31 October 2011
motion to quash internet records subpoenas in davenport vs slayter
Daniel Slayter's Motion to Quash RE: Davenport v Slayter
this ongoing internet defamation dispute could get confusing due to its encompassing two separate civil cases involving outspoken alexandria, la. attorney thomas d. davenport, jr., and la dads.info webmaster daniel slayter.
mr. davenport filed his suit against mr. slayter around 22 august 2011. it has never been served.
then around 06 september mr. slayter filed his own petition against mr. davenport and timely served it.
in the slayter vs davenport suit, mr. davenport is represented by marshall r. pearce of the powerful shreveport, louisiana casten & pearce law firm.
what makes these subpoenas so interesting is that they were applied for by mr. davenport's secretaries through the davenport vs slayter suit which has never been served on the prospective defendant.
an answer in the slayter vs davenport suit is due any day now; we're sure that will be an interesting read plus there is already an entry of recusal by the regular alexandria city court judge, richard starling so everything is in limbo! boo
related posts
29 October 2011
17 year old is "better off dead than fucking a nigger for crack"
right now there is a record setting winter storm over philadelphia. fn says that it's cold and windy but that storms awesome power is no match for the power of the pipe.
27 October 2011
hellacious pothole
we're surprised that the city would allow any street near the downtown hotels initiative to go wrong;
now that big bird or whatever has resigned her hi-paying executive position with the city -- it's the perfect time for the mayor and the city counsel along with the city attorney to work together to defund that position, dissolve that department and redirect the tax-payers' money to streets, bridges & drainage or for some much needed relief, return it to the taxpayers.
26 October 2011
holiday village, la. volunteer fire department truck t-41
moments before coming into focus the fireman switched the siren off.
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24 October 2011
tropical storm hurricane rino rina now tracking towards gulf of mexico
UPDATE latest track as of 1 pm cdt 25 october 2011
200 PM EDT MON OCT 24 2011

LOCATION...16.8N 82.5W
22 October 2011
rapides parish election results 2011 22 october
Louisiana Secretary of State====
Unofficial Election Results Inquiry
Results for Election Date: 10/22/2011
Rapides Parish
Statewide Races
LA Legislature Races
Multi-Parish Races
All Races in a Parish
Back to Election Date Selection Page
11:00 pm
alexandria city court marshal shocker
grines 46% runoff
messina 27% runoff
hopewell 27% out
10:39 pm
rapides clerk of court all 113 precincts
brian thompson out 17%
linda lin dyess stewart runoff 31%
robin hooter runoff 46%
jamie floyd out 7%
10:37 pm
sec'y of state website back online
10:30 pm
sec'y of state website down again
10:23 pm
wagner 48 runoff
hilton 48 runoff
baden 4 out 113 of 113 precincts
10:21 pm
sec'y of state website [rapides] now responding
10:00 pm
sec'y of state website still not responding "could not connect to remote server"
9:49 pm
sec'y of state website still not responding
9:42 pm
sec'y of state website not responding
9:40 pm
sec'y of state website starting to get sluggish
9:38 pm
rapides parish police jury district "g"
sean mcglothlin 56
steve coco 44
11 of 11 precincts
9:19 pm
wagner 51
hilton 44
baden 5
63 of 113 precincts
Breaking ... STEVE COCO OUT
9:05 pm
wagner 55
hilton 40
baden 5
42 of 113 precincts
9:03 pm
rapides police juror dist "g"
sean mcglothlin 58
steve coco 42
6 of 11 precincts
8:51 pm
14 of 113 precincts:
wagner 53
hilton 41
baden 6
8:45 pm:
wagner 50%
hilton 45%
baden 5% 4 of 113 precincts
UPDATE: 8:42 pm first rapides returns appear on sec'y of state website
UPDATE: 8:39 pm still no rapides results on sec'y of state website.
UPDATE: 8:28 pm still no rapides results on sec'y of state website.
UPDATE 8:00 pm cdt polls close across louisiana ... developing ...
Louisiana Secretary of State
Unofficial Election Results Inquiry
Results for Election Date: 10/22/2011
Rapides Parish
Statewide Races
LA Legislature Races
Multi-Parish Races
All Races in a Parish
Back to Election Date Selection Page
first off -- we hope that today is a once-in-a-lifetime lousiest election because it's definitely the lousiest election that we've ever seen.
the democratic party is totally neutered and those what remain of louisiana democrats today wouldnt even get behind a candidate. tara hollis was the hardest working democratic candidate yet received no support from the state party.
while we voted for the libertarian, scott lewis, we hope that ms. hollis does well too.
rapides sheriff - mark baden
all along we had toyed with the notion to vote for mr. baden as a protest vote. then we had made up our mind to vote for sheriff wagner.
as we've said from the beginning, we'd never, ever consider voting for william earl hilton because of the 2003 in perpetuity slave sales tax scam that he as sheriff, together with his ungodly brethren -- the freemasons, for the banksters, placed on the head of every rapides parish citizen even those unborn;
who will never be given the opportunity to vote for this tax yet will have to pay it and collect it. that's wrong. it's unamerican, it's treasonous, it's traitorous.
the supreme irony of which is that the chief law enforcement officer (that law being the constitution) is the first in line to wipe his ass with the constitution ... for money. that's louisiana. and of course sheriff wagner in his four years has not lifted one finger to stop it.
then we read a recent post on his personal blog, about mr. baden by pineville, la. city councilman nathan martin ... we reasoned, if you can call it that, aww what the hell.
clerk of court -- brian thompson. we feel that mr. thompson being a customer of the clerk of court would be most knowledgeable in making the office more accessible and user friendly.
despite what anyone says to the contrary, these town talk scans attest to the fact that it was mr. thompson as far back as 22 may 2011 who was originally talking about the high taxes the clerk of court charges including the exorbitant $600 per year premium subscription tax to access the clerk's website when its clearly not worth a fraction of that. all that despite the clerk has several millions of dollars in cash reserve.
the other clerk of court candidates are just tax-feeders who have nothing new and innovative to offer.

