29 December 2012
UPDATE for 2012 cenla christmas day tornadoes
reposted 29 december 2012
reposted 25 december 2011
reposted 25 december 2010
reposted 25 december 2009
originally posted 25 december 2008
28 December 2012
rpso: sufficient probable cause established arrest in rigolette bridge & serial arsonist case
For Release to the Media
FM: Lt. T. Carnline RPSO
DTD: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 09:59
SUBJ:Arson Arrest in Rigolette Bridge Fire of Last Year
During the early morning hours of March 26th 2011, the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office received a complaint that the bridge spanning Rigolette Bayou located on Rigolette Road in Tioga was on fire.
Local fire personnel were able to put out the fire, but due to extensive damage it created, the bridge was closed for public safety.
R.P.S.O. Detectives in conjunction with investigators of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office immediately began an investigation into the incident as it was believed the fire was the result of an arsonist.
Various leads were followed up, but none led to an arrest up until now.
In November of this year, R.P.S.O. Detectives received information relating to multiple structure fires in the Tioga area, which included the Rigolette Bridge and two uninhabited residences located on Hollowdale Drive.
Detectives re-opened the original investigations and were able to establish sufficient probable cause that twenty-three year old Trenton Lloyd Malone was the main suspect in each of the fires.
As a result, warrants were granted for Malone’s arrest for Three Counts of Simple Arson Over $500.
On December 27th 2012, Deputies located Malone at a residence in the Alexandria area.
He was advised of the warrants and taken into custody without incident.
Trenton Lloyd Malone of 144 Hollowdale Drive, Tioga, LA, was booked into the Rapides Parish Jail, where he is currently being held in lieu of a $300,000.00 bond.
Detectives say their investigation is still ongoing and additional arrests may be forth coming.
If you or someone you know has any information relating to these fires please contact Detective Jonathan Treadway at the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office Tioga Sub Station (318) 640-6000, R.P.S.O. Main Office (318) 473-6700, or Crime Stoppers (318) 443-7867.
"Whenever a case goes cold, you always keep it in the back of your mind and then one day, one piece of evidence or information comes up and our detectives got right back on this case and solved it with an arrest" said Sheriff William Earl Hilton.
is this bridge reopened?
what role if any did this bridge arson mischief play in hampering the responders getting to this neighborhood?
so we emailed lieutenant carnline to ask if the bridge was reopened (we figured he would know if the sheriff's office was able to patrol this area) and was he aware of any reports linking this 2011 mischief with hampering this storm's first responders and clean up crews?
he replied:
I checked with the Police Jury and the bridge was re-opened in the spring of this [2012] year. The only thing that hampered response to the devastation by the tornado’s were the trees in the roadway.
25 December 2012
UPDATED kalb special report cenla christmas day 2012 severe weather
UPDATE: kalb christmas day severe weather slideshow
kalb tioga area storm damage
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk: strong storms push through cenla, damaging homes, businesses
the story of the birth of christ

As told through Luke and Matthew
click here to read more
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name which is aboue euery name:
That at the Name of Iesus euery knee should bow, of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth:
And that euery tongue should confesse, that Iesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11 (King James Version 1611)
reposted 25 december 2012
reposted 25 december 2011
reposted 25 december 2010
reposted 25 december 2009
reposted 25 december 2008
reposted 25 december 2007
originally posted 25 december 2006
a very private miracle
related posts
originally posted 24 december 2009
reposted 20 december 2010
reposted 18 december 2011
reposted 24 december 2011
reposted 25 december 2012====
24 December 2012
cbs radio mystery theater presents "a christmas carol"
It's ominous theme music and longtime host E.G. Marshall's invitation to "return next time for another adventure in the macabre" cast spells across the airwaves for loyal listeners - myself included. Those voices (usually in some form of distress or conflict) echoing through my ears were all too real.
CBSRMT programs, including commercials, were an hour long on the air. Most mp3 files have been edited to remove the commercials and the length is 40 to 45 minutes - although, some contain the entire program complete with commercials and a newscast at the end or whatever programming surrounded the program. This can be quite interesting listening as well and I consider that to be a bonus.
I am willing to share these programs free of charge and I ask for nothing in return. Feel free to ask for programs in the forum. ~ cbsrmt.info a fan site.
Starring host E.G.Marshall as Scrooge, aired every Christmas Eve except 1974 and 1982
Presented exactly as aired on WBBM, Chicago on Christmas Eve, 1978 complete with original commercials, news and even weather reports!

