31 May 2007
more rapides parish district attorney alexandria police department corruption
at around 3:40 p.m. on wednesday 22 november 2006 an alexandria police cruiser driven by apd officer torrence bowens collided with a car driven by mickie lynn cain.
alexandria police officer corporal r. gaspard filed the police report. in his report officer gaspard notes that no charges were filed against mickie lynn cain.
next, on 07 january 2007, attorney thomas o. wells who apparently moonlights as an assistant district attorney for rapides parish, louisiana, sends a letter to ms. cain wanting her insurance information. officer bowens the person who caused the wreck is preparing to sue ms. cain!
here's where things really get interesting, on 09 may 2007, rapides parish assistant district attorney rocky willson sends a letter to ms. cain informing her that she is a target of and facing indictment by the rapides parish grand jury. its not specified and remains unknown under what law ms. cain is charged with violating.
ms. cain's lawyer responds with some interesting questions of his own:
note: michael s. koch is the husband of ninth judicial district court judge patricia koch.
so lets get this straight, this gal is driving along minding her own business and suddenly wham! shes hit by what eye witnesses say was an out of control police car. shes given no ticket. then around fifty days later she receives a letter wanting her insurance information etc from the lawyer for the alexandria police officer torrence bowens, who just happens to be an assistant rapides parish district attorney. next, she learns that the rapides parish district attorneys office is preparing to haul her in front of the grand jury and indict her on what charges no one knows.
why is this woman being railroaded by the district attorneys office? it looks like her only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. why is an assistant district attorney handling the legal affairs of an alexandria police officer? why wasnt the person who was actually at fault the alexandria police officer torrence bowens ticketed?
and perhaps (from our perspective) the most important question of all: why is a freaking blog reporting this and not the so called news media?
oh and that grand jury scheduled to convene today to hear this case -- an anonymous source in the courthouse informs wst... that at the last minute assistant district attorney rocky willson or someone from his office told the witnesses, that due to a conflict of interest, the conflict of interest being that thomas o. wells, an assistant rapides parish district attorney who is also officer bowens attorney -- this case was being referred to the louisiana attorney generals office for prosecution.
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purple circle social club
**updated** 5:46 pm cdt monday 04 june 2007
wafb report audio .mp3 here
via the dead pelican
wafb-tv has broadcast a report and it turns out that state representative yvonne dorsey, is the legislator behind earmarking state taxpayer funds to the purple circle social club, the colomb foundation - which according to wafb is the nonprofit that belongs to ms. dorsey's boyfriend and other shady state expenditures.

click here to view the video via wafb
length 3m01s
A Closer Look at State Rep. Yvonne Dorsey's "Pork Spending"
June 2, 2007 11:25 AM
9NEWS has reported on State Representative Yvonne Dorsey's previous "pork spending." This week, we tried to question her about some of her spending plans included in the $29.6 billion state budget.
Some of the places Dorsey is giving cash to are a social club, her alleged boyfriend's non-profit organization, and a high school alumni association.
View the attached video clip for the full report.
this morning on his radio program moon griffon was talking about house bill no. 1: the appropriations bill and questionable state expenditures contained therein...one example mr. griffon used was $50,000 [37.2 eur] to a non-profit called "purple circle social club."
the first thing we did was go to legis.state.la.us and look up hb1 and try to find the expenditure in question. after about six cups of coffee and two extra-strength tylenols later we finally found it all the way down on page 274:
the next thing we did was go on the sec'y of state corporations database and look up "purple circle social club:"

the expenditure immediately preceding the purple circle social club payout caught our eye too. it's $300,000 [223.1 eur] to something called the colomb foundation inc.

so apparently all you have to do to make some easy money in this state is set up a non profit corporation, next get your state representative or senator or some legislative staff member to place your companies name and a number in this loooong list of expenditures and you're all set. notice as you scroll down that list how they throw in some legitimate looking expenditures such as the pointe coupee animal shelter or the town of richwood for the police department. this accomplishes two things -- (1) it breaks up the monotony and (2) gives the document an air of credibility.
