27 February 2010
hawaii under tsunami warning; evacuations ordered
Advertiser Staff
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center canceled the tsunami warning for Hawaii at 1:38 p.m. today. There were no immediate reports of damage and beaches were relatively calm as the tsunami caused only minor changes in ocean levels.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center is continuing to monitor wave activity for the next few hours, but says the danger has passed.
The leading edge of the tsunami was projected to arrive in Hilo shortly after 11 a.m. and deliver an 8-foot surge.
The first visual evidence of the tsunami were seen in Hilo Bay shortly after 11:30 a.m.
Video shown on Hawaii News Now showed water receding, leaving rocks exposed around Coconut Island.
At about 11:45, signs of an incoming surge were seen as water began to fill in exposed areas and strong surface ripples could be seen.
It wasn't violent or destructive, but it still was a dramatic view.
In Hilo, hundreds of residents gathered on streets in higher areas.
Police had closed streets leading into Hilo, and the waterfront looked like a ghost town.
"I hope I have one home after this," said Gordon Feliciano, 52, as he waited for the waves outside the inundation zone.
Hundreds lined the streets in the area, and many had gathered before dawn.
Pamela Sue Porter, of Kalapana, got to the area around 6 a.m.
"I am concerned," she said.
Similar scenes were played on Maui and Oahu. By the time the tsunami reached Kauai, the waves were about a foot in height.
Waves reaching heights of 1 meter reached Kahului Harbor, while waves just under 1 meter reached Hilo.
Scientists at the tsunami warning center said a bump was noticed along Kawaihae in West Hawaii and Kalaeloa on Oahu, but not more so far, they said.
Hilo Bay is continuing to fill and drain every 20 minutes, said warning center oceanographer Nathan Becker.
"This could get bigger, we don't know yet," Becker said. "The first wave is not necessarily the largest wave but very clearly this is a tsunami taking place in Hawaii right now."
Becker said the scientists will be on alert "until we start to see smaller waves," which could be the next two to three hours at the earliest.
"When we start to see smaller and smaller waves, and wave start to decay and shrink, that's when we'll probably use that to decide whether to cancel. But we're not there yet."
Becker said the action is close to what they had predicted for the event.
"It's probably better than expected in some ways, this is not as damaging as it could have been so far," he said. "But the arrival times are about right, and the wave heights are within what we expected so, so far, it's been very good." ~ source
Oahu officials are urging anyone who lives in a tsunami inundation zone to evacuate in advance of the waves hitting just after 11 a.m. today.
Warning sirens will start sounding at 6 a.m.
"If you live anywhere in the evacuation zone, you have to evacuate," said John Cummings, Oahu Emergency Management Department spokesman. "This is a serious event. We're going to treat this as a destructive-type tsunami."
The last time there were voluntary tsunami evacuations in Hawaii was in 1994.
Cummings said getting out of the inundation zone could be as simple as crossing the street or walking to higher ground.
He and others urged people to stay off the roads as much as possible.
After the warning sirens sound this morning, first responders and Civil Defense volunteers will start going door-to-door in coastal areas to tell people to evacuate.
Cummings also said that there will be city buses going up and down shoreline areas picking up anyone who needs to get out of the inundation zone.
The ride will be free and the special city buses will say "evacuation," Cummings said.
The buses will take people to safe areas where they can wait out the waves.
People in need of the ride can flag down the buses, and don't have to wait at bus stops, he said.
The tsunami expected to hit just after 11 a.m. will likely create the biggest problems in enclosed bay areas, including Hilo, Kahului, Haleiwa, where the waves could reach six to eight feet, officials said.
Along other shorelines, the waves are expected to be less than three feet, said Pacific Tsunami Warning Center geophysicist Brian Shiro.
He said the warning sirens that will go off at 6 a.m. and sound regularly as the tsunami gets closer mean that residents in tsunami inundation zones should evacuate.
He said people should not get in their cars to evacuate, but should walk to higher ground.
"All of our predictions and models are suggesting the tsunami in Hawaii is going to be less than three feet. That's not huge," he said. "But in places like Hilo Bay, Kahului, Haleiwa, the tsunami is going to probably get trapped and … be as high as 6 to 8 feet."
He urged people to stay away from the water. ~ source
The evacuations will begin at 6 a.m. Saturday (10 a.m. CST), KHON2.com reported.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center also issued a tsunami advisory for the coast of California and an Alaskan coastal area from Kodiak to Attu islands.
The first waves were expected to arrive in Hawaii at 11:19 a.m. (3:19 p.m. CST).
