30 September 2006
30 september 2006 election returns
video blog permalink

kalb has added the three mayoral candidate interviews to their video blog section.
**flash**rugg elementary voting problemvideo: what caused saturday's voting problems?
video: can roosevelt johnson contest election results?
babs zimmerman: what happened saturday?
MORE...kalb video...around 150 voters or more were turned away from their usual voting precinct saturday...a precinct worker sandra powers, said on camera: "its because they moved our precinct one of them in here over to bolton they did not send any cards out we did not know about it either...until we found out just the other day." ...rapides registrar of voters johnell wilson tries to explain the change in precincts away as due to reapportionment 6 years ago and that change of precinct cards had been mailed out presumably 6 years ago, this is despite what her own poll commissioner said...a disenfranchised voter who didnt wish to appear on camera said that she had voted at rugg recently (within the past six years)...kalb larry collins report in .mp3 audio here.
town talk snip:
"Third-place finisher Roosevelt Johnson said Sunday he would talk to family and campaign staff Sunday and wait until the official vote count Tuesday before deciding what he'll do." [...] Johnson would not comment on whether another option for him would be filing a lawsuit claiming some voters were disenfranchised, or discouraged or kept from voting Saturday or in early voting." "I can't say anything until I meet with my family and my campaign team," Johnson said.click here to read more from the town talk
video: local blog cenlamar featured on kalb-tv
video: jacques roy looks forward to run off
video: voting problems in the garden district
kalb...voting problems in alexandria city council district 4
town talk...Roy, Brewer earn runoff spots for Alexandria mayor; Johnson barely misses out on runoff

32 of 41 precincts reporting
1,797------- 20%----- Delores Brewer, R
971----------11%----- "Joe" Fuller, D
79------------ 1% -----Alice "Red" Hammond, D
2,067------- 23%----- Roosevelt L. Johnson, D
2,796------- 30%----- Jacques M. Roy, D
696 -----------8%----- John Sams, R
772----------- 8%----- Charles Fredrick Smith, Jr., D
27%-----------Delores Brewer, R----------------292 votes
7%-----------"Joe" Fuller, D------------------------80
0%-----------Alice "Red" Hammond, D------------3
8%-----------Roosevelt L. Johnson, D------------86
43%-----------Jacques M. Roy, D----------------468
10%-----------John Sams, R-----------------------108
5%-----------Charles Fredrick Smith, Jr., D-------52
407 / 39% Myron K. Lawson, D
629 / 61% "Alex" Slatkin, D
councilman district 2
48 / 44% Darrell K. Hickman, D
60 / 56% Everett C. Hobbs, D
councilman district 4
143 / 42% Marc Lampert, D
195 / 58% Harry B. Silver, R
original post
there can be only one...
see also
paw paw's house local races
Alexandria has a hotly contested mayoral race with seven pretenders and the results should be interesting. I worked a football game at a local high school tonight and I informally surveyed a couple of folks who keep their fingers on the pulse of Alexandria politics. The conclusion...
ok its after 8:00 pm and now we will post who we did and who we would have voted for in the various elections.
alexandria mayor - john sams - dr sams brought on the best campaign in our opinion. he started campaiging a long time ago and despite his reputation as being a head knocker he never resorted to mud slinging. we think dr. sams wants to be mayor the most. additionally, dr. sams, we feel, would provide lots of excitement and entertainment to the blogosphere
city council at large - dr alex slatkin
dist2 daryl hickman [shame on councilman hobbs and mr. hickman for choosing not to do a kalb video blog.]
dist4 - harry silver
sec'y of state - rayburn clipper
commissioner of insurance - s b a zaitoon
ca1 y
ca2 y
ca3 y
ca4 - n
ca5 - n
ca6 - n
ca7 - n
ca8 y
ca9 y
ca10 y
ca11 y
ca12 y
ca13 - n
library tax - n
school board tax - n
additionally we recommend a constitutional amendment to limit how many constitutional amendments can appear on a ballot at one time. four or five at a time is enough. furthermore, by placing so many amendments on the ballot it cheapens the constitution it makes it look like a weak piece of paper that is so sorry that it requires massive amending all the time. that many amendments is confusing and stupid and should be stopped!
29 September 2006
republican cyber-sex scandal