lt. governor - billy nungesser. jay dardenne is a liberal rino. mr. nungesser might be one too. however, mr. dardenne has the voting record to prove it.
ag commissioner - belinda alexandrenko. like dardenne, strain is a voting record verified rino.
rapides parish police jury dist "c" - danny joe daniels. this one is a crap shoot and hopefully there will be a runoff between somebody.
tax assessor parish of rapides -- rick ducote. not much to tell here.
insurance commissioner - donelon again not much to tell.
bese board - keith guice. we voted for him last time. we havent paid much attention to the bese board but from what we've read over the past 4 years it seems like mr. guice is a standup guy.
la house district 25 - randy wiggins.
polls are open till 8:00 PM ...
rapides parish returns.
statewide and all other parishes start here.
Posted by
Labels: IN_PERPETUITY_TAX, rapides_parish_clerk_of_court_election_2011, rapides_sheriff_2011
20 October 2011
no honor among thieves and piyush poot sniffers
james david cain is getting exactly what he deserves and let this be a good lesson of what's in store for the rest of the piyush poot sniffers;
advocate excerpt:
Michelle Millhollon
Advocate capitol news bureau
Other than writing checks to candidates, Gov. Bobby Jindal's involvement in Saturday's legislative races was publicly sedate until former state Sen. James David Cain rankled him.
Cain, a Republican, criticized the governor for backing incumbent state Sen. John Smith in a three-person race that features Cain, Smith and Terry Fowler.
In a television ad, Cain questioned why the Republican governor would support a longtime Democrat. Smith, R-Leesville, only recently joined the Republican Party.
The governor fired back by spending nearly $100,000 of his own campaign funds to launch a television commercial criticizing Cain for using his legislative years toward his teacher's retirement. The ad is airing in the Alexandria and Lake Charles areas.
It also can be seen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXiuyP_Itac&feature=youtu.be.
"We felt it was important to respond to James David Cain's ad. He threw mud at the governor," the governor's campaign aide, Timmy Teepell, said Wednesday.
Teepell shared a link to the governor's ad through Twitter.
"Hey, James David Cain … what goes around … comes around," he tweeted, adding that, "there's more where that came from."
Cain said he feels dismayed and shocked after welcoming Jindal into his home and helping him on the campaign trail in past governor's races.
"I just hope no one ever does his family like he's doing me," he said. ~ read more
related posts
18 October 2011
near record low temperatures possible this week in cenla
intellicast kesf reporting station:
Details for Wednesday, October 19EXTERNAL LINK
Sunny with gusty winds. High 69F. Winds NW at 15 to 25 mph.
Evening: A mostly clear sky. Near record low temperatures. Low near 35F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.
17 October 2011
house candidate la - 08: louisiana trial lawyer calls in the trial lawyers for help after being held out to be ... a trial lawyer...
one reason why wst... is not for tort reform -- wst... is for for lawyer reform ...
if lawyers; especially louisiana lawyers have a bad reputation then that is their own fault! because:
if louisiana had honest respectable lawyers and judges on the state supreme court, running the state bar and the attorney disciplinary board, the judiciary commission, the law schools, local bar and so forth, then the creation of such political advertising against a lawyer wouldnt be conceivable, much less believable, because a lawyer with a bad reputation would be an unknown thing.
however, we can draw from our own experiences over the past two years or so, along with those of a lot of other people to understand that louisiana courts are a huge scam.
