31 July 2008
report on the mayor of the city of alexandria, la. jacques roys' 'state of the city' address
SCOFFLAW: katrina mary landrieu snellings caught violating motor-vehicle law...again
politico's shenanigans unit posts (see link) a photo of louisiana senator katrina mary landrieu snellings' sport utility vehicle illegally parked in a washington, d.c. no-parking zone. politico swears that although cropped out of the photo, immediately to the right of katrina mary's suv is a "no parking" sign.
this is not the first time that katrina mary has exhibited such a cavalier attitude towards motor vehicle law. laws that us commoners are ticketed and/or have our vehicles booted or towed for violating across louisiana and the united states everyday.
in this video added to youtube by the katrina mary senatorial re-election campaign in late march or early april 2008, katrina mary can be clearly seen apparently violating La. RS 32:295.1 B.
30 July 2008
montauk monster
via boing boing:
Gawker posted this photo of a dead beast of some kind.
This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is "a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island[.]"
Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk (Gawker)
H. R. 5843 some marijuana reform by barney frank and ron paul
UPDATE: this bill never became law.
congressman barney frank was on cnn today to tout his bill that would eliminate most federal penalties for possession of marijuana (up to 100 grams) for personal use.
according to metric-conversions.org 100 grams = 3.52739 ounces.
2d Session
H. R. 5843
To eliminate most Federal penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use, and for other purposes.
April 17, 2008
Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts (for himself and Mr. PAUL) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To eliminate most Federal penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults'.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no penalty may be imposed under an Act of Congress for the possession of marijuana for personal use, or for the not-for-profit transfer between adults of marijuana for personal use. For the purposes of this section, possession of 100 grams or less of marijuana shall be presumed to be for personal use, as shall the not-for-profit transfer of one ounce or less of marijuana, except that the civil penalty provided in section 405 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 844a) may be imposed for the public use of marijuana if the amount of the penalty does not exceed $100.
see also
lew rockwell
20 years for pot possession?
related posts
Because the government takes a day or two to post legislative information online, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
third circuit affirms judge swent's ruling in smith v goins
third circuit: jonathan goins may run against charles fredrick smith for alexandria city council district three seat...
heroic local attorney, thomas d. davenport, jr., the attorney who had the city of alexandria, louisiana racist and predatory 'abandoned car' ordinance thrown out -- does it again!
court records reveal that charles fredrick smith and his lawyers george gaiennie, iii and eugene p. cicardo, jr. had weak witnesses and even relied on a convicted felon who didnt know what he was talking about:
"The other witness, "Spanky" Garmon, was revealed to be a convicted felon, who was not known as a resident of the community by the defendant and his witnesses. His testimony revealed that he erroneously described the location of the home on Juliet Street and could not identify Goins' vehicle."[...]
The facts established at trial in this case, as well, reasonably support the trial court’s finding that Goins’ “actually resided” within District 3 at the Juliet Street home. In summary, Goins was raised at the Juliet Street address and after completing law school in 2006, returned there to reside exclusively until approximately May of 2007 when he began leasing an apartment outside of the district. Nevertheless, Goins continued to maintain the Juliet Street address on his drivers’ license and receive his mail at that address.
The record reasonably establishes that although Goins did not continue to exclusively sleep overnight, eat, maintain all of his clothing, or entertain at the Juliet Street home, he has maintained "significant connections to the [JulietStreet] address, [signifying] that his residency is real rather than fictitious." Russell, 780 So.2d at 1052.
We, accordingly, find no manifest error in the trial courts finding "[t]hat he has maintained a commitment to the neighborhood and continues to do so in a manner, and uses the property in a way, that meets the meaning of 'actually resides.'"
The judgment of the trial court is affirmed. Costs of this appeal are assessed to plaintiff-appellant, Charles F. Smith, Jr.
