30 November 2011
1998 political lawsuit: pineville mayor-elect leo deslatte et al vs mayor fred baden et al
sometime after long term pineville, la. mayor fred baden was defeated in his reelection bid and before the new regime could take over, mayor baden seemingly reversed his long standing hatred for the union - specifically the american federation of state, county and municipal employees union.
according to the petition: "mayor baden, acting without the approval of the city council, privately met with a representative of the american federation of of state, county and municipal employees and committed to entering into a collective bargaining agreement. he then, for the first occasion in his twenty-one (21) years as mayor, permitted and encouraged the union representative to openly solicit union membership on city property and during employment hours."
naturally, the new regime of mayor-elect leo deslatte and city council members-elect joe bishop, carol jeukens cunningham and clarence fields didnt appreciate this development, so to stop it from happening, they got local attorney jimmy faircloth to file a petition for injunction.
that word "ultra vires" is latin and means "beyond the powers." the doctrine in the law of corporations that holds that if a corporation enters into a contract that is beyond the scope of its corporate powers, the contract is illegal. ~ source.
mayor baden was represented by chris roy, sr. the union by dan broussard and the city of pineville by gold, weems, bruser, sues and rundell attorney now federal judge dee drell. the judge was ninth judicial district court judge donald johnson.
this might be the case where the town talk reported that after one of the court proceedings that he won, mayor baden turned to, presumably mayor-elect deslatte and muttered words to the effect of "how did you like that asshole?"
wst... note: it appears that mayor fred baden's dilatory and peremptory exceptions filed by chris roy, sr., is in the .pdf twice.
pineville mayor-elect leo deslatte et al vs mayor fred baden et al 1998
related posts
28 November 2011
guide to the civil war veterans buried at mt olivet cemetery pineville, louisiana
In the spring of 2010 a history class at Louisiana College in Pineville, under the direction of Dr. Henry O. Robertson, worked on this guide as a service learning project.
The purpose was to teach methods of historical research and writing.
In the spirit of Christian giving and service to others so commanded by Jesus Christ the class took up a mission of providing a guide to the Civil War veteran burials at Mount Olivet Cemetery located down the street from the college.
Most Union veterans are buried in the Alexandria National Cemetery between the college and Mount Olivet Chapel.
Elaine Hicks had started researching the Confederate veterans.
The student participants took up where she started. Most of the students were juniors and seniors of all majors who took the American South HI 442 class.
They had classroom instruction by library staff and Dr. Robertson who taught them how to research a Civil War veteran and people living in the 19th century.
A little about the student authors is found at the end of the guide.
Each student’s initials appear after the entry they researched and wrote.
Meagan Wigley put the guide together as managing editor and Dr. Robertson and Elaine Hicks saw the work to completion
Mt Olivet Cemetery Guide
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h.k. stanley & machal llc sue alexandria crowell and owens law firm for something
we dont really feel sorry for any of the parties in this rather long and complex lawsuit since it has something to do with the casino business and the jena band of choctaw indians. will the native american indians ever learn to quit trusting the white man?
we mean c'mon they cant even do a simple casino deal which would mean gazillions of dollars for everyone involved (except of course to the poor suckers) without having to file suit and go to court.
anyway, from what we can glean from all this is that the plaintiff's executed some sort of agreement with the crowell and owens law firm which "clearly provides that the defendant will provide legal services for consideration for an interest in a business venture with the plaintiffs."
the plaintiffs thought that the defendant would eventually secure for them a class three casino license but all that they could secure was a class two license (boo freaking hoo).
also the plaintiffs are angry because they claim that the defendant was supposed to litigate something called the tri-millenium suit, which according to the petition they didnt and that resulted in the plaintiff mr. stanley having to engage the gold, weems, bruser, sues & rundell law firm to litigate it at a cost of over a million dollars.
so the plaintiffs want the court to declare the original employment agreement null and void - apparently because it was contrary to rule 1.8(a) of the louisiana attorney rules of professional conduct [.pdf pg. 15 -- 30 september 2011 version] and to be reimbursed the legal fees they had to shell out to gold weems.
the tri-millenium suit might be of some interest to our friends over at slabbed, since it is a 24th judicial district court suit down in jefferson parish, louisiana styled "tri-millenium corporation et al vs jena band of choctaw indians et al" docket no. 517,887, division "a."
so, after awhile, in jumps local attorney jimmy faircloth representing the defendants crowell and owens.
mr. faircloth files an answer, reconventional demand and third party demand.
