31 March 2009
movie filmed at the hotel bentley likely wont be theatrically released
the recent lifetime movie network broadcast of nora robert's "midnight bayou," which was filmed in october 2008 at oak alley plantation, in vacherie, louisiana, got us to thinking about whatever happened with the film "the loss of a teardrop diamond," that had some scenes lensed in september 2007 at alexandria, louisiana's historic hotel bentley.
so we looked it up at the internet movie database, where a message board commenter directed us to a february 2009, the advocate interview with one of the film's stars, chris evans.
the interviewer, brandon voss, asked mr. evans about the film:
What’s the status of your Tennessee Williams film The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond about a 1920’s Memphis debutante?
We took it to the Toronto Film Festival looking for distribution, and it does not look like that’s going to happen. I don’t know if there’s really a market for a Tennessee Williams film. It would’ve been a tough film to distribute and make money back, so it’s probably going to remain in limbo and possibly come out one day on DVD.
Do you blame Lindsay Lohan, who was originally set to star before Bryce Dallas Howard took over?
[Laughs] No, not at all. To be honest, Bryce was phenomenal in the movie. It’s a shame that people won’t get to see her performance. ~ read the entire interview here.
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cemeteries of rapides parish louisiana
here is an interesting website that we stumbled across. so far, it has around twenty-seven rapides parish cemeteries listed. several like craig cemetery in kolin and calvary baptist cemetery in gardner have photographs of the tombstones.
there are also query boards for general questions about individuals and/or cemeteries. for a list of cemeteries in other louisiana parishes click here.
28 March 2009
27 March 2009
the nationalist movement gets paid
the gannett/town talk reports that "The white supremacist Nationalist Movement was awarded more than $17,000 in attorney fees accrued during its dispute with Jena over regulations covering demonstrations."the nationalist movement had originally asked for $74,420 in legal fees but federal judge dee drell "found that Nationalist attorney Richard Barrett should be compensated for just under 95 hours work at a rate of $200 for legal work and $45 an hour for nonlegal work. That resulted in an award of $17,143.30." source
this was the case that unethical, alexandria, louisiana attorney, greg aymond, was involved in; during the course of which he unethically leaked privileged and confidential e-mails to a disinterested and uninvolved third party.
mr. aymond admits to being a disciple of david duke and to being a member of mr. duke's ku klux klan organization "formerly."
however, can anyone really believe mr. aymond when he is a known liar? one example: mr. aymond recently wrote on his blog that the reason that he has such a lousy mind that cant think properly is because he suffered a stroke. in the same post mr. aymond wrote that he does not actively practice law anymore. -- yet about twenty-four hours later, mr. aymond attempted to post online legal documents of a case that he was and is presently working on. mr. aymond has also several times since posted legal documents and letters written on his law office letterhead online.
lately, mr. aymond has been using his blog to promote and defend members of his criminal network. for example he attacked wst... (yet again heh!) for our post about ninth judicial court judge harry randow's rumored decision to run for the state supreme court - when mr. aymond knows that he told us that the very substance of our post relative to a ruling handed down by judge randow infuriated the local legal community - including mr. aymond.
mr. aymond also knows that he told us about a criminal case he was involved in, in which according to mr. aymond, judge randow violated court procedure. mr. aymond claimed that he gave judge randow a good "ass chewing" over the speaker phone so that his client who was present could listen in. mr. aymond said that he promised judge randow that he would report him to the state bar if he ever did such again.
mr. aymond has also stated to us that he hopes that judge randow does seek and win a higher office so that he and as mr. aymond implied the judges crappy rulings, will be out of his and the rest of the local attorney's hair.
now, inexplicably, mr. aymond is defending him.
recently, mr. aymond has gotten his jollies by calling the city of alexandria, mayor, jacques roy a "nazi" when mayor roy is not a nazi. mayor roy is a communist. mayor roy's policies reflect that. then, when mr. aymond is called on it by one of the mayor's roving online propagandists, he falls back on his "i've had a stroke" sympathy ploy excuse to explain away his mental defectiveness.
mr. aymond critizes wst... because, according to him, we rant on jews -- when in reality we are opposed to zionism (as well as christian-zionism), which is a political and not a religious movement. mr. aymond disingenuously fails to point out that we are pro-torah.
mr. aymond complains that we sometimes post about marijuana -- despite the fact that we've never advocated its use. occasionally its in the news and we post about it. something like fourteen or fifteen states have legalized or decriminalized its use/possession, therefore, its a subject of intense interest to millions of americans.
additionally, it's doubly hypocritical of mr. aymond to criticize marijuana especially when he has told us and knows that he has told us, that he uses or did use marijuana -- but became weary only because he said the seeds were always popping out and burning holes in his clothes.