Opinion Panel:
Hon. Michael G. Sullivan - Writing
Hon. Elizabeth A. Pickett
Hon. James T. Genovese
farmington new mexico daily times editor marvels at community's outpouring of support for injured cowboys
Blake Arp was competing for a national championship in bareback riding, trying to bust a bronc that was trying to bust him.
Blake held on for the required eight seconds, finishing 12th in the rankings.
But the bronc won, too.
Blake's ride ended with him taking a hard and awkward fall to the ground, slamming his head down on the San Juan County dirt in such a forceful manner that it broke his neck.
Today Blake, from Georgia, and a Louisiana cowboy Corbin Carpenter, lie recovering from serious injuries inside San Juan Regional Medical Center.
Corbin, who was thrown from a bull and then caught underneath it, had his back broken and required emergency surgery to save his life to possibly prevent him from being paralyzed. Doctors say his prognosis looks good, but he likely will remain at the hospital in Farmington for weeks.
Blake's outlook is a little better.
"Hopefully sometime this week, he'll be released to go home on a special medical flight," said his mother, Pam Arp.
It was amazing to watch Saturday night as more than $12,000 was collected to help Corbin's family during this unexpected crisis at the final event of the week-long National High School Finals Rodeo. He was injured Friday.
"What other sport would do this?" the arena announcer asked on his public address system.
A two-year college in Tucumcari offered a scholarship.
Best Western offered free rooms to the family.
Fuddruckers offered free food.
Hundreds of locals and guests donated money. One local high school kid opened his wallet and dumped everything he had into the donation bucket. A little kid gave all he had, which was $2.
My church, and I'm sure others in town, signed cards to take to the hospital and is trying to work up a meal schedule for the family.
It is Four Corners caring and hospitality at its best.
Still, as I leaned against the arena fence Saturday night and enjoyed being close enough to the action to taste the dust, hear the grunts of the rugged livestock in action and see the intensity and anxiety of the cowboys trying to make a ride, I wondered if such help would be available should another participant get hurt that last night of action.
It was the same thought I had after watching Corbin get hurt by a bull earlier on Friday.
Who wants to be the next cowboy to ride rough stock, after the ambulance just left the premises?
I was assured that two ambulances are at the rodeo at all times.
Likewise, after Blake became the second serious injury with his bronc ride Saturday night and in the shadows of Corbin's injury, I was assured that he, too, will get the help he and his family need to make it through these tough times.
"We think God was watching over him," Pam said.
She described on Tuesday how doctors placed a halo-type device around his head and neck, and how Blake is beginning therapy to heal his wounds.
"The C1 vertebra is fractured," she said. "The doctor said the C1 and C2 lined back up; the C3 was out of line, but it is back in place. If they stay lined up, he won't need surgery."
Meaning, he broke his neck, but because it's back in place and with his strength and youth, Blake may be able to recover with care and therapy.
Pam thanks God for the positive results, and sees the outpouring of care and kindness as the best medicine.
"I wanna thank God for where he is now," she said Tuesday. "They gave him a walker to use and wanted him to begin therapy, but he did so well today, they told him he no longer needs the walker!"
The first thing he wanted to do, she said, was walk to Corbin's room and meet him.
"He wanted him to know he wasn't here alone," Pam said.
"We have an extended rodeo family from around the world," she said. "We're so grateful for all the help. The community has been just great. The people here in the hospital have been just great. We love and thank everybody for what they've done."
The family hopes that if recovery continues to go well for Blake this week, they can arrange for a special medical flight home to Georgia by the end of the week.
The outpouring of support did much to lift Blake's spirits.
"Blake said, I had no idea this many people cared about me,'" a grateful mother shared.
We'll have more updates for readers on Corbin's progress, and likewise we'll keep readers posted on Blake and his efforts to go home.
The rodeo life is a tough one. It is expensive and filled with risks for the participants. Supporters, however, quickly argue that it is a great way of life in that it promotes values, hard work and many rewards for those who enjoy working with livestock and living the lifestyle of our Old West culture.
