29 April 2011
good example of live blogging a court hearing
lincoln parish news online live blogging from leon h. whitten courtroom, jackson parish courthouse, jonesboro, la. it's a hearing in the case of essmeier v jonesboro, a lawsuit filed last month regarding two ordinances enacted by the town’s board of aldermen.
28 April 2011
rapides parish sheriff's election 2011 kicks off
UPDATE click here for 22 october 2011 rapides parish elections results

2007 chuck wagner for sheriff television commercial

other than some anonymous flyers which appeared last year, this year the 2011 rapides parish sheriff's race has been mostly quiet up till now that elect william earl hilton sheriff signs began appearing around the parish.
for the past month or so, we've noticed by referral logs an increasing interest by googlers from around cenla and the state for any tidbit on the 2011 race.
this is seen in the many recent commentators in several of our threads from the 2007 sheriff election like these:
2011 RSPO Race commented on - we saw that...
Hilton is smiling all the way to the bank!!! He is no idiot, he knows how to raise money for elections. Not everyone donates by a check, he likes CASH. CASH for deputy position with benefits is a worth plenty of CASH!!! He failed during his last term as Sheriff, letting his blackmailer, Mike Slocum, take over the department. It was obivious he was supporting Slocum under duress. Our RSPO was held hostage because of his greed and fear of Slocum. They supported each other in public, but cussed each other in private. Our Parish is on the right track now, and the is no reason to open the door the corruption that follows Hilton and Slocum. WHy did Hilton have to buy 60 new police cars a year?? Sheriff Wagner has averaged about 10 new vehicles a year saving over $1,000,000 annually just there!====Keep Wagner Sheriff commented on - we saw that...:
I heard Slocum and Hilton both pocketed over $50,000 cash each in 2007 when they tried the flim flam to let Slocum run instead of Hilton because Hilton had made his contribution as Sheriff and was ready to retire and take it easy. Now that they know Slocum could never become Sheriff, Hilton is the front man in this year's flim flam to make it look more sensible. Wagner has a strong record as our Sheriff.. So understand that all the whispering and rumors that will be spread by Hilton supporters are lies, and don't be fooled. Fear is the greatest motivator to get someone to do something. The parish is better off financially than when Hilton was Sheriff and much safer! Sheriff Wagner has stepped up all services by his office on about $2 Million less in tax revenues due to the economy.====WE'RE BACK commented on - we saw that...:
You say hilton was good for a few years? He was sheriff alittle longer than a few years he ran the department right and was good to his people, he took care of us and we will take care of him. All of you ignorant people can keep tellin lies after lies but the truth will all come out in the end and when ya'll are cryin and wagners at home eating his pain pills and hugged up to his girlfriend i'll be sittin back laughin, o and il be getting my job back, YALL JUST COUNT DOWN THE DAYS BOYS WE ARE COMIN BACK..... - rapides parish sheriff's race: hilton strikes back
last updated 05 may 2011
mysterious vids appear alleging adobe 'layers' fakery on white house obama 'long form' birth certificate server file
one of those sites is talking about the m fonts in 5b. being different -- hour 7:24 p.m. -- this is because an m. -- was already printed on the document.
Uploaded by RestoreConstitution8 on Apr 27, 2011
