30 April 2009
s'long boats 'fair winds and following seas'
via twitter @MediaMavenMyrna
Petty Officer Green, a native of York, Pa., died while performing a routine procedure on a Stennis catapult system after the ship pulled into Changi Naval Base, Singapore, April 24. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kyle Steckler/ Released)
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piyush "bobby" jindal swine flu media manipulation?
UPDATE: as you can see the station only carried a small portion of the governor's press conference.
So is Jindal so selfish that he would make a whole town wait for results until he can manipulate the 5:00 news media coverage for himself?
If he has the results, he should let people know immediately, rather than manipulate the populous for an earned media grab……………
Signed anonymous……
related posts
29 April 2009
dr paul connett reports on his recent trip to louisiana
wst... note: in the 2008 louisiana regular legislative session, corrupt, lake charles democratic state senator, willie landry mount, authored her senate bill number 312 which mandates the fluoridation of louisiana's drinking water.
sb 312 was pushed through the state house by monroe rino, kay "bucket of bolts" katz.
some central louisiana legislators who voted to medicate you against your will include: sb 312 co-author senator joe mcpherson and representatives herbert dixon, chris hazel and chris roy, jr.
rep. billy chandler voted against sb312.
on 06 july 2008, louisiana's rino governor piyush "bobby" jindal signed sb 312 into law becoming act 761.
FAN Bulletin 1066: Report from Connett's Louisiana visit
April 27, 2009
Here is a short diary of last week's events, which were co-sponsored by LEAN and Citizens Opposed to Fluoridation (COF) in Lafayette.
Monday April 20. Lafayette.
My visit got off to a cracking start when the Lafayette newspaper (The Daily Advertiser) ran an article on top of the front page entitled Fluoridation debate revived. The article discussed a motion being prepared by City-Parish Council chairman Purvis Morrison asking for state representatives to repeal the mandatory fluoridation bill. The article pointed out that the installation of the fluoridation equipment would cost $654,200 and another $530,000 annually to run the system. The article plugged the meeting where I was to speak the following evening.
In the afternoon, I was featured on a one-hour live program on a public access cable TV station station (AOC). AOC has already showed the FAN DVD "Professional Perspectives on Fluoridation" several times. For this live program I was interviewed by Dr. Jim Reeves, a retired Professor of Engineering, who has been leading the charge to keep fluoridation out of Lafayette. In the evening I had dinner with COF members along with the president of the local chapter of the Sierra Club as well as a peace activist Vic Hummert (and his wife Rose), who I have known for over 20 years.
Tuesday April 21, Lafayette.
We had a very early start. I was driven over to a local radio station KPEL for a live interview at 6:30 am with Robert Burton. Then at 9:30 am I went (via phone) on a popular statewide radio call-in program hosted by Moon Griffon. At noon with both Dr. Jim Reeves and local political strategist par excellence, Carroll Baudoin (his group Concerned Citizens for Good Government has also been very helpful in helping COF get this issue on the radar screen), we made a joint appearance on a local TV program "Meet Your Neighbor" (Channel 10). In all these media appearances the hosts very generously promoted the lecture I was to give that evening.
Before that lecture, again with Jim Reeves and Carroll Baudoin, and other members of their respective groups, I went to the local council officers and met the mayor's assistant and received a certificate making me an "Honorary Cajun"!
At 6:40 pm I testified before the City-Parish Council in support of the motion opposing fluoridation in Lafayette, but had to leave before three dentists spoke against the motion. We learned later that the motion passed 8 to 1.
It is interesting to note that even though three dentists were willing to speak solo in support of fluoridation at this council meeting not one of them, nor any one else in Lafayette in favor of fluoridation, was prepared to debate me at the public meeting that same evening, even though they were invited to do so.
The 7:00 pm lecture took place in Hamilton Hall on the local University campus. In all about 100 people attended this meeting, representing a very large cross section of the community. It included students and professors from the University; citizens who had fought off fluoridation in Lafayette 20 years ago as well as many people - both young and old - new to the issue. I spoke for about 90 minutes and my presentation was followed by a lively question and answer session. Again we got very nice coverage in the local paper.
