31 December 2009
leo honeycutt interview about his edwin edwards authorized biography book

related posts
30 December 2009
kitv honololu: rush limbaugh rushed to hospital
HONOLULU -- Conservative radio talk host Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital on Wednesday afternoon with chest pains, sources told KITV.
Paramedics responded to the call at 2:41 p.m. (6:41 p.m. cst) at the Kahala Hotel and Resort. Limbaugh suffered from chest pains, sources said. Paramedics treated him and took him to Queen's Medical Center in serious condition.
He was seen golfing at Waialae Country Club earlier this week. The country club is next to the Kahala Hotel and Resort.
The radio show host had been in the islands during the holidays. Coincidentally, his visit comes at a time when two of the nation's most powerful Democrats, President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are also staying in Hawaii. ~ read more
see also
eric hufschmid
the media criminals
third circuit appeals court judge michael sullivan dead
we were surprised and saddened to see this news. since we're in the third circuit's district we read some of their opinions from time-to-time and judge sullivan's name (being that he was a fellow irishman) was one that was always familiar to us.
UPDATE: A Memorial Eulogy Service will be held on Monday, January 4, 2010, at 4:00 PM in La Chapelle de Martin & Castille in Lafayette, for Judge Michael Gene Sullivan, 68, who passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette.
Survivors include his beloved wife, Shelley Vincent Sullivan; one daughter Caitland Sullivan; one son, Patrick Sullivan and his wife Jean; one grandchild, Andrew Sullivan; one brother, Rick Frayard and his wife Kiki; numerous nieces and nephews; and his longtime secretary, Janell Broussard.
He was preceded in death by his sister, Paula Sullivan; and his parents, Paul Ford Sullivan and Mildred Geneva Casey Frayard.
Judge Michael Sullivan was born on December 2, 1941 in Effingham, IL. He graduated from Cathedral High in Lafayette and from Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL with a BA in Philosophy. He proudly served our country as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army as a Thai interpreter/advisor in N.E. Thailand. He later graduated from Loyola Law School, was a City Court Indigent Defender, was elected Judge, Lafayette City Court, Division "B" from 1983-1994 and elected Judge, Third Circuit Court of Appeal from 1995-present.
He was a Past President of Pinhook Rotary Club, Past Executive Director of Evangeline Area Boy Scouts, a Member of the Acadiana Chapter of Inns of Court, Past Vice-President of City Court Judges Association and a member of the Leadership Lafayette, Class VII, which he was presently serving on the Board of Directors.
Michael had a zest for life. He enjoyed dining out, dancing, cocktails with friends, cooking for celebrations, music and traveling with friends and family. Holidays were special to him and he loved participating in all the festivities, especially Mardi Gras. He was a voracious reader and was well spoken on so many diverse topics. His friends and family will sorely miss his expertise and advice on computer technology and electronics, of which he was always current.
There are numerous friends and family members who will miss his ability to patiently listen to their problems and questions and to counsel them in an assuring and impartial way that was unique to him.
The family would like to thank Dr. Stephen Salopek, Dr. Vernon Valentino, Dr. Richard Dearman, Dr. David Foreman and Dr. Kevin Hargrave for all of their relentless efforts and support to help Michael stay well.
The family requests that visitation be observed in Martin & Castille's Downtown Lafayette location on Monday, January 4, 2010 from 1:00 PM until the time of service.
View the obituary and guestbook online at www.mourning.com
Martin & Castille, 330 St. Landry St.-Lafayette, 234-2311====click here to download a two page .pdf of judge sullivan's obituary. [236 kb]====UPDATE-2: david chatelain named to fill judicial vacancy, baton rouge advocate link || click here to download 1 page .pdf [20 kb].
irma muse dixon qualifies to run for vacant state senate seat

this data is a couple of years old
ms. dixon served on the louisiana public service commission from 1992 - 2004.
this is for the state senate seat vacancy created by the resignation of cheryl gray evans.
ms. dixon ran for this seat (district 5) in 2007 when it came open due to diana bajoie being term limited out but didnt make the runoff.

