31 May 2010
storm moving into gulf of mexico
UPDATE: 8:31 am cdt 02 june 2010 hurricanes.gov reports a -0-% chance of this system becoming a tropical storm in the next forty-eight hours. elsewhere, tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next forty-eight hours.

[2145 utc/gmt] visible - flash
[2345 utc/gmt] dissipation could be confused with nightfall.
youtube clip
[7:54 pm cdt] hurricanes.gov still says "no tropical cyclones at this time."
torah jewry condemns criminal jew murderous khazar war crime attack on gaza aid flotillia

this baptist church was built in an old mosque --
you can see its dome roof in the background..
it is located between the library and the islamic culture center
on omer mukhter boulevard.
photo: charles e. carlson
obviously the criminal jews mean to starve to death christian, muslim and even fellow jews (like rabbi beck and his family) residing in gaza and no one is going to interfere with it.
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earn more about zionism:
eric hufschmid
jews united against zionism
neturei karta international: orthodox jews united against zionism
learn about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
khazar "jews" are gog and magog ezekiel chapter 38
jesus christ
revelation chapter two verse nine
revelation chapter three verse nine
the thirteenth tribe
by arthur koestler
facts are facts: the truth about khazars
by ex-zionist benjamin h. freedman née freidman
benjamin h. freedman
u.s. presidents - jewish pawns
1974 speech
and also:
zionists stole the true name of the jewish people
rabbi chaim lefkowitz
and also
jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
29 May 2010
helena moreno defeats james perry in state house dist #93 special election

so ms. moreno was elected to the state house. congratulations. may she always author only decent constitutional bills and vote likewise everytime. may she have learned to back down no longer ... because if she thought mr. perry was bad ... now its state house criminals on the loose.
most importantly, may she always remain loyal to her oath so help her god.
see also
the lens
mark moseley "baby you can drive my campaign (beep beep, yeah)."
related posts
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe corexit 9500 chemical dispersal agent
iran, based on russian intelligence, reports deepwater horizon oil catastrophe "is threatening the entire eastern half of the north american continent with 'total destruction.'
presstv.ir: An ominous report by Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources warned of the impending disaster resulting from the British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico, calling it the worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history, the European Union Times reported.UPDATE: EU Times Story On 'Toxic Oil Spill Rains' So, Where's This 'Dire Report'?
Russian scientists believe BP is pumping millions of gallons of Corexit 9500, a chemical dispersal agent, under the Gulf of Mexico waters to hide the full extent of the leak, now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.
Experts say Corexit 9500 is a solvent four times more toxic than oil.
The agent, scientists believe, has a 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when mixed with the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, its molecules will be able to “phase transition.”
This transition involves the change of the liquid into a gaseous state, which can be absorbed by clouds.
The gas will then be released as “toxic rain” leading to “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top,” the report said.
related posts
see also
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe 2010
label in the footer of this post
dennis hopper dead
more terrible news...

actor, photographer and painter, born 17 may 1936; died 29 may 2010
"easy rider" directed by mr. hopper, isnt a bad film, in fact its a great film ...unfortunately it doesnt all the time show louisianians in the most positive light. in spite of that in all the works of his that we've seen we have always admired mr. hopper's talent in acting.
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dennis hopper memorial at find-a-grave
28 May 2010
UPDATED r.i.p. gary coleman
UPDATED: 2:09 pm cdt
'Diff'rent Strokes' actor Gary Coleman dies at 42
By Todd Leopold, CNN
May 28, 2010 -- Updated 1858 GMT (0258 HKT)
(CNN) -- Former child star Gary Coleman, who rose to fame as the wisecracking youngster Arnold Jackson on the TV sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" but grew up to grapple with a troubled adulthood, has died. He was 42.
Coleman died of a brain hemorrhage at a Provo, Utah hospital, Friday afternoon, according to a hospital spokeswoman. The actor fell ill at his Santaquin, Utah, home Wednesday evening and was rushed by ambulance to a hospital, Coleman's spokesman had said in a statement earlier Friday. ~ read more

