29 June 2007
more piyush george bush rubber-stampery
piyush ask's "how high boss?"
take today for instance, bayou buzz editor stephen sabludowsky posted an article here which is based on a campaign e-mail out from state senator and gubernatorial candidate walter boasso. in his email senator boasso points out an important facet of the piyush scam.
Yesterday, Boasso wrote, “Baton Rouge: In an act of political acrobatics impressive even for the first district Congressman, Bobby Jindal today followed the will of President Bush and the Republicans in Congress and voted against a bill that included his own amendment.bayou buzz asked for and received a response from the piyush scam and this is what trey williams, the communications director for the piyush scam said:
The bill, HR 2643 an appropriations measure for the interior, environment and related agencies passed yesterday on a vote of 272-155. Jindal's amendment, which doubled the $2.5 million for studies into the environmental "dead zone" currently threatening sea-life in the Gulf of Mexico, was accepted and added to the measure.
And yet, after President Bush declared his opposition to the bill and even after Bobby Jindal sent out a press release touting the addition to the amendment, the Congressman voted against it.
"This is just a despicable display of political weakness," State Senator Walter Boasso (D-Arabi), Democratic candidate for Governor said, "It really says it all when it comes to the Congressman's lack of sincerity and strength to stand up, speak for himself and do as he believes.
"This is just like last week when he voted against needed funds for port security, first responders and improvements to the security at our state's oil refineries and chemical plants," Boasso said. "Once again, Bobby Jindal is putting the whims of the President over the needs of our state.
“There is an epidemic right now of unbridled and out of control government spending, both in Baton Rogue and Washington. No family in America can act this way, no small business in Louisiana can act this way, and government should not act this way either. Bobby and the majority of the Louisiana delegation continue to take a stand and vote against this irresponsible and reckless disregard for the hard earned money of Louisiana taxpayers. Congress can and should fund our Interior and environmental needs without wasting billions of taxpayer dollars.do you see how the piyush scam operates? heres a bill that piyush attached an amendment to and had already sent out a press release touting, then when his lord and master george w. bush comes out against it -- the piyush scam like the bush boot licker he is threw all this out the window and voted against the bill.
in his typical fast talking bullshit fashion the piyush scam not only completely disregards the substance of senator boasso's statements oh no, piyush attempts to turn it all around and claims that the bill is "irresponsible" and "reckless"
this is what we've been talking about for ages. piyush "bobby" jindal is nothing more than a con artist, piyush is a liar and a fraud. are the voters of this state really dumb enough to fall victim to the piyush scam or will they see through it in time?
related posts
local attorney answers mayor roy's call to action will you? part 2
on 20 june 2007 local attorney and blogger gregory aymond put out a request to concerned citizens in response to alexandria, la. mayor jacques roy call for "city residents to lead the charge in demanding an investigation of the City Council..." regarding, in part, an apparent violation of louisiana open meetings laws.
today, wst... obtained a copy of the cover letter mr. aymond has sent to louisiana's attorney general charles c. foti asking for an investigation of same.
if you are a concerned citizen (you dont have to be a resident of alexandria, louisiana) and you desire to write a.g. foti about this matter, on your own, then feel free to use this letter as a template to go by:
hb765 includes judgments against the state
hb765, starting at page eleven "contain appropriations in the total amount of Thirty-Two Million Dollars, be it more or less..." this bill lists all the house and senate bills filed to pay court judgments against the state "if such judgments are final, and notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 49:112..."
T. The sum of Ninety-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 ($97,500.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the state of Louisiana for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to be used to pay the consent judgment in the suit entitled "Gheorghe Olar and Lisa Olar v. State, of Louisiana, through the Department of Transportation and Development", bearing Number 56,521 on the docket of the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, parish of Iberville, state of Louisiana.
28 June 2007
hb730 state senate kills ethics reform
hb730 was a bill by representative michael jackson [dist 61] that would have required legislators and candidates for the state legislature to disclose certain income. somewhere along the way [see reengrossed version page 6 at §1114.4. Financial disclosure; elected officials other than statewide elected officials and legislators] wording was added which included each elected official, such as school board, mayoral, city council, police jury candidates and so forth "the locals" as the house called them for short, would be required to file a likewise financial disclosure to the state ethics board.
this version of hb730 that included "the locals" had already passed the state house and state senate when inexplicably two state senators on a conference committee stripped off the language that included "the locals."
central la politics finishes the story which includes the video of todays house action.
click here to read more and to see the house video from central la politics blog.
governor blanco addresses the state house for the last time
.mp3 here
4.3 MB
length 10m39s
today around 2:30 pm cdt louisiana governor kathleen babineaux blanco addressed the louisiana state house of representatives for the last time.
S.1639 george bush's illegal alien amnesty bill cloture vote
**updated** the senate voted [roll call] today, thursday 28 june 2007, to reject the cloture motion (motion to invoke cloture) on S.1639. so now the bill is supposed to be all but dead. hmmm we'll see.Jun 28, 6:16 PM (ET)click here to read more
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush's immigration plan to legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants while fortifying the border collapsed in the Senate on Thursday, crushing both parties' hopes of addressing the volatile issue before the 2008 elections.
The Senate vote that drove a stake through the delicate compromise was a stinging setback for Bush, who had made reshaping immigration laws a central element of his domestic agenda. It could carry heavy political consequences for Republicans and Democrats, many of whom were eager to show they could act on a complex issue of great interest to the public.
"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people and Congress' failure to act on it is a disappointment," a grim-faced president said after an appearance in Newport, R.I. "A lot of us worked hard to see if we couldn't find common ground. It didn't work."
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., his party's lead negotiator, called the defeat "enormously disappointing for Congress and for the country." But, he added: "We will be back. This issue is not going away."