30 May 2007
rod noles economic update radio notes 30 may 2007
one item of note in this weeks rod noles email, concerns the awarding of a 5.8 [4.3 eur] million dollar construction contract by the rapides parish school board to local politically connected ratcliff construction company. ratcliff is the same company that couldnt even competently build the reported $8.2 million [6.07 eur] dollar coughlin-saunders performing arts center. it leaks like a sieve.
this is another reason why the city of alexandria should have released (the still unreleased) quick & associates, coughlin-saunders leak report. perhaps if the school board would have had the opportunity to have read the (so far) secret report it just might have influenced a decision to award this contract for a new buckeye high school to some other construction company. thanks to the massive waste, fraud and abuse (but mostly fraud, corruption and incompetence) continually perpetrated by our elected leaders we see over and over again no accountability whatsoever in the awarding of juicy governmental contracts to the same ol architects, surveyors, engineers, contractors etc., etc. etc.
Largest construction contract of the week Rapides Parish School Board (619 Sixth St., Alex., LA 71301) to Ratcliff Construction (1715 England Dr., Alex., LA 71303) - New Buckeye High School, $5,803,000.00
Best buy of the week: Matt Ritchie buys $1,500,000 listing on Winn Dixie in Bunkie 48,000 sf for $207,000
Largest sale of the week George H Lyles, et al (27 Bayou Road, Cheneyville, LA 71325) to B & J Ranch, LLC (11234 George Lambert Road, St. Amant, LA 70774) - 1843.52 acres in Sec 5 & 6, T1SR1W, Sec 36, T1NR1W, & Sec 29-32, T1NR1E, $3,272,256.80 close to $1,800 per acre loan of $3,000,000 rumor professional ball player. B & J Ranch to First NBC Bank (210 Baronne St., New Orleans, LA 70112) - 1843.52 acres in Sec 5 & 6, T1SR1W, Sec 36, T1NR1W, & Sec 29-32, T1NR1E, $3,000,000.00
Big property on Jackson street sells Jesse B Newcomer, Jr. (2027 Jackson St., Apt. 1, Alex., LA 71301) to Wasmer Properties (2001 Jackson St., Alex., LA 71301) - Tract in or near Blk 60, Clarence Park Addn., et al (2030A Jackson St., Alex., LA 71301), $575,000.00 Wasmer Properties (2001 Jackson St., Alex., LA 71301) to Capital One (313 Carondelet St., New Orleans, LA 70130) - Tract in or near Blk 60, Clarence Park Addn., et al (2030A Jackson St., Alex., LA 71301), $550,000.00. Dianne Whaley listing agent, I think she sold it also
Property that sold the most times: Missions Milling Co. NATHAN PATRICK CALHOUN (P O Box 520, Libuse, LA 71348) to Bluebonnet Entertainment H. K. STANLEY, 5308 NORTH BLVD (P O Box 11887, Alex., LA 71315) - 6.33 acres in Sec 57, T3NR1W (7603 Hwy. 71 S, Alex., LA 71302), $890,000.00 Bluebonnet Entertainment (528 Monroe St., Alex., LA 71301) to Red River Bank (1412 Centre Court, Alex., LA 71301) - 6.33 acres in Sec 57, T3NR1W (7603 Hwy. 71 S, Alex., LA 71302), $894,666.75. Dale Daenen selling agent, Gary McKay listing agent
Deal that makes the most sense: City and State trading properties takes a Legislative act SB24 authored by New Orleans law maker. Good idea to combine mix use for fire station and red cross office. A good idea for state to take possession of Rail road right of way next to DOTD office on MacArthur drive, new law, appraisal, and right attitude this deal should happen. Kudos to all who are working on this deal.
Rumor of the week USDA credit Union land lease for mobile unit for ground lease on vacant property next to Turpin, owner Robert Wolfe
Darn there closing shop deal of the week PJ Coffee closed open for 5 years Quinn gave it his best, with first child and wife’s career as CFO with Red River. They thought as a couple it was time to move on.