louisiana judges and lawyers offend heaven;
clerks of court are corrupt whilst the marshal's look the other way.
we only know that what we know and may only see duke lowrie's flyers in that light and we dont see anything out of line in his reminding, warning, even ... the populace on the hazards of placing a lawyer in elective office.
we'd advise all lawyers who receive this email not to waste your money giving it to this guy ...instead ... grow a backbone and start speaking out about all the corruption; all the fraud and abuse that exists in the louisiana judicial system - its phenomenal. you know it -- expose it! after all, you never know who's listening in.
Our profession is under attack
Dear Colleague:
As you may know, Jeff Thompson is a candidate for the Louisiana House of Representatives for District 08. The election is this Saturday, October 22nd. Getting people to the polls is going to be crucial, and is made more challenging by the LSU home game against Auburn that day.
Rather than address the issues, Jeff’s opponent has resorted to negative and false attacks. Lowrie has already spent more than $175,000 of his own money in this race and now recognizes the fact he must resort to false allegations and attacks to in an all-out effort to defeat Jeff at any cost. He has even filed a completely meritless lawsuit alleging that Jeff violated attorney/client privilege. This suit is a political stunt and is an abuse of the legal system. It is an example of frivolous litigation Lowrie claims to oppose.
The attacks Lowrie has resorted to also include a series of all out assaults on our profession. Attached are copies of the various direct mail pieces sent throughout the district. Please take a moment to read over them and see for yourself the ridiculous claims asserted. If you share my frustration at the implications and assault not only on Jeff, but on our profession, I ask that you please join me in this final week of the campaign and help.
How can you do that?
Make a financial contribution to help offset the tens of thousands of dollars in media buys and efforts Lowrie is making as a final effort in continuing the vicious, unfounded attacks which are certain to come in the last days leading up to the election. You can do that by making a secure online donation right now by clicking: contribute online here. You can also write a check, which we will gladly come and pick up. Just call me at (318) 747-7466 and let me know and someone will be right over.Desperate candidates do desperate things, and this election cycle has seen some incredible instances of mudslinging, misrepresentations, unfounded attacks and outright lies. We cannot sit idly by and allow these meritless assaults to continue. The price of getting that message out to the voters is increasing and your assistance in defense of not only our friend and colleague, but of our profession, calls us all to action. Please act now (contribute online here). Please also ask others to join us.
Early voting has already ended, so if you live in Bossier or Benton, please be sure to vote this Saturday, October 22, and take your family and friends with you!
Help us with volunteers. You, your family members, runners or office staff could be used to assist with the campaign in these final days. We have things to do all day every day, so no matter when someone wants to help, we can put them to work! We are particularly working for a large turnout of volunteers for this Friday and Saturday. No amount of time is too small and all efforts would be very much appreciated. Just let us know by reply email or telephone call when volunteers may be available.
Thank you.
Richard Ray
Work: (318) 747-7466
Cell: (318) 426-4241