these senators who voted "nay" are against illegal alien amnesty. surprisingly, on this vote (like she has done so many times before) louisiana's katrina mary landrieu didnt lick george w. bush's boots.
twenty-five republicans, nine democrats and one independent voted no.
27 June 2007
house goodbyes: francis thompson & charlie dewitt
*updated* the mp3's appear to be streaming properly now.
francis thompson .mp3 here
9.75 MB
length 25m43s
charlie dewitt .mp3 here
12 MB
length 29m46s
to view the archived video from the legislature's video on demand website click here and scroll down to june 27 2007, day 36, chamber, pm session. you can then slide the real player timer bar over to francis thompson's farewell remarks which begin around 4 hours 30 minutes. charlie dewitt's farewell remarks come immediately after rep. thompson's or around time 4 hours 56 minutes.

"i want to tell you whenever my first trip i always think of this whenever i come here to baton rouge, i didnt even know how you got to the capitol. carl gunter, a lot of you dont know him, some of you do. that little ol red pick-up truck. he said 'dewitt, c'mon go with me i'am going to take you to the capitol' oh we come busting up here like the hooligans, i'd come to town you hear me? carl brought me right through those doors right there and did two things, he said 'dewitt you see that mic down there?' i said yes sir, he said 'you can say anything you want on it ' and said 'they got to sue the state they cant sue you' i've often thought about that and you know what he was pretty right i aint never seen anybody else get sued up here. he was a dear friend of mine and a heck of a good fellow.
then he led me out that other door right over there and he took me right to those doors and we stood on those steps and he said 'dewitt i'am going to show you something else' he said 'whenever you think this state cant operate and this body cant operate as long as you're a representative' he said 'you see that statue down there?' i said yeah hell i didnt know it was huey long he said 'thats where huey long's buried' he said 'whenever he died they thought this state was gonna fall in a hole and ever thing was gonna be the worst in the world; he said 'it's still working' he said 'you remember that, this state will work without you.''
lying louis marshall
so why do we call alexandria, louisiana district one councilman louis j. marshall a liar? well because he is. you see a scant 98 days ago on 13 march 2007 councilman marshall offered a resolution regarding citizen access to city business. we even posted about it here. now when a resolution is offered to make available the special city council meetings to the citizenry via public access channel 4 this hypocritical sack of dung sits there like a bump on a log and allows the resolution to die.
by the way, we have that 13 march 2007 committee/city council meeting video and within the next few days will have it posted here.
more soon...
committee meeting video added 12:29 pm cdt wednesday 27 june 2007
related posts
26 June 2007
personal privilege: senators schedler & romero
schedler & romero.mp3 here
13.6MB length 34:01
term-limited senators have been taking turns under their personal privilege rule to say their goodbyes to their fellow senators...sniff
today, senator tom schedler and senator craig romero had their say...
well imagine that,

senator romero recounted about when he was in his first year in the senate - senator heitmeier was having a crawfish boil up in the balcony (romero said that he and heitmeier roomed together) senator romero had his then 12 year old daughter hannah with him and was introducing her "to whoever is looking our way" when they came upon central louisiana's senator reverend b.g. dyess. senator romero said "hannah this is reverend dyess; hes the senator from alexandria." hannah just looked at him and said "a reverend and a senator isnt that a sin?"
video: mayor jacques roy 'state of the city' address
25 June 2007
sb221 senate concurs with house on cockfighting
6:41 pm cdt monday 25 june 2007 louisiana senate votes to concur with the house of representatives amendments to sb221 a bill by sen.art lentini relative to gambling or wagering at any cockfight.

