29 February 2012
jacques roy arrested on charges related to $375 million health care fraud
this morning we noticed that we were being bombarded from all over the country by "jacques roy" googlers.
naturally, we were curious as to what the alexandria mayor had done to garner so much national interest -- but not enough to google his name for ourselves.
jacques maurice roy is the name of the mayor of alexandria, louisiana;
it wasnt until a googler from general motors corporation in troy, michigan was doing a google image search "jacques roy arrest photo" that we went over to news.google.com and entered "jacques roy" to learn that the jacques roy that everyone is interested in -- is actually dr. jacques roy, "a texas physician," who along with six others were arrested tuesday, 28 february 2012, "on charges they bilked medicare and medicaid of $375 million from 2006 until last november."
we know that the local anti-roys are disappointed although the superstitious amongst them will probably take it as an omen.
tornado believed to have struck downtown branson, missouri
via: twitter @TWCMikeBettes
Significant damage was reported early Wednesday in Branson, after strong storms and possibly a tornado moved through the southern portion of Missouri.many central louisianaians enjoy vacationing at branson, missouri.
National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Griffin says the apparent tornado moved through downtown Branson, heavily damaging the city's famous theaters.
Griffin says numerous injuries have also been reported in Buffalo, where the storm passed through a mobile home park.
Also hit in southwest Missouri were Lebanon and Buffalo. ~ read more
see also
storms rip path of damage across central u.s.
27 February 2012
cheneyville police department sued
the petition for damages of abraham l. fields states that on or about 16 february 2011, he was "sitting in an automobile properly awaiting traffic to move at a caution light on highway 71 when he was confronted by officer [jeffrey] jeter of the cheneyville police department who immediately and without good cause arrested abraham l. fields for speeding."
mr. fields says that this was an unwarranted arrest, without good cause and therefore illegal.
mr. fields says that under the circumstances, officer jeter used unreasonable and unjustified force which violated his constitutional and personal rights.
also mr. fields states that while he was not resisting, that officer jeter pulled him out of the vehicle and caused him bodily injury.
he is pleading violations of the fourth, fifth and fourteenth amendments of the united states constitution (.pdf) and 42 usc sec 1983 and 42 usc sec 1988, as well as the louisiana civil code at articles 2315 (liability for acts causing damages) et seq., as well as various articles of the louisiana constitution (.pdf) of 1974, such as article one section two; article one section five and article one section twenty.
while mr. fields is suing the cheneyville police department through the village of cheneyville, it's curious why he didnt choose to make officer jeter, in his official capacity, a defendant. see for instance paragraph 13 of the petition.
the suit is filed by pineville attorney, b. gerald weeks and is assigned to ninth judicial district court judge harry randow.

UPDATED: this suit was moved to federal court -- click here to download updated thirteen pages .pdf [343kb]
23 February 2012
UPDATED search on for missing grant parish man jim delaney
we've known about this for several days and chose not to post about it. jim delaney or "stud" as he's known to his friends was real good friends with our late grandpa and late uncle.stud and our uncle grew up together at pollock in grant parish, louisiana and were life long friends. all three hunted many, many ducks together from our grandpa's duck blind on catahoula lake.
that stud has dementia is news to us. we saw him this past thanksgiving day at our aunt's home, sat across from him at the table and had a pleasant conversation with him. since then we've crossed paths a couple of times at super 1 grocery store in kingsville. the last time just a few weeks ago.
some locals may remember him as the long time manager of acme brick in alexandria.
all we know is that his car was discovered earlier this week in a rural area near the pollock prison and flagon creek.
as of 4:30 pm cst friday 02 march 2012 jim delaney is still missing.


kalb 29 march 2012 still no sign of jim delaney
louisiana snakes and alligators out 2012
it's not unusual to see snakes in february. however, at least for the past couple of years, we've not seen alligators out before march.
the weather has been unusually warm lately.