mr. coleman's manager, joe alcantar, said that he needs "your thoughts and prayers for gary to make a speedy and full recovery."
Coleman, 42, suffered the injury in his Utah home on Wednesday and was taken to a local hospital for treatment, manager John Alcantar said in a statement Friday.
Coleman was then transferred to the ICU at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center for further tests and treatment.
And there, things took a bad turn.
"As of mid-morning on May 27, Mr. Coleman was conscious and lucid," said Alcantar. "By early afternoon, Mr. Coleman was slipping in and out of consciousness and his condition worsened.
"We are saddened to announce that since mid-afternoon, Mountain Time, on May 27, 2010, Mr. Coleman has been unconscious and on life support." ~ Read more
nevertheless, gary coleman or "arnold" was the star of the show. one line probably from this episode that we remember mr. coleman delivering to a social worker who had come to interview the boys, she asked "arnold" didnt he miss being around black kids his own age? to which he replied "when i wanna see a black kid my age i just looks in the mirror." we still get a chuckle and pray that he recovers.
original post title
reports: gary coleman near death
gary coleman memorial at find-a-grave
27 May 2010
mike magnoli resurfaces at katc in lafayette
UPDATE 30 december 2011: mike magnoli makes his way home to connecticut

from what we could observe of mr. magnoli's tenure at kalb his "problem" was that he thought that he was actually supposed to report news!
of course this didnt quite square with kalb's philosophy of airing mostly fluff, filler and any other inane propaganda they can whilst covering-up and suppressing the crimes of their criminal friends.
oh well. we wish mr. magnoli much success in his profession.

see also
eric hufschmid
the media criminals
related posts
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe 'oil rain'
a couple of days ago we wondered about the possibility of, god forbid, a hurricane coming through the gulf of mexico; churning up spilled oil and dispersing it in the rain across north america.
last night in this report we noticed that the nola.com commenter "stormy787" was wondering the same thing.
stormy wrote:
What is the chance of "oil rain" happening if a hurricane comes our way in New Orleans or other regions of the gulf. Could this cause our drinking water to become un-drinkable? Oil on crops? Cattle not able to graze? Many here are getting very concerned about this. Has anyone addressed this yet?and then linked to this post on fastertimes.com: "will hurricane season mean 'oilmageddon' for the united states?"
The concept of “oil rain” is based on the idea that “micro-droplets” of oil will be small enough to be be sucked into a developing storm. And what is one of the primary methods being used in the Gulf right now? ”Dispersants” that break oil into micro-droplets.~ read more
see also
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe
label in the footer of this post
23 May 2010
LOL hundreds of 'pot plants' seized by texas cops aren't marijuana
via: whatreallyhappened.comBy Steve Elliott
Maybe there should be an IQ test for police officers. What was first thought to be one of the largest marijuana seizures in the Corpus Christi Police Department's history turned into an embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless officers spent a busy and exciting evening harvesting hundreds of harmless weeds from a city park.
The revealing incident began when a teenager riding his bike through Waldron Park in Flour Bluff discovered what he thought were pot plants growing there about 8 p.m Thursday, reports Bart Bedsole of KRIStv.com.
The would-be junior narc wasted no time in excitedly reporting his "find."
Police then self-importantly hauled away 300 to 400 medium-sized plants that they, too, believed were marijuana.
Exhausted officers only stopped collecting the harmless plants because it got too dark to work; they planned to return bright and early in the morning to look around for more marijuana.
Trouble is, after spending more than an hour laboriously removing and tagging hundreds of plants, and then hauling it all to the police department downtown, testing revealed that none of it was marijuana at all.
"This is exactly the caliber of police work that is done in Corpus Christi, Texas," wrote Derrick Sillers, one commenter on the original news story. "The residents of Corpus [Christi] and Nueces County should seriously be concerned with how their tax dollars are spent. This is the same police department that serves, protects and investigates you."
Embarrassed officers haven't given any word yet on what the plants actually were.
Neither did they explain how their big "drug haul" will be disposed of, now that they've spent untold hours and plenty of taxpayer money clearing weeds of the the city park. ~ source
22 May 2010
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe: engineers will not use hair to soak up oil spill
wafb reports that "engineers will not use booms made out of hair to soak up the growing oil spill in the gulf of mexico."
a test conducted in texas this past february during an oil spill there showed "commercial boom absorbed more oil and less water than hair boom.
charlie henry of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration said booms made from hair became water-logged and sank within a short period of time."
barbers and other groups that had been collecting hair are asked to stop.