pondering american blog snip:
Oh Well Republicans have lost another House Seatclick here to read more
It appears that emails from Republican House member Foley of Florida to a males page that worked for Louisiana Congressman [Rodney] Alexander has caused another to go into the Dem column.
mike francis on jeff crouere show
mp3 here
mike francis just appeared on the jeff crouere show and talked about jay dardenne's most recent campaign commercial the one with the fat guy in the red cape. francis referred to the ad as "a superman ad" that he had to laugh and that he thought that most people realized that it is "too late" to throw some mud out there "if you have a substantial campaign issue you use that early on to in order to really build a base and build a seperation between you and a candidate so i the information that they put out in that superman ad i think is just a cheap shot made and its indicitive of a candidate whos running behind and hes desperate."
one thing that mr. francis mentions that makes sense to us is that the sec'y of state is "your chief business officer - anytime a corporation comes here from another state they must come to the secretary of states office to register their corporaton and also i might add that all of our local louisiana corporations must register there too. this gives the secretary of state a direct eye in to go before the legislature, the governor and anyone else who is associated with business to ask for a good level playing field from our government towards business and one of the things i will do is push the legislature to eliminate some of these unfair taxes that we have in louisiana."
disappointingly no mention was made of mr. francis's civil court contempt citation that was reported on earlier this week.
francis predicts that he will finish slightly behind and be in the runoff with the democratic candidate francis heitmeier.
note: chad over at the dead pelican has a copy of what he is calling the "infamous" dardenne superman ad you can download and view by clicking here. see also: DARDENNE AD REVOLTS VIEWERS
october last trumpet newsletter out