This video proves the purported long form birth certificate produced on April 27, 2001 is a fake. It has multiple layers. Just download a copy and open it in Adobe Illustrator. They should have flattened the document.
You can get a copy of the document with the layers (assuming they haven't already flattened it) from: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/04/27/president-obamas-long-form-birth-certificate
You can download a free trial version of Adobe Illustrator from: https://www.adobe.com/
NOTE: If you can't find the layers, it may be because the whitehouse fixed the problem. You can get a version from 4/27/11 by going to watch page description
Uploaded by kdenninger on Apr 27, 2011
Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.
You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server
yahoo! unloads delicious
Delicious has a new owner -- what this means for you
Dear Delicious User,
Yahoo! is excited to announce that Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. As creators of the largest online video platform, Hurley and Chen have firsthand expertise enabling millions of consumers to share their experiences with the world. Delicious will become part of their new Internet company, AVOS.
To continue using Delicious, you must agree to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks to AVOS. After a transition period and after your bookmarks are transferred, you will be subject to the AVOS terms of service and privacy policy.
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• Delicious in its current form will be available until approximately July 2011.
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About AVOS
AVOS is a new Internet company founded by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen who, in 2005, founded YouTube, the world's largest online video platform. Before YouTube, Hurley and Chen were early employees at PayPal, a leading online payment service that is now part of eBay. Delicious will become a part of AVOS, based in San Mateo, California.
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Thank you for using Delicious. Yahoo! has appreciated having you with us, and we are pleased to be able to transfer Delicious to an incredible new owner -- you're in good hands.
The Yahoo! Delicious Team
yahoo sells delicious
press release
youtube founders acquire delicious from yahoo!
roy o martin lumber co wins in yesterdays 3rd circuit opinion dump
while this is a very fascinating, for what appears to be contract dispute:
Louisiana Civil Code Article 2625 defines a right of first refusal as a party’s agreement not to “sell a certain thing without first offering it to a certain person.betwixt bryan mccann farms, inc. and roy o martin lumber company, llc., the main lesson for everyone else to take away from this is the awesomeness of louisiana timber and resources.
The right given to the latter in such a case is a right of first refusal that may be enforced by specific performance.”
The right of first refusal is a unilateral obligation; the grantor alone is obligated to act and the person holding the right of first refusal is not required to accept the offer, though failure to accept the offer permits the grantor to then sell the thing to a third party. See ALAIN LEVASSEUR & DAVID GRUNING, LOUISIANA LAW OF SALE AND LEASE: A PRÉCIS § 1.1.4).
roy o martin lumber company llc [appellant] was represented by james p.dore, kean miller, hawthorne, d'armond, mccowan & jarman llp, baton rouge, louisiana.
bryan mccann farms, inc.[appellee], by rodney m. rabalais, rabalais & roy, marksville, louisiana
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27 April 2011
obama "long form" birth certificate raises new questions

