31 October 2009
halloween in san francisco
youtube description:
San Francisco Reclaiming's annual Halloween ritual brings together over a thousand people to dance the spiral of regeneration. A glimpse of a true Pagan ritual. Author Starhawk narrates.errr around 3:58 for a few seconds some chick or possibly a guy is shown dancing topless.

daily express
vatican condemns 'dangerous' halloween
30 October 2009
video journal ouachita river flooding event heavy rainfall in alexandria, la
looks like kalb sent photojournalist bryant ferguson out to get some nice footage of the effects of todays heavy rainfall -- including around cloverleaf boulevard, in alexandria.
at the noon forecast, kalb weather babe, kari hall, breaks up the monotony (which is always nice) by giving viewers acid flashbacks.
see also the
ouachita river flood 2009
label in the footer of this post
29 October 2009
UPDATED ouachita parish police jury declares a state of emergency for all of ouachita parish
early morning 30 october 2009 report
by andrea bingham from the west monroe side of the louisville bridge.
isolated areas of the ouachita river levee north of columbia in caldwell parish are caving in and falling into the river;
a barge with rock is headed to the area;
after reporting that the levees are failing they report that the good news is that the river has not reached the levee -- dunno whats going on there.
ouachita parish police jury declares a state of emergency for the parish;
free sandbags for ouachita parish residents:
ouachita correctional center and
old landfill on enterprise drive in west monroe near the rifle range
6 - 8 inches of rain expected starting tonight;
union parish is expected to receive 48 hours of continuous rainfall;
union parish sheriff, bob buckley, expects a significant rain event with 6 - 9 inches forecast starting sometime friday [30 october] morning the wind has picked up so be aware of falling trees and electric lines. be very cautious about driving and do not drive through any water.
richland parish has sandbags available at the sheriff's highway barn on highway 15.
lasalle parish has sandbags available to pickup behind the courthouse or the sheriff's rifle range; also the olla town hall.
kalb sky warn-5
lake charles, la. radar
new orleans/baton rouge, la. radar
shreveport, la. radar
national weather service: louisiana state information
gerald celente on ringside politics w/ jeff crouere
related posts
28 October 2009
ouachita river levee bank cave-ins result in caldwell parish, la. being under a state of emergency
30 october 2009 - ouachita parish police jury declares a state of emergency for the entire parish
- rapides parish under flash flood watch ...THE RAIN WILL BE COME TO AN END FROM WEST TO EAST EARLY SATURDAY MORNING
- lake wind advisory

"We were there and all of a sudden we heard something that sounded like thunder. And we were like, thunder? But the sun's shining," said Rub Smith. Smith is talking about the sound the levee made as portions of it near her house in Columbia came crashing down. read more
The Ouachita River is a 605 mile long river that runs through the US states of Arkansas and Louisiana.
The Ouachita River begins in the Ouachita Mountains near Mena, Arkansas. The river flows generally southeast into Louisiana where it joins the Red River.
The river has six locks and dams along its length. The lower portions of the river are sometimes known as the Black River. Portions of the river flow through the Ouachita National Forest.
The river is named for the Washita Indian tribe. The Washita tribe was one of several tribes that lived along the river including the Caddo, Osage, Tensas , Chickasaw, and Choctaw.
The word "Washita" is an Indian word meaning "Good hunting grounds" and "sparkling silver water". ~ read more

Flash Flood Watch
kalb sky warn-5
lake charles, la. radar
new orleans/baton rouge, la. radar
shreveport, la. radar
national weather service: louisiana state information
national weather service alexandria, la.
weather observations at alexandria international [aex]
weather observations at esler field
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
La. State Police - Road Closures
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see also
google news
stop valerie jarrett website / movement launches
someone is trying to suck up to faux "news:"
The White House keeps up its attack on Fox News as biased in this video with Valerie Jarrett, another senior adviser to President Obama making the claim. But watch how fast Jarrett folds when CNN anchor Campbell Brown asks her if pro-administration MSNBC isn’t just as biased. ~ white house war on fox news
A radical leftist with a ruthless agenda, she is the Obama advisor most responsible both for originating and orchestrating his most egregious attempts to impose a socialist regime upon the American people. Policies and appointments, brickbats and bouquets – they all come through Valerie Jarrett’s office. ~ who is valerie jarrett?
'snow' moose
via rense.comThese animals were photographed just north of the Wisconsin border on a highway near Marenisco , MI.
The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical and to see this in the upper peninsula of Michigan, near Wisconsin, is even greater than astronomical.
To see two of them together is nearly impossible.
We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again.
This is a really special treat, so enjoy...more photos...
27 October 2009
brad pitt drops his motorcycle
can and probably has happened to everyone who rides a bike.
UPDATE: youtube reinstates wesawthat... youtube channel!
24 October 2009
latest on balloon boy hoax
Denver attorney David Lane blasted Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden for releasing Mayumi Heene's confession that she and her husband Richard faked their 6-year-old son Falcon's disappearance in a runaway balloon. Lane said the papers should have remained sealed until arrests were made. AP
city of alexandria, la's traffic roundabout praised