Recovery will not be easy for Corbin, nor for Blake. Both still have much work and care required before they ever get back in a saddle.
It is good to see, however, that our local community is willing to be supportive of these young men and their families while they are required to extend their stay in Farmington.
We share our prayers and best wishes with both families.
Hang tough, cowboys.
And you moms, too.
Troy Turner is the editor of The Daily Times. He can be contacted at P.O. Box 450, Farmington, NM 87499; or at tturner-at-daily-times.com. ~ read original
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'a bead boutique' proprietress recovering well from surgery
alexandria, la. small business owner, suzan richey, is recovering from gall bladder and colon surgery her son jarrod posted to her bead boutique blog. the richey's request your continued prayers as she goes through the recovery process. ~ read more
29 July 2008
l.a. times blog editor tony pierce explains his decision to ban l.a. times bloggers from posting about the enquirers john edwards-rielle hunter story
here is an interesting email we just received and although we doubt that this lad is regular, at least he took the time to type out (or copy and past more likely) this blogs name in the subject line of his email.
A news tip for We Saw That
Hey, I remember reading your post the other day about how the LA Times has clamped its bloggers and barred them from talking about the National Enquirer story on John Edwards' love affair. I managed to get the LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce on the phone and interviewed him at length about his decision to send out the email to his bloggers. The article I wrote about this interview is published over here:
LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce responds to criticism about National Enquirer story
Anyway, I thought this was something you and your readers would find interesting.
Take care,
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5.4 earthquake strikes near chino hills, california
earthquake struck at 11:42 a.m. los angeles time 1:42 pm in louisiana. it was first reported to be a magnitude 5.8 but later downgraded to a 5.4.
today's quake was also felt in san diego and las vegas.
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cnn: alaska senator ted stevens indicted today

click here to download two page department of justice press release .pdf
does the american flag belong in church?
By Becky Akers Mon Jul 28
New York - I've attended church weekly all my life, and virtually every congregation with whom I've worshipped displays an American flag. It often stands close to the communion table, probably a church's most sacred spot. Some denominations even recite the Pledge of Allegiance – multiple times. One church I visited in the Midwest began Sunday School with the Pledge but apparently lacked faith it would stick. We interrupted morning worship with another recitation.
All in all, American Christians seem as devoted to their government as Ruth was to Naomi. But should they be? Do either the flag or the Pledge have any place in the Lord's house? Is congregational commitment to the republic for which these emblems stand consistent with Biblical Christianity? Is political power?
Throughout history, Christians have usually been on the wrong side of government. The Roman Empire tortured Jesus Christ to death, then criminalized his friends. Later regimes continued that tradition. They routinely hunted down, imprisoned, tortured, and slaughtered people who clung to their Lord instead of the law. Something like 70 million Christians have died for their faith since AD 33.
The church thought to resolve this by grabbing government's reins. But the same brutality soon surfaced. Believers weren't safe unless they practiced precisely as their brothers in power dictated.
Incredibly, Christians suffered the same tortures and death at the hands of "Christian" rulers as they had from others. At various times in various nations, "Christians" have persecuted their fellows for acknowledging the pope, refusing to acknowledge the pope, baptizing adults instead of babies, baptizing babies instead of adults, etc. Tragically, Christians high on power forsake the Ten Commandments and the golden rule as quickly as anyone else.
The trouble doesn't lie with Christianity but with power. The two have always been at odds. Political power is a synonym for "physical force," for bending people to government's will regardless of their inclinations, interests, or welfare. But Christianity is love – power's antidote. Anyone who sincerely follows Jesus Christ will never try to compel others – because he didn't. Jesus sought to persuade by word and example, loving men so much that he let them judge for themselves the truth of his teachings.