in his answer mr. faircloth pretty much denies everything, countersues h.k. stanley and sues stanley holdings l.l.c.
so mr. stanley answers all that and maintains that everything that crowell and owens have -- the engagement agreement and certain promissory note(s) are null and void because they were executed in violation of rule 1.18 of the louisiana attorney rules of professional conduct and that they made an "error or mistake in executing the promissory note."
there is an order for a jury trial in place and good luck to all the parties in keeping a jury awake or even interested in all of this hullabaloo.
the suit is in the ninth judicial district, court division "f" alloted to judge george c. metoyer, jr.
harlton k. stanley and machal llc vs crowell and owens
26 November 2011
fascinating public records lawsuit from 1997: charles joseph yeager et al vs judge ross foote and other judges of the ninth judicial district court
in this 1997 La. R.S. 44:1 et seq., public records lawsuit, the plaintiffs charles joseph yeager and damion cooks are, according to the petition, attempting to get public records relating to "the correspondence of the judges with the idb [indigent defender board] and its members, or received from the idb, 1984 - june 1, 1994, and the correspondence of each of the chief judges for the years 1992 - 1996."
you can tell from mr. yeager's opening petition and its accompanying memorandum that he was one pissed off white man.
we especially enjoyed this passage:
Only in Alexandria, Louisiana, are judges so powerful and important that they consider themselves above the rule of law, and violate the law ex propio (sic) motu. The people of Alexandria are truly blessed to have jurists who do not require law to be just.anyway, the judges argued (1) that the records that mr. yeager wanted were not public records and (2) that in any case the open meeting law and public records law didnt apply to the judiciary due to the "inherent powers doctrine" of the judiciary to regulate its own affairs and cited: imbornone v early et al 401 so. 2d 953 (la 1981) as well as attorney general opinion 96-229 as proof.
despite that however, the judges eventually did give mr. yeager as many of the records that they had (a lot were inexplicably missing):
Although still asserting that they are under no duty to comply with the Public Records Law by constitutional right, in the interests of justice and to protect the honor and reputation of the Ninth Judicial Court and the magisterium of the Court, for the benefit of the people and their necessary trust for the integrity of the Court, the judges have voluntarily and formally complied with the Public Records Law nonetheless, tendering the correspondence requested and affidavits of verification required by that law, in the desire to amicably settle this litigation.interestingly, the judges either couldnt get or didnt trust any alexandria attorneys to represent them. they were represented by shreveport attorney larry feldman, jr., of the weiner, weiss & madison law firm.
Yeager vs Foote
24 November 2011
first thanksgiving
below is an account of the first thanksgiving taken from a letter written by edward winslow on 12 december 1621.
Our corn [i.e. wheat] did prove well, and God be praised, we had a good increase of Indian corn, and our barley indifferent good, but our peas not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sown. They came up very well, and blossomed, but the sun parched them in the blossom.
Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors.
They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others.
And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.
reposted 24 november 2011
reposted 25 november 2010
reposted 26 november 2009
reposted 27 november 2008
reposted 22 november 2007
reposted 23 november 2006
originally posted 24 november 2005
22 November 2011
h brenner sadler; provosty, sadler, delaunay, fiorenza & sobel law firm sued for malpractice; dishonesty; fraud and deceit
the petition for damages speaks for itself. the plaintiff, chrystal landry thompson, is represented by alexandria, la., attorney, koby d. boyett, la. bar roll no. 30468, of the boyett law firm.
the suit is assigned to ninth judicial district court, district division "g" - judge harry randow.
h brenner sadler; provosty,sadler,delaunay,fiorenza & sobel law firm sued for malpractice dishonesty fraud ...
UPDATE: judge harry randow recuses in thompson vs sadler & provosty and in thompson vs thompson
20 November 2011
cenla focus magazine picture pages
via: twitter @cenlafocus
we always try to pick up a cenla focus magazine when we see one. from time-to-time they have some interesting (to us) articles - our favorite part has always been in the back pages where they publish seemingly random photos of people from around cenla.
in the magazine the pictures are tiny like thumbnails. however, we've just noticed on their website that they are posting in slide-show format the larger versions.
