidman:
the truth about khazars
u.s. presidents - jewish pawns
1974 speech
and also:
rabbi chaim lefkowitz - zionists stole the true name of the jews
and also
jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
barky's supporters are giving mcmadman mccain supporters free cosmetic surgery; body piercings and tattoos
if the rest of us are lucky, maybe all of the obama and mcmadman mccain supporters will kill each other off... :-)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Police are investigating a report by a campaign staffer for John McCain that she was mugged and the letter B was cut into her face.
Police say the 20-year-old woman, who is from Texas, reported that the attack occurred yesterday in one of the city's eastern neighborhoods.
But they said the woman told them she did not seek medical treatment.
More details in tomorrow's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
First published on October 23, 2008 at 4:24 pm
Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.
Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said.
Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.
The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes. ~ WTAE
live 3rd party debate tonight on c-span2
Tonight, Ralph Nader (I) & Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) meet in a 3rd Party debate, hosted by Free and Equal. This is Mr. Nader's fourth presidential campaign. Mr. Baldwin is a radio talk show host and Baptist Minister. Watch on C-SPAN2 at 8pm (CDT)
21 October 2008
show cattle at the rapides parish fair
the best part of the rapides parish fair and the mighty thomas carnival , besides the rides of coz, is the livestock exhibition. klax-tv interviewed two local 4-h cattlewomen, sarah cook and kelli lucas about how they train to show their cattle.
the brahman or "brimer" as some call them, are the best of all the cattle. besides being the most regal; depending on how they are handled they are very intelligent, curious (especially the calves) and docile.
see also
lsu agcenter louisiana 4-h
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obama october surprise? sex perv scandal
via rumour mill news: was barack's communist mentor a sado-masochist pedophile? - is this the october surprise? hillary style? via rense
20 October 2008
louisiana beauty queen pinched
and not in a good way...
UPDATED wednesday 22 october 2008
UPDATED Reigning Miss Teen Louisiana USA Lindsey Evans and three friends were arrested over the weekend for leaving a Bossier City restaurant without paying their bill.
Police said Evans, 18, of Blanchard left her purse at the restaurant and the four young women were arrested when they returned to get it.
Evans' reign as Miss Teen Louisiana was to end in November. A spokesman for the Miss Louisiana Teen USA organization said they spoke with Evans today about the incident but have not decided whether to take action against her. That action could include her losing her title.
Evans' parents declined comment on the incident.
Evans and her friends were arrested Saturday night at Posado's restaurant. They ran up a $46.07 bill and left without paying, Bossier City Police Department spokesman Mark Natale said.
The manager of the restaurant found Evans' purse, which had her identification inside, and called police. Officers were still at the restaurant when the group returned and police recognized Evans from her driver's license picture, Natale said.
Natale said the women admitted intentionally leaving without paying their bill and it was not a case of forgetting to pay.
Evans was booked on charges of theft and possession of marijuana that was found in her purse, Natale said.
Jordan James, 18, of Blanchard was arrested for theft, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of Xanax.
Morgan Goleman, 18, of North Lakeshore Drive in Caddo Parish, was booked on charges of theft.
Jennifer Martin, 22, of Arlington Place in Bossier City, was arrested on charges of theft, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and for having an open container.
Police said they found marijuana, a marijuana "grinder" and a marijuana roller in Goleman's car.
All four were released from jail on Sunday after posting bonds. ~ KTBS====----ORIGINAL POST----Mark Natale with the Bossier City Police Department says officers were called to Posados in Bossier City just after 7:00 p.m. Saturday 18 October 2008.
Police say four women walked out of the restaurant without paying their bill.
Later... the four women returned because one of them left their purse inside the restaurant.
18-year-old Miss Teen Louisiana USA Lindsey Evans was arrested for theft and possession of marijuana.
18-year-old Jordan James was arrested for theft, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and for having Xanax.
18-year-old Morgan Coleman (or Goleman) was arrested for theft.
And 22-year-old Jennifer Martin was arrested for theft, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and for having an open container.
All four were released on bond ~ KTBS

video: lindsay evans - miss teen louisiana - seventeen magazine
19 October 2008
judicial inc is back with a new url -- www.judicial-inc.org
UPDATE: sunday 19 october 2008 -- judicial inc is back with a new url
colin powell endorses barky
colin powell endorses barack obama for president.
but what does colin powell know? after all, he went to the united nations and lied for george w. bush et al. about weapons of mass destruction in iraq.
colin powell is just a puppet who says and does what he's told.
so dont be a sucker and listen to the likes of war criminals like colin powell.
full meet the press colin powell video here
see also
sir colin powell lied to the world about iraq now lies about obama
18 October 2008
video: gov sarah palin on saturday night live
video of alaska governor and 2008 republican vice presidential nominee, sarah palin's appearance on saturday night live. governor palin also appeared in the "weekend update" segment -- the video of that is here.
17 October 2008
buckeye 17 at bunkie 7
buckeye high school panthers defeated bunkie high school panthers 17 - 7 in game 2 of district 3-3a play.
buckeye is now 2 - 0 in district and 5 - 1 overall. according to kalb, bunkie is 0 - 2 in district.
and also
kalb 5th quarter week 7
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