Charles A Maxwell, et al (140 Browns Bend Road, Alex., LA 71303) to Bayou Rapides Development (3704 Coliseum Blvd., Alex., LA 71303) - 19.3408 acres in Sec 21, T4NR1W, $415,810.00 close to $21,500 per acre Key Realty had it listed. Ties into Forester property Leona had listed and Wanda Vanover sold
William F & Ann F Terbot to Alfred A Mansour, Sr., et al - 12.4989% interest in Memorial Drive Partnership, $150,000.00
Ballina Farms (P O Box 12487, Alex., LA 71315) to Robert L Gaspard, Jr. (505 Downs Lane, Alex., LA 71303) - 5.039 acres in Sec 2 & 3, T5NR2W, $75,000.00. Priced at $15,000 per acres
David Bridal construction to start soon 270 locations nationwide will be open by end of 2007, have stores in Monroe, Bossier City, Baton Rouge, Slidell and Metairie first store opened in 1950
Hampton Inn at Cracker Barrel interchange 106 room Hampton Inn will open this August.
Dagwood coming out of the ground in front of Mac this building looks too large for one tenant, bet there is co-tenant
Lakes every where many of new developments have lakes or pond would like to claim Lake District lead the way on this but actually England Authority constructed the first one and then the city with ball parks, Lake District was leader in private developments. Noticed new lake on twin bridges call Adam Gerace and asked who was building TL Construction Tracey Briedtup.
Union Bank has under contract new site on 28 west just over one acre
Charles A & Elizabeth W Pospisil (128 D Craig Road, Deville, LA 71328) to Bank of Jena (P O Box 351, Libuse, LA 71348) - Tract in Sec 6, T4NR3E, $500,000.00 not sure where this is
Evangeline Bank to Migues Deloach Co. - Evangeline Bank, Pineville Branch Project, $1,314,000.00
Ingrish Enterprises (2715 Marye St., Alex., LA 71301) to Giatano, LLC (5229 Lark Lane, Alex., LA 71303) - Lot J & part of L, Wilshire Park Subd. (1268 Southampton Dr., Alex., LA 71303), $299,500.00 Johnny Hesni listing agent, Mary Jo Mansour selling agent
Dr. Karsan buys two buildings in Fireside from Randy Mansour
Construction contracts Rapides Parish Police Jury to D & J Construction Co. - Ward 10 road improvements on Baum Road, Country Club Dr., et al, $3,705,975.89
St. Andrews near $400,000 Elbert G & Dorothy T Fuqua (3002 Old Marksville Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360) to Enrico C Bunyog, II (1908 Eric St., Winnfield, LA 71483) - Lot 73, St. Andrews Links Estates, Phase 2, et al (236 Links Dr., Alex., LA 71303), $373,890.00
West Pointe over $300,000 Elite Development, LLC (300 Wilderness Dr., Boyce, LA 71409) to Leila K Dablan (6437 Bayou Crossing Dr., Alex., LA 71303) - Lot 279, West Pointe on the Bayou, Phase XI (6437 Bayou Crossing Dr., Alex., LA 71303), $310,792.00
Martin Park over $250,000 Lonnie W Lambert, et al (1241 Texas Ave., Alex., LA 71301) to Adair S Williams (300 Lakeshore Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70124) - Lot 8, Sq B, Martin Park Subd. (3916 Pecan Dr., Alex., LA 71302), $251,000.00
Fairway Estates near $350,000 Caroyl D & Marilyn L Bryan (301 Western Hills Road, Boyce, LA 71409) to James A Hodges, Jr. & Sharon S Hodges (1526 Masters Dr., Pineville, LA 71360) - Lot 4, Fairway East Subd., Unit II, $346,500.00
Third set of 8 condos each prices near $135,000 to $152,000 Brittain & White Construction (5521 Jackson St., Alex., LA 71303) to Paul W Kyle, III & Frances N Kyle (412-F Ansley Blvd., Alex., LA 71303) - Unit 412-F, Cypress Point at Lake District Condominium (412-F Ansley Blvd., Alex., LA 71303), $134,500.00 / Brittain & White Construction (5521 Jackson St., Alex., LA 71303) to John M & Lisa K Edenfield (421-H Ansley Blvd., Alex., LA 71303) - Unit 412-H, Cypress Point at Lake District Condominiums (412-H Ansley Blvd., Alex., LA 71303), $152,000.00
Proactive Investments CAROL MARIE RHODES WHITE (P O Box 12353, Alex., LA 71315) to Boomer Investment Properties Kenny Daniels local lawyer, turned investor, good sign (1454 Peterman Dr., Alex., LA 71301) - Tract in Sec 19, T5NR1E (249 Deeson Dr., Ball, LA 70405, et al), $250,000.00