26 February 2010
public service commissioner clyde holloway: mistakes made on cleco bills
louisiana public service district #4 commissioner clyde holloway was on the radio this morning to promote his rural broadband meeting this 02 march 2010, but early on says that "we've had a rough week this week with cleco bills going out ... with the increases it's tough on people." then a little while later after mentioning the meeting he says it again "but right now this week with bills coming out, and there was some mistakes made that'll come back on the next bill." unfortunately moon griffon did not properly follow-up so we never learned what mr. holloway was talking about.
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c.b. forgotston on moon griffon show
louisiana blogger c.b. forgotston talks about how the louisiana legislature continues to fund the ngo (non-governmental organizations) scam.
moon griffon wonders why its always the feds who have to come in (to louisiana) and do anything that has to do with law enforcement, why do the feds always have to come in?
"district attorneys in the state dont have a good track record of prosecuting politicians for wrong-doing and they just dont do it and so the feds have to do it -- thank goodness we have somebody -- but the district attorneys have jurisdiction over all of this.a caller "derrick from alexandria" wants to have his memory refreshed from the time of piyush "bobby" jindal's ethics charge and the fine he paid.
the district attorney could have prosecuted the jeffersons for ripping off the state. they dont. thats one of the reasons that this (corruption) is so prolific around the state is the fact that there is no scrutiny by the state and there is no prosecution by the local district attorneys." ~ louisiana political blogger and attorney c.b. forgotston 26 february 2010 on the moon griffon show
another caller "fred in bossier city" says that he recently called pizza hut to order a pizza and his order was attempted to be taken by an operator answering his call from in the philippines!
fred says that the number he dialed is "742-8888 no one, no area code or nothing."
the thing is though -- is that according to google that number belongs to vincent general store, 1000 northgate road, bossier city, la.
a pizza hut store in bossier city, la. at 2216 benton rd, has the number of (318) 746-8888.
jo allen dies
remember the "jo allen show" on kalb?
Josie Cowan, 81, of Alexandria died peacefully Monday, February 22, 2010 in San Antonio, Texas.
A true renaissance woman, Josie taught Home Economics classes for the Alexandria branch of the YWCA, worked as a teacher for the Rapides Parish public schools, and made a splash with her show The Jo Allen Show on KALB TV 5.
Josie was an extremely creative person, and was also an accomplished seamstress, cook, and artist. She also adored her collection of over 200 decorative frogs, which could be found throughout her home and garden.
A devout Catholic her entire life, Josie also served as a Eucharistic Minister at St. Rita's Catholic Church in Alexandria.
Josie entered into eternal rest on February 22, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her sister Ella Bertina Harris, and her daughter Jo Ann Dauphin Moore.
She is survived by her grandchildren Christine Lacy, William Dauphin III, and great-grandchild Logan Jo Ann Lacy.
Funeral Services for the family will be held in San Antonio, Texas. A Memorial Mass in Alexandria to be announced.
24 February 2010
public service commissioner clyde holloway to hold public meeting on rural broadband access on 02 march 2010
click a picture to enlarge
21 February 2010
outlaws bar-b-que restaurant fire vid clip
sherri l. jackson with everythingcenla.com emailed late last night to let us know that they have a vid clip of the fire at outlaws bbq in pineville. the fire occurred around 9:30 p.m. saturday, 20 february 2010.
no official details of the cause of the fire are available. ~ source
19 February 2010
guns n' roses - dont cry [alternate lyrics]

~ w. axl rose and guns n' f ' n roses
accepting the 1992 michael jackson video vanguard award
09 september 1992, ucla's pauley pavillion
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jacques barack website launches
via: anonymous
ahh the political season in central louisiana is stirring...
opening post from 10 february 2010:
EXTERNAL LINKThe Jacques M. Roy ShowWatching Mayor Roy's latest effort to add to his cult of personality, we at Krewe of Voo Doo were struck with Mayor Roy's loss of composure.
We are considering a drinking game where participants are forced to drink each time the Mayor said, "Uh." And what of all of the st-st-stuttering? Maybe Mayor Roy finally knows that we know that he doesn't know anything?
Welcome to the big show, Jacques, it's a lot harder than impressing a few wealthy family members.
~ scribe to the alexandria apocalypse link
vid: tiger woods first public statement
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18 February 2010
acadiana watch blog relaunches
via email:
Hopefully, Acadiana Watch can start providing alternative media needed in the Lafayette area...
nola councilmember-elect kristin gisleson palmer accepting applications
kristen gisleson palmer, is the council member-elect representating district "c" to the new orleans city council.
ms. gisleson palmer will be sworn in along with the mayor and other orleans elected officials on 02 may 2010.