mr. aymond complains because we display google ads. this is an odd tact for him to take because back when we were first discovering what a disgusting person that he is, he wanted our help to set up a blog to sell advertising from so that he could stop lawyering.
our experience with greg aymond has taught us that he is nothing but a liar and a user. mr. aymond has no sense of loyalty, honor or integrity. he is not a man of his word and cannot be trusted. mr. aymond's scam is to use people; then when he has gotten what he wants casts them aside and criticizes them. greg aymond is one big phony.
dont feel sorry for us though, instead, learn from our mistakes and understand greg aymond's puddingheaded, jibba jabba for what it is.
one of mr. aymond's many vendetta's is against town of ball mayor roy hebron and city of pineville, la. chief of staff rich dupree because mr. aymond says they had something to do with the water works district #3 running his ass off. but when one gets to know mr. aymond you can very easily understand why and sympathize with anyone who would or did run his ass off.
greg aymond is one of the 99% of lawyers who give the other 1% of lawyers a bad reputation.
see also
the unethical attorney greg aymond label
in the footer of this post
25 March 2009
HB 94 nutty herbert dixon wants to increase the gasoline tax from .16 cents to .20 cents per gallon

in a time when the united states and the world is in a global financial meltdown, stores and factories are closing left and right and people are being laid off hand over fist -- here comes alexandria, louisiana, dum-o-crap, retard, state representative, herbert dixon, with his unbright idea to raise the fuel tax on the backs of the poor people of this state from .16 to .20 cents a gallon.
in these days, what the organized crime gang that calls itself the loony looziana state legislature should be doing -- if they were truly interested in helping to create a better louisiana - which is what they are sent to baton rouge to do - but they do not because they arent working for the people who sent them there, would be repealing state taxes, fees and regulations -- not increasing them.
(1) Beginning July 1, 2010, in addition to the tax levied in Subsection A of this Section, [sixteen cents per gallon] a tax of four cents per gallon shall be levied on all special fuels, as defined in R.S. 47:801, when sold, used, or consumed in the state of Louisiana for the operation of motor vehicles, licensed or required to be licensed for highway use, to be computed, collected, reported, and paid as hereafter set forth, except that whenever liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas is sold to, delivered to, or used by any person who pays the annual fuel tax levied under the provisions of R.S. 47:802.3, the imposition of the tax levied under the provisions of this Subsection shall not apply.
oak alley plantation announces premiere of "midnight bayou"

Nora Robert's "Midnight Bayou" filmed at Oak Alley PlantationThe Great River Road's most beautiful antebellum plantation home is the setting for many varied and amazing scenarios. From stunning wedding ceremonies, rollicking parties, concerts, arts and crafts festivals, to reenactments of great moments in our nation's history. It is the stage upon which all unfolds in perfect harmony with the demands of each event.
There are creepy and mysterious tales to share as well, and on October 21st through the 24th, 2008, Oak Alley was the setting for the filming of The Lifetime Original Movie "Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou,". Stars Jerry O'Connell ("Crossing Jordan"), Lauren Stamile ("Grey's Anatomy") and Faye Dunaway ("Chinatown") roamed the eery Plantation while filming the second of the 2009 Nora Roberts' movie slated to to air in 2009. Mandalay Television and Stephanie Germain Productions produced the film with Peter Guber and Stephanie Germain serving as executive producers.
The Lifetime Movie production of Nora Roberts' novel premieres on March 28th at 8 P.M. Central time.
In "Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou" Harvard-educated lawyer Declan Fitzpatrick (O'Connell), impulsively gives up his settled life to buy Manet Hall (Oak Alley Plantation), a newly restored plantation manor near New Orleans, which he has always found himself drawn to.
Legend has it that the house is haunted and shortly after Declan moves in he starts hearing voices and seeing things. Declan is also distracted by an undeniable attraction to Cajun local Lena Simone (Stamile), who grew up on the bayou with her grandmother Odette (Dunaway), and has her own deep connection to the manor.
While living in the house he begins to have visions from a century past and details of events that took place in the mansion. With the help of Odette, Declan and Lena realize that they are inextricably linked with Manet Hall (Oak Alley Plantation) and uncover a shocking secret that has been hidden there for more than one hundred years.
The story opens on a Mardi Gras night in 2001. Young revelers are out for a wild time, cruising along the west bank of the Mississippi River, music blaring, moon roof open and carnival craziness in full swing.
If you've read the book you'll already know some of the plot. But, it's not the same as being there. The camera's eye sees the same as yours, the shadows enveloping you and the mighty avenue of oaks as the moon is swallowed up by scudding clouds.
Yes indeed! You won't want to miss a moment of "Midnight Bayou" and see how Oak Alley Plantation was transformed for this movie.