16 October 2011
saints head coach sean payton injured in sideline crash; scheduled for surgery monday
via: twitter @wwltv
Sean Payton not doing his normal post game press conference. Scheduled for surgery tomorrow, according to radio.
UPDATE via: twitter @wwltv
Saints PR man Greg Bensel says Sean Payton to have surgery as early as tonight...no later than tomorrow. ~ tweet
Saints' Sean Payton Has 'Successful' Knee Surgery bit.ly/npWi94 ~ tweet
vitter endorsed candidate hit piece #fail
UPDATE wednesday 19 october 2011: we noticed that chad over at the dead pelican mysteriously removed his web page. the page is reproduced below from its google cache:
October 16, 2011--3:00 AM CDT
A direct mail piece is creating quite a stir in the hotly contested race for district 103! Ray Garofalo has been endorsed by U.S. Senator David Vitter, and is known for his ties to the video poker industry.
He is also responsible for the controversial piece in which he calls Bayham a "37-year-old with no wife, no kids, who lives with his mother."
Is he comparing the candidates' positions on tax policy? Education policy? Gaming? Any issue of substance?
Garafolo seems to think that age, number of kids, and a wedding band are what really matter to the people of district 103!
Click here for large version of mail piece.
We are told that even Garofalo's own wife has chided him for the piece.
http://www.thedeadpelican.com for updates
wst... note click here for an alternate link to download the .pdf.
la house district #103 ray garofalo vitter endorsed sleaze mail.
this race is likely a toss-up as to which candidate would be the worst. time and a voting record will tell.
mr. bayham has a lot higher name recognition his work being picked up and mentioned online a lot.
at first we thought that we had mr. bayham confused with another blogger but it turns out that he does write the the sports blog we were thinking of.
we'd have to agree with mr. bayham's response and add that if the garofalo campaign cant easily and articulately present some rino traits to mr. bayham's platform to the voters or doesnt care to instead choosing this -- then how can their constituents really rely on their being smart enough to read house and senate bills to figure out what they really mean?
related posts
15 October 2011
alexandria attorney thomas davenport subpoenas google and domains by proxy in hopes of id'ing cenlabriarpatch bloggers
the other day cenlabriarpatch.com posted the gmail they received from google which began ... "google has received a subpoena for information related to your google account," to turn over all the info they have on mailthepatch@gmail.com ...
the gmail apparently originated due to the 26 september 2011 application made by thomas davenport's secretary, brittany kier, to command google inc to produce:
"ip address," account information, registrant's name,address, telephone, user identification, user account name, digital footprint, internet protocol address, email header, originating ip accounts, host name, ip decimal and any information related to and that would identify user profiles/accounts concerning "mailthepatch@gmail.com" to the davenport firm, 1628 metro drive, alexandria, louisiana 71301, within five (5) days of receipt of subpoena duces tecum service.also on the same day, mr. davenport's other secretary, tewanna sarpy, made application to the clerk for another subpoena duces tecum this one served on domains by proxy about their info for, cenlabriarpatch.com:
[T]he account information, registrant's name, address, telephone, name listed on method of payment, user identification, user account name, digital footprint, internet protocol address, originating ip accounts, host name, ip decimal and any information related to and that would identify user profiles/accounts, and owner of the domain "cenlabriarpatch.com" to the davenport firm ... within five (5) days of receipt of subpoena duces tecum service.around noon yesterday the alexandria city court clerk faxed what should be the true copies of the applications and subpoenas duces tecum. they are in the case the davenport firm l.l.c. and thomas d. davenport, jr., versus daniel ray slater a/k/a danny slayter | civil docket number 120116.
this move struck us as odd because this suit was filed ages ago [around 22 august 2011 actually] and the clerk's office has no record of it ever being served on the defendant. there is a letter in the suit file (we meant to get - try again on monday) from the plaintiff to the court requesting to withold service.
yet subpoena applications are being made and issued, in that;
the first post on the cenlabriarpatch blog was posted on 16 september 2011 "the story of a little klansman."
and 10 days later the davenport firm is applying for subpoenas yet the suit was filed weeks earlier and the defendant was never served. "please serve daniel ray slayter, a.k.a. danny slayter, 2828 jackson street, alexandria, louisiana 71301," the petition reads at page 6.
this is only a few blocks from the city courthouse. so what gives?
it will be interesting to see if there will be any any responsive pleadings or contradictory hearings.
anyway, there's a lot more that could be and probably will be written. so ... stay tuned.
related posts
13 October 2011
video: kalb 2011 rapides parish sheriff candidates forum
via: twitter @kalbtv5
OTHER THAN THE COMMERCIALS - What do you think of the debate so far? How are the candidates doing? ~ tweet
NOTICE: you may order a hi-quality dvd of this program for around $20.00 from kalb.