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flip oromney

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new promo for the louisiana history museum
22 February 2012
3rd circuit court of appeal affirms astounding 40 year sentence for cottonport bank robber
we agree with chief judge ulysses g. thibodeaux in his dissent.
[disclosure: we attended high school with mike gordon]
Considering that the trial court and the majority, in an effort to support the imposition of the forty year sentence, cited cases that had lower sentences but more aggravating circumstances, I find the sentence of forty years at hard labor without the benefit of parole, probation, or suspension of sentence is a needless infliction of pain and suffering compared to other cases in this jurisdiction and other jurisdictions.
The legislature created a sentencing range for armed robbery of no less than ten years and no more than ninety-nine years—an eighty-nine year spread.
The vast spread was because there are multiple and varying circumstances involved in the crime of armed robbery as noted above, and the trial courts are granted much leeway in which to impose punishment.
For the reasons previously articulated, Defendant’s sentence makes no meaningful contribution to acceptable penal goals and is, therefore, constitutionally excessive in this case.
For the foregoing reasons, I respectfully dissent.

see also
La. R.S. 14:64
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21 February 2012
louisiana college latest publicity stunt: sues feds over a part of obamacare

courtesy newseum.org/today's front pages
click here to read the news report from the towntalk.com
on the other hand, birth control devices, such as condoms, which are supposed to prohibit fertilization/conception outright are another matter.
unlike animals, human beings can have sexual relations practically at any time. did god intend that each time human beings have sex that the result would be a baby?
obviously not because each month a woman is able to conceive only for a short period of time. so is it contrary to god's law or sinful to use birth control devices that prohibit conception? we're unsure about that but we do know that it is sin to murder a baby.
unfortunately, nowhere in louisiana college's complaint do they mention or complain about current interpretation of the commerce clause, wickard vs filburn or the more recent (2005) supreme court opinion in gonzales vs raich.
it is the federal government's position that the commerce clause due to outright treasonous interpretation of it by the supreme court such as in wickard and gonzales that since everything you do affects commerce -- they, the congress, can regulate it.
then house speaker, nancy pelosi even stated that obamacare is legal due to the commerce clause.
we predict that after the initial flurry of publicity that this complaint will disappear never to be mentioned again.
if louisiana college was truly interested in helping to create a better world for the unborn then they should use their resources to file suit and have the three (so far) unconstitutional and immoral, in perpetuity sales taxes that rapides parish children will have to pay and collect forever; with no say whatsoever thrown out.

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20 February 2012
mayor roy's sparc wealth transfer scam to focus on bolton avenue
according to today's gannett/the alexandria daily town talk, in about two months, work on the $2,500,000.00, streetscape project on bolton avenue will begin.
while bolton avenue could definitely benefit from some sprucing up, one of our objections to the mayor's sparc wealth transfer/social engineering scam, is that a portion of the bond money that is financing it all is guaranteed by an unconstitutional and immoral "in perpetuity" sales tax that stupid, pathetic alexandrians voted on themselves which was bad enough and what's worse is that their children not even born yet are bound and liable to have to pay and collect this tax and never have a say on it.
new york banksters and bond holders love "in perpetuity" taxes and so do local "elites" who now have a guaranteed revenue stream to steal from and dole out to their cronies ... forever.
anyway, below is a video clip we shot back on 24 august 2011 of a portion of bolton avenue to jackson street out to the extension (jackson street extension).
16 February 2012
h. brenner sadler & provosty, sadler, delaunay, fiorenza & sobel answer chrystal landry thompsons' malpractice; fraud lawsuit; jury trial ordered
h. brenner sadler and the provosty, sadler, delaunay, fiorenza & sobel law firm recently answered chrystal landry thompsons' malpractice and fraud lawsuit according to image documents recently posted to the rapides parish clerk of court website.
in our opinion, after a very cursory reading of the answer, it looks pretty much like a standard denial as compared to other pleadings from different cases that we've read.
one interesting strategy that mr. sadler and the provosty firm are attempting to deploy is the invoking of estoppel.
it seems that mr. sadler and the provosty firm are saying that any harm that ms. thompson received is her own fault for not tending to or looking out for her own business in spite of the fact that she must have thought that she was hiring mr. sadler and his firm to do just that for her.
now mr. sadler alleges that it wasnt his job.
will the court or perhaps more importantly a jury buy that defense? do you? time will tell ... stay tuned ...

