31 January 2012
congressman rodney alexander telephonic town hall meeting
congressman rodney alexander, apparently stealing a page from the david vitter playbook.
tonight we received what we thought at first glance at the caller id was going to be a robo or sales call to learn that it was an invitation to listen and participate in congressman rodney alexander's live telephonic town hall meeting.
we didnt bother to try and ask a question or participate in any of the polls and as with david vitter, we do not support this treasonous, traitorous rat.
however, we do find these events to be pretty ingenious and think that more politicians at all levels local, state and federal should put them on.
link to audio listen/download page
'what do you think about the safety of cell phones now': a must see video
we received this clip this morning via an email forward captioned:
'What Do You Think About The Safety of Cell Phones Now?': A Must See Video
Wow, cell phones are sure versatile aren't they? Scary!
outgoing cenla pride director bettye jones eyes open w/ tony brown radio interview
link to audio listen/download page
see also
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk 30 january 2012
longtime cenla pride leader jones heading to georgia
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still thinking about giving your daughter gardasil?
news report uploaded by wish-tv, 27 october 2011.
It's a drug that holds the promise of doing what no other vaccine has done before: preventing cancer.
But some say it also poses great risk.
A group of girls recently shared their experiences after receiving the Gardasil vaccine.
Is it enough to outweigh the HPV vaccine's huge potential benefits?
30 January 2012
developing: city of alexandria, la., fulfills public records request for von jennings private investigator videos & files
on 22 december, 2011, wst... filed an La. R.S. 44:1 et seq., public records request to the city of alexandria, la., for all of the private investigator video tapes made in and around the 2007 -'08 investigation the city commissioned of then mayoral assistant vontrecea "von" jennings.
ms. jennings recently announced that she will be a candidate in this fall's alexandria city council, district #3 election against councilman jerry w. jones, jr.
ms. jennings is of course ferociously championed by the unethical alexandria, la. shyster, irs tax fraudster [& here] and notorious propagandist, greg aymond, la. bar roll #17,449.
aymond claims to be a former member of david duke's ku klux klan -- yet specializes in cyber terrifying, stalking and stirring up racial fights and problems.
this afternoon, the city of alexandria fulfilled our request and the public records include four dvd's of video and at least thirty-eight pages of written reports.
right now the buffoons over at cenlabriarpatch.com are pouring over and dissecting the videos ... and you know what that means ...
so stay tuned to cenlabriarpatch.com for more on this important developing story...
Prior to terminating Von Jennings, the city of Alexandria hired a private investigator to follow the mayoral assistant who specialized in economic development.
One particular report noted Jennings arrived at work at 9:07 a.m. on Dec. 10, 2007, and departed at 12:12 p.m.
After some detours, she arrived at CiCi's Pizza (12:36 p.m.) then a mechanic shop (1:33 p.m.), finally returning back to City Hall at 1:54. Surveillance ended at 2:30 p.m.
The investigations were conducted by Mark Gravel of Gravel Investigation and spans various days in 2007 and 2008. ~ alexandria daily town talk, february 2009.
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27 january 2012 lafayette, la. george strait concert sparks local internet rumor
an anonymous emailer writes wst... that in the above video, rapides parish sheriff chuck wagner can be seen attending a recent george strait concert.
the clip was uploaded to youtube on 27 january, 2012, by the youtuber zombiewolf242 and according to george strait's official website he did put on a concert in lafayette, la.that evening.
29 January 2012
remember avoyelles parish, la. sports figure richard joseph "moon" ducote

Courtesy of Springhill College ~ via gannett/the alexandria daily town talk
today's town talk has an interesting report about a nearly forgotten avoyelles parish, louisiana, sporting legend.
COTTONPORT -- In the cemetery behind St. Mary's Assumption Church on Front Street in Cottonport lies the body of a Louisiana legend.
He was an individual whose prowess on the football field was so great that it drew comparisons to Jim Thorpe.
In one muddy memorable game, he forever changed the way the collegiate game is played with one swift kick of the leg.
In addition to his playing days, his legendary sports career included being a respected coach, athletics director and collegiate official.
Yet despite those accomplishments, this legendary sports figure is on the verge of disappearing from memory.
This is the story of "Moon" Ducote.
Richard Joseph "Moon" Ducote was born on Aug. 28, 1897, in Cottonport.
He was the oldest child of prominent Cottonport doctor, Joseph Richard Ducote, and Norma Lemoine Ducote.
His mother died when Ducote was 9. His father later would remarry and have two more children. ~ read more
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28 January 2012
fred's opens at libuse la
the newest fred's super dollar store, #2643, opened as scheduled on friday, 27 january, 2012. we havent been inside yet but it looks nice.
it's located at 4628 highway 28 east, near libuse.
fred's twitter feed, @fredsinc, tweeted, that besides this store opening, they also opened stores yesterday in leakesville, mississippi; cherokee village, arkansas; florence, mississippi and statesboro, georgia. ~ view tweet.
fred's website:
Tracing its history back to an original store in Coldwater, Mississippi opened in 1947, today Fred's is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee and operates almost 700 discount general merchandise stores, including 24 franchised Fred's stores, mainly across the southeastern states.
With a unique store format and strategy that combines the best elements of a discount dollar store, drug store and mass merchant, Fred's stores stock more than 12,000 frequently purchased items that address the everyday needs of its customers.
This merchandise includes nationally recognized brand name products, proprietary Fred's label products, and lower-priced, and off-brand products.
The company has two distribution centers, one in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dublin, Georgia.
baden jogger back to being just a regular jogger
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rare albino hummingbird photographed in staunton, virginia