related posts
"campaign eddie" with the lowdown on la house district 27 race: randy the wiggler wiggins versus dopey rino chris hazel
this is actually the second robo call that we've received from "campaign eddie." the first one we missed because we didnt have our digital audio recorder hooked up.
"campaign eddie" says that chris hazel's wife was appointed to a powerful state board and that her employer received $15,000,000 in state of louisiana contracts - many of them no-bid awards.
you can tell that this robo call isnt exactly honest and forthright because its not interested in exposing hazel's treasonous, traitorous activities and that he is a rino -- instead choosing to mention some unnamed law in the second part.
"campaign eddie" refers to some law that hazel passed that "limited seniors rights," (what about all of us who's rights hazel has trampled numnuts) that subversive rino and weasel piyush "bobby" jindal had to veto....in spite of all the laws he has signed to take away our rights...
all things considered, we are finding this "campaign eddie" series of robo calls to be better than the usual generic ones we receive and has the potential to be highly effective.
link to audio download page
kalb to present 2011sheriff's debate tonight at 6 pm
via: twitter @kalbtv5
News Channel 5 and CBS 2 are proud to present the 2011 Sheriff's debate tonight starting at 6pm on News Channel 5 and CBS 2.
The first half of the debate will be simulcast on both stations then at 6:30pm flip over to CBS 2 ((Suddenlink channel 2, Dish Network channel 35, & DirecTv channel 6) for the conclusion of the debate. ~ source
12 October 2011
the wiggins wiggle versus the dopey rino shuffle
needless to say that on 22 october 2011, we wont be voting for dopey rino chris hazel in louisiana house district 27.
lord knows, the reasons to vote this chump out are legion but we've pointed out a few.
such as in 2008 when hazel put louisiana school children at risk of injury when he sponsored a bill HB1153 not at the behest of any parent, principal, teacher, school superintendent or parent-teacher school group but for a special interest group making illegal a simple tool that many school children in america already use to make their back packs and carry bags more secure and useful to use, as a shield to ward off bullets and knife attacks.
in 2008 SB87 the rino hazel voted no to the elimination state income taxes while the liberals chris roy jr and herbert dixon voted yes!
again in 2008 hazel, ever the rino, joined with corrupt, criminal lake charles democratic state senator willie landry mount and the corrupt, criminal monroe rino kay "bucket of bolts" katz when neither one of them is the least little bit about good health and welfare, in their draconian SB312 to mandate the application of medication into the states water supply against our will and without our informed consent all at the behest of chemical manufacturers and big pharma.
chris hazel is a total special interest & lobbyist puppet. his tee vee commercials are a total lie. he should be ashamed.
dont take out word for it. spend an hour over on legis.state.la.us down beneath where it says "bill search" there is a drop down box it says "view a list of instruments by legislator" click hazel (or any of their names) and you will see a list of bills that he filed for that year.
use the "selection a session" at the top to go from session to session. the default is the most recent session.
anyway, late yesterday afternoon we received this chris hazel flyer in the mail. we didnt think much about it at first other than that from looking at it closely that it appeared that hazel must have his buddy the alexandria la shyster greg aymond in the back running photoshop.
then last night we received a few googlers from around locally who were looking for more information from the flyer. particularly at "town talk, apr.24,1999."
its supposedly a cite to one of the flyer's "facts":
Fact: Sued for hiding public documents from a constituent.2unfortunately, there are only two people running in this race so if we vote it will have to be for randy wiggins. further hampering our motivation to vote is that mr. wiggins is endorsed by that horrid cenla gopac crowd -- the same gang who endorsed hazel four years ago. bleh
this suit is problematic for mr. wiggins in that he didnt want to give up public records including his correspondence with other elected and high government officials such as then alexandria mayor ned randolph, then alexandria chief of the apd, thomas cicardo and the then city of alexandria, la. attorney, charles nunnally.
the plaintiff is rick farrar, represented by greg jones.
the then dist # 27 state representative randy wiggins is represented by house clerk butch speer and house attorney mary f. quaid.
we believe that it is a waste of taxpayer resources to put the state house clerk and another full-time employee, to work, looking for ways to keep a louisiana legislator from producing public records.
but this was a political suit and as we mentioned in our previous post they dont tend to go very far.
likewise, the rapides parish clerk of court's website contains no record of there ever being a judgment handed down.
the clerk of court shows that the last court action in this case was on 28 june 1999 when judge harry randow took it under advisement.
the final file entry is from 02 march 2007 when the rapides parish clerk of court refunded greg jones $148.34.