related posts
21 May 2010
dishonest hit piece on helena moreno: fail
sooo both of these candidates likely suck.
they're the only ones on the runoff ballot too.. helena moreno was in a car wreck on 14 october 2002. she t-boned a car that ran through a stop. there was a fatality. whether the investigation then was a cover-up who knows but it doesnt seem likely.
ms. moreno was a repeater for a new orleans television station. she quit that ... and eventually ran against wm. jefferson. now she finished second primary to move into the runoff for dist #93 state representative to replace the big liberal tax and spender karen carter peterson; who was foolishly elevated by special election to the state senate after the resignation of cheryl gray evans.
ms. moreno's opponent in the runoff is james perry. mr. perry recently ran for mayor of orleans and at first his campaign tactics shook up the "elite" so badly that they had to bring in mitch landrieu. mayor landrieu at the time was the lieutenant governor.
in the fall there will be a statewide special election to fill the lt. governor vacancy. we had hoped that they would abolish the office at least until the regular election.
bananas foster a/k/a foster l. campbell, public service commissioner, recently has said there is a 50% chance of his running. we would strongly consider voting for him if there are no third party candidates to choose from.
the flamboyantly liberal rino jay dardenne certainly doesnt deserve it.
regarding rehashing ms. moreno's accident, orleans media makes it pretty clear that mr. perry and his operatives that fell far short with their reach.
so mr. perry, apparently and this part needs to be checked who filed an la. r.s. 44:1 et seq public records request to the new orleans police department traffic fatality unit.
perry operatives emailed it around to various orleans media outlets and this is the part that we dont like -- according to the lens, who apparently, filed their own public records request which runs to seventy-three pages and compared them:
mr. perry's so called "summary." they found it left out some 15 pages of the official record.
yesterday, ms. moreno filed a complaint in civil district court claiming that
perry violated the state election code by making false claims about her, causing "irreparable injury." it asks a judge to order perry to discontinue the "damaging conduct" and fine him $500, the maximum allowed, plus legal fees.the tp says that no hearing date has been set down.
.... the other candidate ... the one who finished 3rd in the just completed primary ... is reportedly preparing his own fraud complaint against mr. perry too ...
louis charbonnett, iii, a lifelong democrat, and former state representative, told michelle krupa, a reporter with the times-picayune that mr. perry, on primary eve, passed out a flier which claimed charbonnett was a republican and he was in tight with jorge dubya boosh and piyush scam. LOL
so mr. perry is a freak. can you imagine this clown trying to talk shit on the state house floor? he's a con-artist now and would fit right in.
and all mr. perry has shown so far is that he is clever at lying and pulling scams. how is his gift going to help create a better louisiana?
we're not sure about ms. moreno either. maybe she's honest since she quit the msm.or not. ms. moreno is making a mistake though by canceling candidate forums and debates. she needs to face and show up mr. perry rather than play into his hands and appear weak. people are hesitant to vote for a dishrag.
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updated am cdt 8:55 sunday 30 may 2010
peabody magnet warhorse basketball head coach charles smith ksyl interview
congrats to head coach smith for being recognized for all his years of hard work and dedication to warhorse athletics and the community and for his personal integrity in taking an interest in and helping out the young men entrusted to his care by being awarded espn national coach of the year.
the thing about head coach smith is that he never ages. he looks the same today as he did years ago when we attended peabody.
we also remember head coach smith's predecessor, head coach ernest bowman. no we didnt play basketball are you crazy? head coach bowman was also the sponsor of the chess club.
head coach bowman was also a very youthful looking man. hard to believe that he was at retirement age in 1985.
there must be some kind of fountain of youth going on over in the peabody boy's gym. we sure are thankful that we had the opportunity to drink from that well.
20 May 2010
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe: 'violent hurricanes could hamper oil spill clean-up'
this report out of the uk independant is like a great big duh! but what we wonder about is that if a hurricane does come up the gulf; through the oil catastrophe could it possibly churn up the oil into itself and disperse it in the rainfall across north america?
wouldnt that be a kick-in-the-pants if much of the usa's farmland is poisoned and what about wildlife, etc.
the report speculates that
"[I]t is possible that oil on the surface could impede heat transfer into the atmosphere and therefore lessen the intensity of any hurricane that enters the Gulf."
in any event, hurricane season begins on 01 june and runs through 30 november 2010.
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shock: a parish district attorney prosecutes an elected official criminal
via: sammy hanna's rethug propaganda rag:
Waterproof Mayor Bobby Higginbotham was jailed Wednesday following his conviction of malfeasance in office and felony theft.
He will be sentenced on June 24th by Judge John Crigler, who ordered that Higginbotham be held without bond because he was considered a flight risk. The judge said Higginbotham had missed several court hearings in the past.
Higginbotham was convicted by a six-person jury. He was represented by attorney Sandra Jenkins of New Orleans. Four witnesses, including himself, were called during his defense.
He faces a maximum of five years on the charge of malfeasance in office and a maximum of 10 years for felony theft.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Linda Watson said the judge ordered a partial mistrial on a count of public contract fraud due a recording error, but that charge can be brought up again.
"We felt we had a strong case," said Watson, "The entire town council testified against him as well as employees of the Town of Waterproof. We did expect a guilty verdict." ~ read more
"district attorneys in the state dont have a good track record of prosecuting politicians for wrong-doing and they just dont do it and so the feds have to do it -- thank goodness we have somebody -- but the district attorneys have jurisdiction over all of this.EXTERNAL LINK
the district attorney could have prosecuted the jefferson's for ripping off the state. they dont. thats one of the reasons that this (corruption) is so prolific around the state is the fact that there is no scrutiny by the state and there is no prosecution by the local district attorneys."
~ louisiana political blogger and attorney c.b. forgotston 26 february 2010 on the moon griffon show
track the deepwater horizon oil catastrophe on live webcams as it hits the gulf coast
: click for bp live spill cam
examiner excerpt:Thanks to hundreds of live webcams positioned at beaches, piers and bridges across the region, from New Orleans to Key West, the effects of the oil can be witnessed first-hand, even by people that are a world away.
- Mississippi Bridge, New Orleans, Louisiana - view live cam
- Canal Street Ferry, New Orleans, Louisiana - view live cam
- Fairhope Pier, Mobile, Alabama - view live cam
- IP Hotel & Casino, Biloxi, Mississippi - view live cam
- Lulu's Restaurant, Gulf Shores, Alabama - view live cam
- Sea 'n Suds Restaurant, Gulf Shores, Alabama - view live cam
- Beachfront, Destin, Florida - view live cam
- Gulfview Boulevard Waterfront, Clearwater Florida - view live cam