as we've written before we always enjoy reading each months edition of the last trumpet. we especially find intriguing the way the author pastor david j. meyer who claims to be an ex satanist and witch ties major events to the witches calender and sabats. heres some excerpts:
"...the Apostle Peter describes the same condition that Jeremiah revealed and used the words “willingly ignorant” to describe the people of earth in the last days. This is especially true of the professing Christians. Very few of them ever talk about Bible prophecy anymore. One vital point regarding this serious problem that I urge you to never forget is that it is not the work of the antichrist to deceive the unbelievers of this word! Satan already has the unbelievers right where he wants them. The work of the antichrist is to deceive the Christians. When Christians stop reading the true Bible, and when they no longer pray and fight the enemy, the first thing they lose is their gift of discernment. This is a gift that is given only to those who are actively engaging the enemy in battle. What follows is an inability to think for themselves and to understand the evil world that they live in. The professing Christians then become like the characters in the Wizard of Oz with no heart, no brain, and no courage! The Illuminati and Satan are counting on that!
Never in the history of our nation has there been such an utter lack of character and common decency among those who occupy the high offices of our government! On July 28th, 2006, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain went on a congressional trip together to Estonia. While in that nation, representing our nation on official business, Hillary suggested holding a vodka drinking contest! John McCain said he was delighted and quickly agreed. McCain commented later on how much fun he found Hillary to be. McCain stated that he didn’t remember details as they were a little fuzzy, but he did say, “Hillary is one of the guys.” (6) Both Hillary Clinton and John McCain are front runners for their party for the 2008 presidential election.
Truly, our nation is deteriorating fast, and deception is the modus operandi of high government. Even Senator John Rockefeller, of all people, recently stated, “President Bush duped the public on Iraq and the world would be better off if Saddam Hussein were still running that country.” (7)
Iraq has become a blood-bathed country due to our presence there, and the cries and screams from the daily atrocities are reaching unto Heaven. On August 23rd, 2006, thousands of U.S. Marines were re-called to active duty to be sent to the land of slaughter known as Iraq. (12) So many of our military personnel come back from our war zones wounded in many ways, but far more come back sick from the effects of so-called spent uranium. The first Gulf War taught us the dangers of that. In 1990-1991, we fought a three-week war in the Persian Gulf area involving 580,400 of our soldiers. The total number of our soldiers that were wounded in that war was 467. We must ask ourselves why then are there now 11,000 Gulf War I veterans dead, and why are a whopping 325,000 of them now on permanent medical disability? Thus, 56 percent of those who served have severe medical problems!
The entire world is in a state of unrest! We recently had a war between the Israeli State and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, which lasted thirty-three days. Now Hezbollah is rearming for an even greater war. (21) Meanwhile, the Israeli State has also made it clear that they are gearing up for a full-scale war with Iran and Syria. (22) To add fuel to the already raging fire, Pope Benedict XVI recently made a speech in which he condemned the Islamic Jihad as “unreasonable, evil, and inhuman.” (23) The Pope, whether right or wrong, now has a serious problem. The Moslem world is now rising up and calling for a “Holy War” against the Pope and his followers. This is just the way Dr. Albert Pike and Giuseppi Mazzino planned it when laying out the blueprint for three world wars back in the nineteenth century. Pike and Mazzino were arch Illuminists who controlled the Illuminati conspiracy just after the American Civil War. They clearly stated that World War III, when and if necessary, would be fomented by the differences between united Christendom and the Moslem world. (24)
The real dilemma the Pope faces is that he cannot apologize for what he said. Ordinarily a political or religious figure can apologize to avoid major strife. The Pope cannot do so without destroying the Catholic Church, because according to the Dictates of Hildebrand and Cannon Law, the Pope speaks ex-cathedra and is infallible. An apology would destroy the doctrine of Papal infallibility and would desecrate the throne of St. Peter according to Roman Catholic doctrine. It appears that there is no way out of this one! Time is short!"
click the link to read more.
james david cain to moon griffon 'just me and you'
mp3 here
lmao talk about pathetic...la state senator james david cain whos a candidate in tomorrows election for state insurance commissioner called into the moon griffon show this morning. the best reason this guy can come up with to not vote for the libertarian candidate is because their party is for the legalization of marijuana. LOL whats that got to do with the insurance commissioner office? see, its just more pandering to simple minded peoples emotions just like senator cain did with the flag burning non issue. james david cain is a master huckster and con artist.
related posts:
28 September 2006
brewer lawsuit
alexandria, louisiana mayoral racedelores brewer is a candidate for alexandria, louisiana mayor. in a campaign mailout earlier this week she attacked another candidate jacques roy who is an attorney at law. ms.brewer claims that he sues to get people convicted of d.w.i.'s their drivers license back. despite these claims ms. brewers camp doesnt produce any evidence to back up she merely says that its in the courthouse and we should go to the courthouse and look it up. lol. ms. brewer also attacked trial lawyers in general yet her family retained a lawyer and sued state farm back in 1997 when her son morgan brewer was involved in a traffic accident. ms. brewer and her husband also asked for damages for among other things "loss of consortium." ms. brewer was also an employee of the city of alexandria at the time and was represented by ronald j. fiorenza who is with a law firm (or should we say one of the citys numerous law firms?) that represents the city of alexandria: provosty, sadler, delaunay, fiorenza & sobel.
in a kalb.com vid titled "dirty politics" in alexandria mayor's race? ms. brewer said "its about his profession being a trial lawyer its about his profession in how he conducts himself as a trial lawyer and that he is trying to go and work for the city and lead the city the very city that hes trying to sue that hes sued in the past thats what its about its professional [...] mr roy is uh a trial attorney and i think that the people need to know that about him...the people need to know that he is a trial attorney who sues nursing homes and hospitals and doctors and the city of alexandria and the city of pineville and the england authority and the sheriffs department and all these entities [...] they need to know how mr. roy makes his living."
MORE... brewer lawsuit getting big buzz on cenla antics blog heres a few comments:

oh and look who the judge is why its our old pal george metoyer...see new judge wastes no time joining the old boy network & cleco is being shafted & fools gold & musical chairs at the ninth judicial district court & robbing the bank twice EXTERNAL LINK
27 September 2006
amanda gutweiler hypes decision affirmed
related posts:
26 September 2006
louisiana's newest resident
former worldcom ceo bernard ebbers reported to the oakdale, louisiana federal prison today. the media showed him driving up in a white mercedes.