rick farrar's petition for declaratory judgment, writ of mandamus and/or injunctive relief
randy wiggin's answer and dilatory and peremptory exceptions
randy wiggin's motion for continuance
randy wiggin's memorandum in support of exceptions
rick farrar's first supplemental and amending petition
rick farrar's memorandum in opposition to exceptions
rick farrar's supplemental memorandum in opposition to exceptions.
Farrar vs Wiggins 25 March 1999
11 October 2011
fascinating political defamation case developing on my bossier
Attorneys for Duke Lowrie filed a lawsuit in Bossier District Court today against Jeff Thompson for damages for defamation and breach of attorney-client privilege.
Lowrie and Thompson are both running for the District 8 House seat left open by Jane Smith. ~ read more
sounds like defamation with a twist. on the one hand, it will be interesting to see how the litigants show and how the court will rule about when and how the attorney-client privilege attaches.
especially since, according to my bossier, the plaintiff is claiming that it was breached by the attorney. tut tut
currently, the louisiana rules of professional conduct refers to it as the 'client - lawyer relationship.' [from rule 1.1].
then on the other, how the plaintiff will survive an article 971 motion.
we doubt that the defamation claim will go very far ... or this suit, since its political and no telling what they all got on each other.
in any event, we hope that my bossier gets to post all the pleadings and fixes his link to our roy brown post lol.
baton rouge area chili's restaurants to hold benefit for slain game warden's family
via: twitter @ldwf
if you're in or plan to be in the baton rouge, louisiana area on monday, 24 october 2011; from 11am - 10pm and will be eating out -- then please download and print out this flyer (1 page .pdf 1.75 mb) and take it with you in case you dine at one of the chili's restaurant locations at:
chili's college drivepresent it to your server and chili's will donate 10% of your check to the family of paul stuckey.
southwest corner of constitution & college drive
chili's millerville
1615 millerville road, baton rouge
chili's seigen lane
10305 north mall drive, baton rouge
chili's gonzales
2227 south tanger boulevard
chili's denham springs
135 rushing road west
chili's zachary
5520 main street
Stuckey was found dead next to his patrol vehicle at the old ferry landing in St. Francisville. He had been with Wildlife and Fisheries for 18 years. ~ wafb
arrest some white drivers
09 december 1922 - 11 october 1991
censored scene from the sanford and son episode "fred sanford, legal eagle," that originally aired on 11 january 1974.