Down Home Properties BRYAN D. NORMAND (6361 Twin Bridges Road, Alex., LA 71303) to Michael D Slocum, II (400 A Big Lake Road, Pineville, LA 71360) - Tract in Sec 41, T4NR2E (815 Denny Road, Deville, LA 71328), $110,000.00
Misty D Luneau (5028 Old Marksville Hwy., Pineville, LA 71360) to Petre Tree Surgery, Inc. DOMINIC PETRE, 773 WILLIAMS LAKE ROAD, PINEVILLE, LA 71360 (P O Box 3307, Pineville, LA 71361) - 3.176 & 4.439 acre tracts in Sec 26, T4NR1E (3748 Cactus Dr., Pineville, LA 71360), $90,000.00
M. S. of Cenla Properties MARK D. SETLIFF, 4410 HWY. 119, MELROSE, LA 71452 (P O Box 12411, Alex., LA 71315) to Excellence In Development, LLC PAMELA ROBINSON, 204 VILLAGE LANE, LAFAYETTE, LA 70501 - Tract on or near intersection of England Dr. & Brown's Bend Road, $95,000.00
Tabb Realty PARRISH RITCHIE, 8550 UNITED PLAZA BLVD., BATON ROUGE (41615 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, MI 48170) to Pak Realty (41615 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, MI 48170) - 45.91 acres in Sec 36, T5NR1W, $600,000.00
SFJV 2004-1, LLC to REO Management 2004, Inc. RANDALL COSTA, 390 GREENWICH STREET, 4TH FL., NEW YORK, NY 10013 - Part of Lots 15 & 16, Bonnie Crest Subd., $105,000.00
Cascar, LLC ELIZABETH W. CASSANO, (510 Ansley Court, Alex., LA 71303) to Jack Hunter, Jr. (995 Bayou Trace Dr., Alex., LA 71303) - Lot 36, Bayou Court Townhomes, Phase VI (995 Bayou Trace Dr., Alex., LA 71303), $120,000.00
Crest Properties (4725 Hwy. 28 E, Pineville, LA 71360) to Regions Bank (3580 Hwy. 28 E, Pineville, LA 71360) - Tract in Sec 3, T4NR1E, et al (4725 Hwy. 28 E, Pineville, LA 71360), $2,650,000.00
Deion A Duruisseau (129 Sunridge Road, Alex., LA 71302) to Harrison Finance Co. - Part of Lot 10, Willow Glen Land Co. Subd., et al (129 Sunridge Dr., Alex., LA 71302), $800,000.00
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29 May 2007
fred thompson hates america's secret warriors & allies

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has noted that indicted former Cheney chief-of-staff Scooter Libby has shown no remorse for his role in obstructing the investigation of the leak of Valerie Plame Wilson's covert responsibilities for the CIA and has asked for a 30 to 37 month jail sentence for Libby.
We also ought not to forget former Senator and potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson's significant enthusiasm for Scooter Libby's legal defense and ask him whether Libby-like obstruction of justice would be tolerated in his potential administration.
this administration has the blood of countless innocents on its hands and all those who support it, including fred thompson and if you support george bush and his administration, then you do too.
see also
judicial inc
Lewis Libby aka Irving Lewis Liebowitz: A Look At His Other Life
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bingo shoddy town talk 'reporting'
heres another great example of shoddy half-assed reporting by the alexandria daily town talk. so, they run this "news item" which is in reality nothing but a press release from the city of alexandria. if memory serves this ordinance was first proposed by councilman myron lawson which that in itself should send up a red flag and trigger some commonsense questions such as why is this ordinance being proposed? why isnt there a copy of the proposed ordinance? why didnt the town talk contact anyone on the city council and/or the administration for a statement? why didnt the town talk go out and ask people that are currently running charity bingo games what they thought about this new ordinance?
all the town talk does is serve as the marketing/public relations arm of various governmental entities when they print garbage like this posing as news. what the town talk is really doing is saying that ordinances like this are a done deal.
City Council to amend rules for charity bingo
Town Talk staff
Alexandria City Council members are set to pass an ordinance amending current law regarding bingo operators who hold charity games in city limits.
The council introduced the measure at the May 22 meeting, and is scheduled to revisit it, possibly passing the ordinance, at the June 5 meeting.