hi-res photos at link
Kevin and Bethany Shank, along with their six children, are the publishers of Nature Friend magazine.
The oldest boys, Marlin, Shaphan, Darren, and Allen, along with Kevin were privileged to photograph an albino ruby-throated hummingbird in Staunton, Virginia, on August 16, 2011. ~ read more
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support slabbed.org
our friends over at slabbed are moving back to their own domain slabbed.org from slabbed.wordpress.com.
via: slabbed
If you value independent investigative journalism please support Slabbed
OK folks, while we wait for .org to wind its way through cyberspace here is your opportunity to support Slabbed’s investigation into Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia.
No amount is too small and for those of you that can’t help financially we’ll take your thoughts and prayers too.
The donate button is on the left sidebar. Thanks and God Bless. ~ sop
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27 January 2012
ramzpaul: lions vs hyenas in america
cross posted from ramzpaul
Here in America a pack of Hyenas attacked an older Lion. GREAT ENDING!
A 65-year-old man was justified in shooting two of three teenagers who were attempting to rob him as he rode his bicycle along a popular river trail Wednesday morning, authorities announced Thursday. ~ read more
The second video in the playlist is the African version. GREAT ENDING!
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26 January 2012
alexandria city council should have listened to reverend

the news report gives a pretty good background as to how the history of the lawsuit that was filed by the mayor in august 2007 after the council voted to override his veto.
before the council voted to override mayor roy's veto, there appeared a reverend who addressed the council who told them about a "premonition" he had and warned them about their unwillingness "to follow leadership."
immediately thereafter, the council went ahead and voted to override the veto and it's been downhill for them ever since as well as the council's attorney, jock scott who died.
judging from the information that the mayor is seeking in the subpoenas, it appears highly likely that if he is allowed to amend his petition and litigate it on out, that councilman johnson and possibly other councilpersons could be facing malfeasance in office and/or other charges.
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25 January 2012
broward county florida: triple murder suspect caught after victim posted on facebook minutes before being shot
via: yourblackworld.net
A triple murder suspect was apprehended shortly after one of the alleged victims posted a message on Facebook.
The message was posted right before the woman was shot dead, and police are using it as part of their pool of evidence.
Octavia Barnett posted the message, stating that her ex-boyfriend, Lineten Belizaire was at the door of her Florida home.
A few minutes later, the 21-year old woman was shot dead.
Along with Barnett, the other murder victims included her friend Natasha Plummer and her six month old son, Carlton Stringer Jr. ~ read more
24 January 2012
UPDATED city of alexandria, la. mayor jacques roy seeks to amend his petition against the city council a fourth time
UPDATED: 25 january 2012 - mayor roy answered a question about the case at his weekly briefing.
we couldnt imagine what he was on about. it took a little while of searching and we learned that chris roy, jr., on 10 november 2011, enrolled as co-counsel of record in the roy vs. alexandria city council lawsuit originally filed way back on 29 august 2007.
some subpoenas issued to roosevelt johnson and councilwoman mitzi gibson around mid november 2011. there's a subpoena in there for myron lawson too, but he was nowhere to be found. rpso attempted to serve him at least four times -- page 18. it's unclear, from what's available on the rapides clerk of court's website, if he was ever served.
anyway, supposedly both councilman johnson and councilwoman gibson each gave video depositions and we cant wait to see the vids. if we get them of course we'll share them with you.
there is a letter (page 14) from chris roy, jr., to the clerk of court dated 01 december, 2011 in which mr. roy mentions "our recently filed supplemental petition." however, we cant locate it on the clerk's website.
the pleadings we've posted speak for themselves and it looks like some are potentially in a world of trouble.
the place to be on monday, 06 february, 2012 at 9:30 am is at the rapides parish court house in judge harry randow's court room.