redd foxx memorial at find-a-grave
search youtube for sanford and son clips
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originally posted
04 january 2009
updated and reposted
11 october 2009
11 march 2010
11 october 2010
11 october 2011
10 October 2011
dead snake


related posts
09 October 2011
bumper crop of acorns 2011
to say that central louisiana and a lot of the rest of the country had a long, hot, drought'y spring and summer would be an understatement.
that's why we are surprised to see so many acorns this fall; hopefully its a good sign that over fall and winter the wildlife will have enough to eat.
the snaps below are from a few oak trees that are nearby and didnt receive any supplemental waterings or fertilizer apart from what an oak tree deep in the woods did.

this pin oak tree is heavily laden with acorns too.
the ground beneath the trees is saturated with acorns.

when we got around to the few pecan trees that we know of near here, sadly we could tell that they didnt make nothing especially compared to the oaks. we wondered why and that got us to thinking about the states commercial pecan harvest.
so, we turned to google and somehow landed on the website of natchitoches pecans @ little eva plantation in cloutierville, natchitoches parish, louisiana.
the lady who answered the phone there, julie swanson, was very friendly she said that their crop "looks as good as it did last year and we had a good crop last year."
she explained, "we've gotten rain along [the year] ... best we can tell our crop looks pretty good. i know a lot of people have been affected by the drought and all, but so far everything is looking good for us."
we told her what we were on about, she replied, "that's kinda like pecan trees too though. 'sometimes they are ... sometimes not' -- it just depends on the area and if your tree had a lot of pecans on it last year."
she said "we havent gotten a lot of rain overall, this area of louisiana, but it's been spots -- 'hot spots' here and there."
there is an orchard in south louisiana she believes that isnt going to have much of a harvest this year.
we didnt want to keep her long it being sunday and all, so that was our pecan lesson for the day.
she said that the quality of this years pecans wont be known until harvest which is in a week to ten days from today and invited us to call her back then and we just might.
we were looking around on their website to see if there was anything to add that we might have forgot to ask her on the phone and turns out that little eva plantation is a very historical place.
for instance, it has a tie to the author, harriet beecher stowe and is birthplace to the painter, clementine hunter.
so check it out: www.natchitochespecans.com

08 October 2011
man on the street: larry sinclair reports from "stop the machine" protest in washington d.c.
our friend larry sinclair spent a couple of hours at freedom plaza in washington d.c., today and came away with very interesting footage.
mr. sinclair posts "that the october 2011.org group is not an [sic] slick well organized protest, but is instead a number of different individual groups which have come together under the 'stop the machine' rallying cry."
most everyone there was happy to talk to him, mr. sinclair writes, including some old guy who said that "barack obama is like jesus christ to me." ~ read more
07 October 2011
shreveport man gets 15 years for stealing $100.00 (2009)
we didnt get around to checking our site stats until just a few minutes ago and noticed that roy brown is back on the news somewhere and that we're again receiving quite a few referrals from my bossier.
unfortunately, the my bossier blog didnt deep link directly to the post, choosing instead to provide a generic link to our main page of www.wesawthat.blogspot.com.
anyway, if you're arriving here from my bossier looking for the roy brown post the link is:
thanks again for your interest.
for some mysterious reason, mr. roy brown, the shreveport, louisiana man who received a fifteen year prison sentence for stealing $100.00 [currently 71.00 eur] is back on the radar of the blogosphere or in the news ... somewhere ... possibly in europe.
so, if you're arriving here from this post at my bossier -- then click here to go to that post.
silent auction libuse hall 09 october 2011
according to the sign posted opposite the libuse hall, there will be a silent auction, from 2 - 4 pm, sunday, 09 october 2011. items on display include czech crystal eggs. the public is invited to stop by and browse.
libuse czech hall is located on industrial road which is the road opposite where you will see the sign in the photo.
06 October 2011
walking stick
this camera doesnt seem to take closeups of tiny objects like insects very well ... the likely reason for this, is cos, we cant be bothered figuring out all those settings n buttons n shit.
anyway, these snaps of a rather large walking stick we recently crossed paths with arent too bad.
awhile back, someone from central louisiana saw one too and wrote in to an entomology forum wondering if they sting -- to which the expert replied that "walking sticks are perfectly harmless vegetarians" and that the males have "wicked-looking claspers at the tip of the abdomen" used in mating.
click picture to enlarge