click here to download the petition and the answer thirty-nine pages [996 kb]
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15 February 2012
3rd circuit court of appeal denies cleco & public service commission writs in opelousas overbilling suits
the alexandria, la. mayor and city council, who settled their fraud suit against cleco and especially the alexandria, ratepayers probably dont want to read this.
This case involves the consolidation of four writs into a single writ opinion.
Two of the writs, numbers 11-348 and 11-349, were filed by Cleco Corporation and Cleco Power, LLC (“Cleco”).
The other two writs, numbers 11-391 and 11-392, were filed by the Louisiana Public Service Commissioner (“the LPSC”), as intervenor in two separate class action suits which have been filed against Cleco by a putative class of utility ratepayers (“Ratepayers”) in the City of Opelousas.
Ratepayers seek reimbursement for alleged overcharges for electricity for a period of nearly twenty years.
In response to both lawsuits, Cleco filed exceptions of lack of subject matter jurisdiction, prematurity, and improper venue.
Following a hearing, the trial court denied Cleco’s exceptions.
We find no error by the trial court and, thus, deny these writs.

14 February 2012
world's worst jail breaks
email forward:
speaking of canada (actually we received this clip this morning from a canadian friend albeit in edmonton, alberta rather than nova scotia)
ontario, canada: "three jail birds chained together are about to make the worst jail break of all time ..."
A quick note from your 1st Amendment refugee moderator, Sop at Slabbed New Media
I sincerely appreciate and am profoundly humbled by the outpouring of public support Slabbed New Media has received over the last 24 hours in response to the takedown of Slabbed.Org by two libel tourists connected to former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard.EXTERNAL LINK
I am committed to continue covering the unfolding corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish via Slabbed.org.
Along those lines we are actively working to bring the investigative blog back online, fully shielded from that specious Canadian defamation judgment pending resolution of Slabbed New Media’s Declaratory Action against Trout Point Lodge, Limited, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi under the SPEECH Act of 2010.
Please bear with us while we execute our plan and I look forward to seeing everyone back home on Slabbed.Org very soon.
Doug Handshoe aka Sop81_1
Slabbed New Media LLC
My thanks to all for your support.
Doug Handshoe
Slabbed New Media LLC
Post Office Box 788
Wiggins, MS 39577
urgent press release/statement from slabbed new media l.l.c.
*** UPDATE: slabbed.org back online as of 5:32 am cst wednesday 15 february 2012 ***
To: all regarding the inquiries about Slabbed.Org and selected Bloggers/members of the media:
Charles Leary of Trout Point faxed a Canadian court order against me personally to Blue Host, my new webhost yesterday.
They knee jerked and disabled the domain.
Webhosts as a general rule do not like to be in legal pissing contests but I am holding their feet to the fire couching this as Free Speech and Journalism in the Public Interest.
This represents the line in the sand for Slabbed and comes at a time when our reporting on the major political corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish has borne fruit, especially our exploration of the defamation case filed by Aaron Broussard business associates Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret against Louisiana Media Company LLC aka Fox 8 New Orleans which has exposed several conspirators involved in the ongoing Federal Investigation.
This is uncharted legal area for US based web hosts.
They know they can not act without a domesticated court order but they really do not want to end up in a legal pissing contest.
Blue Host is in consultations with my lawyer and are hopefully having second thoughts as I have not violated their Terms of Service.
There have been several people that have taken it upon themselves to call Bluehost.com at (888) 401-4678 to complain. The TOS department is option 5.
I am on twitter in the interim @slabbedblog.
Also Ignatius Reilly has created a free speech in exile page for the Slabbed Nation.
He has also posted on the Slabbed takedown:
You can help by calling Bluehost and politely registering your displeasure. Also you can help by getting the word out to your readers and trusted associates.
I have been in communication with Blue Host Legal and we hope to have this matter resolved today.
In any event I will be filing for a TRO ASAP as part of my Complaint for Declaratory relief under the SPEECH Act of 2010 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi.
Unfortunately Slabbed may be down in the interim until I can get a court ruling on the TRO motions.
Doug Handshoe
Slabbed New Media LLC
Post Office Box 788
Wiggins, MS 39577
UPDATE: the neocon/zionist propaganda website thehayride.com has picked up the story and provides a pretty decent post
UPDATE-2: cenlabriarpatch.com slabbed.org has been disabled because of the actions of a canadian court
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13 February 2012
japan earthquake/tsunami rebuild 11 months on
via: email forward
wow. how do the japanese do it? after all, japan is not a "diverse" country. everyone pretty much looks the same. plus they have no corps of engineers or fema to blame everything on.
there is the matter of all that radioactive pollution, this article doesnt address that.