cocktails with kristin
wst... note: this afternoon, we received this unsolicited notice of fundraiser email from the committee to elect kristin palmer. we've often observed that if you want to get on lots of mailing lists just open yourself a blog.
we suspect though that in this instance ms. palmer's committee obtained our email address from a purchase of or an in kind contribution of email addresses.
we're not complaining about receiving "unsolicited" emails at all. in other words what we're saying is just because we post a political campaign (or any) press release doesnt mean that we endorse that candidate or, that, the candidate was expressly reaching out specifically to wst... to post something. unless otherwise disclosed.
disclosure: our real motive for posting this email is because after the election we're probably gonna add ms. palmer's website favicon to our collection.
anyhooo we logged onto ms. palmer's website and skimmed over it. it's not readily apparent to us what political party if any, that she belongs to. the names of the people who are hosting this event dont mean anything to us politically. the only name we recognize is of course mr. brennan, but we dont know his politics.
ms. palmer's committee says that she is a non-profit executive of over twenty years. has three daughters. shes into "building bridges and crossing boundaries."
she has some issues with "blight" on crime and safety ms. palmer wants to reduce the time spent processing non-violent misdemeanors by the police, da and criminal courts in favor of "encourag[ing] more arrests and convictions of violent felons." unfortunately she doesnt explain what she means by reducing the time spent processing.
ms. palmer is endorsed so far by the alliance for good government and the forum for equality. the forum for equality we've seen testify before lots of committees concerning various laws the lege is considering and if memory serves they're kinda kooky.

with Kristin
Come meet our dynamic candidate
Kristin Gisleson Palmer
City Council District C
January 5, 2010
310 Chartres [map]
Suggested contribution $250 - $2,500
Contributions should be made out to:
Committee to Elect Kristin Palmer
P.O. Box 740716
New Orleans, LA 70174
Ralph Brennan
Michie McHardy Bissell
Tom Bissell
Drew Bevolo
Nathan Chapman
Martin de Laureal
Vaughn Fitzpatrick
Carol Gelderman
Carol Greve
Tony Gelderman
Bill Hines
Dr. Dale LeBlanc
Ralph Lupin
Poco Sloss
Frank Stewart
Jim Huger
Louis Sahuc
Gary Solomon
Peter Waters
Hal Williamson
Philip Woollam
2009 ends with a full blue moon and partial lunar eclipse

courtesy la scala observatory
lafayette, california
jim and nancy scala
The New Year's Eve blue moon will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa.
The Eastern Hemisphere will see a partial lunar eclipse on New Year's Eve when part of the moon enters the Earth's shadow. The eclipse will not be visible in the Americas. ~ read more

did blogspot just get hacked?

we couldnt remember the name of the observatory out in lafayette, california that has lots of photos and information about the full moon.that we always try and link to.
so inside our dashboard we can search posts by keyword which we did to find an old post about the moon to get that link from.
when we clicked to view the post from the web we were surprised to see that we were instead redirected to the vietnamese website you see the screen grabs of above. also trying to visit the main url www.wesawthat.blogspot.com also redirected.
at first we thought that blogspot was under some kind of cyber attack and it would be over in a bit. then we thought that we should look at another blogspot.com blog and see if it was affected too.
the first one that came to mind was oyster @ your right hand thief so we jammed over to the dead pelican and scrolled down to click oyster. his blog was fine.
then we tried next blogging for a little while and those that came up were ok.
we tried the blog search and google to see if any blogs were talking about this. there were no recent posts we could find.
next we went to the blogger help forum to see if there was anything. we chose the "something is broken" discussion category to start. but there was nothing there either. there was one guy daryze who probably noticed the problem much earlier but didnt tell how he solved it.
so we started another discussion "blogspot.com redirecting to vietwebguide.com" it took a couple of hours, we were beginning to wonder if our blog was the sole target of mysterious vietnamese hackers and what did we do to piss them off? -- when someone with a similar issue posted a reply.
then a little while later another guy peter from south africa was experiencing the same thing. a few hours after that, another blogger yoddah said it was happening to him as well.
apparently what happened was that the vietwebguide.com domain had expired. because the script source was based from that domain and the domain was now dead, the script instead of doing what it was meant to do (block trolls and spammers by ip number) was now acting to redirect everyone to the domain which had been replaced with that domain parked notice. or something.
so no, blogspot wasnt hacked. it was just a simple script went bad that webmasters found handy to help keep trolls, spammers and nutters at bay. we'll miss it.
related posts
this is the complete url redirected to:
24 December 2009
pope got knocked down
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
nbc news just reported with video tape of how some mentally defective person rushed and knocked to the ground pope benedict as he was making his way inside the basilica for midnight mass.the video showed that the pope got up and carried on.
while we're certainly glad that the pope wasnt seriously hurt and was able to carry on his duty, in these times we cant help but remember the prophecy of st. malachy concerning the popes.
according to the prophecy about the pope to follow benedict xvi it says:
In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.In 1139 St. Malachy went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbé Cucherat) the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. ~ source Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 edition
related posts
21 December 2009
a shocking case of animal neglect in alexandria, la?
UPDATE: 13 march 2010: the person who posted this video informs us that s/he was the one who actually fed the puppies.
somehow we stumbled across this vid from the related videos box in our account at youtube.com. although the youtuber cloversweed in the description box at the videos watch page lays the fault of these apparently 8 abandoned or neglected dachshund puppies -- hence the term 8dots in the title -- at the feet of city of alexandria, la. mayor jacques roy, from what we see on the vid we're not ready to make that leap.
for one thing we're not convinced that the puppies are actually, truly abandoned or neglected.
the puppies arent terribly thin -- a few of them could be wormy though. all the puppies that we can see appear to be active, playful and energetic.
at the very beginning of the video the house is numbered 1920 that part of the video shows a regular residential neighborhood. whoever that is talking on the video says that the animal shelter has been there before so the house should be easy enough to find.
the person in the video says that there were nine puppies before and now only eight suggesting something ominous. but all that could mean is that whoever owns the puppies is just leaving them there until they can sell or give them away. maybe thats why there were eight this time because they sold one. it seems that you would be able to smell or see signs of a dead puppy nearby.
the vid titled "ANIMAL ABUSE: ABANDONMENT is MEAN INTENT......8DOTSLEFT.. (Alexandria Louisiana Mayor Jacques Roy)" was added to youtube on 20 november 2009 and has already received an incredible 934 views.
alligator chili

