31 October 2010
catahoula life solicits your harvest and trail game photos for prizes
catahoula life.com
Managing a deer herd and scouting with a game camera has almost become as popular as hunting itself.
Catahoulalife.com is looking for your funny, unique or bizarre game camera pictures.
Got a picture of a buck you are hunting, a herd of hogs or sly coyote that you found their way to your camera?
We want your pictures. Each picture sent in will enter your name in the contest for a Digital Game Camera and other prizes to be given away at the end of hunting season. ~ read more

A Bear mom and cub taken with a camtracker on Sidney and Cynthia Davis' property in Concordia Parish.
louisiana hunting regulations 2010 - 2011
see also
pawpaw's house
trail cam photos
julie mcconathy school board dist "c" political advert-mailout
we received the following political mail-out yesterday from julie mcconathy, a candidate for rapides parish school board, district "c" on the tuesday 02 november 2010 ballot.

related posts
30 October 2010
jay dardenne & caroline fayard on wist talk radio
we logged on to metairie, louisiana's wist talk radio am 690 a little after one pm. caroline fayard a candidate for lt. governor was scheduled to be on mitch gibbs "the world according to gibbs" program around 1:15.
we started recording right away because we werent sure that we would be by the computer when ms. fayard was on -- it being such a bee-you-tee-full day n shit.
we're glad we did too, when we were surprised to learn jay dardenne had an interview immediately preceding ms. fayard and we had caught it.
so we got two for the price of one and didnt even have to edit anything. wist & mitch gibbs rock.
after some sports talk by mr. gibbs about the new orleans hornets, who are 2 - 0 and on the road tonight against san antonio (UPDATE: the hornets won. 99 - 90);
jay dardenne is on at 5:45 and caroline fayard from 18:22. unfortunately, ms. fayard who was phoning from palmetto island state park had a few drops in her mobile fone service.
link to audio download page
29 October 2010
the dead pelican advertising on drudge
check out the dead pelican advertising on the drudge report.caroline fayard: entrenched louisiana political corruption part of la "rebranding problem"
caroline fayard one of two candidates for louisiana lieutenant governor on this coming tuesday, 02 november 2010 ballot, was in studio, live, in lafayette, la around 7:25 this morning. ms. fayard was on the news radio 96.5 kpel morning show.
although ms. fayard didnt touch upon her um obamacare faux pas from the league of women voters of baton rouge, la. debate of 22 october 2010 -- she did mention a few times about how all the political, governmental and judicial corruption are major problems in louisiana needing to be addressed.
the gist of ms. fayard's remarks that we got anyway was that it doesnt matter what kind of good job the lt governor does in promoting the state -- if the police and underlying government -- state, local, city, parish, whatever are corrupt then honest respectable people will continue to shun louisiana.
link to audio download page
related posts
28 October 2010
caroline fayard says obama care "a net positive" for louisiana
oops. there went your campaign.
apparently, ms. fayard likes telling one story to the people out in radio land while telling the people out in tee vee another.
chad over a the dead pelican was so excited to here this -- that he devoted an entire page on his website to it:

in this article ms. fayard in reply to the question "what would you say about the federal health care overhaul?" was quoted as stating "it's a net positive for louisiana."
naturally, ms. fayard's response didnt make any sense to us; we wanted to see if for ourselves. so we went over to the website of the league of women voters of baton rouge looking for a transcript. there wasnt one but a notice on their website said that the video of the debate was coming soon.
in the meantime, we caught ms. fayard's wednesday morning radio interview and heard her talk down obamacare once again.
so they finally got the video up around 1:30 this afternoon and sure enough around fifty-one minutes in ms. fayard did say what mr. alford quoted her on.
we had certainly planned on voting for ms. fayard rather than the ultra-liberal-rino jay dardenne, but all this deceptiveness and flip-floppery of hers has pretty much convinced us to cast a non-ballot in this race by voting for neither.