bp live spill cam
related posts: bp live spill cam
lindsey williams on deepwater horizon oil catastrophe
last updated
thursday 27 may 2010
1:36 pm cdt
18 May 2010
steve theriot drops "defamation" lawsuit against anonymous online commentators
new york times:
May 18, 2010, 5:10 pm
Louisiana Politician Drops Defamation Suit
Steve J. Theriot, the interim president of Jefferson Parish, La., who this month filed a lawsuit to find out the identities of anonymous commenters who he thought had defamed him on the Web site of the The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, has asked his lawyers to drop the suit, Mr. Theriot said on Tuesday.
“This lawsuit was never intended to silence individuals from expressing their views or suppressing any First Amendment rights,” Mr. Theriot said in the statement. “Rather, the focus was on the detrimental consequences that stem from false and injurious statements being made by anonymous posters and bloggers in cyberspace.”
In the suit, Mr. Theriot and the parish said the commenters were guilty of malicious and defamatory statements, and requested that Nola.com, the online home of The Times-Picayune, release the names of 11 users. James O’Byrne, the director of content at Nola.com had said that it would not disclose the names. Winning the case would have most likely been a difficult battle for Mr. Theriot, because of his status as a public official. ~ source
see also
steve theriot issues a press release. it's getting deep folks
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17 May 2010
the bird lady of super one
a kind lady feeds the pigeons at super one foods in kingsville, louisiana.
16 May 2010
lindsey williams on the deepwater horizon oil catastrophe
link to audio download page
lindsey williams has been a baptist preacher who went to alaska in the early '70's as a missionary. in 1974 the trans-alaska oil pipeline began construction and mr. williams volunteered to be the pipeline's chaplain.
mr. williams eventually became an executive in the alyeska pipeline company, where this status accorded to him as chaplain gave him access to the top movers and shakers of the oil industry and the world.
mr. williams says that over the years he has kept in contact with at least one of these "elites"as he chooses to refer to them as and who pass along interesting inside information as to what they've planned for the world.
anyway, mr. williams was on the jeff rense radio program on 11 may 2010 to give his opinion about what is taking place off the coast of louisiana and the deepwater horizon oil catastrophe.
one of mr. williams observations that we found particularly interesting was when he pointed out that news reports never give the well pressure. they tell how much oil is leaking but never under what amount of pressure.
mr. williams says that there was no reason for this catastrophe whatsoever. "they were trying something that even modern-day science could not contain and this is an outrage. it should never have taken place.
first of all, they were drilling in five thousand feet [1,524 meters] water; the drill rig itself -- the platform was sitting in 5,000 feet; they drilled down approx 30,000' [9,144 meters] into the earth's crust -- this is unthinkable.
this time they hit a pocket of oil with such high pressure that it burst all their safety valves. the pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it."
mr. willliams says that bp was trying a similar maneuver to what the russians did with their kola sg-3 wells. "they drilled it to the deepest that any human drilling rig has ever gone. they went to 40,230 feet [12,262 meters] but they were on the land and if anything had happened the oil spill could have contained within the land.
here bp oil company was attempting to do this in the ocean. they were attempting to do very much like what the russians did in going down into a strata of oil that no one has ever drilled into prior to the russians doing it and they found something alright. they sure did. they found something they didnt expect."
mr. williams says that the russians kola sg-3 wells "found massive amounts of crude oil. russia today has become one of the leading sources of crude oil on the face of the earth. it not only provided russia with the crude oil necessary but it caused the rewriting of the text books on crude oil. first of all, crude oil is not a fossil fuel. russia proved this when they went down there.
they went down to a depth where it was a total impossibility for there to be any decayed matter that would cause such a thing and what they found was massive. oil of the immensity that no human being has ever even dreamed of before"
mr. williams said that "what russia found out was that oil is not a fossil fuel and that it is being created by some chemical process down in the heart of the earth and they're not quite sure what it is ... but it is replenishing itself in such a manner that it is likewise seeping up into the upper fields replenishing them."
mr. williams believes that bp was "basically trying to do the same thing that the russians had done and hit that massive amount of oil that was down there somewhere in the depths and they did. they hit exactly what they wanted to hit but they didnt expect what they got .... there is no telling what they have struck down there.
it definitely proves that there is no such thing as peak oil. we have all the oil the world could ever need. it didnt need to be drilled in the gulf of mexico it could have been drilled someplace else and found just as the russians did by doing it on land and as a result they have created a monstrous catastrophe that is going to impact the world in such a way that our grand children and great-great grandchildren probably are going to be affected by what is done, but they have found massive amounts of oil ... they've opened up a pandora's box."
see also
video: lindsey williams
the energy non-crisis
the energy non-crisis
and the
deepwater horizon oil catastrophe 2010
label in the footer of this post
15 May 2010
video 135th preakness stakes lookin at lucky
135th preakness stakes
UPDATE: video: 135th preakness stakes lookin at lucky