Originally published May 28, 2007
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28 May 2007
new cenla blog cenla review
cenla review is a new blog that we just stumbled across. looks like it was started on 22 march 2007; we cant tell if it was started on a lark and then abandoned or what. it could be that the person who started it doesnt even know about the other cenla blogs but it looks like a good idea and one that the central louisiana blogosphere needs. so, if you're a local click on over and welcome them to the family.

What is Cenla Review?
Cenla Review is a place for people to discuss the quality of products and service they receive around Cenla. Have your recently purchased a product in Cenla that was great and you would like to tell others about it? Have you purchased a product that didn't live up to your expectations? Did you have great service recently at a restaurant? Share your experiences here so that others can benefit from your knowledge.
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"moscow isn't sodom"
via spiegel.de/international
apparently moscow isnt ready to have a bunch of freaks parading through their ancient city in what mayor yuri luzhkov is quoted as calling a "satanic activity." in this storys lead paragraph (and throughout the story for that matter) you will notice how the international media portrays the protesters as skin heads, ultra nationalists and orthodox church members. in american speak this translates as skin heads = anarchists and ku klux klan/white supremacists, ultra nationalists = the militia types and orthodox church members = religious fundamentalists.excerpt:
Russian skinheads, ultra nationalists and fundamentalist Orthodox church members make good on their pledge to "clean" Moscow streets of gays. Pop groups like Tatu and Right Said Fred were part of the scattered gay-rights protest, and so was a German politician.click link to read more
Shouting epithets like "Moscow isn't Sodom" and "Death to Gays," neo-Nazi, ultranationalist and religious fundamentalist counter-demonstrators in Moscow attacked gay rights activists Sunday who were seeking to deliver a protest letter to the mayor of the Russian capital. The mayor had rejected a petition to hold a gay-rights march in the city.
Skinheads, ultranationalists and fundamentalist members of the Russian Orthodox church have recently waged war on gay rights activists in the city, saying they would "clean" Moscow's streets of homosexuals.
judicial inc
hidden influences in the gay movement: some of the leaders behind the gay movement
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27 May 2007
john boehner is an idiot!
so...congressman john boehner, this creepy looking sack of ohio sleaze gets on the house floor and cries his crocodile tears and then...and then, right off the bat has the unmitigated gall to mention that "on the opening day we all stand here we raise our right hand and swear to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states." what a freaking crock!
representative boehner gives it all away though when right after that he goes on to say "...my colleagues have heard me make this statement that i didnt come here to be a congressman. i came here to do something." and boehner has done something too. hes helped and continues to help destroy america.
there is no lie this bunch of thugs and con-artists are not willing to tell, theres no level of depravity up to and including acting like a emotional wreck of an alcoholic on the house floor that they will not stoop to in order to keep this illegal and immoral war going.
remember you heard it straight from representative boehner lips - hes not there to be a congressman and uphold the constitution -- hes there to do something and as you can see what "representative" in name only, boehner, is there to do, it aint in your or the country's best interest.
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26 May 2007
moldy city links to wst...
we noticed that we were recently sidebar linked from the blog moldy city. this is cool and everything yet its a curiosity to us cos we were under the impression that we irritated (imagine this!) the new orleans bloggers.
anyway, click on over and enjoy the bayoustjohndavid take on life at new orleans. we are sure that you will find something interesting and informative that you didnt know before.
25 May 2007
turn coat rodney alexander the pot calling the kettle black
turn-coat rodney alexander the ol cyber-sex enabler himself or as hes referred to on at least one other blog "ratney salamander" has read the political wind and decided to issue a statement on the so called illegal immigration debate.
ratney err rodney sez that:
"In my opinion, and in the opinion of the majority of my constituents, whether or not to grant amnesty to the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in our country is not a question that requires debate. The answer is clear: The United States must not reward those who break the law."this in itself is disingenuous and a flat out lie. ol rodney who tries to cast himself as a simple "country folk" type is himself a bigger criminal and danger to the american people than anyone who has ever crossed the border "illegally" or otherwise.
specifically, rodney alexander has broken 5 usc § 3331 over and over again. every time rodney votes for unconstitutional legislation he breaks federal law. lets put the real criminals like rodney alexander and the others like him in jail first. replace them all with honest law abiding constitution obeying and honoring men and women and then we can concentrate on our illegal immigration problem. thats the only way its ever going to be solved.