related posts
scott linzay school board dist "c" political advert-mailout
for district "c" rapides parish, la. school board.
wst... note: this is just a generic political mail-out we received addressed to "our neighbor." this post shouldnt be construed to be our "endorsement" of mr. linzay's candidacy. in the primary we voted for the incumbent who ... finished third.
so ... who knows. with our record, we might vote for the candidate we want to lose.
if we receive similar material from mr. linzay's opponent, julie mcconathy, we will post it as well.
while we havent decided yet who in this particular race to vote for, pawpaw's house is voting for ms. mcconathy.
note that the rapides parish school district website url is changed to www.rpsb.us
UPDATE: julie mcconathy political mailout
27 October 2010
caroline fayard the talk on the bayou interview
caroline fayard is a candidate for lieutenant governor of louisiana on the tuesday, 02 november 2010 ballot.
this morning around 11:05 am ms. fayard was campaigning down the bayou when she stopped by for an in studio interview by the klrz "talk on the bayou" program.
among the subjects ms. fayard touched on were:
(1) in reply to a caller who asked "how can a candidate admire a president who on tee-vee cheated on his wife?" like ms. fayard and the program host we assumed the caller was on about bill clinton, but after listening to that part again we're not so sure. anyway, ms. fayard said: "when it comes to social issues and morality i am in no means in favor of hurting families and being embarrassing." she said that "it was certainly very damaging to me to see that (between the clintons) happen."
(2) said that obamacare is "a scary proposition" and that there "is a lot we dont understand about it." ms. fayard also supports the attorneys general lawsuit against it and said that she thinks that its well within the rights of the attorneys general to file suit.
link to audio download page
related posts
26 October 2010
tropical depression richard fizzles out
25 October 2010
cenla's twenty-somethings
the local magazine cenla focus, in its october 2010 issue, presents us with a list of "a new generation of business leaders in cenla."
interesting article worth a look. among those highlighted include a farmer, a bankster, a hotelier, a couple of msm journalists and several members of city of alexandria, la. government including a councilman.
click here to read more
true torah jews make make ad buy on three major new york radio stations
Oct 15, 2010
The following ad is scheduled to run several times (Oct. 17-22) on three New York radio stations: 1010 WINS, 770 WABC and 710 WOR.
This message is brought to you by True Torah Jews, an international organization of hundreds of thousands of Torah-abiding Jews.
As the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks continue, the leaders of the Israeli government would like to claim Jewish identity for the State of Israel.
It is our belief that the State of Israel is not a Jewish state; it is a Zionist state.
It is our view that ever since Jews were sent into exile by Heavenly decree, Jews were permitted to live in all parts of the world, including the Holy Land, but only without Jewish sovereignty.
In our view, the coalition of the Israeli government, both secular and religious, represent only themselves.
They do not speak in the name of the Jewish people or the Jewish religion.
Our message to the Israeli government is clear: the Jewish people have paid far too much to allow you to claim Jewish identity for the State of Israel.
To find out more about the Torah opinion on the Middle Eastern situation, visit www.truetorahjews.com. That's www.truetorahjews.com.

related posts
24 October 2010
shreveport, la. police officer shot dead
sgt. tim prunty, city of shreveport, police department, was standing outside talking to the manager of circle k store, west bert kouns industrial loop and dean road, shreveport, when a gunman who had just gotten out a car that pulled up shot the officer.
sgt. prunty died at the hospital. >>>> developing at my bossier >>> shreveport police officer shot
22 October 2010
for kelly.
"stan" live feat. dido
say waat
and if that mockingbird dont sing and the ring dont shine i'ma break that birdies neck i'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to you and make him eat every carat dont fuck with dad
music video
and they blame it on marilyn. and the heroin. where were the parents at? and look where it's at.
album version
marshall mathers lp - 2000
you really fucked me kim. you really did a number on me. i never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me.
album version
fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheating. while you at work she's with some dude trying to get off? fuck slitting her throat, cut this bitch's head off
the up in smoke tour
and there's a million of us just like me. who cuss like me. who just dont give a fuck like me. who dress like me. walk, talk and act like me and just might be the next best thing but not quite me.