No wonder the state wars against so potent an adversary. Its antagonism compelled America's Founding Fathers to decree, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The Founders weren't only insulating government from Christianity, as today's secularists insist; they also hoped to protect Christianity from the poison of political power. A free society flourishes because of its families, schools, marketplace and churches. If these become mere outposts of government, if the state subsumes them so that they advance its agenda rather than curtail its power, the country sinks into totalitarianism.
How disastrous, then, that many American Christians are too busy courting government to curb it. Preachers vie to endorse political candidates, cozying up to them rather than calling them to account. Churches no longer disdain money taken from people via taxation; instead, they complain that their handouts under the Faith-Based Initiative weren't big enough.
And many support a war in Iraq that has killed tens of thousands and put civilians – including Iraq's brave but tiny Christian community – in great tribulation. Sadly, I have yet to hear any American church pray for Iraqis as they endure the persecution, poverty, and pain this war has inflicted. But congregants who are Americans first and Christians second often ask God to bless our troops on Sundays.
If they think about it at all, most believers probably see the flag and Pledge as tokens of affection for their country. In reality, both symbolize an infatuation with government. Churches hope to change circumstances through political force when Jesus called us to change hearts and minds with his message. We cheat ourselves, trusting the state's inferior and transitory power instead of the Almighty.
We also enhance rather than counter the state's supremacy. Our "patriotism" is really nationalism: unquestioning and enthusiastic support of political power. Christians eager to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's have the rest of the week to do so. But the things rendered should not include our allegiance. That belongs to God. Why taint our worship by pledging it to the state's flag instead?
On trial for his life, Jesus Christ asserted his divinity while denying that his kingdom was of this world. It's ironic that Americans who accept the first truth devoutly reject the latter.
• Becky Akers is a freelance writer and historian. She worships in Protestant churches.
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28 July 2008
obama goons force larry sinclair off the net again
UPDATE: mr. sinclair emails:
Thank You,
Larry Sinclair
Sinclair Off Net Again
Democratic Crack Cocaine, Gay Sex & Murder
By Larry Sinclair
This is my last post. Host Monster, the server where I had moved the blog www.larrysinclair0926.com to has deleted the site from their servers and will not host my web site any longer. Host Monster explained to me that they will cooperate with me and Mr. Sibley and provide Mr. Sibley with all information on those who visited the site and all attempts made to access the files and controls on the site. I am faxing the release authorization as I type this. Host Monster states that they do not wish to continue to Host my site as they have spent more time on complaints in the short period of time I was on that server than they have in the time they have been in business.
Host Monster stated it is not worth the harassment and resources expended.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the “Barack Obama’s US of A”
I will end this post with a thought, if what I have said is untrue, then why is it that every blog and web site I have had has been attacked and the servers pressured into shutting them down? Why has so much time, effort and money been put into threatening, attacking me and my family? Why is it that Barack Obama does not have the guts to say I am lying?
see also
christian the lion
via truth be known news
In 1969, a couple of Australian guys named Anthony "Ace" Bourke (erroneously reported as "Berg") and John Rendall adopted a lion cub they named "Christian," who eventually became too big for them to keep. By chance, the stars of "Born Free" walked into the shop where Christian lived and suggested Ace and John send the lion to Africa to stay with the famous George Adamson, the real lion conservator behind the film.
After a year, Ace and John wanted to see Christian again, but they were told by Adamson that no one had seen the lion in nine months. The blokes decided to go anyway, so George told them it was unlikely Christian would recognize them even if they could find him.
When they arrived, the two fellows were informed that Christian had mysteriously shown up the day before, as if he knew they were coming! They went out to see him and -
snopes - lion hug
christian the lion - the full story [in hq]
msnbc - man in 'hugging lion' video reveals its secrets
daily mail - christian, the lion who lived in my london living room
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26 July 2008
jonesville, la. teen 'critically injured' in new mexico bull riding event
via the dead pelican

Louisiana bull rider Corbin Carpenter is bucked off a bull and then trampled
on Friday morning at McGee Park during the National High School Finals Rodeo.(Lindsay Pierce/The Daily Times)
hi-res photo used by permission of ms. lindsay grover-pierce
visit the blog of photographer, ms. lindsay grover-pierce for more
Article Launched: 07/25/2008 11:45:22 PM MDT
FARMINGTON — A Louisiana bull rider was critically injured Friday afternoon after being thrown from a bucking bull and stomped unconscious by the animal.