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june 2007 last trumpet newsletter out
written by a former witch and satanist, the last trumpet ministries newsletter is one monthly publication that we always look forward to. we especially like the way the writer, pastor david j. meyer, explains how so many things that are going on these days are tied in to the occult. if you read and understand what pastor meyer is on about, you will begin to see it too. sacred occultic numbers like 11, 13, 33, 26 and sacred occultic dates and times and so forth appear all the time over and over again in seemingly innocuous and unrelated stories. one recent example that comes to mind is the virginia tech massacre. when we heard that there were 33 people dead we automatically knew that it was a scam.
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look intently at our erstwhile great nation of the United States of America from a scriptural and spiritual perspective. As we do this, we will especially focus on this awesome question: What happens to a nation that has forsaken God for so long that finally God forsakes that nation? What would become of such a nation as that? What would be the characteristics of a nation that has damned itself to the extent that Almighty God would withdraw His restraining power and allow the critical mass of sin and iniquity to increase to a point of total meltdown? This is what happened to Israel long ago, and now it is happening to America.
In the Bible verses above, we find those horrifying words, “God gave them up!” We also find the distressing words, “God gave them over to a reprobate mind!” When a nation is left alone with Satan, what happens to its people, government, economy, educational systems, and every other endeavor? A nation that has been forsaken by the Almighty would be one whose government is full of scandals, corruption, and sexual sins. It would be a government that is insensitive to the violence of war. The economy of such a nation would be one of massive debts, foreclosures, and bankruptcies. Foreign economic powers and cartels would come into that God-forsaken country and buy businesses and industries, and they would bring their false gods and religions with them.
Sexual sins, smut, and filth would fill that nation. Pornography shops would be built along its highways, and vulgar entertainment and “gentlemen’s clubs” would spring up everywhere. Cable and satellite television and the Internet would become an erotic wonderland of pimps, prostitutes, and whoremasters in an electronic red light district connected to every home and office.
Religions would be filled with satanic inventions, Eastern mysticism, sexual scandals, and perversion. Even rank witchcraft would be “Christianized” and taught to the children. Music manufactured in hell would fill the churches with pounding drums and blaring amplifiers. Gospel magicians, clowns, and ventriloquists would entertain the deceived masses of dead churchianity. Spiritual discernment would quickly become non-existent!
If a nation were forsaken by Almighty God, it would have streets full of corrupted and crooked business men and women, and there would be young people with bizarre clothing, wild hair colors and styles, and bodies that are pierced and tattooed. Young girls would cause the eyes of many people to sin by a public display of their bodies as they proudly wear clothes that hardly cover the essentials. The people of this nation would have two other things in common. They would have a cellular phone “glued” to their ears, and they would all be on some kind of drug, either prescription or otherwise. Diseases would be manufactured, and small corner drug stores would give way to massive drug outlet stores with long lines of people inside and at the drive-through; all waiting for their legal fix.
A nation forsaken by Almighty God would be one that kills its own young, especially the unborn, because Satan demands blood sacrifice. The people of such a nation would develop an insatiable desire for sex and violence. Homosexuals and lesbians would be honored and protected by the government and religious leadership of a God-forsaken nation. Perverts would boldly rise up and parade their sodomite cause, and laws would be passed in the guise of genocide and hate crime legislation to protect the sodomites and severely penalize anyone who would dare to speak against them.
Much more could be said about what would happen to a nation that has been given over to its own devices and rejected by the Almighty, but truly and sadly, these are the very conditions of the United States of America at this present time! It is also true that one of the worst judgments that God could send upon a nation is to leave it to its own devices until sin and iniquity eat away at it with a spiritual cancer and bring it to a slow and agonizing spiritual death. As that nation that has mocked God for so long breathes its last breath, it dies as a sick and vicious traitor to the Saviour who had stretched out his gracious hand to them for such a long time.
This is a lost and dying nation and world, but you do not have to die with it. By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can pray now and truly repent of all sin and iniquity. God will hear you and abundantly pardon you. Then go on and obey the Gospel. Do it now, while a little time remains! Eternity is directly ahead!