"Midnight Bayou"
March 28, 2009
9 P.M. Eastern / 8 P.M. Central
Click Lifetime link below for previews of movie.
Lifetime Channel
Check your local listing for times and channel in your area.
red river flooding in north dakota
north dakota senator byron dorgan explains the flooding emergency happening in his state. wednesday 25 march 2009
note: the embed may say that this video is no longer available -- however, the video is available on its youtube watch page here.
related posts
24 March 2009
jim rogers on 2009 crash 'farmers not brokers will drive lamborghinis'
rogers moved to singapore from new york city in 2007. one of his main "themes" has been to promote farming. he says that (the mysterious) "they" will be going to businesses which provide a basic need...such as food.
mr. rogers doesnt mind telling the hosts to learn how to drive a tractor; turn in their degree and get a degree in farming. we always suspected that oliver wendell douglas had the right idea.
according to a short bio here, jim rogers grew up in demopolis, alabama, and got started in business at the age of five, selling peanuts. he went on to graduate from yale (skull and bones?) and like piyush "bobby" jindal, david vitter, bill clinton, supreme court associate justice david souter and many others is a member of the subversive rhodes scholars.
in addition, mr. rogers co-founded the quantum fund with george soros. so taking all this into account you cant depend on his being completely trustworthy.
if mr. rogers is correct; even if hes not; especially in these times -- we're sure that residents of libuse, louisiana and the surrounding areas are even more thankful for the tuma family of libuse and their skill in farming the acres and acres of sweet potatoes some of which you probably enjoy every year. we sure do.
in addition to their farming interests the tuma family were long time operators of tuma's grocery, also in libuse that also contained the libuse post office. when the tuma's decided to close the store business they donated a plot of their family land to the government upon which today the libuse post office sits.
the late great new orleans blogger, ashley morris, was teaching in the czech republic where he met the lass who was to become his wife. he brought her back to his home at new orleans and it didnt take her long to find her kinsmen at libuse. one of the last events mr. morris and his family attended together was the 2008 czech heritage festival.
many families made libuse. among them are the melichar and tuma families. the bohemian's know how to get their finger nails dirty to make something good.
recently, in a blog posting a member of alexandria, louisiana's liberal elite, lamar white, jr., who also happens to be an assistant to the city of alexandria, la. mayor jacques roy, insulted the people of libuse because the political views of a libuse resident and regular gannett/town talk 'your mail' letter writer, george bennett irritates him. (so much for the liberal mantra of inclusion and diversity).
not only did mr. white insult libuse residents, he even managed to work in a swipe at the men and women of the city of pineville, la. water system which supplies potable water to libuse; suggesting that the drinking water they provide must be contaminated.
we suspect that in the future residents of libuse will at the very least have something to eat. while another alexandria, la. blogger perhaps, unwittingly, gives us a glimpse into what alexandrians currently experience and can expect even more of the same.
while the melichar family is widely credited with making the community during the depression and the war. perhaps, now, its the tuma family's turn.
coincidentally or not to what mr. rogers is advising, the first lady of the united states, michelle obama, planted a vegetable garden at the white house. the first one there since fdr; we applaud her for it.
anyway, its worthwhile to listen to what jim rogers is saying, if for no other reason, than to see what propaganda about america is being fed to the chinese -- who own so much of america's debt.
see also
jim rogers
the west is finished
jim rogers: expect civil unrests in the u.s. and all around the world
related posts
23 March 2009
gannett / the town talk downward spiral continues
Gannett Co. Inc., the parent company of The Town Talk, announced today that all employees will be required to take unpaid time off during the second quarter of 2009. The company also announced a wage and salary freeze.
The unpaid time off will be taken during the second quarter, which starts Monday and continues through June 28.
In a memo to all Gannett employees, Craig A. Dubow, chief executive officer of the McLean, Va.-based media company, said:
"We are about to begin the second quarter without any real relief in sight from this unprecedented economic downturn and its challenge to our company. Despite all of your truly remarkable efforts to reverse the trend, our revenue numbers continue their downward slide and we have been faced with more difficult decisions.
"One of those choices was between more layoffs or another round of furloughs. We chose, for most employees, a furlough program consisting of at least one week of unpaid leave to be taken in April, May or June."
Higher-paid employees will be required to take a second furlough week or a combination of one week’s furlough plus a temporary salary reduction equivalent to one week’s pay.
A separate memo to employees, from Robert J. Dickey, president of Gannett’s U.S. Community Newspaper Publishing division, said a wage and salary freeze will be effective April 1, 2009, through March 31, 2010.