or click here to download our copy 121 page .pdf [3.22 mb]
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originally posted 24 december 2010
23 December 2012
lets hear it for the teamsters
happened across this sight yesterday at libuse and the dollar general store. apparently, the architect, engineer and the rapides area planning commission didnt take into account this retail establishment's need for large truck freight deliveries.
nontheless, this trucker who must have ice water for blood managed to back his truck and trailor to the store using a narrow lane.
19 December 2012
military bearing
there is a reason why the united states marine exemplifies superior military bearing compared to in this case the air force. notice how the marine makes even the scrambled egg who escorted the president between rides and his side-kick seem sloppy. the marine is standing at parade rest we dont know what the general and his aide are displaying.
anyway that reason may be found cast into the usmc official seal.
16 December 2012
video: president obama arrives/departs andrews afb to connecticut
president obama arrives at andrews air force base on sunday 16 december 2012 on marine one to depart aboard air force one to connecticut to meet newtown massacre survivors and mourners
from 1459 est
credits for the cam are at the end of the vid - leave intact
us public domain: video content documents an official us government evolution
psychotropic and pharmaceutical drugs help facilitate random & mass shootings and violence
updated and edited 17 december 2012
10 December 2012
UPDATED arrest made: remains of missing woman dorothy rosier found
For Immediate Release
Sheriff William Earl Hilton announced this morning that an arrest has been made in the Dorothy Eyvonne Rosier homicide case.
Last night, Sheriff’s Detectives arrested Paul Jackson, 61 of 1125-A Jim Meyer Dr, Alexandria. Jackson was taken into custody and booked into the Rapides Parish Detention Center for 2nd Degree Murder and Obstruction of Justice and is currently being held without bond.
The investigation is still ongoing.
"Finally the family will have a little more closure to this case. In a cold case, you go back to zero, start over and run down every lead and that’s what our Detectives did. They have put in a lot of man hours and worked long into the night last night to make this arrest.” said Sheriff Hilton.
"I would also like to thank Sheriff Scott Franklin and the LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office for their ongoing assistance in this case."
As the investigation is still ongoing, there is no further information at this time as to cause of death or motive.
Lt. Tommy Carnline
Public Information Officer
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Rapides Parish Sheriff William Earl Hilton announced today that Sheriff’s Office Investigators have positively identified the remains found in the woods in LaSalle Parish as that of Dorothy Eyvonne Rosier.
Ms. Rosier went missing almost 3 years ago on January 11, 2010.
Hunters, hunting near Trout, LA in LaSalle Parish, discovered the remains on November 21st.
While a presumptive identification was made based on dental records, preliminary results were leading investigators to believe that the remains may be the missing Rosier woman.
Positive identification was not received until last week with assistance of the Louisiana Repository for Unidentified and Missing People FACES Lab.
Based on these findings, investigators conclude that the remains are those of Ms. Rosier. Ms. Rosier was twenty five years old at the time of her disappearance.
The Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office along with the LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office will continue their joint investigation into this homicide and how the remains got into the woods at that location, who might have put them there and the events surrounding the death of Ms. Rosier.
Sheriff Hilton would like to thank Sheriff Scott Franklin and his department for their assistance and continued cooperation in the ongoing investigation of this case.
At this time, Sheriff’s Detectives would not speculate on any suspects or cause of death as this might hinder their investigation.
"This family needs closure to what happened to their daughter, their sister, their mother. We have been working diligently on this case since we came into office and we are looking into other unsolved cold cases. This is the one we need help on now. Someone knows something and we want you to do the right thing and come forward so this family will not have to spend another Christmas knowing the suspect in Dorothy’s murder is still out there" said Sheriff Hilton.
Anyone having information on the disappearance of Dorothy Eyvonne Rosier in January of 2010 is urged to contact the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office or the LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office 318 473 6700
Criminal Investigations 318 473 6727
LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office 318 992 2151
Crime Stoppers 318 443 7867
Lt. Tommy Carnline
Public Information Officer
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
05 December 2012
faith ford; alexis crew productions announce 1st casting call for actors and extras
- Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. - 6:00P.M.