Corbin Carpenter, 17, of Jonesville, La., was thrown from his bull about 12:15 p.m. Friday while competing at the National High School Finals Rodeo.
"He appeared to have been kicked in the back of the head when he came off his bull," said rodeo doctor Chris Miller of Kansas Orthopaedic Services. "On the floor of the arena, it was apparent he had a serious spinal cord injury."
Carpenter was taken to San Juan Regional Medical Center, where he received emergency back surgery, Miller said.
Before surgery, the teen reported he could feel nurses moving his leg, a positive sign, the rodeo doctor said.
"It's very possible that he can recover full or partial functions. It's really impossible to tell at this point what the extent of any permanent injuries may be," Miller said. "We want to hope for the best but be realistically prepared for the worst." ~ read more
young bull rider continues recovery; still serious - the daily times, farmington, new mexico
Carpenter's mother witnessed the accident Friday, and his father and sister flew into town Friday night from Louisiana, Rodrigue said. The family is staying in the community until Carpenter is released from the hospital.
"They could be here anywhere from three weeks to a month before they can move Corbin," he said. "It will still be several days before they can figure out how much damage there is."
Tres Rios High School Rodeo Association committee members have set up an account. Donations are being accepted in the Louisiana High School Rodeo Association Donation Account for Corbin Carpenter at any Citizens Bank location or at the information center at McGee Park. ~ read more

Farmington, Bloomfield, Aztec, New Mexico
(505) 599-0100 or (800) 325-9961
Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
and Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. - Mountain Time
Click here for the current time in New Mexico via WorldTimeServer.com
see also
daily-times sports blog - louie st. george iii
that's a wrap
sat. morning nhsfr results
all the excitement that accompanies the national high school finals rodeo
scary injury mutes morning show
see also
gannett/the town talk
reader submitted:
buckeye student goes to national high schools finals rodeo
last updated 8:13 am cdt saturday 02 august 2008
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see also
the corbin carpenter label in the footer of this post
25 July 2008
john "marty" thiels southpark station post office dedication set for sunday 27 july 2008
mr. thiels was shot and killed along with camille joseph "joey" giordano ii, by an alexandrian named john charles ashley. according to the police report [pdf] mr. ashley was at the giordano & giordano law office that day because he said that he wanted seven hundred dollars cash. the police report doesnt say why mr. ashley wanted seven hundred dollars cash. however, klax-tv reported that mr. ashley was "a disgruntled client of sixty year old camille giordano who had agreed to refund his fee to ashley, but ashley demanded cash apparently thats when ashley took out a handgun and started shooting..."
mr. thiels died that day simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time as was mr. "joey" giordano who wasnt an attorney at that firm and was there to visit with his father and uncle. mr. giordano had recently been commissioned an assistant district attorney in and for rapides parish, louisiana.
on 31 october 2007, louisiana's junior united states senator, david vitter introduced his S.2272
A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service known as the Southpark Station in Alexandria, Louisiana, as the John "Marty" Thiels Southpark Station, in honor and memory of Thiels, a Louisiana postal worker who was killed in the line of duty on October 4, 2007.louisiana's senior united states senator, mary landrieu cosponsored S.2272.
on 15 november 2007, S.2272 passed the senate by unanimous consent.
on 28 february 2008, S.2272 passed the house. see house roll call #85.
see also the remarks of mr. davis of illinois and ms. foxx of north carolina three page .pdf
on 12 march 2008, the president of the united states, george w. bush, signed S.2272 into law as public law 110-195. click here to download a one page .pdf of public law 110-195.
at two o'clock p.m.on sunday 27 july 2008 you are invited to attend the formal dedication of the john "marty" thiels southpark station.