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judge harry randow recuses in thompson vs sadler & provosty and in thompson vs thompson

"the defendant, h. brenner sadler, is a prominent and long-time practicing attorney and the undersigned has a long standing professional and personal relationship that may call into question the impartiality of the court."ninth judicial district court judge harry randow recused himself from the chrystal landry thompson vs. h. brenner sadler and provosty, sadler, delaunay, fiorenza & sobel legal malpractice and fraud lawsuit as well as the james norman thompson vs. chrystal landry thompson divorce petition.
both cases were reallotted to division "f," judge george metoyer.
rapides parish clerk of court records show that mr. sadler and the provosty firm were both served with ms. thompson's petition on 22 november 2011. however, as of the date and time of this post no answer has been filed.
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23 January 2012
louisiana state house begins prefiling bills for the 2012 legislative session
via: twitter @awspeer
it's that time of the year again, when that collection of freaks, perverts, criminals and lunatics who comprise the organized crime gang which calls itself the loony looziana legislature has to finally make public their schemes and scams to steal even more of our freedoms, liberty and money away.
but dont take our word for it -- we invite anyone who doubts the veracity of our assertions, to tune-in online and view the bills, the committee hearings and floor debates and the votes -- for themselves.
you'll see that they do all this out in the open for all the world to see and they're quite proud of what and how they do.
they'll even have some old fake preacher and pulpit pimp come in everyday and offer up prayer to a strange god in jesus' name. you can tell that it's all fakery because within seconds of the final amen they then turn to do the exact opposite of everything that jesus taught and commanded.
authentic christians would do well to pray second chronicles chapter seven verse fourteen. however, that nothwithstanding, should it be god's will, a numbers chapter sixteen verses thirty-one through thirty-five event; on the opening day, would be okay.
the loony looziana legislature convenes at noon on monday, 12 march 2012.
pineville, la. police searching for armed robbery suspect
via: twitter @pinevillepd ||| view tweet

Media Release
January 23, 2012
On January 22, 2012 at 12:26 AM the Pineville Police Department received a report of an Armed Robbery that occurred at Circle K, 3234 Military Highway in Pineville.
There were no reported injuries to the clerk that was on duty at the time of the incident.
The clerk reported to the officers that a male subject dressed in a black “hoodie” and blue jeans wearing a black ski mask walked into the store and brandished a knife.
The robber then demanded money from the clerk.
The clerk complied with the demands of the robber and gave the robber an undetermined amount of money from the cash register.
The robber then fled from the store through the door facing King’s Country Shopping Village.
It is unknown at this time the direction of travel of the robber or his method of transportation from the scene of the incident.
As more information becomes available it will be released.
If anyone has possible information concerning this incident, please contact Detective Casey Blake with the Pineville Police Department at 442-6603.
Lt. Darrell Basco
Public Information Officer
Pineville Police Department ~ source
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uk bans pervy dakota fanning perfume advert

"We noted that the model was holding up the perfume bottle which rested in her lap between her legs and we considered that its position was sexually provocative.and that:
We understood the model was 17 years old but we considered she looked under the age of 16.
We considered that the length of her dress, her leg and position of the perfume bottle drew attention to her sexuality. Because of that, along with her appearance, we considered the ad could be seen to sexualise a child."
Coty, makers of Oh, Lola! said it did not believe the ad suggested the model was underage or that it was "inappropriately sexualised' as it didn't show any "private body parts or sexual activity".apparently, this happened in early november 2011. we only learned about it yesterday when we followed a sponsored link at the bottom of a gannett/the town talk news story.
They said the giant perfume bottle - shaped like a vase holding a blooming pink flower - was "provoking, but not indecent". [emphasis added]
although the ad was banned in the united kingdom, one way "the media" gets around this is to promote it as a legitimate news story.
we believe that one of the subliminal suggestions that this advertisement seeks to implant into the mind of its viewer, is to associate the essence of this perfume with the scent of this seventeen year old (presumably virgin) girls' vagina.
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click here to download our copy 262 page .pdf [2.25 mb]
22 January 2012
cenla focus: cenla's corporate giants
this month's issue of cenla focus features some local businesses that they proclaim to be "cenla's corporate giants."
due to the way their article is put together, we wouldnt really call it a news story. however, you may want to check it out.
cenla focus january 2012 picture page.
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21 January 2012
shiloh baptist church building renovation