I was most impressed with the local group COF who had put these events together at fairly short notice. I was also gratified to see how much interest the local media is taking in the issue.
Wednesday April 22, Baton Rouge
On Wednesday morning, I set off with Jim and Carroll to Baton Rouge. Our first port of call was the local Public TV station where I had an in-depth taped interview for statewide airing. Both the interviewer and the cameraman were very interested in the topic and I think we will get a fair shake with this program. It will air statewide possibly in two parts.
In Baton Rouge we were joined by Mark Galasso, a musician, photographer and son of a prominent educator in Baton Rouge. Mark is extremely upset by the way this practice is being forced down Louisiana citizens' throats and is doing everything he can to help get the law rescinded.
In the afternoon, we met up with Mary Lee Orr, and Kathy Wascomb, the director and lobbyist for LEAN respectively. We first met with the director of the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) Alan Levine and three other members of his department.
We explained our concerns about the mandatory bill and all listened very attentively but I was shocked at how little they knew about the fluoridation issue. No one on the staff claimed to have read the NRC (2006) review. They agreed to review any literature we sent them and get the response of the Louisiana Dental Association. We got the distinct impression that they were prepared to let the dentists lead on this issue.
After the DHH we went to the Department of Environmental Quality and spoke with the deputy director (and two of his staff) who has very good relations with LEAN and was more than willing to listen and stands by ready to help if he can find a way of doing so.
Everywhere we went Carroll and Jim handed out copies of FAN's new DVD "Professional Perspective on Fluoridation." What a tool that is proving to be.
Thursday April 23, Baton Rouge
At 9:30 am I appeared on another popular radio show and those interested can listen to my 12 minute interview:
related posts
and also
the sb 312 label in the footer of this post
H.R. 1913 federal hate crimes bill passes house 249 - 175
govtrack.us vote breakdown by state here
H R 1913 RECORDED VOTE 29-Apr-2009 4:55 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

louisiana delegation:
anh cao - (r)
bill cassidy - (r)
rodney alexander - (r)
charles boustany - (r)
john fleming - (r)
charlie melancon - (d)
steve scalise - (r)
By Rev. Ted Pike
29 Apr 09
Despite compelling and passionate testimony by House Republicans, the federal hate crimes bill, HR 1913, passed today in the House of Representatives by a vote of 249 to 175.
In what Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R, VA) called "an atrocity," the House Rules Committee on Tuesday imposed a "closed rule" on debate and amendments, limiting debate to 120 minutes. However, contest of the rule was permitted between both sides for one hour, giving Republicans a preliminary opportunity to lay out objections to the hate bill. They failed in their attempt to lengthen the debate, and the original 120 minutes of debate ensued.
Here are highlights of the Republican opposition:
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R, NC) said HR 1913 will open a new category of "thought crimes" in America, moving us "down a slippery slope" to loss of freedom. She said such has happened under hate laws in Canada and Europe.
Rep. Trent Franks (R, AZ) warned HR 1913 will end equality in America, giving special rights to federally favored groups such as homosexuals.
Rep. Roy Blount (R, MO) echoed Foxx's admonition that hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and Europe.
Rep. Steve King (R, IA) repeated the warning of his amendment in Judiciary last week, saying pedophiles and many other deviants will obtain special rights and protection under HR 1913.
Rep. Mary Fallin (R, OK) referenced loss of free speech in Canada and Great Britain but also how the "Philly 11" Christians were persecuted under Pennsylvania's hate law.
Rep. Foxx returned, saying a federal hate law would preempt the 10th Amendment which delegates most law enforcement to the states. She said the claim that Matt Sheppard was murdered because he was a homosexual was a "hoax;" he was killed, she said as the victim of a robbery.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R, TX) charged HR 1913 will divide America into groups of more favored versus less. He again cited USC Title 18, Section 2a, the foundation of HR 1913, which says anyone who through speech "induces" commission of a violent hate crime "will be tried as a principal" alongside the active offender. He said there is no "epidemic" of hate in America.