so check it out:
september 2011 picture page
october 2011 picture page
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19 November 2011
19 november 2011 rapides parish election results
rapides parish results
other parishes
multi parish races
legislative races
wagner 45.93 (17,100) hilton 54.07% (20,129)
all 113 precincts in
9:31 wagner 46 hilton 54
111 of 113 precincts
9:23 wagner 47 hilton 53
hooter 64 stewart 36
109 of 113 precincts
9:19 wagner 47 hilton 53
hooter 65 stewart 35
101 of 113 precincts
9:09 wagner 48 hilton 52
hooter 64 stewart 36
78 of 113 precincts
8:59 wagner 50 hilton 50
hooter 66 stewart 34
54 of 113 precincts
8:51 wagner 51 hilton 49
hooter 67 stewart 33
35 of 113 precincts
8:41 wagner 51 hilton 49
hooter 66 stewart 34
17 of 113 precincts
8:35 wagner 50 hilton 50
hooter 66 stewart 34
8 of 113 precincts
8:15 wagner 51% hilton 49%
hooter 66 stewart 34
0 of 113 precincts
8:00 pm cst polls close across louisiana
sheriff - sheriff chuck wagner the incumbent
we've written before why we will not support former sheriff william earl hilton or any of his cronies for sheriff. it centers on his in perpetuity slave sales tax scam that this treasonous, traitorous rat together with his criminal friends on the rapides parish police jury back in 2002 sprung on the people of this parish. because of what these criminals did the city of alexandria and rapides parish now have (so far) three in perpetuity slave tax scams. people that are not even born yet will have to pay as well as collect these taxes with out ever being given the opportunity to vote on it. it's nothing but stealing. it's contrary to everything this country was founded upon as well as taxation without representation.
clerk of court - non ballot
these two candidates are career tax feeders and if you think they are going to look out for anyones interests other than the courthouse gangs' you need to have your head examined. additionally, candidate linda lin dyess stewart's repeated reaching out to the alexandria, la. shyster, grifting greg aymond for support is evidence to us that she is not an honest, respectable person. further reinforcing this belief is aymond's unethical attempt apparently on behalf of the dyess machine at smearing robin hooter as a racist using what appears to be a staged (or photoshopped) photo involving of all things the confederate flag is just too incredible for words.
police jury district "c" craig smith. again a crap shoot.
constitutional amendment no. 1 yes
the other one was a tax measure for pineville schools that we would have voted no to but it wasnt applicable to our address.
Posted by
Labels: IN_PERPETUITY_TAX, rapides_parish_clerk_of_court_election_2011, rapides_sheriff_2011, unethical_attorney_greg_aymond
16 November 2011
dont steal from the antoon's
according to this petition for monetary damages, in the summer of 2008 the defendant only worked for the antoon hospitality group, l.l.c., for a couple of months (or less) at their new taco bueno restaurant at 755 macarthur drive in alexandria, la., yet managed to make off with nearly $15,000. that's wild.
Antoon v King
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mt zion missionary baptist church in court again
for baptists this is a very litigious group.
mt zion missionary baptist church vs guideone insurance company
see also
1st corinthians chapter 6 kjv (1611)
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13 November 2011
pineville, la police department sued for unwarranted arrest; repeated tasing man on super 1 parking lot
UPDATE: city of pineville removes ritchie taser case to federal court

this petition for damages filed for cleveland l. ritchie, jr., by his attorney, rudie r. soileau, jr., la. bar roll #2119, of the lake charles, la., lundy, lundy, soileau & south law firm, is a bit vague in its description of the circumstances surrounding mr. ritchie's unfortunate "unwarranted arrest" and repeated violent tasing.
according to the petition, on 03 november 2010, mr. ritchie was sitting in a properly parked automobile on the parking lot of super 1 foods in pineville, "when he was confronted by officers of the pineville police department who immediately and without good cause arrested [him]."
the petition alleges various violations of mr. ritchie's rights, including 42 usc 1983 and 1988 as well as the fourth and fourteenth amendments to the united states constitution and article 2315 et seq., of the louisiana civil code and "provisions of the louisiana constitution of 1974." including article 1 sections 2, 5 and 20.
Ritchie vs Pineville Police Department
UPDATE: wst... has learned that the plaintiff, cleveland ritchie, jr., is the brother of local real estate executive, matt ritchie and fourteenth judicial district court (calcasieu parish) judge, david ritchie.
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UPDATE: city of pineville removes ritchie taser case to federal court
09 November 2011
alexandria shyster grifting greg aymond grifts local radio guy tony brown
poor tony brown. if only he had read wst... then he would have known that greg aymond is a piece of shit and cant be trusted.
guess mr. brown's eyes arent open so wide after all.
see cenlabriarpatch.com for the details ... heartbreak central ... and repost: tony brown explodes.
worth repeating ... pass it along ...