photo: florida state archives
Prep Time: 1 1/2 Hours
Serves: 6
Although alligator is served only as an appetizer in sausage form at Lafitte’s Landing, I see it served in many ways around the state. The dish seems to have found renewed popularity over the past few years. Here is an old camp recipe.
* 3 pounds alligator meat, diced
* 1/2 cup oil
* 2 cups diced onions
* 1 cup diced celery
* 1 cup diced bell pepper
* 2 tbsps diced garlic
* 2 tbsps diced jalapenos
* 1 (16-ounce) can pinto beans
* 3 (8-ounce) cans tomato sauce
* 1 cup chicken stock
* 1 tbsps chili powder
* 1 tsp cumin
* salt and cracked black pepper to taste
In a heavy dutch oven, heat oil over medium high heat. Add alligator and sauté twenty minutes to render juices. Add onions, celery, bell pepper, garlic and jalapenos.
Sauté until vegetables are wilted, approximately three to five minutes. Add pinto beans, tomato sauce and chicken stock, bring to a low boil and reduce to simmer.
Add chili powder and cumin, stir well into mixture and allow to cook one hour, stirring occasionally.
Once alligator is tender, season to taste using salt and black pepper.
This dish is always served at hunting camp dinners over spaghetti. ~ chef john folse & company
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20 December 2009
country chick from clueless died
via: find-a-grave