we guess the bureau of prisons will update their website later although they still list richard lee mcnair as "released."
its the dope stupid

sec'y of state race
we would say yes. jay dardenne (left) is a fake republican and doesnt stand for nuffin. the other one francis heitmeier like dardenne is a long time louisiana state senator.this article is pro mike francis but he was recently held in contempt of court in a civil suit by his exwife prohibiting him from taking money from his business and using it in his campaign. according to the new orleans times-picayune the ex ms. francis is giving money and supporting jay dardenne. wtf? none of the three of them is fit to possess the great seal of the state of louisiana much less over see our election apparatus.
heres the list of sec'y of state candidates from the sec'y of state website vote for one of the others...
the insurance commissioner race scam
we started working on this post back during the 2006 regular legislative session. the original title was to be "senator james david cain please remove head from ass" because we were disgusted by his flagrant pandering and grandstanding to the simple minded peoples emotions regarding the non issue of flag burning. we mean c'mon this state just experienced two hurricanes and the best plan that senator cain could come up with to create a better louisiana is flag burning? if you think that senator cain is going to do one little thing to improve our insurance crisis then by all means go ahead and vote for him. thankfully there is a third candidate running, a libertarian named s.b.a. zatoon, this is who we will vote for and you should too.
at first we were going to vote for deanne henke. its just as well that she dropped out and endorsed senator cain because that tells us that she isnt any good. obviously she has been paid or blackmailed off to support senator cain or more likely shes a part of the criminal network.
anyway, we are tired of adding to and editing this post. so, if it appears to be a disjointed mess thats why.a couple of days ago chad reported from the dead pelican that deanne henke had dropped out louisiana's insurance commissioner race.

"...The candidate that will win on September 30th will be the one with the resources to spread their message, gather support, and turnout the vote. Without abandoning my principled position and accepting money from insurance interests, it has not been possible for me to raise the necessary funds to wage a successful race.this leads us to conclude that ms. henke has either been bought off or blackmailed to support senator cain.
As Chairman of the Senate Insurance Committee, James David Cain shares my vision of change, and has been blocked in his legislative attempts to implement reform by an obstinate Department of Insurance. In debate after debate, we have both agreed on the need to implement comprehensive ethics reform, restore accountability to the ratings process, and fight for catastrophic protection."
if the truth was known in all those debates m. henke mentions probably what happened is that senator cain picked up on and parroted her own platform. senator cain is good at pandering and playing to the citizenery's emotions oh he knows better, the trouble is that we have for the most part (by our own fault) have forgotten how to recognize it. heres why:
you might remember that around this time last year louisiana experienced two devestating hurricanes in case you forgot, their names were katrina and rita. the governor waited entirely too long in calling louisiana's legislature in emergency or special or as we call it here an 'extraordinary' session. the first extraordinary session was held from 06 november 2005. senator cain filed three instruments sb15 which was about heh heh heh ethics which not surprisingly was never called for vote, sb46 which was some nonsense about sales taxe on natural gas, which never made it out of committee and senate concurrent resolution scr41 more which urged and requested "the Congress of the United States to change the coastal line by which the state receives tax and mineral revenue from three miles to twelve miles..."
1st extraordinary session after katrina convened 06 november and adjourned 22 november 2005.

the 2006 regular session was from 27 march 2006 until 19 june 2006 and senator cain filed:

a total of 25 instruments, one sb56 was withdrawn from the files of the senate. ten never made it out of committee. two were made subject to call then were never called. four were concurrent resolutions. eight were signed into law.
so whats the point of all this? well louisiana was hit by two disasters last year and how does senator james david cain respond? by filing a lot of frivilous legislation thats how. in one instance senator cain filed sb25 which creates the crime of burning the united states flag. oh yeah and its dependant on the united states constitution being amended to make it a crime. this bill which went on to be signed into "law" although its not really a law by a weak and lame ass governor isnt even enforceable.
now, there is several reasons why our louisiana politicians file nonsense instruments, one reason is that it ties up staff time and floor and committe debate time and other valuable resources so that the legislature doesnt have to work on real legislation to make the state a better place to live. another reason they do it is to pander to our states over abundance of simple minded citizens. louisiana's simple minded people are all those that go to church for an hour on sundays to act all holy and pious then for the rest of the six days and twenty-three hours live like and for the devil.
we've never burnt an american flag, we've never even been to an event where an american flag was burnt.
but senator cain (r) dry creek, is apparantly the master when it comes to filing warm fuzzy feel good do nothing waste of time and money legislation. a perusal of "instruments by james david cain" at legis.state.la.us returns a veritable cornucopia of uselessness.
first off we find SB25 which "creates the crime of burning the united states flag." as if thats not enough senator cain manages to go overboard on the subject with SCR23 which bugs washington to "memorialize the united states senate to take such actions as are necessary to pass the proposed constitutional amendment banning the desecration of the united states flag."
but you say thats our flag the symbol of our country people died for it yadda yadda yadda. usually the very ones bringing on this argument are these pseudo or quasi religious persons who have never had an original thought in their lives. they cant seem to grasp the meaning of the 4th commandment. which is funny because over in senator cain's SB476 he wants the secretary of state to promulagate a document containing the 10 commandents as well as the mayflower compact, the declaration of independance and articles I - VI of the northwest ordinance and make available to and so "...that the state offices, clerks of court, judges and local government buildings are authorized to post the documents for display provided by the secretary in a visible public location along with other historical documents." looks like he hasnt even bothered to read any of the documents he wants us to read. theres that pandering again.
so anyway, the point of all this is, is that if you think senator cain is going to do anything or even has the talent or wherewithal to improve louisiana's insurance industry then please by all means vote for him.