Gannett Co. Inc. publishes 85 daily newspapers, including USA Today, and nearly 900 non-daily publications. In Louisiana, the company owns The Town Talk in Alexandria, The Daily Advertiser in Lafayette, The News-Star in Monroe, the Daily World in Opelousas and The Times in Shreveport. ~ source
From the New York Times to the Raleigh News and Observer, there are For Sale signs hanging on the doors of prominent newspapers across America with only a few buyers at hand.gannett stock nyse:gci closed today at $2.35. thats down from a 52 week high of 31.86 and slightly above a 52 week low of 1.85
While this must be very stressful for newspaper employees, editors and reporters alike, a large consensus of American citizens are waving and saying "goodbye and good riddance!".
Public trust for the contents of the American print media has reached all time lows. Most Americans who still read these papers have become adept at discerning the truth of what is happening by what is either distorted by the papers or what facts and perspectives are completely missing from articles like large elephants in the room.
Reading between the lines is what news consumers have been forced to do, as the ethics of journalism have been abandoned and many major print media institutions have become more concerned with attempts to politically indoctrinate their readers to fairly unsupported views, instead of telling readers what is really going on in our nation.
You can trust my word on this, because I am a man who is lucky to even be quoted before at all in publications like the LA Times, New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and Chicago Tribune.
While the Washington Times stands alone, with their fair treatment of my positions in favor of more border security and immigration enforcement, almost every one of these other publications have abused me, my positions, and the truth!
If you do see a quote from me, the chances are higher than 50% that I've been intentionally misquoted by a reporter working for a newspaper that favors amnesty for illegal aliens. If you are lucky enough to even have an opportunity to hear my view, which is representative of the vast majority of Americans on immigration issues, you can usually find my quote just past the half way mark in any article, which has been determined to be the part of the article people are least likely to read or remember.
My opposition, those who favor amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders, will usually be found in the first and last of the article, which are the prime locations for quotes. I am lucky if the article quotes less than five opposition sources compared to my single doctored comment.
Gone are the days of true investigative journalism, as any ramped up news story has, to pass through intensive Political Correctness filters creating a world where every child in America has heard of the Duke Lacrosse Team, but not even one newspaper in North Carolina will mention the more than four documented and horrific gang rapes of innocent Americans by illegal aliens in the last few years.
The real gang rapes are suppressed and censored information because it might alarm the natives and the public might seek political change towards more immigration enforcement and border security. The Duke Lacrosse fiction novel was big news because it fits the story cliche that white people, especially wealthy white people are the cause of all of society's ills. Racial equality concerns have given way to racist one way streets in the modern print media. Of course, the Duke Lacrosse fiction story had to go out of the limelight immediately once the abused college students were exonerated.
The real problem with the newspapers goes far deeper than racial issues or even top political issues like illegal immigration.
The real problem with the American print media is with the truth. Many of them have sacrificed the truth at the altar of politics and engaged in unethical behavior to conceal the truth, while propagating lies. The results are manifest in our nation, and the results are a key reason America is in so much trouble and experiencing so much hardship today.
The same lack of integrity, the same lack of principles, the same disconnect from the American public, and the same greed and political corruption that infects Washington, DC is pandemic in the newsrooms and offices of the editors.
The newspapers have been lying to their readers by crafting political propaganda so thick that there should be a "paid for by" disclaimer beneath the articles as campaigns for public office are required to provide. I wonder if the Federal Elections Commission could handle the extra work load of regulating these paid political writers at the papers?
There's lots of talk in Washington, DC of regulating free speech on talk radio shows and the Internet. Could it be any more overt that corrupt politicians in DC are trying to protect their corrupt political advertisers in the print media? If we needed any regulation of free paid political speech in America, which I do not approve of, it should start with the newspapers.
Vox populi vox Dei
After all, Internet news, blogs, and talk radio shows have rapidly growing and loyal audiences. This is because Americans are getting more accurate information via these mediums and if there is a political slant to the coverage at least it is overt and not masquerading as fair and balanced, as the newspapers claim. ~ read more
kalb personality ethma odum dies
Funeral services for Ethma Odum will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, 2009, in the Chapel of John Kramer & Son with the Rev. Bill McCullin, officiating. Interment will be in Alexandria Memorial Gardens, Alexandria, under the direction of John Kramer & Son.
Ethma Odum, 77, of Alexandria, died on Sunday, March 22, 2009 in Alexandria.
Her parents, Charles Earl Ewing and Fannie Griffin Ewing; brothers, Charles E. Ewing, Jr, Brandon Ewing, and Harry G. Ewing preceded her in death.
Mrs. Odum was a native of Alexandria and was a long time personality on KALB-TV. She produced the Ethma Odum Show, a 30-minute live broadcast five days each week for over 20 years. During her career, she produced several "Special Report" programs for television. For 33 years, she provided private tutoring services for Alexandria students.
She was a member of First United Methodist Church of Alexandria where she taught Sunday school for over 50 years. She was a member of the Junior League of Alexandria and was named its Sustainer of the Year in 1972, the Alexandria Garden Club and past President and member of the LSUA Foundation Board.