sunbathing louisiana style

here's a few clips from earlier this month practicing hunting skills
the communities of natchez and bermuda have also seen numerous trees and powerlines come down."
in addition, the weather blog says, this is the stormiest april on record;
today there is a "slim chance of a shower in the forecast for the remainder of the day as the actual gold (sic) front moves on through. " see stormy april
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Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
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South Substation - 449-5482
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26 April 2011
strong storm passed through rapides parish la around 3 am tuesday
UPDATE: via twitter @TWCBreaking
New tornado watch until 10pm CDT from central and SE TX to central LA. Includes Austin, College Station in TX. Alexandria in LA #severe
We woke early Tuesday morning to thunderstorms moving through.
While we didn't see a lot of actual rain in the city of Alexandria, we did have wind gusts of 50mph at both AEX and Esler Field.
There were heavier rain showers to our south and even ping pong size hail in Ville Platte ... read more
ramzpaul: mcdonald's needs to do more for the african-american community
good vid, the transgender fella was 22 and the girl was 14, can't believe it went that far
Thats called a "McBeating". Im glad she survived! Now she can collect and get a "McPenile inversion". Doesn't McGod work in McSterious ways!
I was shocked and outraged too...this is such an unusual and unexpected event.
@NorthwestRepublic The only thing we need is a shift in the public opinion. That's all. And it's happening already... right in front of our eyes. At least in Europe. Exciting times.
Boycott mcdonalds for being so pro-black with double standards. Hell you shouldnt be eating that filthy anyway you overweight fat American pigs.
Where can i watch this video?
@MrEthnicCleansing Search "McDonalds Baltimore Incident" on jewtube
ramz, that intro is never gonna be cool. please be white and just take it off.
whats ironic is that a couple of years ago, a reverend donald wildmon called for a boycott of mcdonald's after it refused to remove its corporate logo from and partnership alliance with the national gay and lesbian chamber of commerce.
nglcc corporate partners list as of the date and time of this post doesnt seem to include mcdonald's. burger king is on there though;
who knows; maybe this is why.
what we do know is if that old white lady would have had a gun and knew how to use it she could have saved the day and possibly freed up a whole cell block and maybe a shift at mickey'd's for somebody who wants to work.
24 April 2011
"sunday bloody sunday"
"sunday bloody sunday live" 1983
red rocks park and amphitheatre
morrison, colorado
to claim the victory. jesus. won ... on ...
23 April 2011
gold reaches record high of $1,508 oz
via twitter: @presstvchannel
Global gold prices have hit a record high, topping $1,508 per ounce for the first time ever as a weak dollar boosted the metal's demand as an alternative investment.
Brent crude also rose above $124 a barrel as US crude stocks fell unexpectedly in the last week and the dollar weakened. ~ read more
22 April 2011
UPDATED google to delete all google video content
UPDATE: 9:39 cm cdt saturday 23 april 2011
Last week we sent an email letting you know we would be ending playbacks of Google Videos on April 29 and providing instructions on how to download videos currently hosted on the platform.
Since then we’ve received feedback from you about making the migration off of Google Video easier. We work every day to make sure you have a great user experience and should have done better. Based on your feedback, here’s what we’re doing to fix things.
Google Video users can rest assured that they won't be losing any of their content and we are eliminating the April 29 deadline.
We will be working to automatically migrate your Google Videos to YouTube. In the meantime, your videos hosted on Google Video will remain accessible on the web and existing links to Google Videos will remain accessible.
If you want to migrate to YouTube now, here’s how you do it:
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As we said nearly two years ago, the team is now focused on tackling the tough challenge of video search. We want to thank the millions of people around the world who have taken the time to create and share videos on Google Video. We hope today's improvements will help ease your transition to another video hosting service.
Thank you for being a Google Video user.
Mark Dochtermann Google Video Team
google [goog] continues to perform miserably in areas of its chart governing trustworthiness and reliability.
if you have a google account that you've uploaded video content to google video from, then you need to go to google.com and sign into that account then click on your google user name which became clickable >> account settings [https://www.google.com/accounts] from the drop down.
under my products click the uploaded videos link.
Dear Google Video User,
Later this month, hosted video content on Google Video will no longer be available for playback. Google Video stopped taking uploads in May 2009 and now we’re removing the remaining hosted content.
We've always maintained that the strength of Google Video is its ability to let people search videos from across the web, regardless of where those videos are hosted. And this move will enable us to focus on developing these technologies further to the benefit of searchers worldwide.
On April 29, 2011, videos that have been uploaded to Google Video will no longer be available for playback.
We’ve added a Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content you want to save.
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YouTube offers many video hosting options including the ability to share your videos privately or in an unlisted manner. To learn more go here.
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Please note: This download option will be available through May 13, 2011.
Thank you for being a Google Video user.
The Google Video Team
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rapides parish police jury district c political signs popping up

over the past few weeks several political signs have appeared around the district.
we dont have a picture of it but there is a sign on the door of glenn belgard's service station on highway 28 east near libuse that says "glenn belgard police jury."

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originally posted 17 february 2011
jamie floyd for rapides parish clerk of court signs going up