lt gov mitch landrieu on moon griffon.mp3
mp3 herethis morning lieutenant governor mitch landrieu called in to moon griffon radio program to talk about last nights new orleans saints game. lt gov landrieu brought other news about louisiana's tourist industry.
related posts:
25 September 2006
how america is propagandized
we just came across this post on rense.com and it perfectly illustrates how the rest of the world is told something different than what we americans are. when the trap is sprung most americans will never know what hit us.
for Europe, Asia, Latin America. The large red arrow and
text directs your attention to what we in the US get!
Thanks to Jim Houston for capturing and submitting this image
click picture to enlarge
related posts:
mike francis held in civil contempt of court
we had an idea that this guy was not what he seems because you know the old adage about how if something sounds too good to be true it isnt. mr. francis seeking out the endorsement of the likes of john mccain pretty much made up our mind for us that we would vote for someone else and no not fake republican la state senator jay dardenne or la state senator francis heitmeier.
related posts:
23 September 2006
field negros' looking for love...
fn has been rummaging around for a newspaper over at massa's house again and as usual the house negros get the best part. nevertheless, fn makes do with the classified section instead and maybe even finds a date.
SBF seeks SBF for love and companionship: She must be patient, willing to listen, and most of all be drug free. Size, weight, and looks do not matter.click the link to read more.
If interested, please call Whitney at ***-***-****
SBF seeks SBM for possible life time commitment: Must be loving,caring, and not wasteful with money. Must be dark handsome, and articulate. (I tried light didn't like it) My ideal mate does not have to have any previous work experience as he will be a stay at home husband. He must be understanding and be able to deal with the demands of my career. He must also be scandal free, with no illegitimate children, and willing to sign a prenup. An appreciation for reading would also be nice.
If interested, please call Oprah at ***-***-****
related posts:
washington parish alliance on wwl don dubuc show.mp3
.mp3 here

this morning don dubuc interviewed jalon beech and lee kelley about eminent domain abuse and louisiana's reservoir scam. we've posted about this soooooooo much because what is happening to our fellow louisianaians there is wrong. that and if we found ourselves busted flat in washington parish we would hope that the good people there would give us a cup of coffee and bus fare back home instead of a good ass whipping. in other words like one of our grandpaws put it one time: "when i get to heaven i dont want god asking me why was you screwing people all the time for?"
so whats going on is that we have this interconnecting network of politicians, families and useful idiots working together to steal peoples ancient homesteads and familar land, cemeteries, churches the whole nine yards, under the guise of economic development. the scam works like this: you pick out a poor rural parish and tell the people that you are going to solve all their problems by building this reservoir and how with a reservoir all these people will pour in to fish, ski you know water related recreation and how they will spend all this money in gas and food and tourism.
oh and it helps if you are already a member of the state legislature so you can go ahead and write the laws and have them shepherded through by your other reservoir pals (the network) thats in the legislature as well. then you go ahead and steal the land by eminent domain build your reservoir and sell high end homes on the remaining land which you and your pals and family and the rest of the criminal network own via myriads of shell companies. never forgetting the fact that you and your pals in the legislature are the ones writing the laws on one end enabling you to steal everything on the other. its freaking genius.
this is just the extremely short version. if you love solving a good mystery and feel like playing columbo or jim rockford or mccloud then follow these links not just to our blog but to all the other blogs and websites out there that document all this way better than we ever could.
related posts:
see also
community preservation alliance: reservoir political wrong-doing
washington parish community preservation alliance: oak grove community
the real reservoir news: oak grove community
**flash** special alexandria city council meeting monday morn...
**updated** 12:51 pm cdt monday 25 september 2006
town talk...