Rep. King cited the American Psychiatric Association which lists 547 different kinds of paraphilia, or sexual deviancies. King said all of these would merit special federal protection under the class "sexual orientation" enshrined in HR 1913.
Rep. Foxx testified, "This bill itself will spread fear and intimidation." She was referring primarily to Christian/conservative critics of homosexuality, Islam, illegal immigrants, etc. Such critics from the pulpit or airwaves would be increasingly silenced under the hate law's chill on free speech.
Rep. Hastings (D, FL), a proponent of the hate bill, brazenly agreed that HR 1913 would give a galaxy of sexual perverts special protection. He said that under hate bill protection they will not "live in fear because of who they are."
One particularly striking argument was made by Rep. Randy Forbes (R, VA). He said if Miss California had slapped the homosexual judge who derided her on the stage (and across the internet) under HR 1913 she could be indicted as a "violent hate criminal," facing a possible 10 years in prison. But, Forbes said, if the homosexual judge had slapped her, she would have had no special protection under HR 1913. His act would have been simple assault, a misdemeanor.
The testimony of Rep. Todd Akins (R, MO) was also unique. He said HR 1913 would actually increase hate in America. He said the American people, including young people, recognizing that they are now second-class citizens, with homosexuals receiving special federal rights, can only resent (hate?) those who have rights and privileges above them. He also said that with the legal system already backed up, the federal hate law will create havoc within our legal system, requiring judges to also become "psychologists," divining motives of offenders.
Rep. Mike Pence (R, IN) said the FBI statistics show that, far from hate crimes increasing, they have steadily declined over the past 10 years. There is also no evidence that states are lax in hate law enforcement.
Democrat testimony concluded with a special entry, followed by CSPAN camera, of Rep. Barney Frank (D, MA). He pooh-poohed the arrest of the Philly 11 Christians in 2004, saying that, although it was unjust, Republicans were irresponsible in not pointing out that the Christians were acquitted. Fortunately, Rep. Gohmert had the last word, indicating that the very fact that persons can and have been arrested for speech under state laws has a chilling effect on free speech.
Gohmert tried to send the hate bill back to Judiciary for amendments but was overridden.
It is now time for all who love freedom to turn their full attention to defeat of the hate bill in the Senate, where Sen. Edward Kennedy just yesterday introduced his federal hate bill, S. 909, which is certain to be moving rapidly to a vote.
Call 1-877-851-6437 toll free or 1-202-225-3121 toll. Names of Senate Judiciary members are posted here at www.truthtellers.org.
Tell all members of the Senate: "Please don't vote for the pedophile-protecting federal hate crimes bill, S. 909. Please insist on Judiciary hearings to debate this very dangerous, freedom-threatening legislation."
related posts
GovTrack.us. H.R. 1913--111th Congress (2009): Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Apr 25, 2009)
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
last updated 8:59 am cdt thursday 30 april 2009
28 April 2009
louisiana supreme court chief justice address to the joint session of the state legislature
around 5:13 p.m. cdt the louisiana supreme court chief justice, catherine d. "kitty" kimball addressed the joint session of the louisiana legislature about the state of the judiciary.