thats messed up
19 December 2009
dallas cowboys 24 humble new orleans saints 17 in the superdome
late in the 3rd quarter nfl.com gave us a glimpse into the inner workings of wwl's fine color commentary by jim henderson, hokie gajan and crew.
maybe "13" was unlucky after all, we just didnt realize how at the time.
10:36 dallas wins! dallas 24 @ new orleans 17
06 seconds left ball goes to dallas
2:12 left in game
8:00 minutes left in game
12:35 left to go in the game
drew brees sacked
8:00 remaining in the 3rd qtr
if you want, you can go to espn and "watch" it this way -- its not too bad. click where it says gamecast in the top left box marked nfl
project censored's list of top 25 censored stories from the past year.
via mike rivero @ whatreallyhappened.com
Top Censored Stories of 2009/2010
* 1. US Congress Sells Out to Wall Street
* 2. US Schools are More Segregated Today than in the 1950s
* 3. Toxic Waste Behind Somali Pirates
* 4. Nuclear Waste Pools in North Carolina
* 5. Europe Blocks US Toxic Products
* 6. Lobbyists Buy Congress
* 7. Obama’s Military Appointments Have Corrupt Past
* 8. Bailed out Banks and America’s Wealthiest Cheat IRS Out of Billions
* 9. US Arms Used for War Crimes in Gaza
* 10. Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate
* 11. Private Corporations Profit from the Occupation of Palestine
* 12. Mysterious Death of Mike Connell—Karl Rove’s Election Thief
* 13. Katrina’s Hidden Race War
* 14. Congress Invested in Defense Contracts
* 15. World Bank’s Carbon Trade Fiasco
* 16. US Repression of Haiti Continues
* 17. The ICC Facilitates US Covert War in Sudan
* 18. Ecuador’s Constitutional Rights of Nature
* 19. Bank Bailout Recipients Spent to Defeat Labor
* 20. Secret Control of the Presidential Debates
* 21. Recession Causes States to Cut Welfare
* 22. Obama’s Trilateral Commission Team
* 23. Activists Slam World Water Forum as a Corporate-Driven Fraud
* 24. Dollar Glut Finances US Military Expansion
* 25. Fast Track Oil Exploitation in Western Amazon
18 December 2009
hugo chavez says barky stinks like jorge dubya boosh
FAUX News: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he "still" smelled sulfur after President Obama made a keynote speech at the Copenhagen climate conference Friday, accusing the American president of carrying the same satanic scent that Chavez believes followed Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush. read more
one of two oldest log homesteads in louisiana listed on national register of historic places
hi-res photos: jalon pittman beech
wst... has learned that on 08 december 2009 [6 page .pdf 27 kb] the national park service -- national register of historic places, listed the moore, bouey, homestead, located at 19068 moore road., near franklinton, washington parish, louisiana. it was assigned the national park service reference number of 09001059. see also federal register two page .pdf [48 kb].
one of the family members responsible for their homeplace, jalon beech, said:
"it is my understanding that our home is one of two log homes that is on its original land site in the state of louisiana. our old home is in the heart of washington parish where it needs to stay.the national register of historic places is the feds official list of the nation's historic places worthy of preservation.
this act should make it more difficult for the washington parish reservoir commission or any other government entity to expropriate our property. nothing is sacred with our government these days, but this should help our cause.
my family and neighbors appreciate all of the support that we have gotten over the last few years in our effort to fight the injustice of an unwanted and unneeded reservoir/pleasure lake. the fight continues."
comments 'temporarily' switched off
this morning we received notice that haloscan is changing their commenting service to a paid service.
while we've enjoyed having the haloscan commenting system installed here for several years and have no complaints about it -- comments are simply not important to us -- at least enough to pay for.
so we've removed the haloscan code and plan to reintroduce comments if and when we find a commenting system that we like.
google/blogspot commenting system is pretty lousy and we dont plan to use that again.
we've noticed that some bloggers like c.b. forgotston have never allowed for comments and we might adopt that policy as well.
17 December 2009
fred baden former mayor of pineville, la dies
fred baden, former pineville, la. mayor dies.
baden died early thursday morning at rapides regional medical center, alexandria, la.
baden was mayor of pineville, from 1970 - 1998.
according to gannett/the town talk, funeral arrangements will be announced from hixson brothers funeral home.
more later...
Died: December 17, 2009
Visitation: Friday, December 18, 2009, at the First Baptist Church, Pineville from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and from 10:00 a.m. until service time Saturday.
Services for Frederick Herman Baden will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, December 19, 2009, at First Baptist Church, Pineville with Dr. Stuart Holloway and Reverends Jim Lofton and David Roberts officiating. Burial will be at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, under the direction of Hixson Brothers, Pineville.
Mr. Baden, 75, of Pineville, passed away Thursday, December 17, 2009, at Rapides Regional Medical Center.
Fred H. Baden was born and raised in Pineville. At the age of 18 he served his community as a volunteer fireman and worked as an auxiliary policeman. Fred became a plumber attaining the level of Master Plumber by age 28. He was elected Pineville City Alderman in 1966. In 1970, he ran for Mayor and was elected.
During his first term, he built a new Municipal Complex that housed the City Hall offices, the Police Department and the City Court and a Central Fire Station located behind City Hall.
Through his twenty eight years as Pineville's Mayor, he was dedicated to the awareness of the needs of the senior citizens. In 1978, he and the city council assisted the Rapides Senior Citizens Center in establishing a Center in Pineville. Mayor Baden was also instrumental in helping to establish the apartment complex for the elderly located on Highway 28 East. He diligently worked with Congressman Gillis Long to purchase the old Pineville Post Office on Main Street to be converted into a Pineville Senior Citizens Center.
Mr. Baden served on many Boards and Committees. He was one of the original members of the Rapides Area Planning Committee, the Salvation Army Board, Louisiana College Board of Development, Rapides Parish Solid Waste Committee, Advisory Council Member for Central Louisiana Chamber of Commerce, the Rapides Senior Citizens Board, the Renaissance Board for Youth, and served three terms as Vice President of the Louisiana Municipal Association.
He was presented the Hometown Leadership Award which recognized elected officials for providing exemplary leadership. He also received the Louisiana College Trustee's Distinguished Service Award and the Louisiana National Guard Commendation Award.
In a newspaper article when he left office in 1998, he called himself a true public servant. "What we get out of life is what we do for others," he said. If there was one thing Baden never strayed from during his time as Mayor, it was his love of Pineville and its citizens.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Herman & Maude Baden; daughter, Andrea Baden Broussard; sisters, Linnie Murray, and Louella Gatlin Bradford.
Those left to cherish his memory include his wife, Roxan Babb Baden; sons, Mark Baden & wife Kathy, Gary Baden & wife Brenda, Tony Baden & wife Ludie, Freddy Baden & wife Celeste, Joshua Baden & wife Hope; daughters, Sara Edwards & husband Steve, Leah Baden, Tracy Goudeau & husband Steve; sister, Vivian Nugent; grandchildren, Micah Baden, Addyson Baden, Kalyn Baden, Clay Baden, Jerry Baden & wife Misty, Jennifer Tyler & husband David, Anna Baden, Sean Broussard, Melissa Baden, Freddy Baden, III, Celdan Baden, Elissa Baden, Nat Wolff, Gavin Wolff, Brady Baden, Carla Carpenter & husband Mike, Mandy Lowry & husband Ethan, Christopher Weatherford & wife Danielle, Steven Goudeau, Katie Goudeau, Victoria Thiels, Anita Moran & husband Eric; Great Grandchildren, Trenton, L. J., Kaci Clark, Jerry Baden, Jr., Kyllie Mae Tyler, Drew, Mathew, Caitlyn Carpenter, Hayley, Brady, Layla Weatherford, Tanner, Tate, Kade Moran.
Pallbearers will be his sons and sons-in-law. Honorary pallbearers will be his Grandsons and Great Grandsons and a host of special friends.
Visitation will be Friday, December 18, 2009, at First Baptist Church, Pineville, from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. until service time on Saturday.
Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church, 901 Main Street, Pineville, LA 71360.
source: hixsonbrothers.com
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16 December 2009
cheryl gray evans resigns from louisiana state senate
this the best news we've read all day. we challenge all of senator gray evan's fellow state senators and state representatives to follow her lead and resign as well.
gregory willis et al v cleco corporation
kalb tv 5:00 and 6:00 pm 15 december 2009 reports on the latest bridgett brown + larry english production.