Having corrupt judges is a large part of the key to perpetuating the cycle of systemic corruption that has long had this area in a stranglehold.opining "about the latest batch of names sent by mary landrieu to obama for the vacant article III judge slot in the louisiana middle district." ~ read more
08 November 2011
grifting along ... with the alexandria la shyster greg aymond
yesterday, the alexandria, la. shyster gregory ray aymond aka puddin-headed-jibba-jabba, unethically cast doubt on the honesty of rapides parish police juror-elect sean mcglothlin.
aymond unethically posted what he claimed to be an "anonymous" email that he claims to have received which raised unsubstantiated allegations about mr. mcglothlin such as supposedly that:
there's NO record of him ever registering his business or getting an occupational license.of course for someone of aymond's self professed superior intelligence, education and ethics it would have seemed reasonable for him before posting something so flimsy to at least pay a visit to the rapides parish sales and use tax department and/or file an La. R.S. 44:1 et. seq public records request on the city to learn how the zoo's concession stand is set up as well as its accounting and tax reporting.
McGlothlin and his wife operate the Palm Cafe at the Alexandria Zoo. It's in his WIFE's name. It's reported that they have not paid ANY local sales tax on the business since they took over January 1, 2009. And what about State Sales tax? Was that paid?
And how were they able to get the concession at the City owned Zoo? Was anyone else considered?
The state may possibly take action against McGlothlin, along with the Parish."
that would have been the responsible, ethical thing to have done and then reported if the email was true or not. notice how the email ends by implying that police juror-elect mcglothlin is possibly going to be on the receiving end of some sort of state action.
of course aymond is angry with mr. mcglothlin because he defeated aymond associate steve coco.
what's funny is that its probably never occurred to either aymond or coco that his defeat was likely the result of his association and at times collaboration with such a piece of shit like greg aymond. mr. coco's boring and bizarre blog probably didnt help much either.
bloggers over at cenlabriarpatch.com thought aymond's position queer. especially, in light of the recent $50k+ internal revenue service tax lien filed against aymond at the rapides parish courthouse.
according to the irs, aymond didnt pay form 1040 taxes for six consecutive years. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. wow.
aymond responded to the briarpatch's post as he typically does when he is exposed: sing a poor poor pitiful me song and attempt to explain it all away as if you really didnt read what you just read.
regular visitors to aymond's site must notice how he never takes personal responsibility for the consequences of his sinful behavior. his misfortune is always someone else's doing.
today it came out that aymond also didnt pay his form 1040 taxes for tax years 1992, 1993 and 1994 and the internal revenue service had to come after him and file tax liens against him back then too.
Greg Aymond IRS Tax Year 1992-93-94 Liens
west group filed a petition against aymond in 1999 apparently due to his attempting to beat them out of over $5k for his law books.
West Group vs Gregory Aymond Petition Answer
it appears that aymond's cousin and crooked pineville city court judge phillip terrell represented him in that.
it's unclear the final outcome of the case from the clerk of court's records but an anonymous email told us that reportedly aymond discharged his west group bill in his bankruptcy proceeding.
aymond received his law license in october 1986 and up till he had his famous brain fart in october 2008 he practiced his brand of law for twenty-two years.
according to the irs ... greg aymond didnt pay his taxes for ten of those calendar years or for 45% of the time -- they had to come after him.
all this from someone who constantly brags about how intelligent, well educated, ethical and honest he is yet who is a lot like a welfare queen sitting on his ass in front of his computer all day and all night trolling around, cyber terrifying, stalking, harassing, the very people who are paying taxes to fund his lifestyle.
it's crazy. besides that its evidence that all welfare and government handouts/entitlement programs should cease.
07 November 2011
[[amateur raw]] international space station passes over central louisiana
note: turn down speaker volume.
while the iss was easy to spot with the naked eye it was moving across the sky very fast - locating it and staying located on it through the digicam viewfinder was hard.
track was WNW moving to SSE
h/t to @katctv3 for the heads up.
its amazing that anything came out -- but this vid might give future researchers some sense of how the iss appeared in the sky here.
closest weather conditions from kesf reporting station (esf) at 5:53 pm cst were: temp: 72f; dewpoint: 60f; relative humidity: 66%; barometric pressure: 30.07 inches; visibility: 10 miles; ceiling: unlimited; wind: south east at 6mph, no gusts; weather: clear.
international space station fly over central louisiana from around 6:07 - 6:10 pm cst, monday, 07 november 2011.
original .mp4 video file is time stamped 6:07:42 - 6:10:58 pm cst monday 07 november 2011.