UPDATED with video 10:45 pm cdt sunday 27 july 2008

3401 government street
alexandria, louisiana
louisiana atty disciplinary bd recommends that state rep. & congressional candidate cedric richmond be suspended from practicing law for 6 months
cedric richmond is currently a louisiana state representative as well as a 2008 candidate for congress.
NUMBER: 06-DB-055
The Formal Charges filed on September 28, 2006, read, in pertinent part:
In the course of seeking election to the New Orleans City Council in April 2005, the respondent, Cedric Richmond filed into the public record a "Notice of Candidacy" form with the Louisiana Secretary of State, in which he swore under oath and penalty of perjury that he had been domiciled on Lomond Road in New Orleans City Council District "D" for two years prior to the September 2005 [9] election. At the time he made this sworn declaration respondent knew and understood that any such statement was materially false; inasmuch as he had similarly sworn in a September 2003 [10] "Notice of Candidacy" form filed in connection with his earlier candidacy for the Louisiana State House of Representatives that his domicile was on Eastview Drive situated in New Orleans City Council District "E."
When a corresponding court challenge to his candidacy for the City Council District "D" vacancy arose, the respondent answered the lawsuit by claiming both in pleadings filed in Orleans civil district court and in his oral testimony to the trial judge that his place of domicile had been the Lomond Road address for at least two years prior to the upcoming election. At the time he made such statements, the respondent knew and understood that this testimony and allegations in pleadings were knowingly and materially false.
Although the trial court upheld respondent's candidacy, on review the Louisiana Supreme Court reversed the trial court and disqualified respondent from seeking the City Council position in District "D." In the course of rendering its decision, the Louisiana Supreme Court made an express factual finding that respondent had not been domiciled in District "D" for the requisite two-year period as he had sworn.
By his actions, respondent has violated RPC 3.1 (meritorious claims and contentions), 3.3 (candor towards a tribunal), and 8.4 (c) (conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation). ~ read more
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la times orders its bloggers to hush up john edwards - rielle hunter affair

LAT Gags Blogs: In a move that has apparently stirred up some internal discontent, the Los Angeles Times has banned its bloggers , including political bloggers, from mentioning the Edwards/Rielle Hunter story. Even bloggers who want to mention the story in order to make a skeptical we-don't-trust-the-Enquirer point are forbidden from doing so. Kausfiles has obtained a copy of the email Times bloggers received from editor Tony Pierce. [I've excised the recipient list and omitted Pierce's email address]:
From: "Pierce, Tony"
Date: July 24, 2008 10:54:41 AM PDT
To: [XXX]
Subject: john edwards
Hey bloggers,
There has been a little buzz surrounding John Edwards and his alleged affair. Because the only source has been the National Enquirer we have decided not to cover the rumors or salacious speculations. So I am asking you all not to blog about this topic until further notified.
If you have any questions or are ever in need of story ideas that would best fit your blog, please don't hesitate to ask
Keep rockin,
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flashback: myron lawson voted for brace godfrey to be southern university's legal representative
advocate snip:
SHREVEPORT — After a prolonged eight-month process, a divided Southern University Board of Supervisors opted Friday to stand pat with local firm DeCuir, Clark and Adams as its legal representation.
With nine votes versus four, Winston DeCuir Sr.’s firm, which has represented Southern since 1991, beat out Southern University System Foundation board member Brace Godfrey of the Baton Rouge firm of Godfrey and Schneider.
Southern board Chairman Myron Lawson of Alexandria, who voted for Godfrey, laughed when asked about deciding to stick with DeCuir after such a long lawyer search. But Lawson said he is still pleased. ~ click here to download two page .pdf
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H.R. 3221: don cazayoux, charles boustany, wm, jefferson, jim mccrery & charlie melancon vote for credit card transactions to be reported to the irs
surprisingly, rodney alexander and steve scalise voted nay. see house roll call vote 519.
buried inside H.R. 3221 known as the foreclosure prevention act of 2008, sponsored by nancy pelosi is sec. 6050w.