black and white

color w/ flash

close up of lower body

natural color

close-up of upper body
see also
walking stick insect louisiana
05 October 2011
oz blues band stormcellar features louisiana speckled king snake in 'swamp monster' music video
wst... note: we began drafting this post tuesday (04 october 2011) morning and added to it as more information became available; so, if this post appears even more disjointed than usual that's probably why.
as brer rabbit can attest, bloggers never know what to expect to show up in our email from one day to the next.
early tuesday morning we received an email from michael barry: "email from blog - request to use 4 seconds of speckled kingsnake in our video clip" the subject line read.
he wrote that his m8's were working on the music video clip to support their single "swamp monster" and was looking to use a brief glimpse of our louisiana speckled king snake footage in it.
we have a few speckled king snake clips up and although he didnt specify by a url which one in his request, we had a good idea which clip mr. barry was on about --
with everything so far sight unseen we just assumed that they were kids in a garage band and that their single might possibly have been inspired somewhat by the history channel reality tee vee show called "swamp people," no episode of which we've ever seen but have heard of from the local media from time to time because its filmed in louisiana.
most of our clips are donated to the public domain anyway, but we could appreciate mr. barry's being careful, so we replied right away with a permission.
later we visited the bands bio page from the link in the email.
as you can see from their website they are a well established and popular band with many music videos of their original material;

their single 'swamp monster' is on the album "nuevo retro,"
[pronounced: N-way-vo]
released 30 march 2010 ~ source: nuevo retro blog
‘Nuevo Retro’ (#1 on Australian Roots Chart) has received wide airplay, including ABC Radio, SBS Radio, , Channel 9’s Today Show (which featured the videoclip for ‘Dont Get Around Much’) and their unique, self produced videoclips are in regular rotation on Channel 31, TVS and Foxtel.it looked like they had never heard of "swamp people;"
Nuevo Retro has recently entered the US National Blues Chart in April 2011 receiving airplay on more than 160 stations across the states. ~ source stormcellar.com.au
the internet movie data base says that the 1st episode of "swamp people" big head bites it, didnt air until 22 august 2010.
in the meantime we found a blog post on their website with which they let their fans know that the 'swamp monster' video clip is completed but not ready for show.
not long afterwards mr. barry, (who plays harmonica and provides vocals) emailed us the unlisted youtube link to his preliminary version to check out.
the vid is in black and white and sort of reminds us of the work of director, wayne isham, particularly the music video 'wanted dead or alive' he directed in 1987 for bon jovi. wdoa was a hella music video back in the day and remains a classic.
we've kinda been interested in learning how to edit digital video since back in march when our cousin, who's coincidentally also australian, (on his mum's side) inspired us by his winning the 83rd best director oscar.
we mentioned to mr. barry that we liked his choice of black and white and he wrote back to explain that his band creates their own clips and the "[swamp monster] clip [is] based mostly on public domain old horror movies."
and that he used a "threshold filter for the B&W effect" mostly "because it gave it a modern graphic novel/pen and ink feel." and because "it felt natural to try and keep the vibe consistent."
the irony is that our speakers have been on the fritz lately so we can see the vid but cant hear it. so we had to phone up some friends and to ask them to play it to us down the phone line.
we can make out from our phone recording what sounds like solid slide and lead guitar work in a catchy riff and accompanied with a strong harmonica. it sounds great.
in answer to our question about whether 'swamp monster' was somehow inspired by the "swamp people" tee vee program, mr. barry wrote:
no. Not related.so you can tell that we've had quite the fascinating, informative and entertaining couple of days.
This was from an album we released in 2010, its just taken me a while to get the videoclip done.
Paul [read], our slide player, wrote this after borrowing some CCR and Pink Floyd albums to listen to for the weekend.
The lyrical content was my version of a Gothic Horror format: Part A, there is a monster, Part B: About the monster, Part C: I AM the monster (lol).
However...if the reality show wanted to use the song that'd be kind of interesting. I've always wanted to be a theme song :-)
we've gotten an authentic louisiana speckled king snake, probably, before its over with, in sight of several million australian and south pacific eyes + an open invitation that if we're ever in sydney to hang-out and party with "one of australias hardest working original roots bands." what more can any blogger ask for?
actually we would like to see the gulf coast casinos bring stormcellar over for a tour.
earlier today, (wednesday) they released their 'swamp monster' music video:
several other louisiana related clips are also used including 'la swamp hunting cabins' by frank daum - photographer: www.franciscodaum.com and another called 'louisiana story.'
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