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gillis long bridge
driving over the gillis long bridge [red river] from pineville into alexandria, louisiana.
hi-res photos and more information at bridgehunter.com gillis long bridge;
panoramio.com photo of gillis long bridge [jackson street] over red river, alexandria, la.
gillis william long memorial at find-a-grave
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06 November 2011
missing man's best friend
on its passing, a local blogger remembers his longtime-companion ...
05 November 2011
pineville, la. man dies after winn parish deer hunt
wst... is saddened to learn of the death of kirby humbles.
on the morning of thursday, 03 november 2011, mr. humbles, aged 65, departed the hunting camp near winnfield in winn parish, louisiana, he shared with his wife, lendria to make an early deer hunt.
mr. humbles had a successful hunt too, harvesting a deer from his stand -- then dragging it to and loading it into the bed of his pick-up truck.
when he didnt return to camp by around 11 am his wife began looking for him. searchers found mr. humbles around noon seated in the cab of his truck deceased due to natural causes.

03 November 2011
FLASHBACK barbara norton ... barbara norton ...
this is wild!
In XXL's "Negro Please" segment, Ron Mexico and Julie the Intern go in on Chopper, I mean... Hurricane Chris and his godmommy, Rep. Barbara Norton for making asses of themselves at the Louisiana State Legislature. ~ ron mexico city youtube channel
see also
my bossier
barbara norton & hurricane chris clowned by xxlmag.com
see also related posts under the
loony looziana legislature video label
in the footer of this post
see also
my bossier
barbara norton ... barbara norton dossier
investigation warranted into false pleading cover-up in sanders v alexandria civil service commission
anyone who reads mayor jacques roy "motion to set aside and vacate order of consolidation and grant motion for voluntary dismissal," will understand that our calling the so called tiffany n sanders' "'unopposed' motion and order to consolidate," a false pleading is neither hyperbolic or reckless. after all, mayor roy flat-out stated that it was "contrary to law," .pdf pg 6 para. 6.
according to the online legal dictionary, "contrary to law" is defined as:
contrary to law adjective criminal, false, illegal, illegitimate, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, lawless, malfeasant, outlawed, proscribed, tortious, unauthorized, unlawful, wrong.further, the mayor charges that ms. sanders' motion and order were in violation of several of the uniform rules for district courts.
many of the gannett/town talk commenters will remember the tiffany sanders "unopposed motion for consolidation," as that maneuver reportedly by mr. davenport when he went to see judge metoyer at a local restaurant and got him to sign the motion order. mayor roy mentions that in his papers too: .pdf pg 7 para. 7.
so the question is, why did the 3rd circuit sweep it under the rug? especially when it is an important public issue (the integrity of our courts) and when it was clearly marked for review in the mayor's assignments of error? where is the investigation? where is the accountability?
we cant have lawyers filing fictitious pleadings and judges signing improper orders and trying to pass it off as legitimate. that is called a scam. if they do it in a high profile case like this ... imagine what goes on everyday.
suppose a lawyer and a judge were in cahoots and the lawyer brought the judge something to sign without telling you about it and so you got an order and a judgment against you. how would you like that?
we think that sheriff wagner would have been much more successful, if instead of reciting -- at every opportunity, his "drug war" nonsense would have focused on investigating public corruption and white-collar criminals ... taking down the political and governmental organized crime gangs.
so once again where are the feds? to do the locals job for them ... again. time will tell.
tiffany n sanders unopposed motion and order to consolidate is page one of the .pdf followed by judge metoyer's "do over" order; then mayor roy's motion to set aside and vacate order of consolidation and grant motion for voluntary dismissal. ten pages:
"unopposed" motion potential false pleading
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02 November 2011
third circuit posts opinion in tiffany n sanders vs alexandria civil service commission feat alexandria mayor jacques roy
"the trial judge has no power to dismiss a case on his own motion." Spencer, 432 So.2d at 824.