the race has been pretty quiet so far. [election in the fall]. the current clerk of court, carolyn jones ryland, is retiring and there is a deputy clerk of court/court house insider anointed to replace her. we dont know that much about her yet and just refer to her, for now as "the hooters chick."
we're hoping for more candidates running for this office.
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20 April 2011
best non-emergency use of a fire axe in a tv series
link to video watch/download page
"boston legal"EXTERNAL LINK
episode #026
original air date: 06 december 2005
boston legal on tvland.com
HB 587 state rep john labruzzo (r)ino grandstanding again ...
best commentary from chad over at the dead pelican. bill proposed to outlaw what's already illegal (but not really).
political footballs
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19 April 2011
times-picayune lawyers serve dmca take down notice on slabbed.org
times-picayune files a dmca take down notice on slabbed.org host due to alleged infringing material located in a comment of “telemachus”.
the new orleans, times-picayune, a secular journal isnt the first to attempt to chill the free and political speech coming from the vibrant blogging community that is slabbed. (for instance see steve theRiot there) and all the hard-core posts of fascinating evidence of political wrong-doing they present and bandy about.
this is all developing on slab current rss feed at slabbed.wordpress.com/feed/ one of their first posts about it, they mentioned that the times-picayune dmca take down notice had already caused their site to have been disabled. so slabbed at times could be slow to respond or offline if you want to keep up subscribe to their feed --
see also
how ironic...
i have a reply for the times picayune and their lawyer steve gaynor
see also
steve theRiot series
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18 April 2011
best scene from a tv series depicting keeping wild animals at a gas station as a bad idea
so far, we've missed visiting grosse tete, louisiana and the tiger truck stop and its live tigers.
they've been portrayed negatively in the news again lately.
despite that, whats missing from any news are any reports of live tigers being mistreated or miscared for in the custody of mr. michael sandlin and his friends.
we suppose that one way to tell if an animal is being mistreated is if its chronically unwell. the photos currently on display; from the tiger truck stop's live tigers, gallery are dated 29 march 2011 and show what looks to be healthy, hearty live tigers.
according to the tiger truck stop website they've been keeping live tigers since 1988.
as far as the so called warren triche law enacted from 2006 [HB 795 ACT 715] mentioned in some media reports, if so, this is another good example of how leges manipulate the laws to benefit from.
that and,
for all we know this suspicious law was only brought by mr. triche on behalf of mr. sandlin's competitors.
link to video watch/download page
clip from tv show: "dead like me"
episode original air date: 11 july 2003
episode title: "curious george"
watch on hulu.com:
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alternate title
"best scene from a tv series depicting the protesting of keeping wild animals at a gas station as a bad idea"
17 April 2011
HB 581 chris roy jr files city of alexandria la civil service reenactment act 2011
via twitter @capitolwatchdog
on friday 15 april 2011, rep. roy filed his HB 581 which seeks to make some pretty sweeping changes to the way the alexandria civil service commission will conduct its business.
HB 581 the seven page house bill, will, if approved, amongst a host of things, adds employes scheduled to work less than 32 hours per week to civil service. makes changes to the selection process and the selection and role of its legal counsel.
says that civil service directors "shall possess, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. the requirement that the civil service director possess a bachelor's degree shall be mandatory and shall not be waived or substituted. the civil service director shall also possess experience in human resources or personnel administration." and sets job performance evaluations.
must see tv will be the committee hearing testimony on HB 581. it will provide lots more clues to whats going on. another factor in play is recent city council action in a looming third circuit appeal court opinion

Read Online
(35.8 K)PDF
(15.4 K)Full Text
(86.9 K)DjVu
no committee hearing date has been set. the louisiana legislature ||| convenes at noon 25 april 2011.
link at legis.state.la.us
15 April 2011
goose and deer live cemetery webcam
UPDATED: thursday 28 april 2011
Deer Guarded Nesting Goose; Goslings Leavewst... note: we appreciate all those who had bookmarked this page to view and/or find the cemetery webcam from.
WGRZ has a major update to this "en-deering" story we brought to you from Forest Lawn Cemetery.
The mother goose and her six or seven goslings have apparently "flown the coop" after they hatched in the past day or so. They were seen under the mother goose in the nest urn earlier on Wednesday but then were photographed leaving the nest and walking around the cemetery. So far there is no sign of the deer which was apparently watching over them.
Ever since they were spotted in early April, it was like a scene right out of a Disney movie. The mother goose had lost her lifelong mate and was now left alone to create and tend to her nest in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo, NY. She spent the day sheltering her eggs from the cool spring air inside an empty urn she had chosen as home. ~ link/video