the only thing we respectfully disagree with mr. charrier on is a renaming of the circle.
see also
traffic circles vs. roundabouts
myths and facts
related posts
23 October 2009
speaker pelosi says that the commerce clause makes mandatory health care constitutional
cns news asked house speaker nancy pelosi to explain how the federal government can mandate everyone to purchase health care insurance and it be constitutional. cns news says that "pelosi dismissed the question by saying: 'are you serious? are you serious?'" before moving on to some other question.
later the speakers spokeswoman, nadeam elshami, answered some of cns news follow up questions by sending them a copy of one of the speaker's press releases from 16 september 2009 in which the speaker explained how the congress subject to article one section eight clause three of the constitution may mandate health care:
[T]he Constitution gives Congress broad power to regulate activities that have an effect on interstate commerce. Congress has used this authority to regulate many aspects of American life, from labor relations to education to health care to agricultural production. Since virtually every aspect of the heath care system has an effect on interstate commerce, the power of Congress to regulate health care is essentially unlimited.then she goes on to give two supreme court cases as examples: katzenbach v. mcclung, 379 u.s. 294 (1964) -- the famous ollie's barbecue discrimination case out of alabama and gonzales v. raich, 545 u.s. 1 (2005) a medicinal marijuana case from california.
u.s. supreme court in wickard v filburn
her press release didnt mention wickard v filburn -- but it didnt have to - both of the cases she did cite do. they relied on wickard as a justification for their own bad judgment.
wickard v filburn came about in 1942 through a fraudulent interpretation of the commerce clause. the court reasoned that everything you do affects interstate commerce in some way or another and thus subject to federal jurisdiction.
the court in gonzales did point out that congress could always change the law. which is what the states must demand congress do in the case of wickard. overturn it by legislation if necessary and repudiate that way of thinking.
as the speaker pointed out: "the power of congress to regulate [in this instance] health care [or anything else] is essentially unlimited."
22 October 2009
flood advisory for the red river at alexandria, la.