Houses crumbled either side of this main road in the tsunami-hit area of Ofunato, Iwate but ongoing efforts have cleared the debris - and despite the nearest homes on either side being pulled down, many of the other buildings were salvaged
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11 February 2012
report: whitney houston dead at 48
via: twitter @kplc7news ||| view tweet
click picture to enlarge
UPDATE: associated press: Whitney Houston, superstar of records, films, dies
tmz.com: whitney houston died at the beverly hilton hotel
UPDATE: saturday 18 february 2012 complete whitney houston funeral service
whitney houston obituary
four page .pdf [2.57 mb]
whitney houston funeral program
twelve page .pdf [7.46 mb]
whitney houston autopsy report
forty-two page .pdf [4.54 mb]
whitney houston memorial at find-a-grave
eric hufschmid
who is whitney houston and why should we care?
last updated 7:24 pm cdt wednesday 04 april 2012
hammond, la. lifts beekeeping ban within city limits
via: twitter @nolanews ||| view tweet
kudos to the hammond, louisiana, city council, the two fourth grade classes at north live oak elementary school in watson and their teachers, the louisiana state bee inspector and local beekeepers and all other proponents for working together to rescind this beekeeping ban.
the times-picayune reports that the ban has been in place for more than fifty years and that it is "unclear why beekeeping had been banned in hammond."
we call on all other city councils, police jury's, governing authorities and especially that collection of freaks, perverts, criminals and lunatics who comprise the organized crime gang which calls itself the loony looziana legislature to follow hammond's lead and rescind all the other unnecessary, inexplicable, freedom killing laws, rules and regulations throughout louisiana wherever they exist.
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09 February 2012
god's judgment upon the republicans
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08 February 2012
city of alexandria, la. loses appeal in coughlin saunders performing arts center leak scandal
This suit involves the design and construction of the Coughlin Saunders Performing Arts Center (hereafter the Center) located in Alexandria, Louisiana, which opened in August of 2004.
On June 29, 2009, the City of Alexandria filed suit against Ratcliffe Construction Company, LLC, who built the Center.
Also named as defendants were the architects of the Center, Ashe Broussard Weinzettle Architects, LLP and Witsell Evans & Rasco, PA (hereafter the Architects).
The City alleged that subsequent to the Center‟s completion, it “sustained rainwater intrusion in several locations, through its masonry wall systems.”
The City contended the rainwater intrusion and corresponding damage was the direct result of the defective workmanship of Ratcliffe Construction and the negligent design of the Architects.
The City failed to show cause by failing to meet its burden of establishing it could satisfy its evidentiary burden at trial.
Thus, the trial court's grant of summary judgment was not premature.
For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the trial court granting the Architects‟ Motion for Summary Judgment is affirmed.
Costs of this appeal are assessed to appellant, the City of Alexandria.
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07 February 2012
the tiny dot + a bug's life excerpt
it really is this simple ...
see also
eric hufschmid
a bug's life supplement
satanic ritual performed at super bowl xlvi halftime show
via: david icke
'This Super Bowl had it all. Crown of Hathor, Isis, Egyptian symbolism, One eye symbolism, Winger Sun, Letter "M" all over the place which is the “13″ letter of the alphabet and is also representative of the "13 Satanic Bloodlines" and also stands for "Mason" as in Freemason.
The most weird part about her performance is towards the end when Madonna said "Home" and the stage opened up and she fell inside.
It looked as if the door’s of the pit opened up and swallowed her.
Seemed weird to me but i had a chill after I realized her home might be with Lucifer.' ~ read more + halftime show video
see also
vigilant citizen
madonna's superbowl halftime show: a celebration of the grand priestess of the music industry
and also
eric hufschmid
who are the illuminati?
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06 February 2012
russian navy captures somali pirates
via: email forward
This would tend to reduce the number of repeat offenders.
How about that - The Russians captured the Pirates, tied them up, put them on the boats, then set them all on fire - puff no more Pirates!
NO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BS HERE! This video shows Russian Navy commandos on a Somalian pirate ship shortly after the pirates had captured a Russian oil tanker.
The Euro Union navy that patrols these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be casualties.
All explanations are in Russian with a single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English and the Russian soldier says "This is not a fishing boat".
All conversations between the commandos are in Russian. If you don't understand Russian, the pictures speak for themselves.
The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker. The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to their own (pirate) ship, searched the pirate ship for weapons and explosives and then they left the ship and exploded it with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed to it.
The commandos sank the pirate ship along with the pirates and without any court proceedings, lawyers etc. That is, they used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of the rescuing ship has the right to decide what to do with the pirates.
Usually, they were hanged. Russian ships should not be popular targets for future Somali pirates.
note: this clip was uploaded to youtube on 08 may 2010 by the youtuber: MEXAHIZM
see also
u.s. naval institute
video of russian navy boarding and sinking somali pirate ship
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silly north louisiana rethug congressman john fleming fooled by an the onion abortion satire
Louisiana congressman duped by The Onion's Planned Parenthood satire
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05 February 2012
UPDATED reminder: mayor jacques roy vs alexandria city council - roosevelt johnson court hearing