Location: 1501-A Wimbledon Boulevard
Alexandria, Louisiana
please send your resume and head shot to the following:
ALEXANDRIA LA 71301-3384
04 December 2012
former alexandria, la. mayor carroll lanier dead
via: twitter @kalbtv5
former alexandria, louisiana mayor (1977-1982) carroll lanier has died reportedly from congestive heart failure. lanier was aged 86.
read more
Services for Mr. Carroll E. Lanier will be held at 1:00 p.m., Friday, December 7, 2012 in the Chapel of Hixson Brothers, Alexandria with Reverend Clifton Stewart officiating. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
The family requests that visitation be observed Thursday, December 6, 2012 at Hixson Brothers, Alexandria from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and will continue on Friday from 8:00 a.m. until time of service.
Mr. Lanier, 86, of Alexandria passed away Tuesday, December 04, 2012 at Grace Home.
He was born in Hamburg, Arkansas and moved to Alexandria at the age of eleven.
He attended Bolton High School and before graduation he joined the U. S. Navy.
After his time in the Navy he worked as an electrician in Alexandria.
In June of 1969 until June of 1973 he was the Commissioner of Finance and Utilities.
After Mr. Lanier’s term was over he and his brother started Lanier Electric.
In 1977 Mr. Lanier became Mayor of Alexandria for a 5 year term. Then in 1988 he worked as Executive Director of the Housing Authority until his retirement in 2000.
He was preceded in death by his son, Brian Lanier; parents, M. B. and Effie Sivals Lanier; one brother and three sisters.
Those left to cherish his memory include his wife of 64 years, Winifred “ Wendy” Lanier; daughters, Kathy Lanier Miller and husband, Ronald, Theresa Lanier Massey; son, Steve Lanier and wife, Amber; grandchildren, Josh, Brian, Ryan, Shelby, Anthony, and Jody; seven great grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Grace Home, 3330 Masonic Drive, Alexandria, LA 71301.
~ source: hixson brothers funeral home
03 December 2012
attorney jimmy faircloth phones ksyl to "correct the record on what the [schools voucher] ruling really accomplishes"
link to audio download page
attorney jimmy faircloth phoned in to the ksyl talkback 970 preshow program this morning to clear up some misconceptions about the recent district court ruling that found the school voucher funding mechanism to be unconstitutional.
mr. faircloth said that the ruling is suspended pending the appeals process and that no one remembers a district court ruling anyway.
01 December 2012
lee rubin "it was my turn" to be next alexandria, la., city councilman at-large
prescient? refreshingly candid? a freudian slip? -- "it was my turn" was the answer alexandria, la. city council at-large candidate, lee rubin chose to give to the question put to him by fred rosenfeld on why is he running for the alexandria city council at-large seat.
the runoff is on saturday, 08 december 2012, when he will face the incumbent -- roosevelt johnson. councilman johnson received 39.94% of the primary vote.
here's the thing, we dont want either one of 'em. neither would have been our first choice in the primary.
councilman johnson wouldnt be so bad if he would grow a backbone and stop being a puppet. dude you're not crafty at plotting and deceit. so stop.
it's obvious that the mayor and the silk stocking gang have a lot at stake in this election. they've poured tons of money into mr. rubin's coffers in an effort to solidify the control by the mayor and his gang over the majority city council votes and by extension the public fisc and governmental power.
the results of their massive psyop arent all that impressive. although, at least one person as late as monday, 05 november 2012, election eve, was on ksyl radio predicting that councilman johnson wouldnt even make the runoff.
one glaring omission in this interview that we noticed which mostly speaks to the ethics and integrity or lack thereof of cenla broadcasting -- in that they didnt require the interviewer/show cohost fred rosenfeld to disclose that a local company he owns, the parc england boutique hotel, contribute to the lee rubin campaign.
that was an especially egregious oversight when seeing how it was reported by steve coco from his cenla news blog back on 07 october 2012.
anyway, this race has many fascinating dynamics -- one being how many of the non-johnson votes were more anti-roy than anti-johnson votes? mr. rubin was seen from the start of the race as being the mayor's boy; as far as we know the only one who could be considered outright pro-roy. the only other candidate might be milton gordon who probably looks at the mayor's plans favorably.
so even though mr. rubin was correct when he pointed out to the gannett/alexandria daily town talk that 60% of the electorate voted against the incumbent -- with this whole pro and anti-roy dynamic vibrating through the city the numbers still dont add up to an inevitable rubin victory.
one the other hand the mayor and the silk stocking gang did manage to finally get rid of myron lawson and that was an at-large election too. albeit a few years or in a political sense an eternity ago.
but -- around the same time, charles fredrick "droopy draws" smith was defeated for reelection to the city council despite the mayor and his gangs support.
wst... disclosure: as we pointed out here, we have a wager on the outcome of this race.