note: sometimes these links go dead at thomas.loc. we will try and get a government printing office .pdf copy when its finally printed/posted
Participating payees include persons who accept a payment card as payment and third party networks who accept payment from a third party settlement organization in settlement of transactions. A payment card means any card issued pursuant to an agreement or arrangement which provides for standards and mechanisms for settling the transactions. Use of an account number or other indicia associated with a payment card will be treated in the same manner as a payment card.
A de minimis exception for transactions of $10,000 or less and 200 transactions or less applies to payments by third party settlement organizations. The proposal applies to returns for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2010. Back-up withholding provisions apply to amounts paid after December 31, 2011. This proposal is estimated to raise $9.802 billion over ten years. ~ source: senate republican policy committee legislative notice no. 62 dated 18 june 2008 page 11 and 12 click here to download .pdf
* increased the national debt ceiling by $800 billion;
* the treasury can now buy an unlimited amount of fannie / freddie housing securities and stock. while this may help “bolster confidence” in these companies, as the la times mentions, don’t expect it to do much for the dollar! once upon a time, our national currency was backed by gold. more recently, it has been backed by us treasury securities. now it will be backed - at least in part - by fannie mae / freddie mac housing securities - securities that are collapsing on the open market because no one else wants them. ~ source
Because the government takes a day or two to post legislative information online, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
24 July 2008
'the light' charles fredrick smith files appeal in district 3 qualification suit
Attorneys for Councilman Charles F. Smith today filed an appeal in the 3rd Circuit Court in an effort to overturn 9th Judicial Court Judge Rae Swent decision that allows Jonathan Goins to run for the Alexandria City Council seat that represents District 3. ~ read moreEXTERNAL LINK
alexandria city council passes hotel bentley resolution
the never ending saga that is the historic downtown alexandria, la. hotel bentley continues. today in a special city council meeting, the alexandria city council approved a resolution in which the city council, amongst other things, strongly endorsed the central louisiana chamber of commerce's executive board entering into discussion and consultation with the second century bentley group [second century bentley, l.l.c. who's manager and member is cyntreniks hospitality company, l.l.c. who's manager is brace b. godfrey, jr. - nu vieux, l.l.c. is also a member] for the establishment of a public/private collaborative to facilitate the group's effort to restore, renovate and reopen the historic hotel bentley.

councilman chuck fowler voted against the resolution and councilman charles fredrick smith was absent. councilmen myron lawson, roosevelt johnson, everett hobbs, harry silver and louis marshall voted yes.
see also
gannett/the town talk
bentley resolution passes
public/private plan for bentley hotel funding
historic hotel bentley website
hb1312 former insurance commissioner jim brown blasts higher legislatively mandated auto insurance rates
in his latest column, former louisiana state insurance commissioner jim brown blasts baton rouge rino erich ponti's house bill no.1312 which increases the minimum limits for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance and in turn the premium burden borne by some 1 million+ of louisiana's poorest drivers.
In the area of car insurance, the news is just as bad. For years, Louisiana has always hovered in the list of the top 10 or 15 states in the country when it comes to the basic cost of auto insurance. But it hovers no more. The Bayou state is at the top of the heap. Numero Uno. Number one in the country. For the first six months of 2008, the average car owner in states throughout the country paid an average of $1893 per year to ensure their vehicle. Louisiana led the nation as being the most expensive state to drive a car, with an average premium of $2600.hb1312 was championed by central louisiana's ultral-liberal democrat chris roy, jr. who voted in committee for the bills favorable passage as well as for it on the house floor. rep. roy had also filed his own bill, hb1291 to increase minimum motor vehicle liability insurance limits.