HB 75 nutty karen carter peterson's cigarette tax fails to pass committee
motion by rep. cedric (the gun-grabber and sellout) richmond to report HB 75 as amended favorably. rep. ricky nowlin objected. this led to a vote of 7 yeas and 11 nays the bill failed to make it out of committee
2:23 pm cdt: the house ways and means committee just voted to kill karen carter peterson's HB 75 cigarette tax 11 nays - 7 yeas
karen carter peterson's increase convenience store smash-n-grab robberies, clerk murdering and black marketeering enhancement act of 2009
damon baldone (d) yea
roy burrell (d) yea
stephen carter (r) yea
avon honey (d) yea
cedric richmond (d) yea
harold ritchie (d) yea
girod jackson (d) yea
taylor barras (d) nay
michael danahay (d) nay
mickey guillory (d) nay
cameron henry (r) nay
frank hoffmann (r) nay
rickey nowlin (r) nay
jonathan perry (r) nay
jane smith (r) nay
jerome richard (i) nay
joel robideaux (i) nay
ricky templet (r) nay
chairman: hunter greene not voting
more later
senator danny martiny SB 27: special laws for special people
SB 27 should help you understand how the new orleans republican "elite" a/k/a criminals on the loose operate. notice how they all know each other.
senator danny martiny testified that federal judge jay zainey -- and he's really "zany" too -- seeing as how he is the george w. bush appointee, who, late last year, ordered that the birth certificate of a same sex couple's adoptive son bear the name of both "fathers."
anyway, so the judge phoned up the senator and asked him to author a special law so that on 10 october 2009 he could marry michael pathos (sp?). the whole thing took less than two minutes to get through committee -- what a deal! we'll try and remember to watch the new orleans society pages for news of that wedding.
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louisiana department of health and hospitals sec'y alan levine issues swine flu directives to state employees
Dear State of Louisiana Employees:
By now, you have seen media coverage or heard of the spread of swine flu in the United States and several other countries. Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. It occasionally spreads to humans, although human to human transmission has been rare until now.
The Department of Health and Hospitals is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, and other partners to ensure we are conducting appropriate surveillance to detect any cases in Louisiana early so we can respond quickly if we have an outbreak.
As we seek to prevent the spread of this virus in our state, you and your families, just like all other Louisianans, can be our partner in this effort. There are everyday actions you can take to protect yourselves and your families, while at the same time helping to prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza.
1. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
2. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
3. Try to avoid close contact with sick people. If you are sick, stay home. Limit contact with others.
4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth because germs can spread that way.
5. If you or anyone in your family feels sick with flu-like symptoms, stay home and away from other people. Do not send your children to school if they display flu-like symptoms. Symptoms may include: high fever, body aches, headaches, coughing, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue and chills.
If you live in an area where swine flu infections develop, or if you are exposed to someone who has traveled to such an area, and if you become ill with influenza-like symptoms, you should contact your physician immediately. Your doctor will determine whether influenza testing or treatment is needed.
DHH has notified hospitals and physicians through the state’s Health Alert Network and activated its statewide surveillance system of sentinel physicians—about 35 private doctors who volunteer to serve as a ‘front line’ of detection to assist in any public health or infectious disease investigation.
The department has shipped 30,000 specimen collection kits to be available to sentinel physicians, and will have specimens tested for infection as needed. Should cases arise in Louisiana, the state has a plan for antiviral treatment that will be directed by CDC guidance.
The Department is also working closely with the Louisiana Hospital Association, Louisiana Pharmacists Association, faith-based organizations, and many others to make sure you are properly informed and cared for. We’ve also recommended that all schools across the state monitor absences and illness of their students and report any problems to the DHH Office of Public Health.
If Louisiana begins to see a significant number of cases, you may be called on to assist the State in emergency operations. Keeping ourselves and our families safe is vital at this critical time. For regular updates, I encourage you to visit www.flula.com, our DHH site for swine flu information.
Aggressive prevention is the best thing to keep you and your loved ones well. Please heed the recommended steps and stay tuned for additional updates.
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27 April 2009
piyush "bobby" jindal now regrets vetoing sb 672 legislative pay raise fraud bill
[T]he governor recently told a meeting of the Republican legislative delegation that he regretted vetoing the raise.wst... note: lafayette rino mike michot, voted for sb 672 and mike walsworth voted no
“It was at a delegation meeting that I missed,” said Sen. Mike Walsworth, R-West Monroe. “But I heard about it.”