The Mayor and the City now appeal, asserting that the trial court erred: in dismissing their petition of intervention on its own motion; in rendering orders and decrees beyond any relief sought by the parties; and in asserting jurisdiction over and issuing rulings in a case not assigned to it and in "which case the court's Consolidation Order had been rendered moot by a specific Writ Application Ruling of this Court."
on 05 october 2011 the 3rd circuit appeals court heard the oral argument of the consolodated appeal from a judgment signed by ninth judicial district court judge george metoyer.
this case is seen as a "must win" for the mayor.
there has been lots of speculation in the form of internet chatter, for example, on gannett/the town talk's forums; in their news coverage of the court proceedings, of unethical attorney conduct, as well as possible judicial misconduct and even possibly collusion on the part of the judge and one of ms. sander's attorneys, namely, thomas davenport. it looks like a lot of that was spelled out in the mayor's other assignments of error.
sadly, the 3rd circuit by refusing to address those important issues engaged in another louisiana style good ol boy network coverup, perhaps a little judicial asscovering, -- choosing to rule only on the mayor's first assignment of error.
of course if the corrupt, crooked louisiana judicial branch of government didnt hide their proceedings from view by prohibiting citizens from bringing their own cameras and recording devices in the courtroom (all courtrooms should be streamed online anyway and if the court proceedings were streamed online it would help put a stop to a lot of the outright fraud that goes on) we could look at the courtroom video and see for ourselves.
moments ago the 3rd circuit issued their opinion:
PHYLLIS M. KEATYLINK six page .pdf [206 kb]
Court composed of Sylvia R. Cooks, James T. Genovese, and Phyllis M. Keaty, Judges.
For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the judgments rendered on February 4, 2011, and February 14, 2011, and we remand these matters to the trial court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. All costs are to be shared equally by the parties to this appeal.
LINK2 three page .pdf [78 kb]
click here for the complete opinion all nine pages .pdf [274 kb]
UPDATE: see cenlabriarpatch: ""Alexandria Mayor Jacques Roy Wins In The Appellate Court Over The Tiffany Sanders Litigation"
Case Number 11 539 CA Hearing Date: 10/05/2011
Lead Case CA 11 0000539 consolidated with CA 11 0000540
Trial Court - Rapides
Ninth Judicial District Court
Defendant Appellee - Winston Gerard DeCuir - Dr. Ronald Mason Jr.
Defendant Appellee - Winston Gerard DeCuir - Southern University A & M System
Intervenor Appellant - Michael John O'Shee - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Samuel Newman Poole Jr. - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Joseph H. L. Perez-Montes - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Steven M. Oxenhandler - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Michael John O'Shee - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Intervenor Appellant - Samuel Newman Poole Jr. - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Intervenor Appellant - Joseph H. L. Perez-Montes - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Intervenor Appellant - Steven M. Oxenhandler - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Plaintiff Appellee - Malcolm Xerxes Larvadain - Tiffany N. Sanders
Defendant Appellee - Thomas D. Davenport, Jr. - Alexandria Civil Service Commiss
Case Number 11 540 CA Hearing Date: 10/05/2011
Lead Case CA 11 0000539 consolidated with CA 11 0000540
Trial Court - Rapides
Ninth Judicial District Court
Intervenor Appellant - Samuel Newman Poole Jr. - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Joseph H. L. Perez-Montes - City of Alexandria
Intervenor Appellant - Steven M. Oxenhandler - City of Alexandria
Defendant Appellee - Winston Gerard DeCuir - Dr. Ronald Mason Jr.
Defendant Appellee - Winston Gerard DeCuir - Southern University A & M System
Intervenor Appellant - Samuel Newman Poole Jr. - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Intervenor Appellant - Joseph H. L. Perez-Montes - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Intervenor Appellant - Steven M. Oxenhandler - Hon. Jacques M. Roy, Mayor
Plaintiff Appellee - Malcolm Xerxes Larvadain - Tiffany N. Sanders
Defendant Appellee - Thomas D. Davenport, Jr. - Alexandria Civil Service Commiss
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"most americans just don’t care about government"
via: twitter @adambitely
a couple of weeks ago, washington, d.c., based conservative writer adam bitely married; the happy couple's honeymoon entailed a road trip through at least four states.
mr. bitely was refreshed to rediscover that:
In real America (anywhere outside of the political bubble of D.C.), regular folks are living life without needing the constant morphine drip of what is happening inside the halls of Congress.he ends his piece on a cautionary note:
It is in real America where one can learn how truly inconsequential Congress and the President truly are.
Certainly, the federal government makes decisions that impact millions of people, but in real America, Congress deserves an appropriate minimum time of attention. ~ read more
The values of real America are lost on the people of D.C. It is perhaps for this reason that the policies that stream out of Washington on a daily basis are consistently poisonous to the truly better world that is real America.this willful inattention to government or so called "voter apathy" by the citizenry in their failing to demand and watch that governments operate under the "values of real america" which is of course the constitution, is exactly why the federal, state and local governments are running amuck and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.