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3.0 earthquake 45 miles south of san antonio texas
magnitude 3.0
saturday, 04 february, 2012 at 6:48:08 am local time 12:48:08 gmt/utc/zulu
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03 February 2012
fire ants
this is probably the last thing you want to run across floating along in the backwater of a flash flood.
see also
lsu red imported fire ant research
and also
fire ants
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rain rain go away
wow. today's rains have brought flooding reminiscent of 2008's hurricane gustav.
according to kalb.com, the city of alexandria has opened self-serve sandbag locations from 1:30 pm - 6 pm for residents of the city of alexandria -- only;
kalb.com, also has a list of road and school closures.
thetowntalk.com reports that 4 central la parishes are under a flash flood warning;
parents urged to pick up kids from school today in flood-prone areas of rapides parish;
flooding cancels lsua classes.
intellicast -- data from alexandria international airport reporting station
kalb.com sky tracker radar
kalb.com weather alerts
kalb weather line telephone: 318.442.1110
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk local news
Issued by the National Weather Service
updated about every two minutes.
Weather Observations from Esler Field ~ Updated Hourly
Weather Observations from Alexandria International Airport ~ Updated Hourly
National Weather Service: Louisiana State Information
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
Boyce Substation - 793-8157
Deville (Ward 11) Substation - 466-3231
Glenmora Substation - 748-4226
South Substation - 449-5482
Tioga Substation - 640-1696
02 February 2012
larry sinclair news group interview of florida "newt groupie"
our friend larry sinclair recently retooled and relaunched what was his personal website into the larry sinclair news group.mr. sinclair has taken on some conservative writers and contributors and they are really doing well.
while wst... in no way supports newt's a hoot gingrich, flip romney and rick [i should be in a] sanitarium or barky, the below interview conducted by mr. sinclair with florida republican, flora reece about her concerns with what the republican party has done, is doing and where it's headed, should, in republican or conservative circles at least, be required viewing.
hopefully, more and more of your rank-and-file conservative people finally start to get a clue and begin to understand that there really is no difference between the democratic party and the republican party.
Uploaded by TheLarrySinclair on Feb 1, 2012
Self described "Newt Groupie" Flora Reece says she will fight for Gingrich all the way to the convention in Tampa in August.
Ms. Reece says that she and other "Gingrich" conservatives have discussed the possibility of breaking from the GOP and establishing a separate "Conservative" party if Mitt Romney is forced on them by GOP Establishment.
Sinclair News spoke with Ms. Reece at Newt's "Victory Party" in Orlando Tuesday night as the campaign watched the FL GOP Primary results come in.
FOX News called the primary for Mitt Romney as soon as the polls in the western Florida panhandle closed at 8:00pm ET. ~ read more
01 February 2012
third circuit: rev ameal jones sr out as pastor of mt zion missionary baptist church
so called gold firm wins one in alexandria, la., baptist church pastoral/leadership dispute; defeats alexandria, la., shyster, alleged former member of david duke's ku klux klan, irs tax fraudster, grifting greg aymond, "protégé" tiffany sanders.

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