Asked about the governor’s comment that he made a mistake, Sen. Mike Michot, R-Lafayette, said “I believe he was talking the vetoes of members’ projects – and the pay raise, too.”
The Legislature last year approved a raise more than doubling their salaries. The governor at first said he would not veto it but after considerable public outcry, he did on June 30, 2008, shortly before the deadline for issuing a veto. ~ read more
related posts
see also
the sb 672 label
in the footer of this post
god save us the organized crime gang that calls itself the loony looziana state legislature is in session

the annual meeting of louisiana's collection of freaks, perverts, criminals, blackmailers, blackmail victims, useful idiots, morons, liars, thieves, drunks, drug addicts, lunatics, rino's, dino's and so on and so forth convened in baton rouge at noon today.
25 April 2009
SHOCK alexandria la attorney jock scott dies
gannett / the town talk: jock scott remembered as a man of honesty
obit: john wyeth "jock" scott
youtube clip of students clowning at woodlawn high school baton rouge la
louisiana now, uncovers a recently shot video which appears to show unsupervised students apparently from woodlawn high school, in baton rouge, la. cursing, dancing and using racial slurs.
the clip was added on 24 april 2009 to youtube by user jsonlyangel who identifies her city as baton rouge.
click here to view the video.
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is captain tripps here? part 2: man who greeted president obama in mexico died next day from flu-like symptons

Obama’s Visit
The first case [of swine flu] was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16.
Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. ~ read more
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larry sinclair: defeat H.R. 1913 federal hate crimes legislation
From a life long gay male who grew up gay in the Clan riddled south, gays today have no idea what it is to confront hatred and attacks just for being gay.
If the Gay community conducted itself in a respectful manner and not attacking, threatening, harassing,extorting and intimidating those who do not agree with them, then they will be treated with the same respect.
How can you display hate and attack people and then cry you need protecting?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, wake up, because being gay does not mean one is a victim. ~ read more
see also
rev. ted pike
don't give pedophiles hate bill protection!
related posts
GovTrack.us. H.R. 1913--111th Congress (2009): Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Apr 25, 2009)
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
24 April 2009
report: chapter 7 bankruptcy filing by bill nichols, sole shareholder of southern funding leaves sabine state bank on the hook for millions
mike magnoli promises a big splash on bill nichols and his southern funding surprise closure
in the meantime, click here [or 13 kb .pdf] to read the gannett / the town talk's treatment.
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piyush "bobby" jindal fund raising shuck 'n jivery
From: Governor Bobby Jindal [mailto:info@bobbyjindal.com]
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 10:21 AM
Subject: Only TWO days left!

heres an email we received from what we guess is a a former piyush "bobby" jindal
This is the strangest sort of message……give me money before the session starts so I can make sure you pay less taxes……………………………………………….what?we assume that what 'ole piyush the deceiver, is up to here -- is that if he can raise a bunch of money at the eve of the legislative session -- then he can take that information to the legislators as proof that he still has formidable support within louisiana.
its a pure intimidation tactic. so dont be a sucker and send this clown any of your money.
how much more evidence do you need to understand that piyush "bobby" jindal is nothing but a rino, a lying con artist, a criminal and a freak?
is captain tripps here?
UPDATED 24 april 2009US 'very concerned' about swine flu outbreak
Apr 24 08:32 AM US/Eastern
US medical authorities expressed strong concern Friday about an unprecedented multi-strain swine flu outbreak that has killed at least 60 people in Mexico and infected seven people in the United States.
"It's very obvious that we are very concerned. We've stood up emergency operation centers," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesman Dave Daigle told AFP.
One major source of concern was that the virus included strains from different types of flu.
"This is the first time that we've seen an avian strain, two swine strains and a human strain," said Daigle, adding that the virus had influenza strains from European and Asian swine, but not from North American swine. ~ read more
23 may 2006

May 23 (Bloomberg) -- All seven people infected with bird flu in a cluster of Indonesian cases can be linked to other patients, according to disease trackers investigating possible human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 virus.