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17 February 2010
UPDATED nfl properties llc terminates wst... youtube channel
UPDATE: youtube reinstates wesawthat... youtube channel!
we've contacted youtube per their copyright clams dispute information to try and get the contact information at nfl properties llc to see if we can contact someone there directly and get them to reconsider and release their copyright claim. if so our account can be restored.
we've filed lots of counter-notifications. youtube's content identification tool isnt that reliable. for instance sometimes fox news or one of the others would try to claim a c-span public domain video of ours to put ads on the watch page or in the video. obviously a mistake. so we would always file counter-notifications to get their copyright claim lifted.
there was another instance too where nbc filed a copyright claim against our short clip of president obama making his special olympics remark on the tonight show with jay leno. nbc relented and that video was eventually restored.
it looks like they have changed the counter-notification procedure since our last one. this one says
After we receive your counter-notification, we will forward it to the party who submitted the original claim of copyright infringement. Please note that when we forward the counter-notification, it includes your personal information. By submitting a counter-notification, you consent to having your information revealed in this way. We will not forward the counter-notification to any party other than the original claimant.so naturally we dont want to file a counter-notification until we can find out from someone in legal at nfl properties llc that they will let it go through. maybe they can and will reverse it on their end.
After we send out the counter-notification, the claimant must then notify us within 10 business days that he or she has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain you from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on YouTube.
If we receive such notification we will be unable to restore the material. If we do not receive such notification, we may reinstate the material.
so we shall see what happens.
meanwhile...massachusetts institute of technology's research project, youtomb* has more information about videos that nfl properties llc has issued takedown notices for.
*YouTomb is a research project of MIT Free Culture. The purpose of the project is to investigate what kind of videos are subject to takedown notices due to allegations of copyright infringement with particular emphasis on those for which the takedown may be mistaken. Although our initial focus is on videos hosted by YouTube, we are interested in other video collections as well.
UPDATE 18 february 2010 paul jackson, esq. the nfl's copyright agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement calls and explains the nfl's trademark protection policy.
the bottom line is that the nfl's position is ... they own everything. exclusively. and will aggressively protect their property.
the nfl will not negotiate a fair use copyright claim or negotiate any alternative at all. nor will they reverse any infringement claim notices they've executed.
so as far as youtube and the nfl is concerned expect any upload there containing any video of any length from any nfl game to have a copyright claim executed on it.

audio of paul jackson returning a call from someone in louisiana who had called for more information about a video clip
Presentation of the Vince Lombardi Trophy to the New Orleans Saints
he had added to youtube that was taken down on orders of the nfl.(nfl properties llc)
his youtube account was also terminated so all of his other videos was deleted.
in a last ditch effort he contacted the national football league in an attempt to work something out and hopefully get the copyright infringement claim reversed and his youtube account restored.
this is what happened...
CONFIRMED commenter: today amanda gutweiler hypes pled guilty to three counts of negligent. homicide
a commenter tells wst...
12:30 pm: Amanda pled guilty to three counts of negligent homicide and received 5 years with credit for time served not just 2 hours ago in the Rapides Parish District Court. ~ link
according to mr. small, ms. gutweiler-hypes who appeared today before judge john c. davidson, is free to go and has left.
she received no fine. mr. small said that the rapides parish district attorney's office agreed to the deal.
mr. small said that all this means that the case is finally over.
more later...
UPDATE 2:01 pm gannett/the town talk: gutweiler kelley pleads guilty to negligent homicide; 9 year old case closed ----> click here to download two page .pdf [281 kb]
gannett/the town talk updated version here and .pdf here [263 kb].
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von jennings for mayor of alexandria la
kalb's mike magnoli had von jennings on their 6 pm broadcast last night to kinda sorta announce her candidacy for mayor.
you have to stop and wonder though could this be a trick? could ms. jennings be controlled opposition in an attempt to split the black vote to reelect mayor roy?

just because right now certain bloggers and news outlets pretend to be fighting with the mayor as well as some with each other -- doesnt mean that they arent secretly working together with the mayor. they have in the past.
besides, no one has explained how a piece of paper filed late or incorrectly will affect the actual levees this spring when all of the heavy snow packs up north begin to melt and drain this way.
doesnt it make sense that if they were really worried about the levees they would be out there working diligently to repair them and not fighting over a piece of paper?
its been nearly a year to the day that it was reported that the "administration" (mayor roy and his gang) hired
in june several mysteriously reversed themselves and sustained mayor roy's veto to allow his 100+ million dollar bonded indebtedness sparc wealth transfer scheme go forward. (financed by a slave tax).
is kalb really interested in getting to the bottom of this story and reporting it -- or are they more interested in titillating their viewers like a bunch of stupid animals?