The Alexandria City Council today decided to proceed with Saturday's elections in council Districts 2 and 4 despite questions over the boundaries of the districts.
The council met in special session today and learned that only a dozen votes are affected by the boundary dispute. Because of the small number of votes affected, the council decided to proceed with the elections.
There had been the possibility that elections would be delayed for District 2, where incumbent Councilman Everett Hobbs faces challenger Darrell Hickman; and District 4, where incumbent Harry Silver faces Marc Lampert.
Rapides Parish Registrar of Voters Joanell Wilson last week discovered that the wrong map was used to draw council district lines for voting purposes.
original post
absentee voting for next saturdays election began monday. some voters in district 2 and 4 upon going to the registar's office the first day to cast their ballot began to learn that they couldnt vote for their candidate for councilman in the district that they live in due to whats being called a map discrepancy between the rapides area planning commission, the city and the registar's respective map. they are all drawn differently so that the new ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES werent programmed correctly. (or where they?) thats how people found out when they went to vote the machine wouldnt let them. click here to read an anonymous commentator over on cenla antics blog who scooped the MSM and broke the news to the blogosphere around 7 pm wednesday.There will be a Special City Council meeting on
Monday, September 25, 2006 at 11:30 A.M.
in the City Council Chambers to discuss the following:
To consider a report from the Administration and City Attorney on concerns regarding the elections of Council Districts 2 and 4 and To consider adoption of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Administration to take necessary actions that may be required.
the registrar of voters said that the election would proceed unless and until someone filed a suit and a judge ruled to stop it. as you can imagine everyone in alexandria is up in arms about it. this morning the town talk website published a story by billy gunn see Alexandria denies it contributed to inaccurate council boundaries in which mr. gunn reported that a baton rouge voting rights attorney leo hamilton who according to the louisiana state bar association website is with the baton rouge law firm of Breazeale, Sachse Wilson, L.L.P. will be at this special city council meeting monday morning. everyone wants to know who in the city called this baton rouge lawyer to come interfere in the election and on what authority and how much it will cost when it should be up to a voter or candidate to file a suit if it should come to that in the first place. look for a good crowd at the city council meeting.

another city attorney howard b. "trey" gist, iii, was quoted as saying in that town talk article that the city had the only official map and this map came from the citys website so it must be the official map.
follow the controversy over on cenla antics at this thread One Week left ... and Bewildered!
some comments:At Friday, September 22, 2006 7:18:42 PM, Anonymous said...
(city attorney kelvin sanders) Kelvin is such a lying sack of
At Friday, September 22, 2006 7:29:29 PM, biff said...
this whole thing is to protect hobbs. he knows he has a whipping coming and has gotten his blow buddy kelvin to
the new york times: Officials Wary of Electronic Voting Machines
rolling stone: Will The Next Election Be Hacked?
21 September 2006
huey pierce long
the website judicial inc does such a good job putting together such fascinating reports we are featuring a few screen grabs from another of their latest. this one is on huey p. long. there is a movie set to open soon called "all the kings men" it stars sean penn (who will never be as good as he was as jeff spicoli in "fast times at ridgemont high") as a huey longesque politician named willie stark. long is way before our time and he has always received a bad rap as a good ole boy corrupt politician symbol of everything that is wrong with politics and politicians generally and louisiana specifically.
long was assasinated in september of 1935 in the state capitol at baton rouge, louisiana. the bullet holes are still in the wall for all to see. we had an old aunt that used to tell us stories about those days, in september 1935 she would have been eleven years old. her dad our grandfather was a school bus driver and naturally she rode his bus. one afternoon they were on their way home when a friend of our grandpas came out to the road and flagged him down. the man asked "did you hear that they killed our friend?"
our aunt would then go on to say how grandpa cried upon hearing the news. now our grandpa was what used to be called a hard shell baptist. he believed in god and in hard work he didnt put up with foolishness. according to our aunt it wasnt until pearl harbor was attacked that he went out and bought a radio to listen to war news. so it would seem that if huey long was as bad as some historians would have us believe that our grandpa wouldnt have been so upset.
anyway, click the link for more and at the bottom of that page there is a link to n audio recording of one of long's speeches.