A team of international experts has been unable to find animals that might have infected the people, the World Health Organization said in a statement today. In one case, a 10-year- old boy who caught the virus from his aunt may have passed it to his father, the first time officials have seen evidence of a three-person chain of infection, an agency spokeswoman said. Six of the seven people have died.
click here to read more.
23 April 2009
H.R. 1913 hate crimes bill passes house judiciary committee
Liberals Refuse to Exclude Gay Pedophiles from Federal Protection!
By Rev. Ted Pike
23 Apr 09
In a shocking conclusion to the second day of hearings on the federal hate crimes bill, HR 1913, House Judiciary Democrats rejected the final amendment of Rep. Steve King (R, IA) that "sexual orientation" in the bill specifically be defined as not including pedophiles.
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D, WI) objected, saying King's amendment was "unnecessary and inflammatory." She asserted that "sexual orientation," as defined by the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990, means consensual heterosexual or homosexual sex. That definition, she claimed, is sufficient to exclude pedophiles.
Before any Republicans could respond in support of this bold and essential amendment, Judiciary Chairman Conyers cut off debate, calling for an immediate vote, which upheld Baldwin. When Republicans objected, Conyers said he had not noticed them wanting to debate Baldwin's position, an absurd, unbelievable lie!
The truth is that a large percentage of homosexuals, especially males, are actual or potential pedophiles. From at least the time of the ancient Greeks, their ultimate sexual prize has been underage boys who "consent" to have sex with them. (In homosexual jargon, gay men are "chicken hawks," boys "chickens.")
The liberals promoting HR 1913 are determined, at all costs, to protect the entire homosexual community as the primary beneficiaries of the hate bill.
As we saw today, they were terrified of allowing Republicans to fragment federal protection of homosexuals into "protected versus unprotected" members. Such fragmentation would destroy their hate bill, dedicated to special protection of all homosexuals, regardless of degree of perversion.
They do not want the pedophile members of NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) to be deprived of the same perks and protection under federal law enjoyed by "respectable" homosexuals who cohabit only with adults. Homosexuals as a specific "class" must remain inviolate.
On the other hand, "straight" pedophiles who have heterosexual sex with little girls would remain without specially protected status, punishable under conventional law.
Rep. Gohmert in his remarks during the last several minutes of the hearing protested the committee's highhandedness. He objected to Democrats' denial of all of the large number of reasonable and constructive Republican amendments, but also the outrage of not allowing the distinction in the bill between child-molesting homosexuals and "law-abiding" ones.
He reiterated that "sexual orientation" can have the widest possible connotations within the term "homosexuality." Yet Judiciary liberals rejected such demand for specificity. They voted to pass the hate bill with such built-in ambiguity concerning sexual orientation so that any homosexual can claim special protection for his aberrant brand of perversion.
Clearly, the House Judiciary Committee has now sent a powerful message that all deviant brands of homosexuality are welcome on the federal hate crimes bandwagon. No homosexual, whether he be into sado-masochism, bestiality, transvestism, necrophilia (sex with the dead), or pedophilia, should consider himself outside special protection.
An irate Gohmert now predicts that any parent who physically assaults a homosexual pedophile attacking his or her child will become a federal hate criminal. Any young man who hits back against a homosexual hitting on him will become guilty of the "hate crime" of "bias-motivated assault."
Surely, if the hate bill threat has not moved you to pick up your phone and protest to Congress, the fact of HR 1913's implicit protection of all deviant members of the gay community, including pedophiles, should cause you to react with outrage.
Had enough? Call 1-877-851-6437 toll free or 1-202-225-3121 toll and tell your members of Congress:
"Please don't vote for Rep. Conyers' hate crimes bill, HR 1913, which refuses to specifically exclude homosexual pedophiles from special federal protection."
related posts
GovTrack.us. H.R. 1913--111th Congress (2009): Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Apr 23, 2009)
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
22 April 2009
pickering high school football player comes back from life altering injury
pickering, la. high school football player, jan veintidos
[A] wingback and linebacker for the Pickering Red Devil football team, was seriously injured on Oct. 10, 2008 in the District 4-2A opener against East Beauregard.