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senator david vitter to hold an economic forum at alexandria, la city hall 1:30 pm 18 february 2010
tell senator vitter (a member of the subversive rhodes scholars) that the best way to begin to restore america economically is to stop being a treasonous, traitorous, war mongering rat and put america first.tell senator vitter to stop being israel's bitch. NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL! stay out of iran's affairs and bring our troops home from iraq, afghanistan and everywhere else around the world that they are stationed.
15 February 2010
mainstream marketwatch - prepare for the end of america
via what really happened
A mainstream news source owned by Rupert Murdock is parading the view that the U.S. will soon enter into a 2nd Revolution.
Mainstream financial news source MarketWatch is telling Americans to prepare for the worst, the end of America.
In their article, "How to invest for a global-debt-bomb explosion," not only do they talk about the coming total economic collapse but they admit that there is a cabal of elite who are orchestrating it.
Author of the article, Paul Farrell, extends the view as if it is widely accepted, that there is a "Happy Conspiracy" of global elitists who are operating behind the scenes to create a coming major economic disaster.
The article encourages people to prepare by stockpiling necessities because a 2nd American Revolution is imminent. ~ read more
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13 February 2010
dick bush to dog barky sunday morning
Former Vice President Cheney will appear on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, and it’s a safe bet what he will say: President Barack Obama projects weakness to terrorists and puts American lives at risk
Read more
for instance barky is a woos because dick cheney is walking around a free man right now. dick cheney (and all the criminals at the network and in the media that are assisting him with all this extremely unwarranted time and attention) should be locked up, not roaming around being given a platform to attempt to destabilize the government from.
heres a thought mister president...use the usa patriot act, the military commissions act, fisa, etc against this bunch of freaks.
until president obama orders the investigation and arrest of bush, cheney, rice, rummy, ashcan, powell, and all the rest of the huge criminal network they are working with, tries them for their war crimes and for their treason against our constitution and has the head chopped off of each one convicted -- live for all the world to see, he should be considered a part of the same criminal network.
12 February 2010
georgian luger team member crashes into steel beam
via drudge
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tea party founder gets a clue rejects sarah palin, newt gingrich et al
we received this from off another email list we were added to -- despite what it says we're not members of the tea party. in the past we've pretty much jeered the tea party movement because we figured thats just what would happen. it would be quickly usurped by the same old rino, fakes, freaks, perverts, criminals and phonies.
so we were surprised to see that someone is recognizing the infiltration and speaking out against it. maybe others will too...
Dale Robertson – President/Founder – www.TeaParty.org
I am sending an alarm to the Tea Party membership! Be alert to turncoats and deceivers being herded into the Tea Party by usurpers from the weakened Republican Party for the sole purpose of capturing our populist movement.
Our political ideals were once theirs and our immense growth has created a lusting for their good old days!
Sarah Palin's well delivered speech and her attractive demeanor is little more than a veneer for her less attractive political philosophy.
She seems more like a duck out of water among true Conservative Constitutionalists.
Palin demonstrates her NeoCon flippant viewpoint and her naivete as she seems envious of the swelled numbers of Patriots pledging their allegiance, to of all things, AMERICA and not a to kool-aid ridden political dinosaur. ~ read more
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rev ted pike
how god and the tea party can save america
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chuck baldwin (chuck baldwin has some good information and ideas about some things -- but he's not totally trustworthy because he promotes the new world order/illuminati nonsense, ignores israel and zionism and promotes ron paul and israeli agents like joseph farah)
a warning to the tea party nation
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hornswoggler honey checks out
wafb:State Rep. Avon Honey dies
BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - Louisiana is mourning the loss of one of its state lawmakers Friday.
State Representative Avon Honey, D-Baton Rouge died overnight after collapsing at his home.
Honey served the people of District 63 in Baton Rouge.
He was elected to the state legislature in Kip Holden's spot when Holden was elected mayor of Baton Rouge.
When more information becomes available, it will be passed on. ~source
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11 February 2010
several inches snow forecast for rapides parish
UPDATED kalb friday 12 february 2010 noon forecast
Issued by the National Weather Service
updated about every two minutes.