Flood Warning
258 AM CDT FRI OCT 30 2009
142 PM CDT WED OCT 21 2009
new cenla website: everythingcenla. com
you might however, want to bookmark it for future reference. we believe that its produced by the same folks who bring us the cenla light blog and newspaper.
21 October 2009
big boom at ft polk, la. today passed off as 'controlled blast'
this report isnt clear on whether it was a 2,500 pound bomb or a bomb equivalent to 2,500 sticks of dynamite exploded at fort polk, la today.
October 21, 2009
Loud boom was 'controlled blast' at Fort Polk
A loud boom heard by many Leesville residents early this afternoon, Oct. 21, was a controlled blast conducted at Range 19 on Fort Polk.
The blast consisted of a 2,500-pound demolition performed by the Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center.
Controlled blasts are planned events, and there was no danger to Leesville or Fort Polk residents, a Fort Polk news release said.. ~ gannett/the alexandria daily town talk
related posts
UPDATE: we had a couple of googlers today (17 august 2010) from washington state searching for information about a loud noise they heard there today. below is the apparent reason:
Scrambled jets cause sonic booms in Puget Sound-area
by KING 5 News and Associated Press
Posted on August 17, 2010 at 2:23 PM
Updated today at 5:08 PM
SEATTLE - Military fighter jets were scrambled to respond to an airspace violation near Air Force One in Seattle on Tuesday afternoon, causing sonic booms that scared residents throughout Western Washington.
North American Aerospace Defense Command spokesman John Cornelio said the F15 jets were sent from Portland as the president was visiting Seattle after a report that an aircraft violated the restricted airspace. The small plane left the restricted air space before the jets arrived.
Pilot Lee Dailey and his passenger, Laura Joseph, were returning home after a weekend at Lake Chelan. They landed on Lake Washington in Kenmore.
"We just landed, sailed in here, nice and peaceful, pulled up to the dock and a guy came out and said I have some bad news for you guys," said Joseph. "Obama is in town and you guys violated the air space or something."
They reported that they saw jets as they flew between the Seattle area and the mountains, but said the jets didn't motion for them to land.
Once they landed, Dailey and Joseph were interviewed by the Secret Service. The Secret Service then spent about 90 mintues checking out the plane.
When the president is visiting there is a 10-mile radius from the center of Seattle and 18,000 feet up, where it is no-fly for commercial aircraft. Extended another 20 miles, to make it a 30-mile radius, there can be private air traffic if the pilot files a legitimate flight plan, if that person is in contact with air traffic control and if that person has the plane's transponder turned on.
There is no system for notifying private pilots about airspace restrictions. It's incumbent upon them to check to see if restrictions are in place.
911 call centers overloaded
Emergency agencies across Western Washington were flooded with calls from people who heard and felt a double boom about 1:50 p.m.
Residents in Pierce County ran from their homes.
"It shook my whole house," said Stephanie Walters of Lakewood.
"It rattled the whole house, the ground, everything," said Charlie Kuhn of Lakewood.
Det. Ed Troyer with the Pierce Co. Sheriff's Dept. said the 911 system was down via landlines in areas of Pierce County for a time and car and home alarms were set off by the booms.
KING 5 News was flooded with calls and e-mails from people who heard and felt the explosions. Many people reported that their homes shook.
The King County Sheriff's Office reported that about 300 calls came in to the 911 center. ~ source
memorandum re: investigations and prosecutions in states authorizing the medical use of marijuana .pdf