On that historically eventful day of April 19th in this year of 2007, Senator Harry Reid, the Senate Majority leader, announced to the world that the “Iraq War is lost.” (18) In reality, there never was a plan to win the Iraq War, and that fact was admitted by the U.S. Military leaders. We know that the purpose of the war was to bring about certain conditions in the Middle East. We also know that on May 1st, 2007, the very day of the witches’ high cross-quarter sabat of Beltaine, President Bush vetoed the Troop Withdrawal Bill that was presented to him. (19)
Then, on that sabat night of May 1st, 2007, President Bush addressed the nation and stated his reasons for prolonging the war in Iraq. True to witchcraft form, the President said the following words during his speech: “Troop withdrawal would result in a cauldron of chaos on American soil.” I have no doubt that both history and Judgment Day will reveal that George W. Bush was by far the worst President this nation has ever had. An Australian newspaper said it very well with the headlines: “All Bush Is Saying Is Give War a Chance.” (20) Failure is written all over everything that Mr. Bush has tried to do.
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central louisiana's newest scam: an 'emergency shelter near lsua campus'
the town talk published a story yesterday (see link or here) about a recent "pre-bid conference to discuss details to build a 3,500-bed emergency shelter just south of Louisiana State University at Alexandria on U.S. Highway 71." the town talk further reports that this shelter will cost at minimum $20 [14.8 eur] million up to $25 [18.6 eur] million dollars.
this is a total waste of money when we already have the rapides parish coliseum. if the state wanted to do whats right they would spend a tiny fraction of that (taxpayers) money on the coliseum to better prepare it as an emergency shelter. we can see from the town talk's report that this emergency shelter scam is merely a contrivance for yet another get rich quick scheme for politically connected surveyors, architects, engineers, contractors and all of their assorted sub-contractors and so forth always waiting in the wings to ride the states latest gravy train.
meanwhile, something that could really benefit the state and regions peoples, create jobs and provide real value, we're talking about hot wells, still sits empty and demolished. this is more than a sin and a shame since the state through the department of health and hospitals of all people, already owns hot wells.
its our hope that the citizens and the media question everyone, incumbent and challenger alike, running for state (and local for that matter) offices this year about what their thoughts and plans are for hot wells and just how they would put them into effect.
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city of pineville v gregory aymond partial judgement
heres the partial judgment signed on thursday 24 may 2007 by ninth judicial district court judge f. rae swent. looks like the city of pineville, louisiana has until monday 25 june 2007 to assemble for release, certain public records which are in the form of emails...

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gregory aymond's central la politics blog:
am i on a fishing expedition? you bet!
and also
kalb shows its true colors
video: even the birds shit on bush
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h.r.2206 senate vote
H.R. 2206 (U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 )

h.r.2206 from thomas.loc.gov
see also
an eye on washington
Democrats Kissed Bush's Ass!
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24 May 2007
kalb on youtube
via daily kingfish
kalb has begun to migrate some of their video blog vids to youtube.
coughlin-saunders leak deal reached
the $8.2 million [6.07 eur] dollar coughlin-saunders performing arts center is one of those swanky buildings that the city of alexandria would have on hand as the place for the "blue-bloods" to gather and listen to the symphony, sip wine and pontificate about what the poor people are up to. it brings to mind the first-class dinner scene from titanic where rose explains to jack that the men are retiring to smoke cigars, drink brandy and play at being "masters of the universe." sorta like the titanic, coughlin-saunders almost immediately after its 2004 debut sprung a leak. several actually.
we wont bore you with all the details but a local politically connected construction firm ratcliff construction company, inc., built the coughlin-saunders performing arts center; one curiosity we found from perusing ratcliff's website is that they do not refer to coughlin-saunders anywhere on it. not under current projects, office buildings, healthcare, industrial, special projects or educational. we checked a few ratcliffconstructors.com entries from several years back in archive.org's wayback machine and didnt see coughlin-saunders mentioned there either.
anyway, last year the city commissioned a company quick & associates to inspect couglin-saunders to find out why it leaks. the local newspaper, the alexandria daily town talk:
requested a copy of the Quick & Associates report in August, but the city refused, citing an exception to Louisiana public records laws that officials claim gives them the right to withhold public information that could be subject to pending litigation. ~ see firm agrees to repair leaks at arts center from the town talk.com.now that the city of alexandria and ratcliff construction company have signed a "memorandum of understanding" when will the quick & associates inspection report be released for public consumption?