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state supremes reinstate attempted second degree cruelty; affirm cruelty to juveniles charges in rapides "battered baby" case
"in effect, she had been battered from head to toe" ~ dr. amarjit nijjar, emergency room attending physicianState of Louisiana vs Alton Lane Strother 22 October 2010
3rd circuit court of appeal
appeal from the
ninth judicial district court
parish of rapides, no. 287123
honorable thomas martin yeager, district judge
State v. Strother, 09-0110 (La. App. 3rd Cir. 10/7/09), 19 So.3d 598 (Amy, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part).
21 October 2010
faux news gas-bag juan williams fired by npr
National Public Radio fired Fox News contributor Juan Williams on Wednesday after a Monday night appearance on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" in which Williams said that it makes him nervous to fly on airplanes with devoutly-clad Muslims. ~ read more
18 October 2010
ksyl caller becky gives an interesting reason not to vote for ultra-liberal rino jay dardenne
wow. kudos to ms. becky.
length 00:01:20
link to audio download page
related posts
16 October 2010
developing on my bossier: incumbent shreveport mayoral candidate cedric glover funny fundraising
apparently, someone took the time to investigate the background of some reelect cedric glover mayor of shreveport, la. campaign fund contributors from the 02 october 2010 disclosure filing and discovered that several of them who were listed as contributing thousands of dollars reside in section 8 housing.
"this means" according to my bossier that section 8 residents "have a good part of their rent paid by a government housing program because they have certified that they do not have enough income to pay rent on their own."
which begs the obvious questions of did they really give their own money or were they merely conduits from the real campaign financier and if so who is it? see couple living in section 8 housing donates $5,000 to glover campaign.
in a subsequent posting my bossier reveals:
On October 4th, the Glover campaign filed a new disclosure form to supersede the Oct 2nd filing. In this one, the names of the Harveys and Theresa May and one other person had been removed and other names put in – to equal the same amount as the first report. ~ read more
jury duty
for a couple of days earlier this week, we had criminal jury duty at the ninth judicial district court in downtown alexandria, rapides parish, louisiana.
we had started on a post recounting our big adventure ... but, friday evening, gannett/the town talk reported from its website that "judge koch declares mistrial in domestic abuse case in rapides parish." click here to download town talk scan one page .pdf 196 kb.
while we werent on that particular jury, per se, we did witness its selection and a part of its voir dire.
gannett reported that the prosecutor in the case was monique metoyer. however, the assistant district attorney who handled the prosecutions voir dire portion was numa metoyer. the defense attorney was glenn cortello.
while we seriously doubt that any juror or witness, etc. would ever stumble across wst..., "out of an abundance of caution" (this some new lawyer words we learnt) we will wait until later to finish.

14 October 2010
drought flowers
these flowers, even before the smattering of rain we received on monday and tuesday, 11 and 12 october 2010, were and still are blooming quite well all over rapides parish, louisiana.
12 October 2010
UPDATED alexandria's armour meatpacking building to be demolished
tuesday 12 october 2010:
gannett/the town talk: "century-old armour building in alexandria to be razed."
the historical association of central louisiana, is looking for someone to purchase and restore this old building in downtown alexandria.
click here for a map with google street view.
see also gannett/the town talk: too-costly repair plan leaves alexandria's armour building vulnerable. or click here to download two page .pdf [21kb]
11 October 2010
blogger to candidates: address louisiana judicial corruption & stop insulting our intelligence
By Law and Grace, Inc.:
RE: David Vitter ad slammed as racist by advocates for immigrantsIf David Vitter's campaign ads would more closely address and resemble the issues facing Louisiana, he would fare a whole lot better!
By: Jonathan Tilove
Times-Picayune @ nola.com
We have SO MANY Louisiana problems which need addressing, Vitter could help undecided voters --including me, to better ascertain what he intends to do about them!