or our copy here [3.8 mb]
the feds while they do not relinquish any rights to investigate and prosecute marijuana offenses under current federal law, have determined that those (hopefully citizens only) who are honestly complying with state law are not worthy of using limited federal resources to investigate.
Typically, when any of the following characteristics is present, the conduct will not be in clear and unambiguous compliance with applicable state law and may indicate illegal drug trafficking activity of potential federal interest:
• unlawful possession or unlawful use of firearms;
• violence;
• sales to minors;
• financial and marketing activities inconsistent with the terms, conditions, or purposes of state law, including evidence of money laundering activity and/or financial gains or excessive amounts of cash inconsistent with purported compliance with state or local law;
• amounts of marijuana inconsistent with purported compliance with state or local law;
• illegal possession or sale of other controlled substances; or
• ties to other criminal enterprises.
Indeed, this memorandum does not alter in any way the Department's authority to enforce federal law, including laws prohibiting the manufacture, production, distribution, possession, or use of marijuana on federal property.
This guidance regarding resource allocation does not "legalize" marijuana or provide a legal defense to a violation of federal law, nor is it intended to create any privileges, benefits, or rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any individual, party or witness in any administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
it seems that the ball is now in congress court. will they change federal law to be in harmony with the laws of the several states or will congress leave in place conflicting laws that the justice department is on record as saying are not worth enforcing?
in any event, it doesnt look like the medicinal marijuana issue is going to go away anytime soon. it shouldnt either because its an issue of states' rights and the states should fight the feds for control of everything.
if the feds blink on this then they will on other issues again and again. the objective is to destroy wickard v filburn and eventually a lot of other bad opinions and legal theory mumbo-jumbo.
in 2010 there will be even more medical marijuana law news -- according to the california sec'y of state ballot measure update there are three citizen ballot initiaves out gathering signatures in time to be on a 2010 ballot. supposedly at least one of the initiatives would make cannabis completely legal.
1374. (09-0022)sunday, gannett/the shreveport times published a story "medical marijuana legislation growing throughout country." [.pdf]. in it, the reporter, melody brumble, informs us that since 1978 louisiana has had a mechanism in place to allow for marijuana prescriptions for glaucoma and cancer patients.
the tax, regulate, and control cannabis act of 2010.pdf
Changes California Law to Legalize, Regulate, and Tax Marijuana. Initiative Statute.
Circulation Deadline: 02/05/10 Signatures Required: 433,971
1377. (09-0024. Amdt. #1S)
regulate, control and tax cannabis act of 2010.pdf
Changes California Law to Legalize Marijuana and Allow It to Be Regulated and Taxed. Initiative Statute. Circulation Deadline: 02/18/10 Signatures Required: 433,971
1378. (09-0025)
common sense act of 2010. pdf
Changes California Law to Legalize, Regulate, and Tax Marijuana. Initiative Statute.
Circulation Deadline: 02/18/10 Signatures Required: 433,971
can you believe it? way back in 1978, louisiana was on the cutting edge of medicinal marijuana research.
despite dissolving the marijuana prescription review board in 1989, the legislature in 1991 added paralysis patients to the list of approved recipients.
however, no more action was ever taken by the state department of health and hospitals to promulgate rules and regulations to govern the issuing or filling of medicinal marijuana prescriptions.
then louisiana now sent us to this report in the houma paper about a california man, matthew zugsberger, who's upcoming criminal trial may set medicinal marijuana case law.
it seems mr. zugsberger has a valid california medicinal marijuana prescription. somehow he came to be in thibodaux louisiana on 19 june 2008 thats when he was arrested. his more than two pounds of prescribed medication seized and he was charged with violation of RS 40:966 possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
The question posed in Zugsberger’s case is one of "first impression" in Louisiana, his attorney Jerri Smitko of Houma wrote in a memorandum to Judge LeBlanc. The term "first impression" means that a case asks a legal question that a state’s courts have not previously ruled upon.the story leaves a lot of unanswered questions like how did mr. zugsberger come to be arrested in the first place? also is mr. zugsberger some kind of medicinal marijuana activist? the houma paper mentioned that he has pulled a similar stunt in king county, washington. according to the houma paper mr. zugsberger won that case.
houma todays follow up report "medical-marijuana case set for trial in lafourche parish" clarifies a few things, but also goes a step further than the gannett/shreveport times by sending us to La. RS 40:1046:
it turns out that louisiana's medicinal marijuana law is still on the books. it just needs to be updated.
mr. zugsberger's attorney, ms. smitko, seems to think that her client's innocence under R.S. 40:966 (the statute he's charged with violating) stems from part C where the law states:
Possession. It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess a controlled dangerous substance classified in Schedule I unless such substance was obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner...then it sends you over to R.S. 40:978 dealing with prescriptions law. neither 40:966 or 40:978 say that a prescription must be issued by a louisiana doctor.
interestingly, the first assistant district attorney, mr. joe soignet is maintaining that mr. zugsberger is in violation of the law hence guilty of possession with intent to distribute under RS 40:1046 the medicinal marijuana law itself -- because it does call for a louisiana doctor's prescription.
what a conundrum. what about whether or not louisiana blanketly honors out of state medical prescriptions?
judge leblanc set the trial date for 22 march 2010 after denying mr. zugsberger's motion to dismiss. ms. smitko plans to appeal to the first circuit court of appeal and we should be able to learn more about the case when their opinion is posted, which probably wont be until after the first of the year or sometime after mr. zugsberger's trial.
this 1942 film "hemp for victory" produced by the u.s. department of agriculture and shown to farmers to encourage them into farming industrial hemp in support of the war effort.
as the video shows, industrial hemp is especially important to not only the naval service but to all branches of the military.
hemp is also used to make long lasting canvas clothing, textiles, paper and hi-quality products like that fire hose and even entire houses. it can be used for biodegradable plastics, health food and fuel.
we dont know if louisiana farmers are interested in planting industrial hemp or even if it will grow in louisiana -- since the agriculture department video seemed to focus on kentucky, part of wisconsin, missouri and the midwest - nebraska -- however, they should have the option of planting and marketing industrial hemp if they want.
with the port of new orleans they could ship it right on out to market.
there are several small ethanol plants in louisiana like the one near pollock in grant parish. its possible that they could produce and market hemp fuel. its the original diesel fuel.
look at all the food that can be made from hemp. shouldnt louisiana producers like zapps potato chips or any other that so desire, restaurateurs, chefs, be given an opportunity produce and market hemp food?
it looks like there could be lots of potential jobs in no telling how many different fields in industrial hemp production.
is the louisiana legislature really interested in asserting states rights or was SCR 2 just a bunch of baloney?
see also the
marijuana label
in the footer of this post
19 October 2009
u.s. district court judge clay d. land's order of sanction against orly taitz
orly taitz ordered to pay $20,000 as a sanction for her misconduct in violation of rule 11 of the federal rules of civil procedure.
this order should go on to become required reading in every law school and civics class in the country.
related posts
17 October 2009
election returns faircloth v clark for state supreme court dist #4
UPDATE: polls closed at 8:00 pm cdt.