During her career in television, she received numerous awards including the McCalls Magazine "Women in Radio and TV Golden Mike Award", the Abe Lincoln Award for Distinguished Broadcasters, the American Cancer Society Award for Cancer Awareness and the Louisiana Medical Society Award for Excellence for Cholesterol Screening. Additionally, Mrs.
Odum received the DAR Award of Excellence in 1992 and again in 2001. She received the Salvation Army's Darcus Award, the Spirit of Giving Award from the YWCA and CENLA'S Best Inc. Black Heritage Award for Community Outreach. In 2000, she received the National Prime Time Award in Washington, D.C. and the American Cancer Society Award. Locally, she received the Alexandria Bar Association Bell Award. She also received the LAE Award for Excellence in 1992 and the LAE Award for Friend of Education in 1995.
Ethma received the Outstanding Older Worker for the State of Louisiana that was presented by the Green Thumb, Inc.
She was appointed by President Richard M. Nixon to serve a three year term on the "Difference Advisory Committee on Women in the Services", one of 50 women in the United States to serve.
She retired from her television career in 2002 and will always be remembered for her closing slogan, "Homemaker, don't neglect your health, get your cancer checkup."
Ethma Odum is survived by her husband Billy J. Odum of Alexandria; one daughter, Budda Odum-McCullin and her husband, Bill McCullin of Alexandria; two grandchildren, Alice' Elaine McCullin and Brian Hal McCullin of Alexandria; brother: Jack A. Ewing, of Alexandria.
Friends are asked to call from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Monday, March 23, 2009 and from Noon until time of service Tuesday at John Kramer & Son.
The family wishes to express its sincere thanks to Dr. Bruce Barton, St. Joseph Hospice and the many nurses, nurses' aides and private sitters for her care. The family would like to especially thank, Sharon Jones, for her loving care and devotion.
The family request memorials be sent to the Alzheimer's Association, 3717 Government Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71302.
On-line notes of condolence may be sent to the family at Kramerfunerals@aol.com.
21 March 2009
president barack obama's 'special olympics' remark brouhaha much ado about nothing
on saturday 30 march 2008, then democratic presidential nominee candidate, barack obama, along with senator robert casey went bowling during a campaign stop at the pleasant valley recreation center at altoona, pennsylvania.
obama bowled a 37. a perfect score is 300 and to put his score in perspective -- the bowlers who use this message board seem to agree that a respectable average is around 180. so you see his acumen for bowling really sucked.
at the time there was even speculation that this incident could hurt him politically as he might be seen as a sissy. joe scarborough said that "he bowls like my four-and-a-half-year-old daughter." see barack obama's bowling disaster and barack bowl.
on thursday 19 march 2009, president barack obama, made a nationwide television appearance from burbank, california via nbc; the tonight show with jay leno program.
president obama's appearance is some twenty-five minutes in length. as these things go, it was a great appearance as well; he should do these types of unique appearances often. his special olympics remark didnt even occur until around 21:50 -- long after he had discussed such important topics as aig, executive bonuses, the economy (stupid).
mr. leno made a great point about the congress setting a precedent with their "frightening" 90% tax.
this was all that made the news:
we meant to stay up to watch the presidents appearance in its entirety. looks like we fell asleep around 2:21 in. good thing we recorded it.
early friday morning when we looked at drudge we noticed that he was promoting obama's special olympics "wise crack." then soon it was "obama apologizes for calling bad bowling 'like the special olympics.'' we didnt have time or interest to read either story.
a little while later we got to listen to moon griffon for about 15 minutes and he was moonin' and coonin' over it...he said about his daughter maddie, that if she was ever in the olympics, that it would be the special olympics. so his feelings were hurt.
we're still waiting for mr. griffon's apology for all the lies he told in 2007 on behalf of piyush "bobby" jindal only to have us believe now that he was svengalied by (what was perceivable even then to anyone paying attention) the biggest nothing, the biggest liar, fraud, con-artist and freak that has ever been foisted on a willingly ignorant louisiana electorate.
something that mr. griffon could have easily avoided now, if only back then he would have simply questioned piyush and called him out to justify his conservative and republican bona fides in light of his very liberal, unrepublican and anti-american congressional voting record. so moon griffon needs to apologize for either being a liar and a shill who's angry at piyush now for being double-crossed or for being a complete dumbass, before he can legitimately criticize what anyone else, including barack obama, has to say.
the buzz about president obama's remark is all nonsense. what the president really was conveying was "hes [leno] is saying my bowling is like the special olympics or something." the president's hand gesture tells us that. his comment was his verbalization understanding of jay leno's expressions to be in keeping with those expressions familiar to him, being made by some who wish to imply that another is addled instead of clear-headed:we've all done it. usually as a joke and no one means anything disparaging about the mentally or physically disabled. nearly everyone has someone physically or mentally disabled or both in their family.