Whether or not David Vitter dislikes people based upon the color of their skin, his pattern of operation demonstrates that he favors the ELITE class of people --to the unfair and unjust disadvantage of others (probably including immigrants, and not all Blacks --as I feel sure he has his 'tokens').
His pattern of conduct indicates that he thinks he has superior thinking skills to his audience by showing TV ads that talk about what Charle Melancon did or did not do for or with President Obama.
I don't give a flip about hearing Vitter's SAME STUPID OKEY DOKEY talk.
I PREFER to know which of the ISSUES & CONDITIONS affecting every day / non-elite people Vitter intends to address!
I have a grasp on what he does to make things better for the rich and powerful, but they are not the only residents of Louisiana --and many of them are getting old, and some are or will be indicted.
It is aggravating to hear Vitter on the television, Melancon, and others --but especially Vitter because he does it ALL THE TIME, continuing to talk about what is least significant in these crucial economic times!
I could have better respect for Vitter if he had better respect for his listening audience and talked about the issues of Louisiana which desperately need answers since not everyone is interested in pleasuring him or her self, or going hunting, and other gratifying things while being worried about economic conditions.
I AM FAIRLY CERTAIN that I never hear Vitter say anything those things because he does not intend to do anything.
I don't know if I want to vote for Melancon, but the jejune finger pointing at Melancon rather than concrete discussion of the issues wastes my time!
I am trying to give Vitter the benefit of the doubt since I against any politician who engineers judicial benches to be filled with inept and corrupt State as well as Federal judges; and who underhandedly influences appointments of U.S. attorneys!!!
I am further against politicians who pleasure themselves with travel and life's finest while their fellow-citizens endure constant ravages of crime and corruption, with no end in sight; and while their cronies receive slaps on their wrists when their acts of corruption can no longer be whitewashed.
Those are some of the issues for which Louisiana has needed answers for a very long time!
I reiterate my assertion that nearly every social problem in Louisiana can be linked to when controversies require judicial remedies and no other choice except face judges --whom, being friends and giving the best gifts or doing favors for judges ensures good outcomes.
And although there are many intelligent attorneys here, it does not require intelligence nor knowledge of the law, nor even submitting lawful grounds to become granted favorable rulings by certain judges, say for example, Ivan Lemelle and Kurt Engelhardt.
Now, since there seems to be changes in the way comments become posted here at nola.com (particularly for Vitter and his worshipers) here is what I'm posting throughout the Internet:
Now is a good time for election candidates to be talking about solutions for the LOUISIANA CORRUPTION TITANIC rather than each other.
What REALLY is wrong with Louisiana is inept and / or corrupt judicial and U.S. Attorney in positions, that were mainly orchestrated by political placement power!
The justices’ abuses are EASILY PROVABLE by looking at Louisiana real estate / mortgage illegalities, and facilitating court judges.
Thankfully, FORECLOSURE FRAUD has center stage in the national media.
The light will shine brighter in this judicial corruption that has been hiding in plain sight here in Louisiana –and directly linked to Louisiana’ blighted communities \ commercial and residential frauds \ insultingly blatant Bankruptcy lawlessness \ illegal evictions \ unjust homelessness \ disintegrated households \ poverty \ violence \ joblessness \ substance abuse, etc. (Of course, I have approached lawmakers –to no avail– with suggestions, only to incur severe reprisals. And, an option does not exist for me to retreat from doing what I believe is right, nor moving away from loved ones.
Presently –from Judge Thomas Porteous’ impeachment trial, testimonies about the “Louisiana Way” of giving gifts (bribes) and doing ‘favors’ for judges– members of Congress have more than ample information which makes it silly to impeach Porteous and disregard Louisiana in-your-face lawlessness.