image and more info courtesy flickr

louisiana sec'y of state unofficial election results inquiry for date 17 october 2009
polls are open today in louisiana until 8:00 p.m. cdt. lets hurry up and get this train wreck over with.
other races...
related posts
originally posted 11:19 am
gannett puffs jimmy faircloth one last time
late thursday evening (15 october2009) gannett's alexandria, la. property the town talk posted a story out of monroe by johnny gunter the story was credited to gannett louisiana news.
we didnt know until friday morning that the story had apparently been thursday morning news in monroe.
that thursday evening 15 october story was originally captioned "faircloth agrees to drop reference of 'sanction' regarding finding." [click here for two page .pdf 15 kb] in this report gannett would have us believe that the judicial campaign oversight committee chairman meekly asked mr. faircloth "to stop referring to a ruling it made sept. 24 as a sanction against 4th district judge marcus clark." to which mr. faircloth gallantly agreed. it also gave mr. faircloth the opportunity to remind us all again about judge clark's inability to be ethical, blah,blah,blah.
by friday night however, the article had morphed into "faircloth drops 'sanction' reference, while campaign ads for clark still use it" [click here to download two page .pdf 21 kb]. the trick here is to implant into your mind that jimmy faircloth is complying with the judicial campaign ethics law and so forth while judge clark remains unethical...as usual.
judge clark has been put through the meat-grinder, for sure, but he deserves it though. he is a classic usurper and rino.
according to campaign literature paid for by the committee to elect jimmy faircloth that we picked up somewhere yesterday, under marcus clark's political party it says "lifelong democrat before switching parties to run for this race." sure thats from a faircloth ad and we have to assume that its been vetted and true and it goes back to marcus clark's ethics. is there hardly anything worse than a politician who switches parties because it's politically expedient? how can you trust someone like that? if they were honest wouldnt they would switch to independent or no party. democrat, republican they're just brands for repugnant politicians to wear dependent on which one we consumers are buying at the moment.
so dont worry about judge clark he'll be fine. the story here is about the media. see how a media monolith like gannett which controls probably two-thirds of louisiana state news and especially the news in this supreme court district can and does use its properties to shape the news and opinion while leaving out real news and information. thats not only wrong, its criminal.

16 October 2009
c.b. forgotston smacks down 'wayne from alexandria'
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15 October 2009
HOAX colorado boy aged 6 floats away in a balloon

That all ended at about 4 p.m. when Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden was in the middle of a news conference and was told the boy had been found safe. "He's at the house," Alderden said. An investigator said the boy had apparently been in the attic the whole time.
Neighbor Bob Licko said he was leaving home when he heard commotion in the backyard of the family. He said he saw two boys on the roof with a camera, commenting about their brother. "One of the boys yelled to me that his brother was way up in the air," Licko said.
The balloon was owned by the boy's parents, Richard and Mayumi Heene, and tethered behind the house. cbs4denver
falcon heene, aged 6, is believed to have been inside the experimental aircraft that his parents were building at their ft. collins, colorado home -- however, when the balloon landed later in the day, the boy was nowhere to be found.
The boy's father Richard Heene is a known storm chaser. During an appearance on the television program WifeSwap, Heene and his wife, Mayumi, focused on their love of science.
Last year, the 9NEWS Morning Show interviewed Richard and Mayumi Heene about their passion for storm chasing. This is that interview. Deputy thought he saw something fall, search ongoing 9News
14 October 2009
marcus clark kalb interview
more later...
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louisiana state university at alexandria 50th anniversary year celebration kicks-off
2010 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of lsua. to get the commemorative year started, lsua's art department led by professor roy deville in collaboration with the louisiana history museum and its director dale genius, have put together a 'vintage photographic exhibit of historic public buildings in rapides parish.'
the exhibit will open friday, 23 october 2009, with a reception in the lsua university gallery, located in the west wing of the student center. see lsua general information ten page .pdf. [170 kb].
the reception is from 6 pm to 8 pm. an informal concert of piano music will be presented from 6 - 6:30. at 6:30 louisiana history museum director dale genius will conduct a thirty minute gallery talk.
the event is free and open to the public.
for more information contact the louisiana history museum, 503 washington st., downtown alexandria, la. at telephone 318-487-8556 and visit its website at www.louisianahistorymuseum.org.