click here to download the newseum front page .pdf [515 kb]
click here to download one page text .pdf [67 kb] of the report
see also local blogs
alexcenla: shiloh baptist church
cenlamar: shiloh baptist church
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"conservative leader" gary bauer is an israeli agent
are you getting it yet?
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khazar "jews" are the gog and magog of ezekiel chapter 38
jesus christ
revelation chapter two verse nine
revelation chapter three verse nine
the thirteenth tribe
by arthur koestler
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by ex-zionist benjamin h. freedman née freidman
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zionists stole the true name of the jewish people
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my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
Woe vnto them that call euill good, and good euill, that put darkenes for light, and light for darkenesse, that put bitter for sweete, and sweete for bitter. ~ Prophet Isaiah Chapter Five Verse Twenty KJV (1611)
jewish newspaperman who wrote column calling on israel to assassinate president obama apologizes
the jewish daily forward excerpt:
The owner of an Atlanta Jewish newspaper has apologized for a column in which he discusses the possibility of Israel ordering the assassination of President Obama.it seems that this "twice and three times" or days waiting period is well known amongst trained writers, such as a recent mention of it, locally: here.
The Secret Service says it is investigating and a parade of Jewish leaders quickly moved to denounce Andrew Adler, publisher and owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times.
Adler wrote in a January 13 opinion piece that one of Israel’s options in confronting a threat from Iran would be to put out "a hit" on Obama. The story was first reported Friday by the website gawker.com and later picked up by ABC News and The Guardian, among other outlets.
"Did I go too far? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes," Adler told the Forward on Friday. "I should have thought about it twice and three times." ~ read more
to anyone from the secret service, the military and the intelligence community who arrives here -- we are calling on you to investigate and arrest all zionists and israeli agents. jewish or otherwise. remember the uss liberty agtr-5!
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nsa should spy on zionists
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mordechai vanunu: israel behind jfk assassination
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jfk: a toronto connection?
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jfk: 45 years later dr. kenneth salyer lies about it
20 January 2012
huge train loaded with battle tanks and military equipment rolling south from santa cruz california
Uploaded by 911Infowarrior on Jan 20, 2012
This video was uploaded to facebook via mobile by a Mr Andrew Tuckman yesterday, January 19th 2012, with the following caption.
I began filming this after a dozen or so train cars went by on a stretch of track south of Santa Cruz California. Where are the military vehicles going? Why are they being shipped? What could this possibly be for? Barack Obama, what are you up to? We want answers.....
last updated 8:05 pm cst friday 20 january 2012
state supremes readmit al copeland's former attorney bryan m white
UPDATE: al copeland lawyer, disbarred in wrinkled robe investigation, regains law license
via twitter @nolanews
view tweet

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19 January 2012
phone interview with central louisiana ultralight pilot travis bennett
early one morning, back in late august 2011, a small ultralight flew over our house. luckily our camera was close at hand and we managed to get a short vid clip which we posted that morning to youtube:
7:16 am cdt, saturday, 27 august 2011.
Cool, I like the plane....(cause it is mine, and that is me flying it). This has to be around Alexandria somewhere. Just curious where you caught me flying at?instead of replying to the comment we messaged him through youtube and asked him to email us which he did and we exchanged some information such as the location where we filmed him from.
we asked him if he would be game to our phoning him up for an "interview" about it all and he said sure after the holidays to email him, which we did this afternoon and he replied that he was free this evening.
link to audio download page
playlist direct link
eaa 614 facebook
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video: ricky rickster perry withdrawal from the 2012 gop presidential nomination race
skip to time 15:20 or click here for perry's entrance.
this morning around 10:12 am cst, rick perry gave a long, rambling, typical speech of nonsense in announcing his withdrawal from the 2012 gop presidential nomination race, oh, and to endorse newt's a hoot gingrich. what a joke.
it's good that he finally withdrew because this guy is dumber than jorge dubya boosh; noticeably absent was perry handler, piyush "bobby" jindal.
17 January 2012
mr. watson has bad dog
it seems that if you own a dog you have to constantly be worried that it will get out and attack another dog or worse a person or that another dog will harm it.
even so, we're in no way suggesting any type of "ban bad breed" laws or anything of the like.
we hope that the parties are able to work something out.
this petition may look simplistic but you should check out the landmark case of dioguardi v. durning 139 f.2d 774 (1944).

the case hannelore valair vs mr. watson, is in the 9th judicial district court and is assigned to division "c" judge, mary lauve doggett.
14 January 2012
rayford office building usaf jet airplane
back on 07 december 2011, local realtor rod noles on his weekly ksyl economic update radio program, mentioned that the rayford office building, located in alexandria, louisiana is for sale:
Rayford Office Building with 4 acres of land plus the jet air plane is for sale at $3,500,000. If there were ever a building that could brand a company this is the spot. ~ source rod's notes for wednesday 12/07/11we dont know if the building will sell or of the prospective new owners will keep the usaf jet located next to the building; we hope that they do. we'd never been inside the building and have only seen the jet airplane from the highway, but in any event, we had an opportunity to take a few photographs of it:
the below snap comes by way of google image search and a ratcliff construction company website where we learn that apparently the buildings official name is rayford plaza.
the rayford office building is located in alexandria, louisiana at 2230 south macarthur drive.
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