The junior standout suffered a broken neck on the first play of the game, leading to paralysis from the neck down and subsequent surgery on his neck to replace the shattered vertebrae. ~ read more by daniel green, leesville daily leader, monday 20 october 2008 issue
SB 312 dr paul connett speaks at lafayette mandatory water fluoridation meeting
wst... note: in the 2008 louisiana regular legislative session, corrupt, lake charles democratic state senator, willie landry mount, authored her senate bill number 312 which mandates the fluoridation of louisiana's drinking water.
sb 312 was pushed through the state house by monroe rino, kay "bucket of bolts" katz.
on 06 july 2008, louisiana's rino governor piyush "bobby" jindal signed sb 312 into law becoming act 761.
a very shoddy news report from acadiana's self-proclaimed "news leader" - news suppressor is far more accurate.

to email and/or printout and give to your friends
A local group that successfully fought fluoridation of Lafayette's drinking water in the 1980s has resurfaced to fight the latest attempt mandated by the state.
The state Legislature adopted a bill in 2008 and Gov. Bobby Jindal signed into law Act 761 requiring fluoridation of drinking water by 26 public water suppliers that serve 5,000 or more customers in Louisiana. That includes Lafayette Utilities System.
"Years ago we had a group and kept it out of Lafayette," resident Jean Hunt said. She is a member of Citizens Opposing Fluoridation. "Our goal is to keep it out of the state and definitely out of Lafayette."
The group sponsored a presentation Tuesday night at UL by Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network which was attended by 70 to 80 people.
"It's a poor medical practice. It is unethical. It is unnecessary," Connett said of adding fluoride to public drinking water.
But many dentists and other health experts say fluoridation is the simplest way to protect children from tooth decay. About 60 percent of the United States population already receives fluoridated public water.
Engineers can control how much fluoride they add to drinking water supplies, but they cannot control how much water - hence how much fluoride - people consume every day, Connett said.
"You're forcing medication on individuals without their informed consent," which is unethical, Connett said.
Too much fluoride can be harmful, causing thyroid, dental and bone problems, he said.
Fluoridating water is an inefficient way to administer the chemical anyway, since most water is sent down the drain with baths, showers, washing machines and toilets, retired UL Chemical Engineering Professor James Reeves said.
Twenty-three studies in four continents show too much fluoride reduces a child's IQ and causes brittle bones in the elderly, he said.
Niall Campbell of Lafayette has personal reasons for opposing the state mandate.
"Because it's a toxic waste and I'm going to have my first grandchild in August, and it will be raised here in Lafayette," she said. link or download .pdf
Want to join?
Against fluoridation of drinking water?
Join Citizens Opposing Fluoridation by e-mailing them at
or by calling:
Water systems that do not fluoridate water
Acadiana water systems that do not fluoridate drinking water and serve more than 5,000 customers include:
* Lafayette Utilities System
* Broussard
* Carencro
* Opelousas
* Breaux Bridge
* St. Martinville
* Abbeville
* New Iberia (LAWCO)
Source: Healthy Smiles Louisiana
Opting out
Lafayette can opt out of the fluoridated water requirement with:
* A petition signed by at least 15 percent of registered voters
* And a local election.
see also
the sb312 label
in the footer of this post
and also
dr. paul connett's website: fluoride action network
related posts
21 April 2009
c.b. forgotston reiterates his call for piyush "bobby" jindal's executive counsel jimmy "the wizard" faircloth to resign
When Bobby Jindal was running for governor in 2007 here's what he said about conflicts of interest in government:EXTERNAL LINK
We can no longer tolerate any level of ... conflict of interest by any state employee. Jindal Campaign Brochure: "Ethics Reform: Ending Corruption." (emphasis mine)
When asked about the conflict of interest of his Executive Counsel, Jimmy Faircloth, who is an announced (last Friday) candidate for the LA Supreme Court, but will remain in Bobby's employ, Bobby said:
Jindal noted that sitting judges typically keep their elected jobs while running for another office. Associated Press, April 20, 2009.