courtesy of gannett/the town talk
or our copy here
15 December 2009
1st orleans mayoral debate forum 15 december 2009

length 56:59
of the independents there is first jonah bascle -- he says that he is mostly running to bring awareness to the lack of access for all to new orleans. particularly, with the st. charles streetcars lack of handicapped access. "new orleans is dysfunctional" and you "cant get anything done" he said.
jerry jacobs was asked: what would you do to address the racial divide in new orleans? he believes that it all comes back to "finances and crime." he points out that all the other candidates all they talk about is doing is hiring more consultants to do more studies and never get anything done. he believes that if you legalize marijuana that will cut a great deal of the crime that nopd has to respond to now. resulting in a falling crime rate which will save money as well as free up the police, jails and court system to deal with violent crime. also taxing marijuana will bring in a lot of money to help out as well. norman robinson said "so legalize marijuana and everybody will just chill, all the races will be cool - because they're more mellow." lol
all of the candidates got caught looking in a couple of questions (that were eerily familiar to the time the late gas bag tim russert caught david duke with his pants down on meet the press) when none could answer what the dollar amount the city is in bonded indebtedness for? correct answer $524 million. or what percentage is the city's cut of the parishes 9% sales tax? 2.5%
manny bruno believes that corruption is the biggest problem facing new orleans. "how can we stop crime when our elected officials, our police officers are committing crimes themselves?" mr. bruno also wants to legalize marijuana and "tax the hell out of it." use that revenue on the city's infrastructure.
the question on what is the candidates specific strategy for reducing blight was pretty good. we especially liked mr. bascle's answer which was that they could turn blighted areas into "community urban garden plots... so that the citizens could grow their own food and create our own economy that way."
so if you live in new orleans vote for one of these guys and forget about the rest of those polished turds.
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you can't spell "political forum" without a "p" an "o" and a "t"
oral roberts dead at 91
TULSA, OK -- Founder of ORU, Oral Roberts, has died at the age of 91 due to complications from pneumonia. read more
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oral roberts
false teacher
REMINDER: 15 december 2009 date for first orleans mayoral debate forum