at least the special olympics is getting plenty of publicity. they dont mind mining it either. see their statement and the official statement from their chairman, timothy shriver, both seem pretty retarded err special. the president doesnt look any better either. his apology gave that liar jonathan martin with politico.com the opportunity to drag up presumably to energize and enrage "the base" a 2008 quip he made about nancy reagan of which obama was correct in making light of ms. reagan.
america under the reagan presidency was ran by familiar spirits through astrologers and the only people that the spell seemed to work on then as well as now are the fake christians and others still today who proclaim ronald reagan a paragon of republican and conservative virtue when his memory should be tossed into the dust bin of history.
president obama complete 19 march 2009
television appearance length 25:35
google video link
see also
the white house press office
the white house museum
white house bowling alley
related posts
19 March 2009
H.R. 1388 house final passage vote on barky and rahm emanuels' private army and childhood socialism indoctrination act of 2009 a/k/a GIVE Act
H.R. 1388 house final passage vote on barky and rahm emanuel Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act
yeas (321)
cassidy (rino; fluoride pushing quack doctor )
cao - flash in the pan and flake
melancon - rat
nays (105)
not voting (06)
boustany - rat
GovTrack.us. H.R. 1388--111th Congress (2009): Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Mar 19, 2009)
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
18 March 2009
H.R. 1388 Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act

barky's mossad handler - rahm emanuel's scheme.
back in july, la shawn barber, noticed something that she called "interesting" about barky's speech that: "in subsequent media reports and the official transcript, the “civilian national security force” statement does not appear. (see worldnetdaily) why? did the obama campaign realize how strange it sounded?" barack obama says america needs a civilian national security force.
lately, a blogger called ratube who has been following this national service scam;:
found that if you search the pdf of the bill HR 1388 for "mandatory" and you will find two results. One on page 43 and another on page 284:the bill was reported out of the 48 member house education and labor committee by a vote of 34 - 3.
pg 43
''(B) service-learning is a mandatory part
of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools
served by the local educational agency.
pg 284
(6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable
mandatory service requirement for all able young
people could be developed, and how such a requirement
could be implemented in a manner that would
strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and over
come civic challenges by bringing together people from
diverse economic, ethnic, and educational back
google/youtube filters "the give act"? - mandatory volunteerism
March 11, 2009 12:21 PMas it turns out, fluoride pushing, quack doctor bill cassidy, from la-06 is a member of that committee. naturally we were curious to see how he voted. cassidy only pretends to be a republican; is extremely shaky and cant be trusted to vote intelligently. before he was even elected he said that he would have voted for H.R. 1424 the wall street bailout bill.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Education and Labor Committee today overwhelmingly approved legislation to launch a new era of American service and volunteerism. The bill answers President Obama’s call for Americans of all generations to help get the country through the economic crisis by serving and volunteering in their communities.
The committee passed the legislation, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act, H.R. 1388, by a strong bipartisan vote of 34 to 3. The bill is expected to be voted on by the full House as early as next week. The Senate is also moving forward on similar legislation. house education committee overwhelmingly approves legislation to renew america’s commitment to service
anyway, we foned his washington d.c. office. the lady who answered the telephone was helpful as she could be, but couldnt find the information readily. finally she said that she would have to check with the congressman and in the meantime to check with the committee.
the people to contact at the house education and labor committee are:
Aaron Albright / Melissa Salmanowitzwe havent had a chance to contact them yet; if we do, and can find out how congressman cassidy voted on obama's mandatory national service plan we will update this post.
2181 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
as of the date and time of this post [through roll call #130] H.R. 1388 hasnt been voted on in the house.
on a side note -- you might remember that a component of the alexandria mayor's commie sparc scheme called for an alexandria [youth] corps. the media has downplayed any talk of it though.
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Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
17 March 2009
marc lampert: gold-weems puppet judge harry randow to run for open supreme court seat
sam hanna's rethug propaganda rag, the ouachita citizen, reports that louisiana supreme court associate justice, chet d. traylor, will retire on 31 may 2009.
so along comes marc lampert to let everyone know that ninth judicial district court judge harry randow "has pretty well made of his mind to take a run at this seat." mr. lampert "thinks."
in may 2005 judge randow was presiding over a lawsuit between the gold, weems, bruser, sues and rundell law firm and dr. tommie mack granger. that gold weems is an extremely shady law firm is to put it mildly.
something came out during the course of the suit that gold weems didnt want to come out and judge randow attempted to accommodate them by covering the whole thing up by closing the courtroom to the public and issuing a "protective" order barring local media from reporting about it
"judge" randow even went so far as to bar the local newspaper, the alexandria daily town talk, from discussing his order with their own attorneys. see court backs town talk in trial-secrecy case (this link is now dead but the article is from around 26 may 2005}.
six days later the 3rd circuit court of appeal vacates judge randow's scandalous protective order.