Weather Observations from Esler Field ~ Updated Hourly
Weather Observations from Alexandria International Airport ~ Updated Hourly
National Weather Service: Louisiana State Information
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
Boyce Substation - 793-8157
Holloway (Ward 11) Substation - 466-3231
Glenmora Substation - 748-4226
South Substation - 449-5482
Tioga Substation - 640-1696
did barky attend columbia?
[N]ew evidence has come to light whereby Dr. James Manning has declared that Obama never attended Columbia University [New York].
Dr. Manning has hired a team of investigators to comb over every bit of available evidence to validate his declaration.
Manning’s investigators conclusively state that:
1) Columbia University will not divulge whether the “alleged” diploma issued was in the name of Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama. No public record exists regarding the diploma.
2) Obama alleges he attended Columbia in 1982, 1983. But, the investigators have been UNABLE to turn up a single shred of written documentation for the years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 that show where Obama appeared on a school roster, register, faculty memo, bulletin board, school awards, dean’s list; where Obama’s name appeared in a yearbook, club record, fraternity record, extra curricular activity member roster, student newspaper, student radio or tv activity; where Obama appeared in any records as a worker, employee, laborer in or about Columbia University; where Obama enrolled in any sports activity or program.
3) As a graduating senior in 1983 he does not appear in any Political Science (his major) or Graduating Class yearbook or invitation records.
4) There is absolutely no documentation of any kind to show Obama attended, lived, worked or played at Columbia University during the investigated 4 years.
5) Interviewed professors, college employees, students (who were at Columbia during the years in question) have failed to turn up a single person that can remember Obama. This is irrefutable evidence. Think about your own situation if Obama had attended your college? A “now-famous” person went to your school? Many would be able to say, “of course I remember.” At Columbia, not a single person has been able to say he or she remembers Obama. ~ read more
10 February 2010
loony looziana hillbilly for sarah palin
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09 February 2010
city of alexandria, la struggling to deliver utility bills timely
a little while later, david crutchfield the city of alexandria finance director phoned in to give out his office number (318) 449-5091 for anyone having a problem with their bill to phone him and he would take care of it.
mr. crutchfield explained that the city doesnt mail anything away it transfers an electronic file containing the utility bills ("just like an email") to a company in monroe where they are printed and mailed out. then payments are mailed to a private company in new orleans.
mr. crutchfield believes that tardy utility bills arent a widespread problem and what you got is one person phoning in to complain. mr. crutchfield does admit that the city got behind in reading the meters due to the bad weather but the city is caught up and "back on track." "we were a few days behind," he said.
the city does have a plan to spread the bill payments out over time. how quaint.
the next utility bill caller was "angel" who said that the utility bill "problem" was occurring more than mr. crutchfield was aware of. as of today (the 9th) her utility bill hadnt arrived. angel said that her bill usually comes at the last of the month and wonders how many extra days it will have on it this time. angel wrote down mr. crutchfield's phone number and planned to ring him up.
the next caller didnt identify herself but said that late bills are "true" her bill is late as well; like angels arriving usually at the end of the month and that "they are not telling how many people havent received their bill" this is all after she had spoken with a real nice lady in billing who told her that her bill would be out last tuesday and she would receive it friday. however here it is tuesday again and still no bill. bob madison said to remember that its going to have a lot of days on it.
the next caller said that when your bill is late to look at your previous bill and call the number on it. find out how much your bill is and then if the bill doesnt come on the day that it should to call mr. crutchfield. he said that his last bill was for 37 days.
the last ten minutes was mayor roy -- steve coco talks about that here.
kovanda's czech band to play the 2010 libuse louisiana czech festival
according to the upcoming appearances listing from their website, kovanda's czech bamd, will play the 2010 libuse, louisiana czech festival, the afternoon of saturday 20 march 2010.
info on the libuse louisiana czech heritage association and the louisiana czech festival from the wayback machine courtesy of the internet archive.
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FLASHBACK: H.R. 645 National Emergency Centers Establishment Act
frequent ksyl and moon griffon talk radio caller 'jesse from lecompte' phoned into the moon griffon radio program on monday 08 february 2010 to warn folks about H.R. 645 national emergency centers establishment act.

more garbage from florida's corrupt, impeached federal judge turned congressman, alcee hastings who should be sitting in a federal pen instead of congress:
(a) IN GENERAL.—In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.
b) PURPOSE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY CENTERS.—The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure—
(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;
(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;
(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and
(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
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new bill will turn old military bases into fema camps
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eric hufschmid
fema camps and nazi camps