sometimes wgrz.com takes the feed offline for short periods. if the webcam embed below doesnt appear to be working right, please click here and go directly to wgrz.
several of their commenters over there chime in:
9:58 AM on April 16, 2011
I hope they didn't take down the webcam because of the deer not being around. I have been watching that poor goose getting pummeled by the wind and rain, and have been on the edge of my seat as I have watched raccoons pass by. If those raccoons had any idea there were goose eggs right there it would have been over. I wish the webcam was a little more clear, especially at night. It is kind of hard to see what is going on sometimes. There was one moment when I thought a raccoon was actually invading the nest. I feel so sorry for that goose that she has to go through this alone without her mate to help her. How will she eat? Can she leave the nest from time to time? What if that urn fills up with water from the rain? I have been so worried about that. I am totally hooked and want to see this through. There is a high wind advisory over the next couple of days with more rain on the way. That goose is so exposed, I hope she doesn't give up. It will be so rewarding if she can get through it and have a bunch of little goslings. Please get that webcam back up!!!
6:07 PM on April 16, 2011
Yay! At 5:06 pm, central time I snapped a picture of the deer as he or she walked past the camera! Lucky I had my cell phone right here.
6:29 PM on April 16, 2011
@ nygirlz -- First the knuckleheads at the Niagara Gazette posted the location, then the blockheads at the Buffalo News followed suit. I don't understand why it was necessary to give out the location? Yesterday I saw a man with 3 young children hanging around near the goose's location, pointing at the urn. Seriously, who takes their kids to a cemetery as an outing? "Hey kids, what do you want to do today? Go to Chuck E Cheese or the cemetery?" Sheesh
wgrz: deer stands guard over goose; live video
good thing this is happening in new york instead of louisiana or else that deer would have been dead (poached) before the news cast ended.
The Story of the Goose & Deer
It's a scene right out of a Disney movie, mother goose has lost her lifelong mate and is now left alone to create and tend to her nest in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo, NY. She spends the day sheltering her eggs from the cool spring air inside an empty urn she has chosen as home.
The loss of her male partner and guardian now makes her vulnerable to any would-be predators that choose to approach the nest. But, in an unlikely twist of fate, an adult deer has befriended the mother goose, taking over the role of protector.
This animal arrangement is highly unusual, since there's no known way that a deer and goose can communicate. Yet somehow the deer has come to understand the need of the nesting mother.
The deer now spends its days near the urn acting as guardian when needed. As passersby approach the area the deer stands and places itself between the person and the nesting goose.
On one occasion the deer even took a protective stance attempting to fend off a barking dog near the area of the urn.
Craig Cygan owner of Borders on Patrol, a company hired to move the goose flock from time to time says a goose would normally attempt to fend off the deer with loud honks and raised wings especially near the nest. This one, he says seems to like the company.
How this nature story ends is anyone's guess, but now we can all watch as the goose and deer spend time together.
Meteorologist Andy Parker
Here's a little more information about the place the deer and goose call home.
Forest Lawn Cemetery was created by Charles Clarke with nature in mind, and was one of the first in the country to be designed with attention to a landscape plan.
Today Forest Lawn remains a serene setting, providing sanctuary to wildlife and mankind alike.
In addition to the goose and deer you may occasionally see rabbits and turkeys pass by as well as numerous winged species.
The goose and deer reside in the original portion of the cemetery which dates back to 1849.
The urn in which the goose sits is in close proximity to the resting place of many individuals with ties to American history and culture.
For instance, former United States President Millard Fillmore & the inventor of the jet airplane Lawrence Bell are just a short distance away, while the first African American woman to run for president Shirley Chisholm & Grammy winning recording artist Rick James are located just off the hill.
originally posted friday 15 april 2011
erykah badu "tyrone" live
erykah badu "tyrone" live
whoa, hold up. listen partner, i aint no cheap thrill. cause miss badu's always coming for real and you know the deal. nigger.
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