18 April 2012
alexandria, la. city councilman edward larvadain iii sues over april 2011 monroe street at cricket street crash
according to his "petition for damages and discovery," councilman larvadain was operating his 2005 caddy in alexandria on monroe street, headed east, while the defendant was traveling south on cricket street in his 1999 toyota vehicle, when he ran the stop sign at the intersection; colliding with councilman larvadain.
unfortunately, we've not been able to locate a cricket street on google maps, bing, mapquest or the usps zip code locator.
anyway, councilman larvadain "avers" that his damages exceed the liability policy issued to the defendant so he is going after his own insurer, state farm, to make up the difference.
the suit is filed by alexandria, la., attorney malcolm xerxes larvadain and is allotted to ninth judicial district court judge, john c. davidson.

17 April 2012
the world according to mike carroll "trayvon martin & black slaves"
we probably wont be seeing this guy on msnbcabcnbccbsfoxcnn.
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15 April 2012
picture of a boy's bike chained to a tree
via: email forward

not so fast ... see snopes.com "real photograph; inaccurate description"
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14 April 2012
alexandria, la. city council president harry silver has a slip-n-fall accident on friday the 13th
according to a report posted to the gannett/the alexandria daily town talk website, city council president harry silver fell friday night, 13 april 2012, at his place of worship breaking his hip.
today councilman silver's son, ted said that, "he fractured his hip, had surgery and is doing well, he should be out of the hospital in a day." ~ read more
in other friday the 13th news: pineville, la., construction worker buried alive.
11 April 2012
pineville, la police department issues statement regarding officer shooting of citizen
via: twitter @pinevillepd ||| view tweet
stupid monroe mayoral election political flyers
the lincoln parish news online recently came across and posted several political flyers relative to the upcoming (21 april 2012) city of monroe mayoral runoff election between the incumbent jamie mayo and challenger ray armstrong, that are about the lamest that we've ever seen.
although, we will give credit to the flyers creator for not censoring the word "nigger."
10 April 2012
mri magnets are dangerous!
now here is something we never would have thought of.
it's described in court documents as "mri center left mri unit on and janitorial worker was pulled into the mri unit causing injuries."
wouldnt you know -- there is a cgi clip on youtube showing nearly the same thing that the petition describes that happened:
scary stuff! click here to view even more youtube clips about mri magnets.

pretty snake
it's too bad that it was nearly dark yesterday evening when we encountered this rather large snake.
we're unsure what kind of snake it is. it could be a banded water snake.
related posts
09 April 2012
alexandria convention center / hotel complex sold off in a tax sale
now this is an interesting case. you'll have to read the property description in the petition (we believe that its probably the alexander fulton hotel and convention center and environs) but apparently, in 2007 the rapides parish tax assessor sent a property tax assessment bill relative to some city owned property, to someone named ken green up in pennsylvania who nearest we can tell is some sort of business analyst with a hotel company called the shaner hotel group limited.
small problem. for whatever reason, mr. green and his group never paid the tax.
another small problem, the louisiana constitution of 1974 article iii section 10(c)* provides in part that "no public property or public funds shall be subject to seizure."
*the petition quotes article iii section 10(c) -- this is incorrect: the article in question is actually article xii section 10(c). see also heath vs city of alexandria. but that raises another question since article xii section 10(c) deals with "suits against the state" when the property wasnt sold off due to a lawsuit or court judgment.
regardless, on 14 may 2008, the rapides parish sheriff "attempted to sell a 1% interest in the assessment property," to a mysterious company called symbiotic partners, llc.
as you can imagine the petition isnt all that detailed but something happened the next year because on 13 may 2009, the sheriff sold "the assessment property" again and to another mysterious company called adair asset management/usbank.
"the city requested the assessor cancel and erase the inscription of the 2008 tax sale and the 2009 tax sale and to issue ltc change order request forms to the louisiana tax commission annulling the 2008 tax sale deed and the 2009 tax sale ordering the refund of the property taxes paid by symbiotic partners, llc and by adair asset management/usbank insofar as the assessment property is concerned but the assessor refused the city's request unless and until ordered by the honorable court to do so."
but our observation is, why, back in 2008 when this supposed tax delinquency business first arose and way before it was turned over to the sheriff, didnt the assessor simply pick up the phone and call the mayor or city attorney and say "hey something is screwed up with your property tax you all need to look into it."?
it's possible that this could have been taken care of way back then and at minimal expense to the city taxpayers.
now the city had to hire outside counsel, file a lawsuit, the assessor will probably have to have his own attorney and its a big mess. a big needless and expensive mess.
but it's just tax money right? plenty more where that came from...
the filing attorney on behalf of the city of alexandria, la., is john w. munsterman, esq. and the petition is allotted to ninth judicial district court judge mary lauve doggett. a rule to show cause is set for 23 april 2012.