Foreclosure fraud has now been explained so clearly, even a child can understand that some people have indeed been illegally tossed from their homes, it will not be hard to detect the unlawful foreclosures that occurred here –especially the illegal foreclosure that unjustly caused people to be Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita exiled from their homes (but their neighbors erroneously blame them for blight).
In fact, a mere GLANCE at Louisiana fraudulent property transactions surrounding Freddie Mac, Wells Fargo, and certain foreclosure mills here –supplies additional reasons for Capitol Hill to probe Louisiana.
**The current congress members who represent Louisiana have done zilch about decades of PRIMA FACIE foreclosure and mortgage fraud!
To reiterate: David Vitter, Charlie Melancon, and other candidates: You have the opportunity to show worthiness of people’s votes by not insulting our intelligence with finger-pointing at each other, but by talking about your plans for addressing the LOUISIANA CORRUPTION TITANIC; it seems headed underwater with all of us on board.
see also
important facts about foreclosure and mortgage fraud
and also
judge thomas porteous and the "judicial devil's den" from whence he came
and also
not re-election, but investigation of u.s. senator david vitter is long overdue
related posts
06 October 2010
former mayor of orleans c. ray nagin to speak at alexandria, la. 09 october 2010
gannett/the town talk
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin will be the guest speaker at the first annual Fundraiser Banquet at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9, at Mount Triumph Baptist Church in Alexandria.
The event will be in the Family Life Center at Mount Triumph, 2200 Third St.
Tickets are $50. For information, call (318) 445-2790.
The Rev. Robert R. Perry Sr. is the host pastor.
Nagin, 54, was mayor of New Orleans from May 2002 to May 2010 and gained national attention in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
He is now president/CEO of CRN Initiatives that specializes in political and disaster recovery consulting as well as green energy technologies and public speaking. ~ source
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sammy hanna says bank on it! jay dardenne will be elected lieutenant governor
"assuming some unforeseen scandal does not break between now and election day"
hmmm mmkay. remember this is the nutter who endorsed caligula over the marquis de sade.
speaking of sammy's -- it looks like sammy kershaw is all in for the republican party. jay dardenne and kershaw's camp have sent out media advisories in advance of their joint news conference at lafayette, la., 10 am.thursday.
nola.com reports:
The news conference is expected to result in Kershaw's endorsement of Dardenne, but neither camp would confirm that an endorsement is imminent. ~ sourcewe still think that mr. kershaw should disown the republican party and run for state representative next year as a no party candidate.
if indeed it turns out that mr. kershaw endorses jay dardenne in the morning -- if he's planning on staying in the republican party he would just about have to, we wont hold it against him. but if he does we'll never vote for him again.
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louisiana drought 2010
its dry. it hasnt been this dry since the 1998 - 2000 drought. back then it took two years to get this dry; whereas, now its only taken a couple of months to get to that level. or something.
during the gustav "event" we never could have envisioned it being so dry ever again.
anyway, today, we set out to see if we could locate miss bone stripper and her brood. in the '98 - '00 drought all the alligators that were around moved away. its only been in the past couple of years that any number have returned.
fortunately, it didnt take that long to find her; and we were thankful to hear at least some of her hatchlings chirping. that was a good sign. in the first vid you might can hear one but there is a bird in there too.
you can see how dry it is -- where she is laying at today is in the exact same spot where we photographed her back in april.
the first vid the wind was pretty still so there isnt much wind disturbance and you can hear insects.
in the second vid the wind had picked up so there is some wind disturbance. but its not too bad, at around 1:17 miss bone stripper gives us some sexy winks and a lil wiggle before settling back in.
the little water remaining is all covered-over in some sort of green plant growth. its likely stagnant too. pray for rain.
third circuit appeals court opinions
Civil PC Opinions 0
Civil PC Publish 0
Civil PC Not Publish 0
Civil Majority Opinions 28
Civil Majority Publish 20
Civil Majority Not Publish 8
Civil Opinion on Motions 2
Civil Summary Dispositions 0
Criminal PC Opinions 0
Criminal PC Publish 0
Criminal PC Not Publish 0
Criminal Majority Opinions 23
Criminal Majority Publish 14
Criminal Majority Not Publish 9
Criminal Opinion on Motions 0
Criminal Summary Dispositions 0
05 October 2010
australia compulsory election law
in oz, everybody must go to the polls or face fines if you do not vote.