That's only true when they are running for reelection or election to another judgeship within the Judicial Branch of government.
When Leon Cannizzaro ran for District Attorney of Orleans Parish he was required to resign from the Court of Appeal even though both offices are within the Judicial Branch.
Like a child who has been caught doing wrong, Bobby rationalizes his violation of his campaign promise by saying, in effect, "they all do it."
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. It’s time to match your action to your rhetoric If Faircloth will not voluntarily step down -- terminate him!
20 April 2009
the one for rachel
...and cassie and daniel m. and kyle and matthew and john and corey and kelly and isaiah and lauren and daniel r. and dave and steven ... and eric and dylan...
08 may 2008
hb1153 more legislative buffoonery by rep. chris hazel
la. state house district 27 representative chris hazel, a former rapides parish assistant district attorney, although apparently not a very good one, because he thinks that a criminal who brings a gun to school to shoot up the student body will obey his bill not to possess body armor and which in fact rep hazel's bill makes innocent students, teachers and others sitting ducks.
whats more, chris hazel via his hb1153 says that "whoever commits the crime of wearing or possessing body armor by a student or nonstudent on school property, at a school-sponsored function, or in a firearm-free zone shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, or imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not less than one year nor more than five years, or both." for wearing or possessing something that could potentially save your kid's life.
hb1153 makes about as much (non)sense as "gun free zones" in which criminals can move virtually unimpeded because they know that the law-abiding possess nothing to stop them with.
chris hazel invokes the name of columbine...

[more videos here]
the louisiana legislature is a total joke and an ass. they do the exact opposite of what makes sense. they sit around all day and think up and create laws and crimes out of thin air that are neither wanted or needed.
if chris hazel was a real conservative republican or was truly concerned about "the children" then doesnt it make sense that he would be sponsoring some bill to outlaw and if possible outright rescind these in perpetuity taxes that children not even born yet will be tasked to pay without ever having the benefit of having a say in? thats what a republican who really cared about our states kids would do.
naturally, hb1153 was approved by the house criminal justice committee on wednesday 07 may 2008 and now goes to the full house for vote -- please contact your state representative, tell them that chris hazel has a lousy mind that cant think properly and urge them to vote no to hb1153. find your state representative by going to www.house.louisiana.gov
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obligatory '420' post: barry cooper 'never get busted again'
originally posted 20 april 2008
the below videos are put out by barry cooper.
Barry is an eight year veteran beginning his Texas law enforcement career as a police dispatcher for the Gladewater Police Department. He was soon hired by the Big Sandy Police Department where he trained his own narcotic detector dog and soon became one of the top highway interdiction officers in East Texas. Although Barry had less than five miles of highway to practice seizing narcotics, he held a county record of nearly one- hundred drug arrests and a record marijuana seizure.
Political pressures including arresting the mayor's son for methamphetamine, a city councilman for marijuana, and outperforming the DEA and local task force caused Barry to quit law enforcement and become a successful entrepreneur. During his career, Barry had accumulated an impressive record of over 300 felony narcotics arrests, 500 misdemeanor narcotics arrests, the seizure of over fifty vehicles and millions in cash and assets.
Barry now admits during his tour of duty in the war on drugs his conscience often bothered him while seeing everyday, hard working, non-violent citizens torn from their children and spouses and placed in jail during a raid or traffic stop.
Barry explains, "I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance overrode my good conscience." Barry now realizes this is a war on people not a war on drugs. He explains "This war on people is a failed policy. We have more prisoners of this war in jail then ever before yet even the DEA admits we have more potent drugs and a larger supply of drugs available than ever before." ~ read more