for judge randow's unseemly attack on and contempt for the constitution what should of happened is that he should have been instantly removed from the bench and disbarred. but hey this is lousiana. as expected, nothing happened at all. just a wink - wink and a smile - smile and a carry on. after all, whats a little corruption among friends?
now judge randow wants to be on the supreme court? we dont think so.
15 March 2009
sts-119 space shuttle discovery lift off

Air Force Col. Lee Archambault will lead the crew of STS-119, and Navy Cmdr. Tony Antonelli will serve as the pilot. The mission specialists for the flight will be NASA astronauts Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata.
Wakata will remain on the station, replacing Expedition 18 Flight Engineer Sandra Magnus, who returns to Earth with the STS-119 crew. He will serve as a flight engineer for Expeditions 18 and 19, and he will return to Earth on shuttle mission STS-127.
STS-119 is the 28th shuttle mission to the International Space Station. Discovery also will carry the S6 truss segment to the orbital outpost. ~ read more
NASA's space shuttle Discovery is set to lift off March 15, 2009 at 7:43 p.m. EDT, [6:43 p.m. CDT] carrying a crew of seven and the final set of power-generating solar arrays to the International Space Station. ~ read more
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13 March 2009
vid "the obama deception" more alex jones blame the goy disinfo
this is one slick, well produced video. unfortunately, its by israeli agent, zionist denier and liar alex jones.
mr. jones role in the "infowars," is to constantly shift the blame away from israel and zionists and onto goyim and the mysterious "new world order," "illuminati," bilderberg group, the council on foreign relations, the president of which, richard haas, is a zionist jew which you would never know that from listening to alex jones, the catholic church, particularly the jesuits and the pope; especially the "black pope" and other nonsense.
for instance, webster tarpley who is featured prominently throughout this video, early on he says that:
"'the new world order,' is, a more palatable name for the 'anglo-american world empire.' it's the planetary domination of london, new york, washington, over the rest of the world. its hard to get people to join that or think they have a part in it if you call it the 'anglo-american world empire.'can you see webster tarpley's deception? mr. tarpley and mr. jones would have us believe that the "luciferian controllers" of the "new world order" are a bunch of white guys (wasps) sitting in their drawing rooms in london and new york, smoking montecristo's, sniffing brandy whilst plotting the world take-over.
if you call it, the 'new world order,' then people in india or someplace like that or the european union, might think, 'well, theres something in that for us too.' but thats not what it is. it's the 'anglo-american new world order.' it's really the old world order. it's the british empire morphing into the american empire. the u.s. - british world empire is what you're gonna get." ~ webster tarpley "the obama deception"
then just a few minutes later, mr. jones reels off a list of obama's "controllers:" timothy geithner, hillary clinton, susan rice, general james l. jones, thomas e. donilon, henry kissinger, paul volcker, admiral dennis c. blair, robert gates, james steinberg, richard haas, alan greenspan and richard c. holbrook, "the list goes on and on," mr. jones ends with a flourish.
with the possible exceptions of: susan rice, admiral blair, thomas donilon, robert gates and general jones they're all jews not wasps. general jones, who may or may not be a jew, according to his zionist approved wikipedia entry however, just like the rest of the aforementioned, has spent much of his life and practically his entire career in service to israel and zionism. (yes, hillary clinton is a jew too - see here and here). yet none of this isnt even worth a mention? what if, instead of being jews, they were all chinese or saudis with heavy connections to china and saudia arabia -- wouldnt that be worthy of mentioning?
this is nowhere near a complete list but.here is some more jews around president obama: rahm emanuel, david axelrod, larry summers, ronald klain, steven rattner, robert rubin, alan blinder, jason furman, peter orszag, and jon leibowitz.
it's possible that joe biden who doesnt claim to be a jew, could actually be a crypto-jew. he certainly didnt mind admitting in this shalom tv interview that he is totally owned by jews.
historically wasps have banned jews and blacks from being members of their clubs. whether it was a country club, financial club, hunting and fishing club, whatever. so it doesnt make any sense that a group of wasps would trust jews and blacks to front for something as important to them as the world takeover. the evidence suggests that the reverse is true. that it's jews that are in control of everything and have some wasps, blacks and other non-jewish useful idiots fronting for them.
mr. jones video features rahm emanuel but never mentions that he is a hardcore zionist jew or that he holds dual israeli - american citizenship. nor does mr. jones mention the fact that rahm emanuel's father was a member of the most murderous zionist terrorist group in palestine in the 1930s and 40s -- the irgun. see christopher bollyn: the israeli who runs the obama white house.