the electoral commission will require a response from you as to why you did not vote;
if they are not convinced that you have a good enough reason or that you're lying you will be fined AUS 20 - 50. USD $18 - 45
the commission can take court action against you for not voting and you could be liable for court costs as well.
australia believes that civil duty trumps civil rights.
04 October 2010
fred rosenfeld on 02 october 2010 alexandria, la. mayoral election result
link to audio download page
"what happened is the 'anybody but jacques group,' got their heads handed to them..."
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03 October 2010
oak alley plantation: a heads up for potential "wheel of fortune" game show contestants
vanna white was at oak alley plantation this past june to film "teasers" to air ahead of wheel of fortune's april 2011, oak alley plantation taping.
In the months prior to the taping in April, Wheel of Fortune’s Wheelmobile will be visiting New Orleans for a contestant search. Watch Wheel of Fortune in February & March 2011 for your chance to be a contestant on the show. ~ read more
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louisiana 02 october 2010 election returns sec'y of state links page
clean links page. these links are working and live at the date and time of this post. because sec'y of state jay dardenne likes to screw-up the sec'y of state website a lot, in time, these links will -- instead of being assigned a permanent link -- most likely become broken and you will have to go to the sec'y of state website (which will probably be on a new url) and search for them again.
rapides parish
all other parishes
state wide
congressional la-03 downer v landry
main page: http://staticresults.sos.louisiana.gov/
02 October 2010
newly reelected city of alexandria, la. mayor jacques roy, says, that
"i just hope that we'll be able to now move forward a little more freely and not have so many obstacles that are really unneeded.'EXTERNAL LINK
02 october 2010 election returns

election returns from the sec'y of state website:
UPDATE: 8:44 pm -- some of these pages have crashed and/or slow to respond.
9:09 pm sec'y of state website is still slow.
9:16 pm sec'y of state website showing jacques roy opening at 79% roosevelt johnson 12% in absentees
9:51 pm gannett/the town talk: roy appears headed for re-election in alexandria mayor's race
rapides parish
all other parishes
state wide
congressional la-03 downer v landry
main page: http://staticresults.sos.louisiana.gov/
graphical and live streaming
kalb tv-5 nbc alexandria: october 2 election results
UPDATE: 1:33 pm here is our ballot. we were trying something different and the video quality didnt come out that high.
we first got the idea to video document our ballot casting due to last months historic libertarian party primary.
we voted for randall todd hayes -- the anti-politician and federal senate candidate in the libertarian party primary and wanted to make sure that it was documented. for obvious reasons.
we were in some ways disappointed and other ways relieved when, later, we checked our precinct vote count and found that it had registered at least one ballot for mr. hayes. our video had came out horrible and wouldnt have been good for anything. apparently, this is going to be a trial-and-error thing.
we still dont trust electronic voting machines and still call on the state of louisiana to get rid of them and go back to paper ballots.
anyway, we went ahead and voted for sammy kershaw for lieutenant governor. it was pawpaw's house that clinched it for us. besides, there were no "no party" or other party candidates in the race and we've voted for jim crowley before.
after we looked them up we voted against the two constitutional amendments like mr. forgotston suggested.
the screen isnt big enough so you couldnt see the school board race, but in that one, we voted for the incumbent e.l. paulk. we voted for him because we havent heard anything "bad" about him + he was the only candidate to personally appear at our door and ask for it. he wasnt afraid of sha nay-nay either.

Overture, curtains, lights,
This is it, the night of nights
No more rehearsing and nursing a part
We know every part by heart
Overture, curtains, lights
This is it, you'll hit the heights
And oh what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it
Tonight what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it
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