when the cops subpoena your facebook information here's what facebook sends the cops
documents obtained by the boston phoenix for their cover story about the boston police department hunt for the "craigslist killer."
fascinating and worthwhile read for anyone who enjoys detective stories and/or for those curious about what all of your personal information that facebook has and stores.
electrolux dishwasher plays april fools prank on hickory grove couple
the petition for damages filed by alexandria, la., attorney leanne l. bridges, esq., of the armour law firm on behalf of state farm fire and casualty company and its insured john jamison seeks reimbursement from the 01 april 2011 incident in which the jamison's electrolux dishwasher model number FDB710LCB0, "malfunctioned and discharged water into the residence of john jamison and/or lula jamison resulting in damages to the cabinetry, wood floors, and floor coverings of the residence."
state farm had to make a payout and now they are going after the manufacturer to get their money back.
petitioners are suing pursuant to the louisiana products liability act (lpla) at La. R.S. 9:2800.53(1).
the case is allotted to division "g" ninth judicial district court judge harry randow.
06 April 2012
more to the story of alliance for good government endorsement of stacy head - news release
news release sent by holly thorson
April 3, 2012 (New Orleans, LA) --Edmund Redd, a longtime leader in the Alliance for Good Government, announced that the Alliance has endorsed Stacy Head in the special election for New Orleans Council at Large.
“We are grateful to the Alliance for their seal of approval,” Stacy Head said in a prepared statement posted on her website. Head expressed her special appreciation to the unyielding and uncompromising lobbying efforts with other Alliance members on her behalf by Edmund Redd.
Redd’s wife, Anne Redd, is Stacy Head’s campaign manager and longtime friend.
The Stacey Head campaign has paid Anne Redd at least $39,000.00 for “consulting,” according to campaign finance reports filed with the state.
In addition, Stacy Head has paid Anne Redd tens of thousands in city taxpayer dollars, according to City of New Orleans financial records.

Vulcan has significant government contracts associated with the construction of roads, highways and bridges with the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans.
04 April 2012
9th jdc judge mary lauve doggett "landmark decision" in winbery et al vs louisiana college et al lawsuit

see also
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk
louisiana college prevails in lawsuit about faith-based teaching
and also
save our louisiana college forum
news on lawsuit
and also
louisiana college's "road less traveled"
03 April 2012
mayhaws for sale at libuse louisiana 2012
earlier this afternoon we noticed that mr. george tuma has his mayhaws for sale sign out. so if you want any, you better hurry up and call as he usually sells out pretty quickly. the telephone area code is 318.

see also
lsu ag center
mayhaw - a louisiana native tradition
and also
louisiana mayhaw association
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george zimmerman - trayvon martin twin lakes shooting incident police initial report
via: prothink.org trayvon martin/george zimmerman saga continues
we havent been really paying too much attention to the trayvon martin shooting incident other than to note how it appears that "the media" and others, seem to be using it in some desperate attempt to get a race war going.
lately, there's been some controversy over police surveillance cam footage of zimmerman's arrival at the police station and how it doesnt appear to show him with any injuries, such as zimmerman's claim to having been in a struggle with martin which resulted in wounds to the back of his head and nose.
however, a reading of the initial police report, shows that the policeman, timothy smith, wrote (.pdf page 3) that
"while i was in such close contact with zimmerman, i could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground.so it seems likely that the fire department personnel cleaned up zimmerman's wounds and probably dusted potentially infectious causing matter like grass clippings and dirt off his clothing and that's probably why no visual evidence of them like blood, arent readily apparent in the grainy low-quality surveillance video.
zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.
shortly after securing zimmerman, officer ricardo ayala arrived on the scene. i advised officer ayala that i had not made contact with the black male subject laying on the ground. i observed officer ayala make contact with the subject and attempt to get a response, but was met with negative results. shortly after this, other officers began to arrive on scene along with sfd [sanford fire department] rescue 38 who began to give aid to the subject laying on the ground.
zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and was given first aid by sfd. while the sfd was attending to zimmerman, i over heard him state 'i was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me.' at no point did i question zimmerman about the incident that had taken place. once zimmerman was cleared by the sfd, he was transported to the sanford police department."

from the sanford, florida government official website:
02 April 2012
fred rosenfeld on wst... jonathan goins mayoral run post
we were amused thursday morning, 29 march 2012, to hear ksyl talkback 970 pre-show co-host fred rosenfeld's analysis of our 20 march 2012 post: "rumors of mayoral run by former alexandria city councilman jonathan goins are true."
we'll have to wait -- like most everyone else till the summer of 2014, or beyond, to see if he qualifies.
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01 April 2012
"shocker of monumental proportions" horse at 99-1 odds wins 99th running of the louisiana derby!
the 99th running of the louisiana derby courtesy of partymanners2
place: mr. bowling
show: rousing sermon
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