the last triple crown winner was steve cauthen and affirmed in 1978 -- so we're certainly due one and by who better than a fellow louisianaian..
Preakness Stakes Post Time:
Post time for the 2010 Preakness Stakes is set for 5:12 PM CDT and will be the 12th of 12 races
today at Pimlico Race Course. ~ courtesy jake thompson the online wire
strong thunderstorm passes through rapides parish
this morning shortly before 8:00 am cdt, ominously dark clouds from out west brought a potentially severe thunderstorm to portions of north rapides parish, la. the storm did manage to knock out electrical power to parts of north rapides parish from around 8:00 am.
for a time it delivered heavy rain and strong lightning strikes accompanied by loud thunder. thankfully, there was little to no wind associated with the storm. eventually precipitation and stormy weather tapered off and the skies cleared though conditions remain partly cloudy.
around 9:00 am a cleco call center [1800-622-6537] operator named darlene said that cleco had suffered a lightning strike to a part of its grid resulting in around 1,800 customers without power.
shortly thereafter, wst... observed several cleco service utility and bucket trucks working on the lines. cleco had most if not all power restored by noon.
todays forecasted for more scattered thunderstorms until at least 11:00 pm cdt.
see also
kalb weather line telephone: 318.442.1110
Issued by the National Weather Service
updated about every two minutes.
Weather Observations from Esler Field ~ Updated Hourly
Weather Observations from Alexandria International Airport ~ Updated Hourly
National Weather Service: Louisiana State Information
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Charles F.Wagner, Jr., Sheriff
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
Boyce Substation - 793-8157
Holloway (Ward 11) Substation - 466-3231
Glenmora Substation - 748-4226
South Substation - 449-5482
Tioga Substation - 640-1696
12 May 2010
developing on slabbed.com: steve theriot "defamation" lawsuit against nola.com and anonymous commenters
UPDATE: 11:51 am cdt thursday 13 may 2010 fox 8 news report from 11 may 2010
click here for video watch/download page
read more