So what did the Louisiana legislature do about this growing problem? They more than doubled the mandatory required amount to drive on Louisiana highways, which will raise the rates of the average car owner by anywhere from 20 to 30%. Governor Bobby Jindal would not touch this proposal with a 10 foot pole, and let the huge auto insurance increase become law without his signature.
A number of states are aggressively addressing auto insurance costs with some creative approaches. Our neighbors in Texas have joined a number of other states in allowing insurance to be sold based on the amount one drives. The car owner receives a monthly bill just like they do for the use of utilities. The more you drive the more you pay. Some states have seen the average insurance rate drop by as much a 30% when mileage is a factor in what insurance costs. Driving less means savings in both what a driver pays for insurance as well as gasoline. There are a number of other ideas being considered by states across the country. Unfortunately, all Louisiana did was to significantly raise the price the average driver has to pay to be on the highways.~ read more
rino ponti's hb1312 was even opposed by the louisiana association of fire and casualty companies but the louisiana legislature shoved it down our throats anyway. apparently, the legislators and their trial lawyer friends - who have the most to gain from this bill, have learned that most of the people affected by the premium increase don't bother to vote or follow politics.
in the 2007 louisiana regular legislative session, then governor kathleen blanco to her great credit, vetoed a similar bill to increase minimum motor vehicle liability insurance limits, sb223 by lafayette rino mike michot.
rep. ponti you might recall voted in committee for sb672 the massive legislative pay raise fraud bill because he claimed that he wanted it to go to the house floor for debate. however, no one including rep. ponti spoke against it on the house floor. rep. ponti and rep. roy voted against sb672 in the house final passage vote and somewhat hypocritically neither one turned down the pay raise. sb672 was ultimately vetoed by governor piyush "bobby" jindal who as mr. brown pointed out, allowed hb1312 to become law without his signature.
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23 July 2008
mcdonald's: not lovin' it
Protesters object to McDonald's homosexual advocacy at a local McDonald's franchise July 22, 2008, in Citrus Heights, Calif.
world net daily excerpt:
"It's a shame that McDonald's would tarnish their family-friendly image," said AFA Chairman Don Wildmon. "But the company has ramped up its support of the gay agenda and it leaves us no option but to call for a boycott."
Wildmon had written the company with a plea for McDonald's to remain neutral in the culture war by removing McDonald's name and logo from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Web site (where McDonald’s is cited as a partner and ally) and withdraw McDonald's VP of Communications Richard Ellis' endorsement from the website. McDonald's ignored both requests.
"To put it politely, the company thumbed its nose at the Christian community," Wildmon said.
"This boycott isn't about hiring homosexuals, or homosexuals eating at McDonald's or how homosexual employees are treated. It is about McDonald's, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral in the culture war. The company has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage," the AFA said.
The pro-family groups are encouraging families to do two things: sign, print and distribute a Boycott McDonald's petition at www.boycottmcdonalds.com; and call the local McDonald's to politely tell the manager they are boycotting the chain until it stops promoting the "gay" agenda. ~ read more
judge swent rules that jonathan goins can run for district 3 seat
'the light' excerpt:
Jonathan D. Goins can run for City Council District 3.
Judge Rae Swent ruled in favor of Goins, who can run against Charles F. Smith for the District 3 Council seat. ~ read more
see also
kalb.com video on demand: 'smith-goins petition dismissed'
UPDATE: charles fredrick smith responds on the kalb 5:00 pm newscast
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22 July 2008
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full interview here.
cnn: pineville, la. city court judge phillip terrell is winnfield taser cop scott nugent's attorney
[scott] Nugent's lawyer, Phillip Terrell, said his client followed proper procedure to subdue a man who outweighed him by 100 pounds. But [winn parish coroner dr. randolph] Williams said Pikes was already handcuffed and on the ground when first hit with the Taser, after the 247-pound suspect was slow to follow police orders to get up. ~ read more
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