louisiana senate chamber 6:39 pm cdt monday 25 june 2007
"bong hits 4 jesus" decision
justice breyer concurred in part and dissented in part.
justice's stevens, souter & ginsburgh dissented.
Joseph Frederick was 18 when he displayed his huge banner just outside the school grounds at Juneau, Alaska in front of television cameras as the Olympic flame passed in front of a crowd.click here to read more
Principal Deborah Morse was not amused by Frederick's linkage between Jesus and a bong, a pipe used to smoke marijuana. She took away the banner and suspended Frederick from school for 10 days.
Frederick took his case to court, arguing that his free-speech rights, protected under the First Amendment, had been violated, and demanding damages from Morse.
The case drew heavy hitters on Frederick's side including the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Center for Law and Justice. Some religious groups also backed Frederick, putting President George W. Bush's conservative base at odds with the administration, which sided with the school.
For his part, Frederick, now 23, said he had unfurled the banner as a "free-speech experiment."
In the national debate about a serious issue, it is the expression of the minority’s viewpoint that most demands the protection of the First Amendment. Whatever the better policy may be, a full and frank discussion of the costs and benefits of the attempt to prohibit the use of marijuana is far wiser than suppression of speech because it is unpopular.
I respectfully dissent.
the longest days of the year
doc hines, joe salter, bob odom and the boys
"whip your ass" state bond commission bill....
====message from JOHN KENNEDYThe House once again deferred consideration on SB 14 this morning. On a technical note, if the bill is not heard by 6:00 PM today, it will require a 2/3rd vote to even bring up for debate after 6:00 PM. We'll keep you posted. Thanks! JK

house speaker joe salter deferring sb14 on representative dorsey's motion.
9:42 am cdt monday 25 june 2007.
moments earlier speaker salter remarked that all senate bills must be finished by 6:00 pm this evening.
updated house in session monday 25 june 2007

speaker joe salter gavels the louisiana house of representatives to order
4:13 pm cdt sunday 24 june 2007
click here for legis.state.la.us live video and/or audio feed
message from JOHN KENNEDY
SB14 will sit on the calendar until the end of the session, so it could come up at any time...
--END--====only about 100 hours remain in what is one of the worst legislatures in louisiana's history...then its onward to the fall elections...louisiana's jungle primary is on saturday 20 october 2007 and the runoff will be on saturday 17 november 2007.====
EDITORIAL: Revenge isn't sweet
House members should reject a bill that would water down the authority of the state treasurer over the State Bond Commission, thereby making it easier for lawmakers to push boondoggles and pet projects.
Senate Bill 14 would create an executive committee of the Bond Commission, consisting of the Senate president, House speaker and state treasurer. That panel would set the agenda for the commission, a power that the treasurer, as chairman, now enjoys. It would also allow a majority of the full commission to put items on the agenda via written requests.
Senate President Donald Hines, sponsor of the bill, has reason to be unhappy with Mr. Kennedy. The treasurer fought efforts to use state bonds to build a syrup mill in Sen. Hines' district -- a mill that would have benefited the senator's son-in-law, who is a sugar cane farmer.
Sen. Hines has insisted that this bill has nothing to do with the syrup mill and is simply a matter of good public policy. But no one should be fooled. This is a political maneuver, and Mr. Kennedy shouldn't be punished for defeating an ill-conceived project. Moreover, his hands shouldn't be tied so that he can't fight the next one.
There was talk of amending this bill to require a unanimous vote of the executive committee -- an effort to prevent the two legislative members of the executive committee from ganging up on the treasurer. But it would be far better to kill this measure than try to make it slightly less deplorable.
If the House doesn't have the good sense to reject it, Gov. Kathleen Blanco should veto it.
2:29 pm cdt saturday 23 june 2007
message from JOHN KENNEDYwst... note: the louisiana house of representatives convemes at
Its been passed over on the house calendar, meaning the votes weren’t there. But its not over till its over.
on sunday, sb14 is still subject to house action
6. Senate Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
SB14 HINES BONDS - Provides for the chairmanship and an executive committee of the State Bond Commission. (1/14/08)
message from JOHN KENNEDY
But it is still technically alive and on the calendar...
…still can be brought up at any time.
- according to the senate vote, senator joe mcpherson did not