Posted by Tax Attorney
May 12, 2010, 11:40AM
Well this is a very interesting comment. I have never really heard of suing somebody to help them- I wonder what Phelps Dunbar is doing?
How about simply having open and Public meetings? Why does taxpayer money have to be paid to a politically connected Law firm to get the names of people to help them?
UPDATE: 6:50 pm cdt wednesday 12 may 2010:
earlier we sent the above to c.b. forgotston to ask him if he'd seen this yet. he replied that indeed he knew of it and was in the process of writing his comments:
Just a friendly little defamation lawsuit
This man thinks we are stupid
Yesterday, it was reported that interim Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot filed a defamation lawsuit against some unknown bloggers. Apparently, their on-line comments hurt his feelings. ( See story here.)
Theriot is an accountant and apparently unfamiliar with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It allows us to freely criticize the performance of public servants.
Now, Theriot insults our intelligence.
Today, Theriot says that the defamation lawsuit asking for unspecified damages against his critics was "aimed at addressing the concerns they raise -- not at blocking criticism of the government." ( See story here.)
I'm sure it was just a mix up in communications with Theriot's lawyers. They thought he said “sue the bastards.” What Theriot apparently said was “invite those citizens to lunch so we can learn more about their concerns.”
We lawyers often get the terms lawsuit and lunch confused.
Theriot was brought in to restore confidence in Jefferson Parish government. If that is still the goal, it’s time to go to Plan B.
I'm sure I will be hearing from Theriot's lawyers to get more of my input.
see also
the jefferson report
theriot sues the internet
and also
la.1st circuit court of appeal
donald britton versus chuck hustmyre et al
and also
2nd circuit court of appeal
baxter versus scott
and also
3rd circuit court of appeal
aymond versus dupree
j cooks dissents
and also
global wildlife center versus hammond action news
trial court eventually dissolved its temporary restraining order
sanctioned the plaintiff