in the entire video, mr. jones makes no reference to israel, zionism or jews. he does mention the mossad once -- in passing, but thats only because they helped provide security for the most recent bilderberg group meeting.
the only interviewee who halfway tells the truth is gerald celente but even he goes up to the line but refuses to cross it. however, who knows what parts of his interview mr. jones edited out.
another technique that mr. jones uses and seen in this video too, is his constant attempts to stir up in the populace, fear and mistrust, hatred even, of the police and military. wouldnt a legitimate truth-teller, activist like mr. jones holds himself out to be, wouldnt he be attempting to educate the police and military about zionism. even encouraging them to rebel against the zionists and arrest them?
Jones is a Zionist Denierexcerpt:
There is a definite and obvious pattern with Alex Jones. He is constantly shifting blame away from Israel, Zionists, and Jews, and onto the Goyim or onto mysterious entities, such as "The New World Order". How could such an experienced investigator as Alex Jones possibly be oblivious to the role of Zionism in world corruption?
How could he possibly believe that all of the world's problems are coming from goyim? There is only one explanation for Alex Jones and his Zionist Denial: he is a Zionist, and his organization in Austin, Texas is a Zionist terrorist cell.
It doesn't matter which of his radio shows you listen to; you will find the same pattern over and over. Specifically, he blames the world's problems on a mysterious group that he refers to as the "New World Order", a "Germanic death cult", the "Luciferian Controllers", the "Western Intelligence Agencies", or the "Elite".
Why does Jones use "Germanic death cult" as one of his expressions? Why not Jewish death cult? Why not Zionist death cult? How about "Israeli death cult"? Why do so many of these truth seekers try to create the image that Germans are evil when all the evidence suggests that Zionist Jews are the problem?
By never mentioning the names of Zionists (such as Sam Newhouse, Joe Lieberman, Sumner Redstone, Edgar Bronfman), Jones keeps his listeners in a state of confusion and fear. How can we defend ourselves from a "Germanic Death Cult"? How is it possible for the police to arrest the "Luciferian Controllers"? see alex jones is a liar
eric hufschmid
jews united against zionism
neturei karta international: orthodox jews united against zionism
learn about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
the thirteenth tribe by arthur koestler
ex-zionist benjamin h. freedman née freidman:
facts are facts: the truth about khazars
u.s. presidents - jewish pawns
1974 speech
and also:
rabbi chaim lefkowitz - zionists stole the true name of the jews
and also
jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
gannett stock tanking
you know your company is in trouble when it closes up .18 cents and that equals a...9% rise in value.gannett stock is lower now than it was all the way back on 06 january 1978 when it closed at $4.18 a share.
one would think that the liars over at the town talk would realize that they all are probably going to be out of a job soon anyway and start telling the truth for a change. they really dont have anything left to lose and might even find it liberating.
see also
the media criminals
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12 March 2009
beware of tenaha texas
TENAHA, Texas— You can drive into this dusty fleck of a town near the Texas-Louisiana border if you're African-American, but you might not be able to drive out of it—at least not with your car, your cash, your jewelry or other valuables.
That's because the police here allegedly have found a way to strip motorists, many of them black, of their property without ever charging them with a crime. Instead they offer out-of-towners a grim choice: voluntarily sign over your belongings to the town, or face felony charges of money laundering or other serious crimes.
More than 140 people reluctantly accepted that deal from June 2006 to June 2008, according to court records. Among them were a black grandmother from Akron, who surrendered $4,000 in cash after Tenaha police pulled her over, and an interracial couple from Houston, who gave up more than $6,000 after police threatened to seize their children and put them into foster care, the court documents show. Neither the grandmother nor the couple were charged with any crime.
Officials in Tenaha, situated along a heavily traveled highway connecting Houston with popular gambling destinations in Louisiana, say they are engaged in a battle against drug trafficking and call the search-and-seizure practice a legitimate use of the state's asset-forfeiture law. That law permits local police agencies to keep drug money and other property used in the commission of a crime and add the proceeds to their budgets. ~ read more [vid]
astronauts aboard the international space station briefly evacuated to soyuz due to space debris threat
crewmembers of the international space station were briefly evacuated to the soyuz escape vehicle due to a sudden danger of space debris striking the space station.
msnbc: nasa thought the piece of debris, .009 meters in width [0.35 inch], traveling at 17,000 mph [27,358 kmh] was going to pass within 4.5 kilometers [3 miles] of the space station at 11:39 a.m. cdt.
nasa: Space Station Debris Threat Passes
The debris threat to the International Space Station has passed. The crew was notified of the all clear at 12:45 p.m. EDT [11:45 a.m. CDT]. The crew will depart the Soyuz and return the station to normal operations.