house in session
floor action prior to sb14 reading
added 3:58 pm cdt 22 june 2007: there is a news report on the town talk online about sb223 a bill by pro-tax and fake republican RINO mike michot see "House agrees to raise minimum car insurance rates"
house.louisiana.gov video on demand: chamber and committees archived video
message from JOHN KENNEDY
SB 14, (the Hines Bond Commission bill) may be voted on by the House within the next few hours.
central louisiana state representatives include:
billy chandler - constituent office 318.992.0887 - telephone
israel curtis - 318.487.5417 - telephone
charlie dewitt - 318.484.2216 - macarthur drive office
rick farrar - 318.484.2210 - telephone
see also legislative alert!!! by treasury sec'y john kennedy
and also central la politics blog: state treasurer asks for your help
originally posted thursday 21 june 2007 11:44pm cdt
nearest we can tell, today at 106pm cdt the summer solstice occurred here. for a little while, the days will have just over twelve hours of sunlight. by the first of december the day time will have diminished to a little over ten hours. we used the june and december charts for new orleans at timeanddate.com because we went on to the la department of wildlife & fisheries website to get tomorrows sunrise and sunset times to link to, but we cant see the data for june, may, july and august. its probably there but we arent looking at it right...or something.
this could be embarrassing, but if we're that blind we want to know -- below is the screen grab of the of the sunset-sunset table as it appears to us right now.

here is sec'y kennedy's side of it.
please contact your representer (heres the list of representatives by parish) and urge him or her to vote "nay" to sb14 final passage. you can also help to get the word out by calling talk radio.
24 June 2007
public domain video website lists banned video of alexandria, la city council meeting
public domain movies.info appears to be some sort of specialized search engine and website that seeks out and lists only public domain movies, "no more no less."clink link for more
related posts
22 June 2007
town talk finally capitulates to the blogosphere
kudos to town talk editor cynthia jardon who's new blog "Cynla" has linked to an online true and unedited copy of a Special 'Banned By The Alexandria, La. City Council' Meeting Video 12 June 2007. the complete copy was first posted online by bloggers a week ago today...
click here to view cynla's very first blog post and give her some love.
more later...
related posts
21 June 2007
did the alexandria city council violate the open meetings law?
central la politics blog has the video of the 19 june 2007 economic development committee meeting in which council president hobbs explains his apparent illegal polling of a majority of the council members.

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royal alexander comment scammers at it again
click picture to enlarge

20 June 2007
lpb report on louisiana libertarians
bogalusa nutter to run for lieutenant governor
oh brother. you might remember that councilman thomas d. kates was the one who wanted the state heh heh heh ethics board to regulate weblogs.EXTERNAL LINK
local attorney answers mayor roy's call to action will you?
from central la politics blog:
The Town Talk quotes Alexandria Mayor, Jacques Roy, as calling for: "city residents to lead the charge in demanding an investigation of the City Council..."( Town Talk, supra.) So here is your chance to do something for your community, and not just sit around and gripe or gossip about it.click link to read more
Simply cut and paste this:
Mr. Aymond, please notify the Louisiana Attorney General and the Rapides District Attorney, on my behalf, of the apparant violation of the State's Open Meeting Law, which was discussed at the Alexandria City Council's June 19, 2007, Economic Development Committee meeting, and keep me advised of what action has been taken.
Send To:
- or mail to -
Gregory R. Aymond
Attorney at Law
Post Office Box 5503
Alexandria, Louisiana 71307
Please put your name and snail mail address in your email. Your information will not be used for any purpose other than reporting this matter, and reporting back to you. While you must be at least 18 years of age, you do not have to be a citizen of Alexandria.
town talk still lying about existence of complete city council meeting video
in an article in todays paper "Roy calls for probe of City Council 'meeting'" (see link) the town talk mentions that kalb has an edited version of the city council meeting, yet they still fail to inform their readers of the existence of the full unedited version that since friday 15 june 2007 has been available online. the town talk has known about the existence of this unedited city council video for at least two days prior to publishing the article. why is the town talk refusing to give their readers the whole story?
telephone the town talk switchboard: (318) 487-6397 or 1-800-523-8391 and/or email "reporter" tom bonnette at tbonnette@thetowntalk.com or town talk online contact form and demand they tell their readers about the online existence of the complete 12 june 2007 special city council meeting which is currently banned from the public view by the alexandria city council.
perhaps more importantly call or visit the town talk's advertisers and let them know that they are advertising in a paper that is not giving complete information.
see also
central la politics blog
kudos to the town talk, for a change (sorta)
and also
put up or shut up!
related posts
19 June 2007
alexandria city council banned video makes internet rounds
we noticed that a new blog called "the rapides note" has also placed the banned 12 june 2007 alexandria, louisiana special city council meeting online. the alexandria city council in a 19 june 2007 committee/council meeting moved to ban this video from ever being seen by the public by denying its broadcast on alexandria public access tv.good thing these buffoons cant ban it from the internet eh?
please pass the video link around to everyone you know that might be interested.