one page .pdf [1.13 mb]
Hosted by Xavier University
This event is open to the public. Parking is available.
Questions may be submitted from the audience during the event.
For more information, contact Joel Myers (972) 754-6604.
neighborhoods partnership network
New Orleans Mayoral Debate
The earliest mayoral forum to be held after qualifying closes is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2009, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Xavier University Center Ballroom.
All candidates who have qualified to run for Mayor of the City of New Orleans will be invited to participate.
The forum will be broadcast live by WDSU-TV, Channel 6, and Norman Robinson will moderate; WWNO-Radio, 89.9 FM will also broadcast it live as well as stream it on line.
The public is invited to attend.
Questions will be taken from the audience as time permits.
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originally posted 01 december 2009
last updated 8:48 pm tuesday 15 december 2009
14 December 2009
klarens tatum is no tip-toe burglar
heres a run of the mill crime report about a person who the police believe is responsible for a string of burglaries in downtown alexandria, la.
the police say they caught him inside the rapides parish library and his muddy shoes and foot prints helped link him to the other break-ins.
we thought it was pretty kewt how kalb's videographer, sherman desselle interspersed footage of someones shoes walking around. it reminded us of an old sanford and son episode in which fred after pilfering around his house found a hidden present to him from lamont that rollo had acquired.
fred thinks that rollo had stolen the ring from frank sinatra after smitty and hoppy describe a similar looking ring as fred's that was stolen from sinatra's hotel room by the tip-toe burglar.
colorado's medicinal marijuana law spawns a whole new industry
in this cnn report they tell us about how regular people are making a living in colorado operating and stocking a medicinal marijuana dispensary.as you might imagine establishing a dispensary isnt the problem -- the problem is that because in colorado medicinal marijuana is an emerging industry the establishment of dependable, hi-quality supply sources hasnt caught up to the hi-standards required for medicinal-grade marijuana.
or something like that,
jason irwin who holds a state permit to operate his dispensary describes it thusly:
"The connections are underground. They're not mainstream at all," Jason Irwin said. "We can't call the growers union. There is no such thing.so he enlisted that aid of his mother who had recently sold her salon to get out of the city for the country and was looking for something else to do.
"Instead of placing your order through a typical system ... you get a dude who comes down from the mountains and slaps a duffle bag on your desk. It's full of weed, and he's like 'Here, pick what you want. Do you want any?'
And you've got to dig through it, inspect it for yourself, make sure it looks kosher, weigh it, pay thousands of dollars. It's all cash at this point."
they bought a piece of land (37 acres [15 hectares] according to cnn) which turned out to be situated between two other first time marijuana farmers.
she just completed her first grow. her garden consisted of sixty-two plants which yielded thirteen pounds. [6 kg]
jason says that he wants to develop a business model for medicinal marijuana dispensaries along the lines of starbucks and whole foods.
"We hope to develop a business model that proves to be successful, that we can expand upon, hopefully to other states and communities, become like a really reliable consistent supplier of safe, tested cannabis," he said. ~ read more
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see also
the marijuana label
in the footer of this post
13 December 2009
upgrade your eyes to hd
Sky News: Patients are having their eyes fitted with an artificial lens that allows them to see in high definition.
Surgeons begin the process by implanting the lens into the eye using the standard procedure for cataracts.
Then, for the first time in Britain, they can fine-tune the focus of the lens several days later. The technique gives patients vision so sharp that it is even better than 20/20 – the best an adult can usually hope for.' ~ read more